Here is an example of the elements of a
thesis proposal (inspired by research done by Steve Chillrud at LDEO):
Factors influencing the concentrations of atmospheric particulate matter
in a New York City apartment
Josephine Doe, Environmental Science Department, Barnard College, 10/30/2000
Research mentor: Steve Chillrud, LDEO,
Seminar Advisor: Martin Stute, Env. Sci. Dep., BC,
relevance of in door atmospheric particulate matter
goal of this project is to understand the processes controlling the concentrations
of PM in a Morningside Heights appartment
PM collection in door and outdoors by particle counters, exchange coefficients
determined by uising SF6 as tracer
no results have been obtained yet
Table of contents
Basic characteristics of particulate matter
Indoor/outdoor air quality relataionships
Health effects
Thesis statement
Basic characteristics of particulate matter
Particulate matter (PM) refers to solid and liquid colloidal particles
suspended in the air.
Particle size spectrum and definition of TSP, PM10, PM2.5.
Sources of particulate matter and their characteristic particle size and
chemical composition (Spengler and Wilson, 1996)
Indoor/outdoor air
Most studies focus on outdoor air, however we are typically spending most
of out life indoors
A few studies performed so far show how outdoor PM controls indoor PM,
but that there are also sources of indoor PM, such as cooking, cleaning,
and resuspension of PM by indoor activities (Long et al., 2000)
Health effects
Mechanisms and penetration of different size particles into the human body
The Health Effects Institute estimates that each year about 60,000 people
die prematurely from cardiopulmonary causes linked to particulate air pollution
(HEI, 2000).
There is also a increasing trend in occurrences of asthma cases, in particular
in NYC
Indoor/outdoor PM experiments in NYC
Summary of prior work performed on this topic in NYC
Thesis statement
I am planning to study the processes controlling indoor PM in my own apartment
at Barnard.
I suspect that indoor particle concentrations will be high and correlated
with outdoor PM and indoor activities because
the outdoor PM concentrations are high in NYC (Amsterdam Ave.) and windows
in my fairly old (off campus) apartment are leaky,
I do a lot of cooking,
I allow my friends to smoke in my apartment.
The indoor/outdoor gas exchange rate will be determined by adding a small
quantity of SF6 into the air and subsequent monitoring of the
concentration drop-off due to exchange with outside air with a gas chromatograph.
An optical particle monitoring devices will be used that measures indoor
and outdoor PM concentrations and particle size distribution.
Careful records will be kept on activities inside the apartment, such as
walking, cooking, smoking etc.
The experiment will run for one week.
The resulting PM concentration time series will be modeled with a simple
1-box spreadsheet model.
Preliminary results and discussion
The experiment will be conducted in mid November.
I expect to be able to include raw data in the thesis proposal.
My research mentor and I have tested the PM equipment using ambient atmospheric
air outside of the LDEO Marine Biology/Seismology laboratory. We saw major
spikes in concentrations when holding a burning piece of paper near
the intake of the instrument.
The SF6 gas chromatograph was also tested but did not show a
linear response when exposed to SF6 standards of know concentration
(see enclosed graph). We do not currently know what the problem might be.
My mentor hopes to be able to fix the problem during the next week.
Work plan
Sep 10 - Oct 15: Background research
Oct 10: Discussed senior thesis (Angela's on ozone at Westpoint) with advisor
Oct 17: Initial tests of the equipment
Oct 30: Outline of thesis proposal handed in
Nov 1-15: check of the gas chromatograph and calibration of the instrument,
discuss scientific article with advisor (Long et al., 2000)
Nov 17: set-up of equipment in apartment
Nov 19-26: performance of the experiment
Nov 20: draft of thesis proposal due (will be given to mentor a few days
Dec 11: final thesis proposal due (will be given to mentor a few days before)
Jan 1-10: repetition of experiment, if not successful in first attempt
Feb 1-10: Modeling of results
Mid-March: first draft handed in to mentor and advisor
End of April: final thesis submitted
Implications of research
If successful the experiment will shed light on the typical exposure of
a Barnard student to indoor PM.
The measured exposure can be translated into a an estimated additional
health risk.
If appropriate, recommendations will be made regarding indoor PM reduction
strategies, such as elimination of PM sources, frequent venting of the
apartment, or purchase of air filters.
HEI (2000) HEI what's new page. The Health Effects Institute.
Long, C.M., Suh, H.H., and Koutrakis (2000) Characterization of
indoor particle sources using continuous mass and size monitors. Journal
of Air & Waste Management Association, 50, 1236-1250.
Spengler, J.D. and Wilson, R. (1996) Particles in our air: Exposures
& health effects. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 300pp.