Fig Topics (PS File).
Topic 1: Nature of the Lower Crust
- Bjarnason et al. (1993) SIST paper provided clear evidence of seismic Moho
- Fig Record Section (PS File).
- Fig Ray Paths (PS File).
- And showed that neovolcanic were not pervasively molten
- Fig Western Volcanic Zone Tomography
(PS File).
- Fig Fairly normal "oceanic" compressional
velocity profile (PS File).
- Subsequentially we examined three general lines of evidence to corroborate
these ideas Fig compressional:shear velocity ratios,
seismic attenuation, maximum depth of earthquakes.
- Fig Vp/Vs from SIST data (PS File).
- Fig Vp/Vs from SIL data (PS File).
- Fig Vp/Vs from B96 data (PS File).
- Fig Typical transverse-component record section (PS File).
- Fig Qp and Qs vs. depth (PS File).
- Fig Qp and Qs vs. depth (PS File).
- Fig Richard Allen (2001) uses long-period SH wave to measure Vs (PS File).
- Fig Resulting profile pretty normal (PS File).
- Other Refraction coverage in Iceland maps out crustal thickness
- Fig Map of refraction coverage
PS File
- Fig PmP along FIRE Line PS File
- Fig Big Moho Excursions PS File
- Fig Map of Moho PS File
- Fig Allen (2001) refines Moho map PS File
- Fig Isostacy PS File
- Fig Menke's fit PS File
- Fig Allen's fit PS File
- Fig Mantle Density Calculation PS File
- Fig Possible Explanations PS File
Topic 2: Structure of Central Volcanoes
Topic 3: The Lithosphere/Astenosphere Boundary
Fig Summary PS File