authorA.M. Thurnherr <athurnherr@yahoo.com>
Wed, 16 May 2012 06:31:27 +0000
changeset 0 a5233793bf69
child 1 d17eb00c168b
new file mode 100755
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ANTSlib
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+#                    A N T S L I B 
+#                    doc: Wed May 16 06:19:16 2012
+#                    dlm: Wed May 16 06:28:16 2012
+#                    (c) 2012 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 11 36 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+#	May 16, 2012: - created for V5.0
+($ANTSlib) = ($0 =~ m{^(.*)/[^/]*$});
+require "$ANTSlib/ants.pl";
+require "$ANTSlib/libCPT.pl";
+require "$ANTSlib/libEOS83.pl";
+require "$ANTSlib/libGM.pl";
+require "$ANTSlib/libLADCP.pl";
+require "$ANTSlib/libNODC.pl";
+require "$ANTSlib/libPOSIX.pl";
+require "$ANTSlib/libRWalk.pl";
+require "$ANTSlib/libWOCE.pl";
+require "$ANTSlib/libWOCE_oldstyle.pl";
+require "$ANTSlib/libconv.pl";
+require "$ANTSlib/libfuns.pl";
+require "$ANTSlib/libgamma.pl";
+require "$ANTSlib/libstats.pl";
+require "$ANTSlib/libtides.pl";
+require "$ANTSlib/libubtest.pl";
+require "$ANTSlib/libvec.pl";
+chomp($about = `sed -n '/^description =/s/description = //p' $ANTSlib/.hg/hgrc`);
+print(STDERR "$about installed in $ANTSlib\n");
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#                    M A K E F I L E 
+#                    doc: Tue May 15 18:12:31 2012
+#                    dlm: Wed May 16 06:29:19 2012
+#                    (c) 2012 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 16 20 NIL 0 0 72 0 2 4 NIL ofnI
+.PHONY: version
+	@sed -n '/^description =/s/description = //p' .hg/hgrc
+.PHONY: publish
+	cd ..; \
+	scp -Cr ANTSlib miles:public_hg
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+                    R E A D M E 
+                    doc: Tue May 15 18:10:40 2012
+                    dlm: Wed May 16 06:30:40 2012
+                    (c) 2012 A.M. Thurnherr
+                    uE-Info: 19 0 NIL 0 0 72 3 2 4 NIL ofnI
+This directory contains a set of perl libraries written and copyrighted
+by A.M. Thurnherr. The software is written in perl (V5.12.4 or later
+should work) and assumed to run in a UN*X environment.
+To find out which version you have, run "make" in current directory.
+Most of the source files use a hard tab of 4 spaces, i.e. they can be
+viewed correctly, e.g. with "less -x4".
+There is currently no documentation, nor is there support.
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/amoeba.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+#                    A M O E B A . P L 
+#                    doc: Wed Aug 23 05:11:48 2006
+#                    dlm: Wed Aug 23 23:52:12 2006
+#                    (c) 2006 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 88 0 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+# perlified amoeba implementation of NR code
+#	- 0-based arrays
+#	- amoeba returns undef if NMAX is exceeded and # of evals otherwise
+use strict;
+sub amotry($$$$$$)
+	my($pR,$yR,$psumR,$funR,$ihi,$fac) = @_;
+	my(@ptry);
+	my($ndim) = scalar(@{$pR->[0]});
+	my($fac1) = (1-$fac) / $ndim;
+	my($fac2) = $fac1 - $fac;
+	for (my($j)=0; $j<$ndim; $j++) {
+		$ptry[$j] = $psumR->[$j]*$fac1 - $pR->[$ihi][$j]*$fac2;
+	}
+	my($ytry) = &$funR(@ptry);
+	if ($ytry < $yR->[$ihi]) {
+		$yR->[$ihi] = $ytry;
+		for (my($j)=0; $j<$ndim; $j++) {
+			$psumR->[$j] += $ptry[$j] - $pR->[$ihi][$j];
+			$pR->[$ihi][$j] = $ptry[$j];
+		}
+	}
+	return $ytry;
+sub get_psum($$)
+	my($pR,$psumR) = @_;
+	for (my($j)=0; $j<@{$pR->[0]}; $j++) {
+		my($sum);
+		for ($sum=my($i)=0; $i<=@{$pR->[0]}; $i++) {
+			$sum += $pR->[$i][$j];
+		}
+		$psumR->[$j] = $sum;
+	}
+sub amoeba($$$$)
+	my($pR,$yR,$ftol,$funR,$NMAX) = @_;
+	my($nfunk) = 0;
+	my($ndim) = scalar(@{$pR->[0]});
+	my(@psum);
+	&get_psum($pR,\@psum);
+	while (1) {
+		my($i,$ihi,$inhi,$j);
+		my($sum);
+		my($ilo) = 0;
+		if ($yR->[0] > $yR->[1]) {
+			$ihi = 0; $inhi = 1;
+		} else {
+			$ihi = 1; $inhi = 0;
+		}
+		for ($i=0; $i<$ndim+1; $i++) {
+			if ($yR->[$i] <= $yR->[$ilo]) {
+				$ilo = $i;
+			}
+			if ($yR->[$i] > $yR->[$ihi]) {
+				$inhi = $ihi;
+				$ihi  = $i;
+			} elsif ($yR->[$i] > $yR->[$inhi] && $i != $ihi) {
+				$inhi = $i;
+			}
+		}
+		print(STDERR "best = $yR->[$ilo]\n");
+		my($rtol) = 2 * abs($yR->[$ihi] - $yR->[$ilo]) /
+						(abs($yR->[$ihi]) + abs($yR->[$ilo]));
+		if ($rtol < $ftol) {
+			my($tmp) = $yR->[0]; $yR->[0] = $yR->[$ilo]; $yR->[$ilo] = $tmp;
+			for ($i=0; $i<$ndim; $i++) {
+				my($tmp) = $pR->[1][$i]; $pR->[1][$i] = $pR->[$ilo][$i];
+				$pR->[$ilo][$i] = $tmp;
+			}
+			return $nfunk;
+		}
+		return undef if ($nfunk >= $NMAX);
+		$nfunk += 2;
+		my($ytry) = amotry($pR,$yR,\@psum,$funR,$ihi,-1);
+		if ($ytry <= $yR->[$ilo]) {
+			$ytry = amotry($pR,$yR,\@psum,$funR,$ihi,2);
+		} elsif ($ytry >= $yR->[$inhi]) {
+			my($ysave) = $yR->[$ihi];
+			$ytry = amotry($pR,$yR,\@psum,$funR,$ihi,0.5);
+			if ($ytry >= $ysave) {
+				for ($i=0; $i<$ndim+1; $i++) {
+					if ($i != $ilo) {
+						for ($j=0; $j<$ndim; $j++) {
+							$pR->[$i][$j] = $psum[$j] =
+								0.5 * ($pR->[$i][$j] + $pR->[$ilo][$j]);
+						}
+						$yR->[$i] = &$funR(@psum);
+					}
+				}
+				$nfunk += $ndim;
+				&get_psum($pR,\@psum);
+			}
+		} else {
+			--$nfunk;
+		}
+	}
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ants.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+#                    A N T S . P L 
+#                    doc: Fri Jun 19 14:01:06 1998
+#                    dlm: Wed Jul  5 15:37:12 2006
+#                    (c) 1998 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 18 0 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+#  Jun 19, 1998: - apparently created
+#  Jul  3, 2006: - added support for ANTS_PERL
+#  Jul  5, 2006: - removed `basename`
+#  Jul 19, 2006: - added error if exec($ANTS_PERL) fails
+exec($ENV{ANTS_PERL},$0,@ARGV),die("$ENV{ANTS_PERL}: $!")
+    if (defined($ENV{ANTS_PERL}) && $^X ne $ENV{ANTS_PERL});
+($ANTS) = ($0 =~ m{^(.*)/[^/]*$}) unless defined($ANTS);
+require "$ANTS/antsusage.pl";
+require "$ANTS/antsio.pl";
+require "$ANTS/antsutils.pl";
+require "$ANTS/antsexprs.pl";
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/antsdebug.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+#                    A N T S D E B U G . P L 
+#                    doc: Sat Mar 21 14:18:37 2009
+#                    dlm: Thu Aug 20 22:41:38 2009
+#                    (c) 2009 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 11 55 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+#  Mar 21, 2009: - created from [abc]
+#  Aug 20, 2009: tried to change prompt, to no avail...
+{ my($term);
+sub debug()
+	unless (defined($term)) {
+		use Term::ReadLine;
+		$term = new Term::ReadLine 'debug';
+    }
+	do {
+		my($expr) = $term->readline;
+		return if ($expr eq 'return');
+		$res = eval($expr);
+		if 	(defined($res)) {						# no error
+			print(STDERR "$res\n");
+		} else {									# error
+			print(STDERR "$@");
+		}
+	}
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/antsexprs.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+#                    A N T S E X P R S . P L 
+#					 (c) 2005 Andreas Thurnherr
+#                    doc: Sat Dec 31 18:35:33 2005
+#                    dlm: Sat Mar 10 16:28:46 2012
+#                    uE-Info: 207 38 NIL 0 0 70 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+#	Dec 31, 2005: - extracted from [list]
+#	Jan  2, 2006: - re-written to use anonymous funs instead of eval()
+#	Jan  3, 2006: - added $DEBUG
+#	Jan  4, 2006: - removed NaN_handling_out
+#	Jan  9, 2006: - made $bufvar param to antsCompileExpr optional
+#	Jan 13, 2006: - separated AddrExpr from EditExpr
+#				  - implemented abbreviated addr exprs
+#	Jan 14, 2006: - added old -G syntax to -S
+#	Jan 17, 2006: - BUG: $1, $2, did not work in abbrevs
+#	Jan 31, 2006: - added de-octalization code for abbrevs
+#	Apr 11, 2006: - added ,-separated list (again?)
