CMG2004 Poster Session/Reception

June 17th: 6-9pm

Poster Layout

Multiphase dynamics I

P1 Orientational flow enhancement and inhibition in rough fractures

Mika Latva-Kokko and Daniel H. Rothman (MIT)

P2 Two-phase capillary flow through undulating tube

Mika Latva-Kokko and Daniel H. Rothman (MIT)

P3 Consequences of adiabatic decompression melting on magmatic channelling instabilities

Yanming Fang and Marc Spiegelman (Columbia/APAM)

P4 On grain boundary wetting during deformation

Saswata Hier-Majumdar, Perry H. Leo and David Kohlstedt (U. Minnesota)

Solid Earth I & Computation

P5 Motion of the Earths Center of Mass. Physical Principles.

G.V. Kiryan and D.G Kiryan (St. Petersburg)

P6 Visco-Elastic Damage Rheology: Theory and Expermimental Tests

Yariv Hamiel (1), Yunfeng Liu (2), Vladimir Lyakhovsky (3), Yehuda Ben-Zion (2), Dave Lockner (4) (1)The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (2) University of Southern California (3) The Geological Survey of Israel, (4) U.S.G.S., Menlo Park

P7 The CIG: A Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics

Marc Spiegelman (Columbia) & Mike Gurnis (CalTech)

P8 Computational Geodynamics with PETSc

Richard Katz (LDEO/Columbia) Matt Knepley (Argonne Nat. Labs) & Marc Spiegelman (LDEO/C olumbia)

Fluids I ocean/atm. dynamics

P9 Implications of self-modulated WWBs on ENSO variability

Ian Eisenman and Eli Tziperman (Harvard University)

P10 Thermal properties of a coupled ocean-atmosphere: A conceptual model

Hsien-wang Ou (LDEO/Columbia)

P11 A technique for diagnosing moisture dynamics in GCMs

Joseph Galewsky and Adam Sobel (DAPAM/Columbia) & Isaac Held GFDL/NOAA Princeton

P12 The Sensivity of a Moist Model of the Hadley Circulation to Varying the Surface Latent Heat Flux

Samuel Burns (DAPAM/Columbia)

Solid Earth dynamics II

P13 Petrological layering at 660km induced by multi-component phase changes in cooling Earth

Takashi Nakagawa (Univ. Chicago)

P14 Two Time-Scales of Pulsation of the Iceland Plume Inferred From Magnetic Anomalies of the North-Atlantic

Meir Abelson (Geol. Survey of Israel) & Amotz Agnon (Hebrew University, Jerusalem)

P15 Identification of Mantle Plumes using Second Generation Wavelets

Gordon Erlebacher, David A. Yuen, and Oleg V. Vasilyev

P16 The Dynamics of Hydrous Cold Plumes seen through one billion Tracers

David A. Yuen (1), Taras V. Gerya(2), Maxwell Rudolph (3), Allison Capel (1), and Erik O.D.Sevre (1) 1. Universityof Minnesota/Minnesota Super-computer center) 2. Geology Institute Sonneggstrasse 5, E.T.H., 3. Department of Geology, Oberlin College

Multiphase dynamics II

P17 Volcanic forcing improves AOGCM scaling performance

Dmitry Vyushin (University of Toronto)

P18 An Analytic Solution of Steady Stokes Flow on a Rotating Spherical Cap

Hideaki Kitauchi (FRSGC, Jamstec, Japan), Harper Simmons (Fairbanks, Alaska) & Motoyoshi Ikeda (Hokkaido University)

P19 On the importance of disequilibrium degassing for volcanic eruptions

J. Johnson, A. Proussevitch, and D. Sahagian (University of New Hampshire)

P20 A particle sedimentation model of buoyant jets based on observations of hydrothermal plumes

Karen G. Bemis, Deborah Silver, Peter Rona (Rutgers University )

Fluids II

P21 Biogeochemical susceptibility of ancient oceans to extreme isotopic events

Alison M. Cohen and Daniel H. Rothman (M.I.T)

P22 Development of perturbations on a buoyant coastal current

Olof H Dahl (Dept. of Oceanography, Goteburg University, Sweden)

P23 Towards Limnological Modeling of the Dead Sea: Mass and Heat Balances

Dvorkin Y., Lensky N., Lyahovsky V., Gavrieli I (Geological Survey of Israel)

P24 Nonlinear shallow water model with weak temperature gradient approximation

Bo Zhou and Adam Sobel (DAPAM/Columbia)

Fluids III: GFD

P25 Flow baroclinicity in large scale circulations

Frank Robinson and Steven Sherwood (Yale University)

P26 Spectral modeling of internal waves and turbulence and its application in simulations of turbulent flows with stable stratification

Boris Galperin (USF), Semion Sukoriansky (Ben Gurion University) & Veniamin Perov (Swedish Met. & Hydr. Inst)

P27 Baroclinic eddy life cycles and the potential role for mid latitude climate.

Nili Harnik (LDEO/Columbia)

P28 Stratospheric Influence on Baroclinic Lifecycles

Matthew Wittman & Lorenzo Polvani (DAPAM/Columbia)

Data assimilation and analysis

P29 Application of AR models to Lagrangian prediction, data assimilation, and stochastic BCs

Toshio M. Chin (1,2), Annalisa Griffa (1,3), Arthur J Mariaon (1), & Tamay M Ozgokmen (1). 1: RSMAS/MPO University of Miami, 2: JPL/Caltech, 3: CNR, Spezia, Italy

P30 Wavelet Evaluation of Inverse Vening Meinesz Integral

Neda Darbeheshti (National Cartographic Center of Iran)

P31 Fractal Dimension of Measuring Network: Implications in Interpolation and Detectibility

V.P. Dimri, Ravi P. Srivastava and Nimisha Vedanti National Geophysical Research Institute, Hyderabad, 500 007, India

P32 Data Assimilation by Synchronous Coupling of Truth and Model

Greg Duane (UCAR)