Supporting Our Research


We invite private sponsors to help support the work of the Holocene Impact Working Group by underwriting our costly research activities here at Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University.   We receive minor institutional and government funding but due to the potentially paradigm-shifting nature of this cutting-edge research, some of our expenses are poorly or unsupported through traditional channels.  


Most Pressing Needs


Analytical Expenses: The analytical scanning electron microscope (SEM/EDS) costs us $65 per hour.   We need about 32 hours of SEM time each month to push our research forward.


Student Salaries:  We have high school and college age student volunteers working with us but we would prefer to pay them an hourly wage.  Cost to fund a high school student for the summer or an undergraduate for 10 hours per week during the semester: $3000.

Cost to fund an undergraduate for the summer $10,000.


We are grateful for your generosity. Donors will be acknowledged in all publications and presentations and will receive a signed and numbered gallery-quality giclee print of an SEM image from this project by one of our team, award-winning microscopist D. Breger.


How to Contribute


Please remit a check made out to "Trustees of Columbia University" to:


Dr. Dallas H. Abbott

Oceanography Building Rm 103A

Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University

Palisades, NY 10964


This is a tax deductible contribution.