+#	May 18, 2006: - fiddled
+#	Jun 20, 2006: - simplified regexprs; fields can now begin with _
+#   Jul  1, 2006: - Version 3.3 [HISTORY]
+#	Jul 24, 2006: - BUG: $$ did not work as advertised
+#	Dec 11, 2006: - BUG: 1e-3 was not recognized as a valid number in
+#						 abbreviations
+#	Dec  1, 2007: - improved to allow -S%PARAM:... (mainly for %RECNO)
+#	Jan 20, 2007: - pointless debugging (BUGs in [fnr] [list])
+#	Mar 26, 2008: - BUG: . were not allowed in field names
+#	Mar 27, 2008: - added &antsCompileConstExpr()
+#	Mar 28, 2008: - made compile funs bomb on undefined %PARAMs
+#	Aug 27, 2008: - generate error on list(1)-specific address expressions
+#	Oct 12, 2008: - BUG: -S%RECNO%%6==1 did not work because %-escape magic
+#						 word continued RECNO word to form undefined PARAM
+#						 name. Solution: begin/end escape magic words for %
+#					     and $ with a space (nonword character)
+#	Oct  5, 2009: - improved documentation
+#				  - added $antsEditExprUsesFields flag
+#	Dec 10, 2009: - BUG: debug output had been wrong for ConstExprs
+#				  - modified semantics to allow for : in param names
+#	May 21, 2011: - added support for $antsFnrNegativeOk
+#	May 22, 2011: - made it work
+#	Feb 20, 2012: - BUG: quoting had not been implemented
+#	Mar 10, 2012: - added ${field..field} syntax to edit exprs
+$DEBUG = 0;
+# Address Expressions
+#	- return value indicates whether current record matches
+# 	- any valid PERL expression can be an addr expr
+# 	- $id are assumed to be fields (use $$id for perl vars)
+# 	- %id are assumed to be PARAMs (use %% to get %)
+#		- id1 relop id2 becomes numberp(id1) && numberp(id2) && $id1 relop $id2
+#		- id1 relop id2 relop id3 is analogous
+#		- id? can only be restricted field name ([\w\.] chars and, possibly, leading %)
+#		- non-perl relops ~=, <> become !=
+sub antsCompileAddrExpr($)								# subst fields/%PARAMs
+	my($expr,$bufVar) = @_;
+	$bufVar = '$ants_[0]' unless (length($bufVar) > 0);
+	#---------------------
+	# handle abbreviations
+	#---------------------
+	print(STDERR "IN  AddrExpr = $expr\n") if ($DEBUG);
+		if ((substr($expr,0,1) eq "'" || substr($expr,0,1) eq '"') &&
+		    (substr($expr,0,1) eq substr($expr,-1)));
+	# NB: update following code if -S extensions in [list] change
+	croak("$0: unsupported list(1)-specific address expression <$expr>\n")
+		if ($expr =~ /^\$?([\w\.]+)\s*~(([nN][aA][nN])|(([+-]?)(?=\d|\.\d)\d*(\.\d*)?([Ee]([+-]?\d+))?))/ ||
+			$expr =~ /^\$?([\w\.]+)\s*<$/ ||
+			$expr =~ /^<\$?([\w\.]+)$/ ||
+			$expr =~ /^\$?([\w\.]+)\s*>$/ ||
+			$expr =~ /^>\$?([\w\.]+)$/);
+	if ($expr =~ /^(%?[\w\.]+):/ || $expr =~ /^(\$\d+):/) {	# old -G syntax
+		my($fname) = $1; my($range) = $';
+		if ($range =~ /(.*)\.\.(.*)/) {
+			my($min) = ($1 eq '*') ? -1e99 : $1;
+			my($max) = ($2 eq '*') ?  1e99 : $2;
+			croak("$0: illegal addr-expr $expr\n")
+				unless ((numberp($min) || $min =~ /^%/) &&
+						(numberp($max) || $max =~ /^%/));
+			$expr = "$min<=$fname<=$max";
+		} else {
+			if ($range eq '*') {
+				$expr = "numberp(\$$fname)";
+			} else {
+				my(@vl) = split(/,/,$range);
+				$vl[0] = str2num($vl[0]);
+				if (numberp($vl[0]) || $vl[0] =~ /^%/) {
+					$expr = "\$$fname==$vl[0]";
+				} else {
+					$expr = "\$$fname=~/$vl[0]/";
+				}
+				for (my($vi)=1; $vi<=$#vl; $vi++) {
+					$vl[$vi] = str2num($vl[$vi]);
+					if (numberp($vl[$vi]) || $vl[$vi] =~ /^%/) {
+						$expr .= "||\$$fname==$vl[$vi]";
+					} else {
+						$expr .= "||\$$fname=~/$vl[$vi]/";
+	                }
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		print(STDERR "-G  AddrExpr = $expr\n") if ($DEBUG);
+	}
+	my($relop) 	  = '<|<=|>|>=|!=|~=|<>|==';		# relational ops
+	my($comparee) = '-?%?\$?[\w\.\+\-]+';			# nums, fields, PARAMs
+	my($numvar)	  = '^[\w\.]+$';					# fields
+	if ($expr =~ /^($comparee)\s*($relop)\s*($comparee)$/) {
+		my($c1) = $1; my($c2) = $3; my($ro) = $2;
+		$c1 =~ s/^0*(\d)/\1/; $c2 =~ s/^0*(\d)/\1/;	# de-octalize
+		$ro = '!=' if ($ro eq '<>' || $ro eq '~=');
+		$expr = '';
+		if (!numberp($c1) && $c1 =~ /$numvar/) {
+			$c1 = "\$$c1";
+			$expr .= "numberp($c1) && ";
+		}
+		if (!numberp($c2) && $c2 =~ /$numvar/) {
+			$c2 = "\$$c2";
+			$expr .= "numberp($c2) && ";
+		}
+		$expr .= "($c1 $ro $c2)";
+	}
+	elsif ($expr =~ /^($comparee)\s*($relop)\s*($comparee)\s*($relop)\s*($comparee)$/) {
+		my($c1) = $1; my($c2) = $3; my($c3) = $5; my($ro1) = $2; my($ro2) = $4;
+		$c1 =~ s/^0*(\d)/\1/; $c2 =~ s/^0*(\d)/\1/;	$c3 =~ s/^0*(\d)/\1/;
+		$ro1 = '!=' if ($ro1 eq '<>' || $ro1 eq '~=');
+		$ro2 = '!=' if ($ro2 eq '<>' || $ro2 eq '~=');
+		$expr = '';
+		if (!numberp($c1) && $c1 =~ /$numvar/) {
+			$c1 = "\$$c1";
+			$expr .= "numberp($c1) && ";
+		}
+		if (!numberp($c2) && $c2 =~ /$numvar/) {
+			$c2 = "\$$c2";
+			$expr .= "numberp($c2) && ";
+		}
+		if (!numberp($c3) && $c3 =~ /$numvar/) {
+			$c3 = "\$$c3";
+			$expr .= "numberp($c3) && ";
+		}
+		$expr .= "($c1 $ro1 $c2) && ($c2 $ro2 $c3)";
+	}
+	#-----------------------------------
+	# substitute ANTS fields and %PARAMs
+	#-----------------------------------
+	print(STDERR "MID AddrExpr = $expr\n") if ($DEBUG);
+	$expr =~ s{\$%}{%}g;								# allow for $%param
+	$expr =~ s{\$\$}{ AnTsDoLlAr }g;					# escape
+	while ($expr =~ /\${([^}]*)}/) {					# ${field}
+		my($fnr) = cardinalp($1) ? $1-1 : fnr($1);
+		croak("$0: unknown field $1\n") unless ($fnr >= 0);
+		$expr =~ s(\${$1})(AnTsDtArEf\[$fnr\]);
+	}
+	while ($expr =~ /\$([\w\.]+)/) {					# $field
+		my($fnr) = cardinalp($1) ? $1-1 : fnr($1);
+		croak("$0: unknown field $1\n") unless ($fnr >= 0);
+		$expr =~ s{\$$1}{AnTsDtArEf\[$fnr\]};
+	}
+	while ($expr =~ /\$\+([\w\.]+)/) {					# $+field
+		my($fnr) = cardinalp($1) ? $1-1 : fnr($1);
+		croak("$0: unknown field $1\n") unless ($fnr >= 0);
+		$expr =~ s{\$\+$1}{(AnTsDtArEf\[$fnr\]-AnTsDtArEf0\[$fnr\])};
+	}
+	$expr =~ s{%%}{ AnTsPeRcEnT }g;						# escape
+	while ($expr =~ /%([\w\.]+)/) {						# %PARAMs
+		my($p) = $1;
+		croak("$0: Undefined PARAM %$p\n")
+			unless defined($P{$p});
+		$expr =~ s{%$p}{\$P\{'$p'\}};
+    }
+	$expr =~ s{AnTsDtArEf}{$bufVar}g;
+	$expr =~ s{ AnTsPeRcEnT} {%}g;
+	$expr =~ s{ AnTsDoLlAr }{\$}g;
+	#--------------------
+	# compile and return
+	#--------------------
+	print(STDERR "OUT AddrExpr = $expr\n") if ($DEBUG);
+    my($subR) = eval("sub { return $expr };");
+	print(STDERR "sub { return $expr };\n") if ($DEBUG);
+    croak("sub { return $expr }; => $@\n") if ($@);
+    return $subR;
+# Edit Expressions
+#	- execute calculation based on and/or modify current record
+# 	- any valid PERL expression can be an edit expr
+# 	- $id are assumed to be fields (use $$id for perl vars)
+# 	- %id are assumed to be PARAMs (use %% to get %)
+#	- ${field} are fields
+#	- ${field..field} are field ranges
+$antsEditExprUsesFields;								# flag
+sub antsCompileEditExpr($)								# subst fields/%PARAMs
+	my($expr,$bufVar) = @_;
+	$bufVar = '$ants_[0]' unless defined($bufVar);
+	$antsEditExprUsesFields = 0;
+	print(STDERR "IN  EditExpr = $expr\n") if ($DEBUG);
+		if ((substr($expr,0,1) eq "'" || substr($expr,0,1) eq '"') &&
+		    (substr($expr,0,1) eq substr($expr,-1)));
+	$expr =~ s{\$%}{%}g;								# allow for $%param
+	$expr =~ s{\$\$}{AnTsDoLlAr}g;						# escape
+	while ($expr =~ /\${([^}]*)\.\.([^}]*)}/) {			# ${field..field}
+		$antsEditExprUsesFields |= 1;
+		my($ffnr) = cardinalp($1) ? $1-1 : fnr($1);
