The Global Distribution
of Human Population and Recent Volcanism
Christopher Small
Lamont-Doherty Earth
Observatory of
Columbia University
Palisades, NY, 10964, USA
Terry Naumann
Department of Geology
University of Alaska
Anchorage, AK 99508, USA
Full text article:
Small, C and T. Naumann
Environmental Hazards,
v.3, p.93-109, 2002
Volcano and Population
Where are the people
and the volcanoes?
Population Data
How precisely can
people be located?
Distribution of
Volcanoes with respect to Human Population
How many volcanoes
occur in populated areas?
Proximity of Population
to Volcanoes in Central Mexico
How do we measure
how people are distributed around volcanoes?
Population of Volcanic
Regions in Central America and Austral Asia
Population of Volcanic
Regions in East Africa and Japan
Comparison of Populated
Vocanic Regions
Global Distribution
of Population in Volcanic Regions