Indian Ocean Seamounts


Most of the seamounts below formed recently (last million years (MY)) near the axis of the Southeast Indian Ridge (SEIR).  As a result of the divergence of the Australian and Antarctic plates, the SEIR spreads at intermediate rates of 50 to 80 km/MY.  The SEIR generally has smaller abyssal hills than the slow spreading Mid-Atlantic ridge and has fewer seamounts than the fast spreading East Pacific Rise.  Each shaded relief image below shows color coded depth combined with a false illumination to highlight fine scale texture.  The large area maps are based on predicted bathymetry derived from a combination of altimetric satellite gravity and shipboard sonar measurements.  The more detailed images are derived from multibeam swath sonar depth measurements collected by research vessels.  The sonar swaths are superimposed on the smoother predicted bathymetry.  The less saturated, images use the same depth/color scale indicated on the color bar.  The more saturated images each use a different depth/color scale optimized for that seamount.  The randomly chosen names of these seamounts are based on Australian Aboriginal mythology and are used only for reference. .

These images were generated with Bill Haxby's GeoMapApp tool. 


01DhakhanJulunggul 02KSDTMC 02_Ulanji 05_Marrallang
Dhakhan Smt, Julunggul Transform, Minawara Smts & Karora Smt Dhakhan, Julunggul & Minawara Karora Smt Marrallang Smts
06_Wawalag 07_Wollunka 09_Bunyip 10_Makara
Wawalag Smts Wollunka Transform Ridge Bunyip Smt Makara Smt Chain
12_ErathipaGaleru 14_Wuluwaid_Ungud 16_Wuluwaid_Ungud 18_Yurlungur_Kondole
Erathipa Transform & Galeru Smt Wuluwaid Smt & Ungud Transform

Wuluwaid_Smt &

Ungud Transform

Yurlungur_Offset &

Kondole Smt

22WalaBaraMadalaitDjanggawu 23_Djanggawul 24_WalaBaraTjinimin 26_Kunmanggur
Wala-Bara Transforms, Madalait Smt & Djanggawul Smts Djanggawul Smts

Wala-Bara Transforms &

Tjinimin Deep

Kunmanggur Offset
28_UlanjiBinbinga 30_Bamapana 33_Wondjina 35_Wati-kutjara

Ulanji Transform &

Wuriupranilli Smt

Bamapana Discordance Wondjina Volcanic Field Wati-kutjara Smts
36_Mokoi 37_Julana 38_WurugagWaramurungundi 39_Bmrng2
Mokoi Smt Julana Smts Wurugag & Waramurungundi 39_Bmrng2.jpg
42_Bmrng1 AAD01    
42_Bmrng1.jpg AAD01.jpg