+		croak("$0: unknown field $1\n") unless ($ffnr >= 0);
+		my($lfnr) = cardinalp($2) ? $2-1 : fnr($2);
+		croak("$0: unknown field $2\n") unless ($lfnr >= 0);
+		croak("$0: empty field range $1..$2\n")
+			unless ($lfnr >= $ffnr);
+		my($expanded) = '';
+		for (my($f)=$ffnr; $f<=$lfnr; $f++) {
+			$expanded .= "AnTsDtArEf[$f]";
+			$expanded .= "," unless ($f == $lfnr);
+		}
+		$expr =~ s(\${$1\.\.$2})($expanded);
+	}
+	while ($expr =~ /\${([^}]*)}/) {					# ${field}
+		$antsEditExprUsesFields |= 1;
+		my($fnr) = cardinalp($1) ? $1-1 : fnr($1);
+		croak("$0: unknown field $1\n") unless ($fnr >= 0);
+		$expr =~ s(\${$1})(AnTsDtArEf\[$fnr\]);
+	}
+	while ($expr =~ /\$(-?[\w\.]+)/) {					# $field
+		$antsEditExprUsesFields |= 1;
+		my($fnr) = cardinalp($1) ? $1-1 : fnr($1);
+		if ($fnr < 0) {									# should only happen on $antsFnrNegativeOk
+			$expr =~ s{\$$1}{AnTsDtArEf\[AnTsDtAlEn$fnr\]};
+		} else {
+			croak("$0: unknown field $1\n") unless ($fnr >= 0);
+			$expr =~ s{\$$1}{AnTsDtArEf\[$fnr\]};
+		}
+	}
+	while ($expr =~ /\$\+([\w\.]+)/) {					# $+field
+		$antsEditExprUsesFields |= 1;
+		my($fnr) = cardinalp($1) ? $1-1 : fnr($1);
+		croak("$0: unknown field $1\n") unless ($fnr >= 0);
+		$expr =~ s{\$\+$1}{(AnTsDtArEf\[$fnr\]-AnTsDtArEf0\[$fnr\])};
+	}
+	$expr =~ s{%%}{AnTsPeRcEnT}g;						# escape
+	while ($expr =~ /%([\w\.:]+)/) {					# %PARAMs
+		my($p) = $1;
+		croak("$0: Undefined PARAM %$p\n")
+			unless defined($P{$p});
+		$expr =~ s{%$p}{\$P\{"$p"\}};
+    }
+    if ($bufVar =~ m{\]$}) {
+    	my($adl) = '@{' . $bufVar . '}';
+		$expr =~ s{AnTsDtAlEn}{$adl}g;
+    } else {
+    	my($adl) = '@' . substr($bufVar,1);
+		$expr =~ s{AnTsDtAlEn}{$adl}g;
+    }
+	$expr =~ s{AnTsDtArEf}{$bufVar}g;
+	$expr =~ s{AnTsDtArEf}{$bufVar}g;
+	$expr =~ s{AnTsPeRcEnT}{%}g;
+	$expr =~ s{AnTsDoLlAr}{\$}g;
+	$expr = "return $expr";
+	print(STDERR "OUT EditExpr = $expr\n") if ($DEBUG);
+    my($subR) = eval("sub { $expr };");
+    croak("sub { $expr }; => $@\n") if ($@);
+    return $subR;
+# Constant Expressions
+#	- carry out calculation based on const and %PARAMs only
+# 	- same as edit expressions without field substitutions (%PARAMs ok, though)
+#	- $ must still be escaped ($$), although this is unlikely to be used ever
+sub antsCompileConstExpr($)								# subst fields/%PARAMs
+	my($expr) = @_;
+	print(STDERR "IN  ConstExpr = $expr\n") if ($DEBUG);
+	unless ((substr($expr,0,1) eq "'" || substr($expr,0,1) eq '"') &&
+		(substr($expr,0,1) eq substr($expr,-1))) {		# quoted string
+		$expr =~ s{\$%}{%}g;							# allow for $%param
+		$expr =~ s{\$\$}{AnTsDoLlAr}g;					# escape
+		$expr =~ s{%%}{AnTsPeRcEnT}g;					# escape
+		while ($expr =~ /%([\w\.:]+)/) {				# %PARAMs
+			my($p) = $1;
+			croak("$0: Undefined PARAM %$p\n")
+				unless defined($P{$p});
+			$expr =~ s{%$p}{\$P\{"$p"\}};
+		}
+		$expr =~ s{AnTsPeRcEnT}{%}g;
+	    $expr =~ s{AnTsDoLlAr}{\$}g;
+	}
+	$expr = "return $expr";
+	print(STDERR "OUT ConstExpr = $expr\n") if ($DEBUG);
+    my($subR) = eval("sub { $expr };");
+    croak("sub { $expr }; => $@\n") if ($@);
+    return $subR;
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/antsfilters.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+#                    A N T S F I L T E R S . P L 
+#                    doc: Sun Mar 14 15:17:29 1999
+#                    dlm: Wed Jan  5 23:34:57 2011
+#                    (c) 1999 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 15 48 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+#	Mar 14, 1999: - created for filters
+#	Dec 11, 1999: - made &antsXCheck() return mean dx
+#				  - BUG: dx was calculated independently of from val
+#	Mar 31, 2004: - added $fac optional param
+#	Jul  1, 2006: - Version 3.3 [HISTORY]
+#	Jan  5, 2011: - BUG: did not work for -ve dx
+# Implement commonly used fuctions for filters (but not worth including
+# into [./antsutils.pl] because of efficiency considerations)
+{ my($dx) = 0;										# static vars
+sub antsXCheck($$$) # ($xfnr,$from,$to,$fac) -> mean dx	# sanity check on @ants_
+	my($xfnr,$from,$to,$fac) = @_;
+	my($cdx,$r,$sdx);
+	$fac = 2 unless defined($fac);
+	unless ($dx) {									# find goal dx
+		croak("$0: can't handle nan (x field)\n")
+			unless (numberp($ants_[0][$xfnr]) && numberp($ants_[1][$xfnr]));
+		$dx = $ants_[$from+1][$xfnr] - $ants_[$from][$xfnr];
+	}
+	for ($r=$from+1; $r <= $to; $r++) {
+		croak("$0: can't handle $ants_[$r][$xfnr] (x field)\n")
+			unless (numberp($ants_[$r][$xfnr]));
+		$cdx = $ants_[$r][$xfnr] - $ants_[$r-1][$xfnr];
+		croak("$0: input badly non-uniformly spaced " .
+			"(rec# $r is $ants_[$r][$xfnr]; previous is $ants_[$r-1][$xfnr];" .
+			" target difference is $dx)\n")
+			if (($dx > 0) && ($cdx > $fac*$dx || $cdx < $dx/$fac)) ||
+			   (($dx < 0) && ($cdx < $fac*$dx || $cdx > $dx/$fac));
+		$sdx += $cdx;
+	}
+	return $sdx/($to-$from);
+} # end of $dx static scope
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/antsintegrate.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+#                    A N T S I N T E G R A T E . P L 
+#                    doc: Fri Feb 28 22:54:04 1997
+#                    dlm: Fri Oct 15 23:14:11 2010
+#                    (c) 1997 Andreas Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 27 62 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+# Integrator Library; used by [integrate] and [transport]
+#	([transport] is deprecated...)
+#	Nov 14, 2000: - divorced from [integrate]
+#	Nov 16, 2000: - added $opt_i
+#				  - BUG: $opt_c forgot to output last record
+#				  - BUG: copying of buffer had not worked
+#	Nov 17, 2000: - changed $opt_i to $opt_l
+#	Nov 24, 2000: - aimless changes
+#	Mar 10, 2002: - added $dx output if $dfnr defined
+#	Mar 30, 2002: - cosmetics
+#	May 24, 2002: - added -b)ox to -f
+#	May 25, 2002: - BUG: -c did not output records with missing y values
+#				  - changed to dying on missing x values
+#	Dec 20, 2005: - BUG: -cf produced short 1st record (dfnr not set)
+#   Jul  1, 2006: - Version 3.3 [HISTORY]
+#	Oct 15, 2010: - removed warning about integrand set to nan
+#	&integrate() can run in several moments:
+#		0:	integral
+#		1:	integral weighted by (signed) distance from zero
+#		2:	integral weighted by square of distance from zero
+#	&integrate() returns the single-value sum; without -f @sum is
+#	set as a side-effect
+#	unless xmin,xmax are given as args, the integral is taken over the
+#	entire data
+#	records with missing y values have the integrand(s) set to NaN
+#	because this routine was ones an integral part of [integrate] it
+#	uses a number of global variables (ug-lee!):
+#		$xfnr					y = f(x)
+#		$opt_c					output sum after each step (cummulative)
+#		$opt_f					integrate only given field
+#		  $yfnr   (if $opt_f)	... this one
+#		  $opt_b				use box rule
+#		  $iScale (if $opt_f)	scale integrated values
+#		  $opt_l  (if $opt_f)	output individual summands
+sub integrate ($@)										# ret integral, set $m
+	my($moment,$zero,$xmin,$xmax) = @_;					# optional args
+	my($lastx,$cur,$curwt,$sum,$cury);
+	my($dx,$r,$f,@out,@nan,$warned);
+	for ($f=0; $f<$antsBufNFields; $f++) {				# prep nan output
+		$nan[$f] = nan;
+	}
+	for ($r=0; $r<=$#ants_; $r++) {
+		croak("$0: can't handle non-numeric x values\n")
+			unless (numberp($ants_[$r][$xfnr]));
+#	1st, find a valid x value, and a y value on -f (one field only).
