Geodesy Group

Research on Sea-Level Change

Left: Schematic illustrating some of the many contributions to relative sea-level change. Some common contributions, like tides, are not shown. Based on an illustration by Dr. Julia de Juan.

Sea-level research in Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory's Geodesy Group is focused on understanding and quantifying the physical processes that contribute to past, present, and future long-term sea-level change. Although it is often assumed that uniform sea-level change results simply from meltwater from Earth's large and small ice complexes, this "bathtub model" for sea-level change does not take into account the complex interactions among Earth's systems. Our research focuses on understanding these interactions by employing a wide range of observations relevant to sea level, redistribution of water on Earth's surface, and climate—as well as models and assessments that assimilate such observations.

Sea-level change research is the focus of an initiative Changing Ice, Changing Coastlines described in the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory's Strategic Plan.

Jim Davis and his colleagues are members of the NASA Sea-Level Change Team. More information on sea-level research can be found on the NASA Sea-Level Portal and in the presentations below.

Davis, J. L., and N. Vinogradova (2016), Inference of present-day sea-level change for the east coast of North America, poster presented at the 2016 Clivar Open Science Conference, Qingdao, China, Sept. 18-25.

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