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+#                    L I B V E C . P L 
+#                    doc: Sat Mar 20 12:50:32 1999
+#                    dlm: Thu Apr 22 11:32:54 2010
+#                    (c) 1999 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 147 34 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+#	Mar 20, 1999: - created for ANTS_2.1 (no more c-code)
+#	May 27, 1999: - added polar/cartesian conversions
+#	Sep 18, 1999: - argument typechecking
+#	Dec 10, 1999: - vel_u(), vel_v(), vel_dir(), vel_mag()
+#	Mar 07, 2000: - proj(), deg(), rad()
+#	Apr 18, 2002: - area()
+#	Jan  6, 2003: - changed dist() output to meters
+#	Jan 16, 2003: - renamed vel_vel() to vel_speed()
+#	Sep  3, 2003: - dir_bias()
+#	May 13, 2004: - BUG: had fogotten to adapt area() to new dist()
+#	May 21, 2004: - forced zero distance on &dist() if lat/lon does
+#				    not change (avoid roundoff error)
+#	Jun 22, 2004: - added GMTdeg(), dir()
+#	Nov 11, 2004: - BUG: roundoff test in dist() was done before
+#					     conversion to numbers
+#   Jul  1, 2006: - Version 3.3 [HISTORY]
+#   Jul 24, 2006: - modified to use equal()
+#	Nov 16, 2006: - added degmin()
+#	Dec 19, 2007: - addapted vel_speed(), vel_dir() to new &antsFunUsage()
+#				  - same routines now return nan on nan input
+#	Jan 15, 2007: - BUG: vel_dir() was broken
+#	Jun 14, 2009: - added p_vel()
+#	Nov  5, 2009: - added angle(); vel_bias() => angle_diff()
+#	Apr 22, 2010: - added angle_ts()
+require "$ANTS/";	# acos()
+# &rad()							calc radians
+# &deg()							calc degrees
+$PI = 3.14159265358979;
+sub rad(@)
+	my($d) = &antsFunUsage(1,"f","<deg>",@_);
+	return $d/180 * $PI;
+sub deg(@)
+	my($r) = &antsFunUsage(1,"f","<rad>",@_);
+	return $r/$PI * 180;
+# &proj(from_x,from_y,onto_unit_x,onto_unit_y)
+#									project vector onto another
+# to transform CM velocity components u/v to along/across mean l/c:
+#   - mean dir d = &vel_dir(<u>,<v>); with <.> indicating ensemble avg
+#	- l = proj(u,v,sin(rad(d)),cos(rad(d))); NEW: l = p_vel(d[,u,v])
+#	- c = -proj(u,v,-cos(rad(d)),sin(rad(d)));
+sub proj(@)
+	my($fx,$fy,$oux,$ouy) =
+		&antsFunUsage(4,"ffff","<from_x> <from_y> " .
+							   "<onto_unit_x> <onto_unit_y>",@_);
+	return $fx*$oux + $fy*$ouy;
+{ my(@fc);
+	sub p_vel(@)
+	{
+		my($u,$v,$d) = &antsFunUsage(3,'..f','[u, v,] dir',\@fc,'u','v',undef,@_);
+		return nan unless numbersp($d,$u,$v);
+		return proj($u,$v,sin(rad($d)),cos(rad($d)));
+	}
+# &polar_r(x,y),&vel_vel(u,v)		calc polar radius, velocity
+# &polar_phi(x,y),&vel_dir(u,v)		calc polar degrees cclockwise from
+#									horiz (phi) OR clockwise from N (dir)
+# &cartesian_x(r,phi),&vel_u(m,dir)	calc x and u from polar coords
+# &cartesian_y(r,phi),&vel_v(m,dir)	calc y and v from polar coords
+sub polar_r(@)
+	my($x,$y) = &antsFunUsage(2,"ff","<x> <y>",@_);
+	return sqrt($x*$x+$y*$y);
+{ my(@fc);
+	sub vel_speed(@)
+	{
+		my($u,$v) = &antsFunUsage(2,'..','[u, v]',\@fc,'u','v',@_); # . allows for nans
+		return nan unless numbersp($u,$v);
+		return sqrt($u*$u+$v*$v);
+	}
+sub polar_phi(@)
+	my($x,$y) = &antsFunUsage(2,"ff","<x> <y>",@_);
+	return 180 / $PI * atan2($y,$x);
+{ my(@fc);
+	sub vel_dir(@)
+	{
+		my($u,$v) = &antsFunUsage(2,'..','[u, v]',\@fc,'u','v',@_); # . allows for nans
+		return nan unless numbersp($u,$v);
+		my($dir) = 180 / $PI * atan2($u,$v);
+		return ($dir >= 0) ? $dir : $dir+360;
+	}
+sub cartesian_x(@)
+	my($r,$phi) = &antsFunUsage(2,"ff","<r> <phi>",@_);
+	return $r * cos($PI*$phi/180);
+sub vel_u(@) { return &cartesian_x($_[0],90-$_[1]); }
+sub cartesian_y(@)
+	my($r,$phi) = &antsFunUsage(2,"ff","<r> <phi>",@_);
+	return $r * sin($PI*$phi/180);
+sub vel_v(@) { return &cartesian_y($_[0],90-$_[1]); }
+# &angle(val)
+#	return angle in range [-180,180]