+#	On -c, generate output: 0 on open limits, nan (only possible
+#	if -f is set) otherwise
+		unless (defined($lastx)) {
+			if (defined($opt_f)) {
+				if ($opt_c) {
+					@out = @{$ants_[$r]};
+					$out[$yfnr] = numberp($ants_[$r][$yfnr]) ? 0 : nan;
+					$out[$dfnr] = nan if (defined($dfnr));
+					&antsOut(@out);
+				}
+				next unless (numberp($ants_[$r][$yfnr]));
+				$lastx = $ants_[$r][$xfnr];
+				croak("$0: lower limit ($xmin) < first valid x-value ($lastx)\n")
+					if (defined($xmin) && $lastx > $xmin);  
+				$lasty = $ants_[$r][$yfnr];
+				next;
+			}
+			$lastx = $ants_[$r][$xfnr];
+			if ($opt_c) {
+				for ($f=0; $f<$antsBufNFields; $f++) {
+					$out[$f] = ($f == $xfnr) ? $ants_[$r][$f] :
+									(numberp($ants_[$r][$f]) ? 0 : nan);
+				}
+				&antsOut(@out);
+			}
+			next;
+		}
+#	next, update x&y while below lower limit for later interpolation
+#	NB: only possible on -f!
+		if (defined($xmin) && $ants_[$r][$xfnr] < $xmin) {
+			if (numberp($ants_[$r][$yfnr])) {
+				$lastx = $ants_[$r][$xfnr];
+				$lasty = $ants_[$r][$yfnr];
+            }
+			if ($opt_c) {
+				$ants_[$r][$yfnr] = nan;
+				&antsOut(@{$ants_[$r]});
+            }
+			next;
+		}
+#	we have an x-value > min; is it valid?
+#	NB: xmin is undefined once lower limit is handled
+		croak("$0: Error: no data within integration limits\n")
+			if (defined($xmin) && defined($xmax) && $ants_[$r][$xfnr] > $xmax);
+#	finally! we have a valid x-value; if it's the first, interpolate
+#	y at xmin if that's defined
+#	undefined xmin at end so this code is not executed again
+#	NB: xmin can only be defined on -f!
+		if (defined($xmin)) {
+			unless (numberp($ants_[$r][$yfnr])) {
+				if ($opt_c) {
+					$ants_[$r][$yfnr] = nan;
+					&antsOut(@{$ants_[$r]});
+				}
+				next;
+			}
+			$lasty += ($xmin-$lastx) / ($ants_[$r][$xfnr]-$lastx)
+						* ($ants_[$r][$yfnr]-$lasty);
+			$lastx = $xmin; undef($xmin);
+		}
+#	it is also possible (though not on the first time round), that we
+#	have just passed the upper limit (xmax); simulate normal code but
+#	using xmax (and interpolated y value) instead of real data
+#	NB: xmax can only be defined on -f!
+		if (defined($xmax) && $ants_[$r][$xfnr] >= $xmax) {
+			unless (numberp($ants_[$r][$yfnr])) {
+				if ($opt_c) {
+					$ants_[$r][$yfnr] = nan;
+					&antsOut(@{$ants_[$r]});
+				}
+				next;
+			}
+			$dx = $xmax - $lastx;
+			$cury = $lasty + $dx / ($ants_[$r][$xfnr]-$lastx)
+								* ($ants_[$r][$yfnr]-$lasty);
+			croak("$0: x-field must be monotonically increasing [xmax=$xmax, lastx=$lastx]\n")
+				if ($dx < 0);
+			$cur  = ($cury+$lasty)/2 * $dx;
+			$cur *= (($xmax+$lastx)/2-$zero)**$moment if ($moment);
+			$sum += $cur*$iScale;
+			if ($opt_c) {								# cummulative
+				@out = @{$ants_[$r]};					# copy everything
+				$out[$yfnr] = $sum;
+				$out[$dfnr] = $dx if (defined($dfnr));
+				&antsOut(@out);
+			} elsif ($opt_l) {							# individual summands
+				@out = @{$ants_[$r]};					# copy everything
+				$out[$yfnr] = $cur*$iScale;
+				$out[$dfnr] = $dx if (defined($dfnr));
+				&antsOut(@out);
+            }
+            $lastx = $ants_[$r][$xfnr];
+			last;
+		}
+#	phoar! we are finally handling the normal case  
+		$dx = $ants_[$r][$xfnr] - $lastx;				# calc dx
+		croak("$0: x-field must be monotonically increasing [curx=$ants_[$r][$xfnr], lastx=$lastx]\n")
+			if ($dx < 0);
+		if (defined($opt_f)) {							# integrate single field
+			unless (numberp($ants_[$r][$yfnr])) {
+				if ($opt_c) {
+					$ants_[$r][$yfnr] = nan;
+					&antsOut(@{$ants_[$r]});
+				}
+				next;
+			}
+			$cur = $opt_b ?
+				$ants_[$r][$yfnr] * $dx :				# box rule
+				($ants_[$r][$yfnr]+$lasty)/2 * $dx; 	# interpolate
+			$cur *= (($ants_[$r][$xfnr]+$lastx)/2-$zero)**$moment
+				if ($moment);
+			$sum += $cur*$iScale;
+			$lasty = $ants_[$r][$yfnr];
+			if ($opt_c) {								# cummulative
+				@out = @{$ants_[$r]};					# copy everything
+				$out[$yfnr] = $sum;
+			} elsif ($opt_l) {							# individual summands
+				@out = @{$ants_[$r]};					# copy everything
+				$out[$yfnr] = $cur*$iScale;
+            }			
+		} else {										# integrate all
+			for ($f=0; $f<$antsBufNFields; $f++) {
+				next if ($f == $xfnr);					# except x-field
+				if (numberp($ants_[$r][$f]))	{		# val found
+					$sum[$f] += $ants_[$r][$f] * $dx	# box-rule (no interp)
+						unless isnan($sum[$f]);			# had missing vals
+				} else {								# val missing 
+					$sum[$f] = nan; 					# mark for later
+#					unless ($warned) {					# warn user
+#						&antsInfo("Warning: integrand(s) set to nan due to missing vals");
+#						$warned = 1;
+#					}
+				}
+				$out[$f] = $sum[$f] if ($opt_c);
+			}
+		}
+		if ($opt_c || $opt_l) {
+			$out[$xfnr] = $ants_[$r][$xfnr];
+			$out[$dfnr] = $dx if (defined($dfnr));
+			&antsOut(@out);
+		}
+		$lastx = $ants_[$r][$xfnr];						# last good x
+	}
+	croak("$0: empty input!\n")							# never initialized
+	    unless (defined($lastx));
+	croak("$0: upper limit > last valid x-value!\n")
+	    if (defined($xmax) && $xmax>$lastx);
+	return $sum;
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/antsio.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,918 @@
+#                    A N T S I O . P L 
+#                    doc: Fri Jun 19 19:22:51 1998
+#                    dlm: Thu Apr 26 09:01:50 2012
+#                    (c) 1998 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 200 107 NIL 0 0 70 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+#	Jun 19, 1998: - created
+#	Dec 29, 1998: - added antsLineFlag and antsLinePrefix
+#	Dec 30, 1998: - added -P)assthrough option handling, arg to &antsFlush()
+#	Jan 02, 1999: - changed -P to -T and added -P)refix for [./fnr]
+#	Feb 17, 1999: - added &antsReadFile()
+#	Feb 25, 1999: - added &antsInfo()
+#	Mar 11, 1999: - set undefined ret-vals of &antsBufOut() to NaN
+#	Mar 12, 1999: - added FILE to &antsPrintHeaders()
+#	Mar 14, 1999: - BUG ensured that $ants_[0] was defined when
+#				    typical &antsBufFull was called on empty buffer
+#				  - added &antsPostFlush()
+#				  - added &antsSetR_()
+#				  - BUG padding by &antsSet_() was broken
+#	Mar 20, 1999: - added code to abort if file on cmdline does not exist
+#				  - removed &antsReadFile()
+#	Oct 31, 1999: - BUG when using -I
+#	Dec 06, 1999: - made &antsInfo() respect -Q
+#	Mar 07, 2000: - adapted to -M
+#	Jul 31, 2000: - removed buffer auto growth unless $antsPadOut
+#	Aug 21, 2000: - allow for in-line comments on -T
+#	Aug 28, 2000: - added opt_Z to remove leading zeroes on output
+#				  - added %P handling
+#	Sep 03, 2000: - documentation
+#	Sep 04, 2000: - ensure %PARAMS are not just whitespace strings
+#	Oct 31, 2000: - added &antsReplaceParam()
+#	Nov 07, 2000: - added &antsFileScanParam()
+#	Nov 10, 2000: - made to ignore DOS EOF (BLOERKS!!!)
