-------------------------------------------------------------------- The files contain phase-velocity maps of Love and Rayleigh waves derived from USArray data for the period 2006-2013 using noise-tomography techniques. This set of phase-velocity maps are referred to as "USANT13". This is an update to the maps "USANT12" that were published as part of the paper: Ekstrom, G., Love and Rayleigh phase-velocity maps, 5-40 s, of the western and central USA from USArray data, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. (2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2013.11.022 There is a separate file for phase velocity at each period and for each wave type (L or R). Each file contains a line close to the beginning that looks like #PVELREF: x.xxxx This line gives the reference phase velocity for the anomaly values that follow. The files contain values of phase velocity for latitude-longitude pixels. Variations are given in percent. The format of the data is latitude, longitude, pixel size in degrees, percent deviation. The latitude and longitude refer to the center of the pixel. The pixel map is referenced to geocentric coordinates. Therefore the latitude should be corrected to the ellipsoid if maps are plotted in geographic coordinates. Please cite the EPSL paper if you make use of the USANT12 or USANT13 maps. -------------------------------------------------------------------- GE 2014-05-03 --------------------------------------------------------------------