+# &angle_diff(ref_dir,dir)
+#	return rotation between two angles
+# &rotation_ts(dir)
+#	return time series of rotation
+# &angle_ts(dir)
+#	return time series of angle without "wrap-around jumps"
+sub angle(@)
+	my($val) = &antsFunUsage(1,"f","<val>",@_);
+	$val += 360 while ($val < -180);
+	$val -= 360 while ($val > 180);
+	return $val;
+sub angle_diff(@)
+	my($m,$s) = &antsFunUsage(2,"ff","<minuend> <subtrahend>",@_);
+	return angle($m-$s);
+{ my($last_in);
+  sub rotation_ts(@)
+  {
+	my($a) = &antsFunUsage(1,"f","<angle>",@_);
+	my($rot) = defined($last_in) ? angle_diff($a,$last_in) : nan;
+	$last_in = $a;
+	return $rot;
+  }
+{ my($last_in,$last_out);
+  sub angle_ts(@)
+  {
+	my($a) = &antsFunUsage(1,"f","<angle>",@_);
+	$last_out = $last_in = $a
+		unless (defined($last_in));
+	$last_out += angle_diff($a,$last_in);
+	$last_in = $a;
+	return $last_out;
+  }
+# &ddeg(deg),&GMTdeg(deg)				convert degree formats
+sub ddeg(@)
+	my($deg) = &antsFunUsage(1,"","<degrees in GMT format>",@_);
+	my($d,$m,$s) = split(':',$deg);
+	return ($d>=0) ? $d+$m/60+$s/3600
+				   : $d-$m/60-$s/3600;
+# NB: without roundoff code, results are as follows:
+#		abc -Lvec 'GMTdeg(ddeg("10:11"))' -> 10:11:8.52651e-13
+#		abc -Lvec 'GMTdeg(ddeg("10:10"))' -> 10:9:60
+sub GMTdeg(@)
+	my($deg) = &antsFunUsage(1,"f","<degrees>",@_);
+	my($sgn); if ($deg < 0) { $sgn = '-'; $deg *= -1; }
+	my($min) = 60*($deg-int($deg));
+	my($sec) = 60*($min-int($min));
+	$sec=0,$min++ if equal($sec,60);
+	$sec=0        if equal($sec,0);
+	return sprintf("$sgn%d:%d:%g",int($deg),int($min),$sec);
+sub degmin(@)
+	my($deg) = &antsFunUsage(1,"f","<degrees>",@_);
+	my($sgn); if ($deg < 0) { $sgn = '-'; $deg *= -1; }
+	my($min) = 60*($deg-int($deg));
+	$min=0 if equal($min,0);
+	return sprintf("$sgn%d:%04.1f",int($deg),$min);
+# &dist(lat1,lon1,lat2,lon2)	distance on globe (in m)
+# &dist12(...)					ditto but with deg/min/sec separate
+# &dir(lat1,lon1,lat2,lon2)		direction btw two points
+# &area(gmt_region)				approximate area
+sub dist(@)
+	my($lat1,$lon1,$lat2,$lon2) =
+		&antsFunUsage(4,"","lat1 lon1 lat2 lon2",@_);
+	$lat1 = &ddeg($lat1);
+	$lat2 = &ddeg($lat2);
+	$lon1 = &ddeg($lon1);
+	$lon2 = &ddeg($lon2);
+	return 0 if ($lat1 == $lat2 && $lon1 == $lon2);	# avoid roundoff
+	$radius = 6378139; 					# const
+	$pi = 3.14159265358979;
+	$d2r = $pi/180.0;
+	$ct1 = cos($d2r*$lat1);
+	$st1 = sin($d2r*$lat1);
+	$cp1 = cos($d2r*$lon1);
+	$sp1 = sin($d2r*$lon1);
+	$ct2 = cos($d2r*$lat2);
+	$st2 = sin($d2r*$lat2);
+	$cp2 = cos($d2r*$lon2);
+	$sp2 = sin($d2r*$lon2);
+	$cosine = $ct1*$cp1*$ct2*$cp2 + $ct1*$sp1*$ct2*$sp2 + $st1*$st2;
+	if ($cosine > 1.0) { $cosine = 1.0; }
+	if ($cosine < -1.0) { $cosine = -1.0; }
+	return $radius * acos($cosine);
+sub dist12(@)
+	my($la1d,$la1m,$la1s,$lo1d,$lo1m,$lo1s,
+	   $la2d,$la2m,$la2s,$lo2d,$lo2m,$lo2s) =
+		&antsFunUsage(12,"ffffffffffff","lat1 m s lon1 m s lat2 m s lon2 m s",@_);
+	return dist(
+		($la1d>=0)?$la1d+$la1m/60+$la1s/3600 : $la1d-$la1m/60-$la1s/3600,
+		($lo1d>=0)?$lo1d+$lo1m/60+$lo1s/3600 : $lo1d-$lo1m/60-$lo1s/3600,
+		($la2d>=0)?$la2d+$la2m/60+$la2s/3600 : $la2d-$la2m/60-$la2s/3600,
+		($lo2d>=0)?$lo2d+$lo2m/60+$lo2s/3600 : $lo2d-$lo2m/60-$lo2s/3600
+	);
+sub dir(@)
+	my($lat1,$lon1,$lat2,$lon2) =
+		&antsFunUsage(4,"","lat1 lon1 lat2 lon2",@_);
+	my($dx) = dist(($lat1+$lat2)/2,$lon1,($lat1+$lat2)/2,$lon2);
+	$dx *= -1 if ($lon2 < $lon1);
+	my($dy) = dist($lat1,($lon1+$lon2)/2,$lat2,($lon1+$lon2)/2);
+	$dy *= -1 if ($lat2 < $lat1);
+	return ($dx == 0 && $dy == 0) ? nan : vel_dir($dx,$dy);
+sub area(@)
+	my($R) = &antsFunUsage(1,"",'<"W/E/S/N">',@_);
+	my($W,$E,$S,$N) = split('/',$R);
+	return (&dist($S,$W,$S,$E) + &dist($N,$W,$N,$E)) / 2 *
+		   (&dist($S,$W,$N,$W) + &dist($S,$E,$N,$E)) / 2;