+#	Nov 16, 2000: - added comment about antsIO() bypassing &antsBufOut()
+#	Nov 17, 2000: - made -P override header PARAMs
+#	Jan 16, 2001: - cosmetics
+#	Feb 19, 2001: - added $antsNoHeaderCopy for [data]
+#	Mar  8, 2001: - adapted to -G)range
+#	Mar 18, 2001: - BUG: -G had selected NaNs
+#	Mar 22, 2001: - added $antsNoEmbeddedHeaderCopy for [fields] [efields]
+#	Mar 28, 2001: - mark header info of utils used in pipelines
+#	Mar 31, 2001: - updated -G)range
+#				  - adapted to -F)ields
+#	Apr  3, 2001: - added appendfields
+# 	Apr  5, 2001: - removed string interpolation from &antsOut()
+#				  - added prependfields
+#	May 15, 2001: - output NaN on undefined -F vals
+#	Jun  4, 2001: - allowd %PARAMs on -F
+#	Jun 19, 2001: - added pseudo param %FILE
+#	Jul  9, 2001: - added Active ANTS stuff
+#	Jul 10, 2001: - continued, split off &antsParseHeader()
+#	Jul 11, 2001: - continued
+#	Jul 13, 2001: - replace -F fields names on 1st use
+#	Jul 16, 2001: - moved fchmod call to &antsPrintHeaders(), c.f. [Split]
+#	Jul 19, 2001: - embedded error messages in pipeline
+#				  - copy header on -ve -H
+#	Jul 24, 2001: - BUG: set $antsNewLayout on -F
+#				  - BUG: remove % from -F layout
+#				  - moved fnr lookup for -G from [antsusage.pl]
+#	Aug  1, 2001: - BUG: &antsIn() had not restored @ARGV on EOF
+#	Aug  3, 2001: - added &antsFileScanLayout()
+#	Aug  9, 2001: - BUG: $antsNewLayout was not set on prepend/append fields
+#	Aug 10, 2001: - added $opt_G to &antsFileIn()
+#	Aug 19, 2001: - BUG: &antsReplaceParam() re-written
+#	Aug 29, 2001: - BUG: made -r into -f && -r
+#	Oct 28, 2001: - BUG: handled antsLinePrefix on parseHeader
+#	Nov 22, 2001: - added $antsParseHeader flag
+#	Nov 28, 2001: - allowed %param in -G
+#	Dec 30, 2001: - added &antsExit()
+#	May 18, 2002: - added %BASENAME, %EXTN
+#	May 20, 2002: - added $antsNewFile
+#	Jun 22, 2002: - added $antsPadIn
+#	Jan  6, 2003: - added $antsGrex (-G regex support)
+#	Jan  8, 2003: - added &antsFileParams()
+#	Mar  4, 2003: - added %RECNO
+#	Apr 14, 2003: - BUG: antsReplaceParam() removed because in-stream
+#						 %PARAMs are not generally handled correctly
+#				  - BUG: antsFileScanParam() had returned the first
+#						 value encountered, NOT the valid (last) one!!!
+#	Apr 24, 2003: - BUG: added default $antsPadIn = 1 (required for
+#						 [gamma_n])
+#	May  8, 2003: - made antsFileIn() respect -N (for [gshear])
+#	Jul  1, 2004: - BUG: $antsBufNFields was not set when an empty file
+#						 with valid #ANTS#FIELDS# was read
+#	Jul  9, 2004: - BUG: test of incompatible in-file field definitions
+#						 did not work
+#	Dec  5, 2004: - BUG: Jul 1 fix did not work correctly in cases where
+#						 subsequent #ANTS#FIELDS# lines would shrink the
+#						 number of fields; new fix was not debugged!
+#	Jan 17, 2005: - removed path from active files and used perl -S
+#	Feb  8, 2005: - made activation-status copy more portable (i.e.
+#					independent of perl path)
+#	Mar  7, 2005: - added %DIRNAME (& cleaned up %BASENAME %EXTN)
+#	Nov  8, 2005: - changed -T to -P, -Z => -T, added -Z
+#	Nov 17, 2005: - BUG: antsPreFlush() flushed one too few ([fmedian])
+#				  - BUG: antsFlagged was not set correctly any more
+#	Nov 18, 2005: - finally allowed %PARAMs bounds in -G
+#	Nov 21, 2005: - BUG: %PARAM bounds in -G had broken regexp capability
+#	Dec  7, 2005: - BUG: embedded layout overrode @antsFName if $antsNewLayout
+#				  - replaced @antsFName by @antsLayout{In,Out}
+#	Dec  8, 2005: - Version 3.2 (see [HISTORY])
+#	Dec 12, 2005: - disable output padding in &antsOut() if new layout
+#	Dec 14, 2005: - made &antsAddParams() set %P
+#				  - removed &antsReplaceParam()
+#	Dec 20, 2005: - BUG: empty field names in Layout replaced by undef
+#				  - $# is buggy => implemented opt_M without $#
+#	Dec 23, 2005: - replaced defined(@array) (c.f. perlfunc(1))
+#                 - BUG: -F did not work ok when @antsNewLayout was set
+#   Dec 29, 2005: - added $PARAMSonly to avoid output duplication on -F%param
+#   Dec 30, 2005: - changed &antsFileIn() EOF return
+#   Jan  3, 2006: - BUG: pseudo %PARAMs (e.g. BASENAME) were not set
+#                        on EOF when buffer is not full
+#                 - changed %FILE to %FILENAME
+#                 - added support for -S)elect
+#   Jan  4, 2006: - BUG: empty strings were not output as NaN
+#   Jan  9, 2006: - removed line flagging code
+#   Jan 12, 2006: - replaced old -H)eader skip support with new -H)ead
+#   Jan 13, 2006: - new [antsexprs.pl]
+#                 - removed -G handling (now done as -S)
+#                 - renamed -T)rim to -C)anonical
+#                 - removed -Z)ap handling
+#   Jan 14, 2006: - continued removing -G
+#   Jan 31, 2006: - BUG: selecting last field per record with -I produced
+#                        an extraneous empty line
+#   May 18, 2006: - BUG: set pseudo-params before -S test, to allow e.g.
+#                        -S %RECNO==3 to work
+#                 - BUG: set %RECNO on partially full buffer
+#                 - added %LINENO pseudo param
+#   Jun 27, 2006: - BUG: added formal param @ to allow antsOut(NaN) to be
+#                        used in list -w
+#				  - changed semantics of antsPadOut()
+#   Jul  1, 2006: - Version 3.3 [HISTORY]
+#	Jul 10, 2006: - removed fchmod (now in perl chmod)
+#	Jul 21, 2006: - removed obsolete code
+#	Jul 22, 2006: - shuffled &antsOut() to allow for -H0
+#	Jul 23, 2006: - BUG: -F%PARAM did not work any more
+#	Jul 28, 2006: - BUG: pseudo-params were set during header parsing of
+#						 an empty file
+#	Jul 31, 2006: - BUG: @antsLayout was not set on 0-record files
+#				  - code cleanup
+#	Aug 24, 2006: - added $antsIgnoreInputParams
+#	Aug 28, 2006: - made antsIgnoreInputParams into eva'ed expr for [bindata]
+#	Oct 26, 2006: - allowed for empty lines in &antsFileScanParams()
+#	Nov 10, 2006: - suppressed copying of layout even if embedded headers
+#					are copied
+#	Dec 17, 2007: - modified behavior of antsIgnoreInputParams (see NOTES below)
+#	Jan 16, 2007: - re-implemented changes to -P mandated by Dec 14, 2006
+#				    changes to [antsusage.pl]
+#	May 31, 2007: - added support for -G)eographic coord format
+#	Nov 14, 2007: - maded -G work with %PARAMS
+#				  - BUG: %FILENAME (& others) not set on %PARAMS-only files
+#	Nov 15, 2007: - BUG: -G had never worked correctly when selecting fields
+#	Feb  8, 2008: - moved number output formatting to fmtNum() [antsutils.pl]
+#	Mar 26, 2008: - modified/extended -F behavior
+#	Mar 28, 2008: - fiddled
+#	Apr 15, 2008: - BUG: pseudo params were not set during header parsing
+#						 => e.g. %RECNO could not be used in ded addr-expr
+#	May  1, 2008: - BUG: embedded header copy also copied embedded layout
+#						 re-definitions
+#	May 22, 2008: - BUG: $antsPadOut = 0 did not suppress padding as intended
+#						 in presence of layout or new layout => add option of
+#						 setting it to -1
+#	Jul 11, 2008: - BUG: file-name-related pseudo %PARAMs did not work
+#						 correctly for input files without extensions
+#				  - added %FILENAME -> %PATHNAME
+#	Jul 21, 2008: - fiddled with antsInfo()
+#	Jul 23, 2008: - added code to allow deleting %PARAMs by setting them
+#					to undef in [list]
+#	Jul 29, 2008: - BUG: removed code to strip leading/trailing spaces from
+#						 %PARAMs (before, a %PARAM containing just spaces
+#						 was deleted on an NCode/listNC combo --- there is
+#						 an example in [ubtest/NCode.TF]
+#	Jun 10, 2009: - added duplicate-output-field sanity check
+#	Aug  1, 2009: - BUG: duplicate unnamed output files generated error
+#	Aug 23, 2009: - V4.0: added &antsAddDeps
+#	Aug 25, 2009: - BUG: '-' was added as a dep for STDIN
+#	Aug 27, 2009: - added pseudo %PARAM %DEPS
+#	Oct  3, 2009: - added $antsAllowEmbeddedLayoutChange
+#	Oct 12, 2009: - changed antsAddDeps() to ignore empty dependencies
+#	Oct 13, 2009: - removed antsAddDeps() defaults
+#	Oct 15, 2009: - replaced \n by \\n in antsAddParams(); primarily for listNC
+#	Nov  3, 2009: - BUG: <> dependencies were not set when $antsParseHeader was set to 0
+#	Nov  6, 2009: - BUG: stdin had sometimes produced empty dep
+#	Aug 15, 2010: - turned error on duplicate output fields into warning
+#	Aug 28, 2010: - moved dependency checks from [list] to here
+#	Oct 18, 2010: - disabled dependency checks for files in other directories
+#	Oct 19, 2010: - implemented &antsOut('EOF') to clear all static vars & other stuff to
+#				    allow a single utility to output different ANTS files (used in
+#				    LADCPproc)
+#	Apr 28, 2011: - added code to make all nans lowercase to antsIn()
+#	May 20, 2011: - BUG: %LINENO had not been reset between files any more
+#	May 22, 2011: - adapted to new antsCompileEditExpr()
+#	May 24: 2011: - BUG: forgot '$' in a variable (where???)
