1) A New Borehole Magnetic
Susceptibility Tool for High-Resolution Paleoclimate and Core-Log
Integration Studies
- NSF Award Number: OCE-04-25130
- PI's: Stuart Robinson David Goldberg
The purpose of this project is to develop and build
a new borehole magnetic susceptibility tool (MSS – magnetic
susceptibility sonde) for high-resolution paleoclimate and core-log
integration studies.
The MSS is to provide high quality magnetic susceptibility measurements of
sediments and sedimentary rocks at high spatial resolution (~10 cm). The tool
will be designed primarily for use in the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program
(IODP), although the use of standard connectors will allow the tool to be also
used in other scientific drilling projects and environments, such as the International
Continental Drilling Program.
Bartington Instruments (UK) and the University
of Goettingen (Germany) are working closely with Lamont to develop
and test the high-resolution magnetic susceptibility sensors for
this device.
We anticipate completing construction of the tool
and sensor calibration by the end of the year.
2) Multi-Sensor Gamma-Ray Tool
for use in ODP
Background and Overview
The purpose of this project is to develop a multi-sensor gamma-ray tool (MGT)
and a Universal downhole telemetry module (UDTM) for use in the Ocean Drilling
Program. The MGT provides new scientific capabilities for ODP applications
by increasing the vertical resolution of natural gamma-ray log data by a
factor or 3-4 over conventional Schlumberger logging tools. Using the MGT,
thin bed layering and sedimentary cycles can be characterized when their
gamma ray response is sufficiently large. In addition, closer correlation
between MGT logs and core measurements is achievable.
The MGT manufacturing was completed in May
2000 and it was approved as a 3rd-party Developmental Tool
by the ODP Scientific Measurements Panel before field trials
during ODP Leg 191 (W. Pacific) in July-Aug 2000 and ODP
Leg 194 (Marion Plateau) in Jan-Feb 2001. Both of these at-sea
deployments were successful and results have been presented
at recent conferences and the scientific potential of the
MGT for paleoclimate studies has been shown to be significant.
In June 2001, the ODP Scientific Measurements panel has approved
the MGT as a Certified Tool for future deployments during
ODP Leg 198 (Shatsky Rise) in Aug-Sep 2001, Leg 199 (Paleogene)
in Oct-Nov 2001 and during Leg 202 (SE Pacific) in Apr-May
Results from this tool deployment have been
presented in Goldberg et al (2001).
Goldberg, D., A. Meltser, and the ODP Leg 191 shipboard
scientific party, 2001, High vertical resolution spectral
gamma ray logging: a new tool development and field test
results, Soc. Prof. Well log Analysts 42nd Ann. Sympos,
paper PP.
Delius, H., D. Goldberg, A. Meltser, G. Eberli, and
ODP Leg 194 Scientific party, 2001, High vertical resolution
spectral gamma ray logging in shallow water carbonates,
Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, EOS suppl., 82(20), S445.
Pirmez, C., A. Meltser, and D. Goldberg, 1998, A high-resolution,
multi-sensor gamma-ray tool, AAPG International Conference,Trans.
Am. Assoc. Pet., Geol., Rio de Janiero.
3) High-Resolution Shear-Wave Logging
in Deep-Sea Drill Holes
The objective of this NSF funded project
was to develop a 'direct shear wave' logging tool based on
an ARCO patent and modify it for directional shear-wave logging
in oceanic drill holes (Katahara and Smith, 1990; Caputi
and Goldberg, 1993). The tool was developed, then deployed
on the Ocean Drilling Program gas hydrates Leg 164 in 1995
and shear waveforms were acquired. Among the major objectives
of this effort, continuous downhole velocity profiles through
gas hydrates and the velocity inversion associated with the
solid-gas phase boundary were recorded. Seismic data from
the area implies that gas hydrates are associated with high
Vp and an anomalous, low Vs.
Results from this tool deployment have been
presented in Guerin et al (1999).
Guerin, G., D. Goldberg, and A. Meltser,
1999, Characterization of in situ elastic properties
of gas hydrate-bearing sediments on the Blake Ridge,
J.Geophys. Res., 104 (B8), 17781-17795
Caputi, M., and D. Goldberg, 1993, A
new shear wave logging tool calibration and test results
in crystalline and sedimentary rock, Trans. Am. Geophys.
Union, EOS, 74, p. 424.
Katahara, K. and J. Smith, 1990.
U.S. Patent #4899844
4) Newark Rift Basin Coring Project
Wireline logs
were acquired at seven sites in the Newark Rift basin using
dipmeter, gamma ray, resistivity, velocity, porosity, density,
magnetic susceptibility, temperature, and acoustic televiewer
tools. The logs indicate that the formations are clay rich
and dip on average 9 N-NW. Densities are relatively constant
(2.60-2.80 g/cc) and compressional velocities vary from
4.2-5.5 km/s. Thin uranium-rich layers and basalt flows
are clearly delineated. The boreholes are mostly in-gauge,
but deviated, and borehole temperature gradients vary between
15 to 260C/km. These data are potentially useful as indicators
of fluid flow and regional stress, lithologic cycles, and
for core orientation in the Newark Rift basin.
Results from this project have been presented
in Goldberg et al (1994) and Goldberg et al (2001).
Goldberg, D., D. Reynold, C. williams,
B. White, P. Olsen, and D. Kent, 1994, Well Logging results
from the Newark Basin Drilling Project, Scientific Drilling,
4 (4-6), 267-279.
Goldberg, D., T. Lupo, M. Caputi,
C. Barton, and L. Seeber, 2001, In situ stress and
fracture evaluation from borehole televiewer and core
data in the Newark Rift Basin, In: Advances in Triassic-Jurassic
Rift Geoscience, Oslen,P.E., and LeTourneau, P.M.,
Eds., Columbia Univ. Press, Part I