+#	Jul 28, 2011: - disabled adding of new deps on -D
+#	Apr 11, 2012: - improved layout-change error message
+#	Apr 26, 2012: - BUG: antsFileScanParam() was not properly anchored (%start_date matched %BT.start_date)
+#	- %P was named without an ants-prefix because associative arrays
+#	  are rare (and perl supports multiple name spaces for the
+#	  different variable types) and to facilitate its use in
+#	  [list]
+#	- copying of embedded (i.e. not appearing at start) headers is
+#	  required e.g. for subsample -i ... | list %some-param
+# $antsIngoreInputParams:
+#	- is eval'ed first time antsIn() is called (usually while parsing header)
+#	- if it evaluates to TRUE, all input %PARAMS are ignored (even if it would
+#	  later eval to FALSE)
+#	- during header parsing, @ARGV only contains additional file arguments,
+#	  i.e. setting $antsIgnoreInputParams = '@ARGV>0' before antsUsage() is
+#	  called ignores all input %PARAMs if there is more than 1 file argument
+# Default Behaviour 
+# Flags
+$antsPadIn = 1;								# fill with nan on input
+$antsFixedFormat = 0;						# remove leading & trailing stuff
+$antsParseHeader = 1;						# parse header on &antsUsage()
+$antsIgnoreInputParams = 0;					# ignore %PARAMs
+$antsAllowEmbeddedLayoutChange = 0;			# disallow layount changes
+# Standard Fixed Size Buffer
+sub antsBufFull()							# default buffer full
+    {return $#ants_+1 == $antsBufSize;}   
+sub antsBufOut($)                           # default constructor
+    {return $ants_[$ants_][$_[0]]; }
+# Setup Size 1 Buffer
+$antsBufSize = 1;							# default
+$antsBufSkip = 1;
+# Interface
+sub antsInstallBufFull($)
+	eval "sub antsBufFull() { $_[0] }";
+	croak($@) if ($@);
+	&antsReCompile();
+sub antsInstallBufOut($)
+	eval "sub antsBufOut(\$) { my(\$fnr)=\@_; $_[0] }";
+	croak($@) if ($@);
+	&antsReCompile();
+sub antsActivateOut()
+	$antsActiveHeader = "#!/usr/bin/perl -S list\n" unless ($opt_Q);
+# antsCheckDeps([filename]):
+#	- call only after header has been parsed
+#	- by default, tests current <> file
+{ my($warned);
+  sub antsCheckDeps()
+  {
+	  my($infile) = @_ ? $_[0] : $ARGV; 			# default: check current input
+	  my($indir) = ($infile =~ m{^(.*)/[^/]*$});
+#	  print(STDERR "checking dependencies of file $infile (deps = @antsDeps)\n");
+	  return if ($opt_D);							# suppress
+	  return unless (@antsDeps);					# no dependency info
+	  return if defined($indir) && $indir ne '.';	# not in current directory
+	  my(@stat) = stat($infile);					# get time
+	  return unless (@stat);						# happens on stdin?
+	  my($ctimef) = 10; my($ctime) = $stat[$ctimef];
+	  for (my($d)=0; $d<=$#antsDeps; $d++) {
+		  @stat = stat($antsDeps[$d]);
+		  if (@stat) {
+			  croak("$0: <$infile> is stale with respect to <$antsDeps[$d]>\n")
+				  unless ($stat[$ctimef] <= $ctime);
+		  } elsif (!$warned) {
+			  &antsInfo("WARNING: dependency $antsDeps[$d] (&, possibly, others) not found");
+			  $warned = 1;
+		  }
+	  }   
+  }
+} # static scope
+sub antsParseHeader()
+	return if ($antsFixedFormat || !$antsParseHeader);
+	$antsDoParseHeader = 1;						# glorks!
+	my($success) = &antsIn();
+	&antsCheckDeps();
+	return $success;
+sub antsReCompile()								# re-compile with funs
+{ eval '
+sub antsIn()
+	my(@Layout);
+	undef(@Layout);								# needed, but unclear why
+	undef($antsNewFile);						# assume no new file
+	unless ($antsHeaderParsed || $antsDoParseHeader) {
+		for (my($i)=0; $i<=$#ARGV; $i++) {		# check file params
+			open($ARGV[$i]),croak("$0: $ARGV[$i]: $!\n")
+				unless (-f $ARGV[$i] && -r $ARGV[$i]);
+	    }
+		&antsAddDeps($ARGV,@ARGV);				# <> files
+		$antsCurHeader =~ s/\]/\] |/			# mark as pipeline
+			unless (-t 0);
+	    $antsHeaderParsed = 1;
+	}
+	my(@tempARGV);								# temporily remove non-file args
+	if ($antsDoParseHeader) {
+		my($ai) = $#ARGV;
+		while ($ai >= 0 && -f $ARGV[$ai]) { $ai-- }
+#		print(STDERR "before: @ARGV\n");
+		push(@tempARGV,splice(@ARGV,0,$ai+1));
+#		print(STDERR "after: @ARGV\n");
+		if ($#ARGV < 0 && -t 0) {					# donot wait on stdin
+			push(@ARGV,@tempARGV);
+			$antsDoParseHeader=0;
+			return 0;
+		}
+	}
+	splice(@ants_,0,$antsBufSkip);					# shift buffers
+	IN: until ($#ants_>=0 && &antsBufFull()) {		# fill buffer; NEEDS RECOMPILE
+		if (defined($antsPeekBuffer)) {				# from header parsing
+			$_ = $antsPeekBuffer;
+			$antsPeekBuffer = undef;
+		} else {
+			unless ($_ = <>) {						# get next record
+				# EOF before buffer is full (can be partially filled)
+				unshift(@ARGV,@tempARGV);			# restore ARGV list
+				@antsLayout = @Layout if (@Layout);	# set last defined layout
+				$antsBufNFields = @antsLayout		# adjust buffer width
+					if (@antsLayout > $antsBufNFields);
+				my($lastFile) = $P{PATHNAME};
+				$P{PATHNAME} = $ARGV;				# set pseudo %PARAMs
+					($ARGV =~ m{^(.*)/([^/]+)$});
+				unless (defined($P{DIRNAME})) {
+					$P{DIRNAME} = ".";
+				}
+				($P{BASENAME},$P{EXTN}) =
+					($P{FILENAME} =~ m{^([^\.]+)\.(.+)$});
+				unless (defined($P{EXTN})) {
+					$P{EXTN} = "";
+				}
+				$P{DEPS} = "@antsDeps";
+				return 0 if ($antsDoParseHeader);	# empty file!!!
+				$P{RECNO} = -1						# set pseudo %PARAMs
+					unless defined($P{RECNO});
+	    		$P{RECNO}++;
+			    $P{LINENO} = ($ARGV eq $lastFile) ? $P{LINENO}+1 : 0;
+				return 0;							# return EOF
+			}
+		}
+		next IN if (length == 1 && ord == 26);		# handle MS-DOG EOF
+		&antsActivateOut(),next IN					# copy activation status
+			if (m{^#![^\s]*/perl\s.*list$});
+		exit(1) if (/^#ANTS#ERROR#/);				# error in pipeline
+		if (/^#ANTS#PARAMS# ([^\{]+)\{([^\}]*)\}/) {
+			if (eval($antsIgnoreInputParams)) {		# eval only 1st time
+				$antsIgnoreInputParams = 1;
+				next IN;
+			}
+			do {
+				if ($2 eq "") {
+					delete($P{$1});
+				} else {
+					$P{$1} = $2;
+				}
+			} while ($\' =~ m/ ([^\{]+)\{([^\}]*)\}/);
+		} elsif (/^#ANTS#DEPS# \{([^\}]*)\}/) {		# handle dependencies
+			do { push(@antsDeps,$1); }
+				while ($\' =~ m/ \{([^\}]*)\}/);
+		} elsif (/^#ANTS# \[[^\]]*\] [^|]/) {		# pipe-head => restart dependencies
+			undef(@antsDeps);
+		} elsif (/^#ANTS#FIELDS# \{([^\}]*)\}/) {	# handle layout
+			undef(@Layout);
+			do {
+				push(@Layout,$1 eq "" ? undef : $1);
+			} while ($\' =~ m/ \{([^\}]*)\}/);
+		}
+		if (!($opt_Q || $antsNoHeaderCopy) && /^#ANTS#/) {	# handle headers
+			if (defined($antsHeadersPrinted)) {		# embedded headers
+# The following is somewhat subtle because it must prevent embedded
+# layout definitions to be copied 1) even if embedded headers are requested
+# (because otherwise there will be embedded-layout-change errors) 2) but not
+# if there has not been a layout defined already (ubtest common_opts);
+				print unless ($antsNoEmbeddedHeaderCopy ||
+								(/^#ANTS#FIELDS#/ && @antsLayout));
+			} else {
+				$antsOldHeaders .= $_;
+			}
+			next IN;
+		}
+		if (/^#/) {								# handle non-header comments
+			&antsPrintHeaders(STDOUT,@antsNewLayout),print if ($opt_P);
+			next IN;
+		}
+		next IN if /^\s*$/;						# skip empty lines
+		unless ($antsFixedFormat) {
+			s/^\s+//;							# strip leading space
+			s/#.*$// unless ($opt_P);			# strip trailing comments
+			s/\s+$//;							# strip trailing space
+		}
+		croak("$0: embedded layout change when reading file $ARGV <@antsLayout> -> <@Layout>")
+			if (!$antsAllowEmbeddedLayoutChange && @Layout && @antsLayout && ("@Layout" ne "@antsLayout"));
+		@antsLayout = @Layout unless (@antsLayout);
+		$P{RECNO} = -1 unless defined($P{RECNO});	# set pseudo %PARAMs
+		$P{LINENO} = -1 unless defined($P{LINENO});
+		$P{DEPS} = "@antsDeps";
+		my($lastFile) = $P{PATHNAME};
+		$P{PATHNAME} = $ARGV;		    
+			($ARGV =~ m{^(.*)/([^/]+)$});
+		unless (defined($P{DIRNAME})) {
+			$P{DIRNAME} = ".";
+		}
+		($P{BASENAME},$P{EXTN}) =
+			($P{FILENAME} =~ m{^([^\.]+)\.(.+)$});
+		unless (defined($P{EXTN})) {
+			$P{EXTN} = "";
+        }
+		if ($antsDoParseHeader) {					# done parsing
+			unshift(@ARGV,@tempARGV);
+			$antsDoParseHeader = undef;
+			$antsPeekBuffer = $_;
+			$antsPadOut = $antsBufNFields = split($opt_I,$antsPeekBuffer);
+			return 1;
+		}
+	    $P{RECNO}++;								# update pseudo %PARAMs
+	    $P{LINENO} = ($ARGV eq $lastFile) ? $P{LINENO}+1 : 0;
+		s/[Nn][Aa][Nn]/nan/g;						# make all nans lower case
+		local(@in) = split($opt_I);					# needs to be local for -S 
+		if (defined($opt_S)) {						# -S)elect
+			$opt_S = &antsCompileAddrExpr($opt_S,\'$in\')
+				unless ref($opt_S);
+			next IN unless (&$opt_S);
+		}
+		if (@antsNFNames) {							# -N)ums
+			for (my($i)=0; $i<=$#antsNFNames; $i++) {
+				unless (defined($antsNfnr[$i])) {
+					if ($antsNFNames[$i] =~ /^%/) {
+						croak("$0: illegal -N option ($antsNFNames[$i] undefined)\n")
+							unless (defined($P{$\'}));
+						next IN unless (numberp($P{$\'}));
+					} else {
+						$antsNfnr[$i] = &fnr($antsNFNames[$i]);
+						next IN unless (numberp($in[$antsNfnr[$i]]));
+					}
+				} else {
+					next IN unless (numberp($in[$antsNfnr[$i]]));
+	            }
+	        }
+		}
+		chomp;
+		$antsLineBuf = $_;						# save
+		push(@ants_,[@in]);						# add to buffer
+		if ($#{$ants_[$#ants_]}+1 > $antsBufNFields) {	# grow # of fields
+			$antsBufNFields = $#{$ants_[$#ants_]} + 1;
+#			print("antsBufNFields := $antsBufNFields --- $_");
+			if ($antsPadIn) {
+				for ($i=0; $i<$#ants_; $i++) {
+					push(@{$ants_[$i]},nan)
+						while ($#{$ants_[$i]}+1 < $antsBufNFields);
+	            }
+	        }
+		}
+		push(@{$ants_[$#ants_]},nan)			# pad this
+	        while ($antsPadIn && $#{$ants_[$#ants_]}+1 < $antsBufNFields);
+	}
+	$ants_ = ($#ants_ - $#ants_%2) / 2;			# set current idx to centre
+#	print(STDERR "reading done; $#ants_+1 recs in buf, $ants_ is cur\n");
+	if ($antsLastFileName ne $ARGV) {			# signal new file
+		$antsLastFileName = $ARGV;
+		$antsNewFile = 1;
+	} 
+	return $#ants_+1;							# ok
+{ my(@ofn);				# output layout				# STATIC SCOPE
+  my(@OEparam);			# -F %PARAMs
+  my(@OEfield);			# -F fields
+  my(@OEexpr);			# -F exprs (compiled)
+  my($EOparamsOnly);	# nothing but %PARAMs in -F
+  sub antsOut(@)
+  {
+	my(@out) = @_;
+	if (@out == 1 && $out[0] eq "EOF") {
+		undef(@ofn); undef(@OEparam); undef(@OEfield); undef(@OEexpr); undef($EOparamsOnly);
+		undef($antsHeadersPrinted); undef(@antsOutExprs);
+		$antsPadOut = $antsBufNFields = @antsNewLayout;	# NB: MUST BE SET BEFORE &antsOut("EOF");
+		return;
+	}
+	@ofn = @antsNewLayout unless (@ofn);			# output layout
+	@ofn = @antsLayout unless (@ofn);
+	unless (@out > 0) {
+		for (my($fnr)=0; $fnr<$antsBufNFields; $fnr++) {
+       		$out[$fnr] = &antsBufOut($fnr);			# calc; NEEDS RECOMPILE
+	    }
+	}
+	if (@antsOutExprs) {
+		unless ($antsOutExprsCompiled) {			# parse/compile
+			my(@ofn_buf) = @ofn;					# save current output layout
+			undef(@ofn);
+			$OEparamsOnly = 1;
+			for (my($if)=my($of)=0; $if<@antsOutExprs; $if++,$of++) {
+				if ($antsOutExprs[$if] =~ m{^%([\w\.]+)$}) {	# %PARAM
+					$ofn[$of] = $1;
+					$OEparam[$of] = 1;
+				} elsif ($antsOutExprs[$if] =~ m{^[\w\.]+$}) { 	# single field
+					undef($OEparamsOnly);
+					$ofn[$of] = $antsOutExprs[$if];
+					$OEfield[$of] = &outFnr($antsOutExprs[$if]);
+	            } elsif ($antsOutExprs[$if] eq \'$@\') {		# all fields
+					undef($OEparamsOnly);
+	            	for (my($i)=0; $i<@ofn_buf; $i++,$of++) {
+	            		$ofn[$of] = $ofn_buf[$i];
+	            		$OEfield[$of] = $i;
+	            	}
+	            } else {										# expression
+					undef($OEparamsOnly);
+					my($expr);
+	            	($ofn[$of],$expr) = ($antsOutExprs[$if] =~ m{^([\w\.]*)=(.*)$});
+	            	croak("$0: cannot parse -F $antsOutExprs[$if]\n")
+	            		unless defined($expr);
+	            	my(@tmp) = @antsLayout;
+	            	@antsLayout = @ofn_buf;
+	            	$OEexpr[$of] = &antsCompileEditExpr($expr,\'$out_buf\');
+	            	@antsLayout = @tmp;
+	            }
+	        }
+			$antsOutExprsCompiled = 1;
+		}
+		local(@out_buf) = @out;						# save current output data
+		undef(@out);								# accessible from within exprs
+		for (my($f)=0; $f<@ofn; $f++) {				# create @out according to -F
+			if ($OEparam[$f]) {
+				$out[$f] = $P{$ofn[$f]};
+			} elsif (defined($OEfield[$f])) {
+				$out[$f] = $out_buf[$OEfield[$f]];
+			} else {
+				$out[$f] = &{$OEexpr[$f]};
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if (@antsNewLayout || @antsOutExprs) {
+		&antsPrintHeaders(STDOUT,@ofn);
+	} else {
+		&antsPrintHeaders(STDOUT);
+	}
+	&antsExit() if (defined($opt_H) && ($opt_H-- == 0));
+	$antsPadOut = @ofn if ($antsPadOut >= 0 && @ofn);
+	push(@out,nan) while (@out < $antsPadOut);
+	my($outStr);
+	for (my($fnr)=0; $fnr<=$#out; $fnr++) {
+		$out[$fnr] =
+			fmtNum($out[$fnr],
+				   @antsNewLayout ? $antsNewLayout[$fnr] : $antsLayout[$fnr]);
+		$outStr .= (defined($out[$fnr]) && $out[$fnr] ne "" ? $out[$fnr] : nan)
+				 . ($fnr == $#out ? $opt_R : $opt_O);
+	}
+	print($outStr);
+	&antsExit() if ($OEparamsOnly);
+  } # antsOut()
+sub antsIO()									# combine input and output
+{												# NB: BYPASSES &antsBufOut()!
+	my($i);
+	for ($i=0; $i<$antsBufSkip && $i<=$#ants_; $i++) {
+		&antsOut(@{$ants_[$i]});
+	}
+	return &antsIn();							# re-fill
+sub antsPreFlush()								# pre-flush buffer to cur
+	my($i);
+	for ($i=0; $i<=$ants_; $i++) {
+		&antsOut(@{$ants_[$i]});
+	}
+sub antsPostFlush()								# post-flush buffer after cur
+	my($i);
+	for ($i=$ants_; $i<=$#ants_; $i++) {
+		&antsOut(@{$ants_[$i]});
+	}
+sub antsFlush()									# flush buffer
+	&antsOut(@{$ants_[0]}),shift(@ants_)
+		while ($#ants_ >= 0);
+}'; die("antsReCompile: $@\n") if ($@);			# re-compile functions
+} # of antsReCompile()
+&antsReCompile();								# compile
+sub antsSetR_($$$)								# set field in any rec
+{ my($r,$f,$v) = @_;
+	$antsBufNFields = $f+1						# auto extension
+		if ($antsBufNFields-1 < $f);
+	while ($#{$ants_[$r]} < $f-1) {	
+		push(@{$ants_[$r]},nan);
+	}
+	$ants_[$r][$f] = $v;
+sub antsSet_($$)								# set field in current rec
+{ &antsSetR_($ants_,$_[0],$_[1]); }
+{ my(%sExprs); # multiple layouts -> multiple compiled -S exprs
+sub antsFileIn()								# read from a file
+{ 	my($f) = @_;
+		return () unless ($_ = <$f>);			# get next record (return EOF)
+		goto REDO if /^#/;						# skip comments
+		goto REDO if /^\s*$/;					# skip empty lines
+		s/^\s+//;								# remove leading spaces
+		s/#.*$//;								# remove trailing comments
+		local(@in) = split($opt_I);				# needs to be local for -S 
+		if (defined($opt_S)) {					# -S)elect
+			$sExprs{$f} = &antsCompileAddrExpr($opt_S,'$in')
+				unless defined($sExprs{$f});
+			goto REDO unless (&{$sExprs{$f}});
+		}
+		if (@antsNFNames) {						# handle -N)ums
+			for (my($i)=0; $i<=$#antsNFNames; $i++) {
+				if ($antsNFNames[$i] =~ /^%/) {
+					croak("$0: illegal -N option ($antsNFNames[$i] undefined)\n")
+						unless (defined($P{$'}));
+					goto REDO unless (numberp($P{$'}));
+				} else {
+					$antsNfnr[$i] = &fnr($antsNFNames[$i]);
+					goto REDO unless (numberp($in[$antsNfnr[$i]]));
+				}
+	        }
+		}
+		return @in;
+} # static scope
+# Utilities
+sub antsPrintHeaders($@)						# handle headers
+	return if ($antsHeadersPrinted);			# do only once
+    $antsHeadersPrinted = 1;
+	local(*fh,@newLayout) = @_;
+	if (@newLayout) {							# check for duplicate field names
+		my(%fn);
+		for (my($i)=0; $i<=$#newLayout; $i++) {
+			next unless defined($newLayout[$i]) && $newLayout[$i] ne '';
+			if ($fn{$newLayout[$i]}) {
+				&antsInfo("duplicate output field <$newLayout[$i]> changed to <$newLayout[$i]_>");
+				$newLayout[$i] .= '_';
+				again;
+			}
+			$fn{$newLayout[$i]} = 1;
+		}
+	}
+	return if ($opt_Q);							# suppress
+	if (defined($antsActiveHeader)) {			# activate file
+		chmod(0777&~umask,*fh);
+		print(fh $antsActiveHeader);
+	}
+	print(fh $antsOldHeaders);					# old headers
+	print(fh $antsCurHeader) unless ($opt_X);	# new headers
+	print(fh $antsCurParams);
+	print(fh $antsCurDeps) unless ($opt_X);
+	if (@newLayout) {
+		print(fh "#ANTS#FIELDS# ");				
+		for (my($i)=0; $i<=$#newLayout; $i++) {
+			print(fh "{$newLayout[$i]} ");
+		}
+		print(fh "\n");
+	}
+sub antsExit()
+	&antsPrintHeaders(STDOUT,@antsNewLayout);
+	exit(0);
+# NB: to use antsInfo in expressions, a return value of 1
+#	  has been assumed!!!
+sub antsInfo(@)									# add info to header & STDERR
+	return 1 if ($opt_Q);
+	my($fmt,@args) = @_;						# can't do it directly!!!
+	my($msg) = sprintf($fmt,@args);
+	$antsCurHeader .= "#ANTS# $0: $msg\n";
+	print(STDERR "$0: $msg\n");
+	return 1;
+# %PARAM-related stuff
+sub antsAddParams(@)							# add params
+	my($i);	
+	$antsCurParams .= "#ANTS#PARAMS#";
+	for ($i=0; $i<$#_; $i+=2) {
+		my($v) = $_[$i+1];
+		$v =~ s/\n/\\n/g;
+		$P{$_[$i]} = $v;
+		$antsCurParams .= " $_[$i]\{$v\}";
+	}
+	$antsCurParams .= "\n";
+sub antsFileParams()							# get params from file
+	my($f) = @_;
+	my(%P);
+	while ($_ = <$f>) {							# get next record
+		if (/^#ANTS#PARAMS# ([^\{]+)\{([^\}]*)\}/) {
+			do {
+				$P{$1} = $2;
+				$P{$1} =~ s/^\s*//;				# ensure non-null
+			} while ($' =~ m/ ([^\{]+)\{([^\}]*)\}/);
+		}
+	}
+	seek($f,0,0) || croak("$0: $@\n");
+	return %P;
+# antsFileScanParam() only scans the 1st header!!!!
+#	empty lines are ok, though
+sub antsFileScanParam()							# find param in file
+	my($f,$pn) = @_;
+	my($val);
+	while ($_ = <$f>) {							# get next record
+		last unless (/^#/ || /^\s*$/);
+		next unless (/^#ANTS#PARAMS# /);
+		$val = $1 if (/ $pn\{([^\}]*)\}/);
+	}
+	seek($f,0,0) || croak("$0: $@\n");
+	return $val;
+# Layout-related stuff
+sub antsFileLayout($)							# return layout
+{ 	my($f) = @_;
+	my(@lo);
+	while ($_ = <$f>) {							# get next record
+		next unless (/^#ANTS#FIELDS# /);
+		@lo = split(' ',$');
+	}
+	seek($f,0,0) || croak("$0: $@\n");
+	for (my($i)=0; $i<=$#lo; $i++) {
+		$lo[$i] =~ s/^\{(.*)\}$/$1/;
+	}
+	return @lo;
+sub antsFileScanFnr($$)							# find fnr in file
+{ 	my($f,$fn) = @_;
+	my(@lo) = &antsFileLayout($f);
+	for (my($f)=0; $f<=$#lo; $f++) {
+		return $f if ($fn eq $lo[$f]);
+	}
+	return undef;
+# Deps-related stuff
+sub antsAddDeps(@)								# add Deps
+	my(@deps) = @_;
+	return if $opt_D || (@deps==1 && ($deps[0] eq '-' || $deps[0] eq ''));	# STDIN
+	$antsCurDeps .= '#ANTS#DEPS#';
+	for (my($i)=0; $i<=$#deps; $i++) {
+		next if (length($deps[$i]) == 0);
+		$antsCurDeps .= " \{$deps[$i]\}";
+	}
+	$antsCurDeps .= "\n";
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/antsnc.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+#                    A N T S N C . P L 
+#                    doc: Mon Jul 17 11:59:37 2006
+#                    dlm: Tue Jul 21 21:50:44 2009
+#                    (c) 2006 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 24 54 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+# ANTS netcdf library
+#	Jul 17, 2006: - created
+#	Jul 21, 2006: - documented
+#				  - added NC-encoding routines
+#	Jul 22: 2006: - BUG: pseudo %PARAMs were written as well
+#				  -	BUG: var ATTRs were not enconded correctly
+#				  - added type support
+#	Jul 23, 2006: - improved type magic
+#	Sep  1, 2006: - BUG: removing trainling 0s had not worked
+#	Sep 23, 2006: - fiddled
+#	Jul 11, 2008: - adapted to new pseudo %PARAMs
+#	Jul 16, 2008: - remove \0s from strings in NC_stringify
+#	Mar 20, 2008: - added progress output to NC_stringify
+#	Jul 21, 2009: - allowed for suppression of %PARAMs
+#	- multi-valued attribs are not loaded by getInfo()
+#	- spaces in NC strings are replaced by underscores
+#	- data filling is disabled, because of a bug in the NetCDF library
+# NetCDF Library Bug:
+#	The library appears to have incorrect default _FillValue types for
+#	integer data types. The error appears if the "setfill" line is commented
+#	out and the following command is run:
+#		listNC -ct dbk100.nc | NCode -o TEMP.nc time
+#	NB: The error occurs when the 1st variable value is written, NOT when
+#	    the first Q_time value is written. However, when all the Q_ fields
+#		are ommitted, the error disappears.
+use NetCDF;
+# string representation of NC types
+sub NC_typeName($)
+	my($tp) = @_;
+	return 'byte'	if ($tp == NetCDF::BYTE);
+	return 'char'	if ($tp == NetCDF::CHAR);
+	return 'short'	if ($tp == NetCDF::SHORT);
+	return 'long'	if ($tp == NetCDF::LONG);
+	return 'float'	if ($tp == NetCDF::FLOAT);
+	return 'double' if ($tp == NetCDF::DOUBLE);
+	croak("$0: unknown NetCDF type #$tp\n");
+sub NC_type($)
+	my($tn) = lc($_[0]);
+	return  NetCDF::BYTE	if ($tn eq 'byte');
+	return  NetCDF::CHAR	if ($tn eq 'char');
+	return  NetCDF::SHORT	if ($tn eq 'short');
+	return  NetCDF::LONG	if ($tn eq 'long');
+	return  NetCDF::FLOAT	if ($tn eq 'float');
+	return  NetCDF::DOUBLE 	if ($tn eq 'double');
+	croak("$0: unknown NetCDF type <$tn>\n");
+# test whether given NC type is numeric
+sub NC_isNumeric($)
+	my($tp) = @_;
+	return 1 if ($tp == NetCDF::BYTE);
+	return 1 if ($tp == NetCDF::SHORT);
+	return 1 if ($tp == NetCDF::LONG);
+	return 1 if ($tp == NetCDF::FLOAT);
+	return 1 if ($tp == NetCDF::DOUBLE);
+	return 0;
+# test whether given NC type is character
+sub NC_isChar($)
+	return $_[0] == NetCDF::CHAR;
+# convert character- to string array
+sub NC_stringify($@)
+	my($len,@chars) = @_;
+	my(@strings);
+	my($nStrings) = @chars/$len;
+	print(STDERR "$0: extracting $nStrings strings")
+		if ($nStrings > 1000);
+	while (@chars) {
+		print(STDERR ".") if ($nStrings>1000 && $n++%1000 == 0);
+		push(@strings,pack("c$len",@chars));
+		$strings[$#strings] =~ s/ /_/g;
+		$strings[$#strings] =~ s/\0//g;
+		splice(@chars,0,$len);
+	}
+	print(STDERR "\n") if ($nStrings > 1000);
+	return @strings;
+# open netcdf file and read (most) metadata into hash
+#		<filename>
+#		$NC{id}								netcdf id
+#		@NC{attrName}[]						names of global attrs
+#		%NC{AttrType}{$aName}				types of global attrs
+#		%NC{AttrLen}{$aName}				# of elts in global attrs
+#		%NC{Attr}{$aName}					vals of scalar global attrs
+#		$NC{unlim_dimId}					dim id of unlimited dim
+#		@NC{dimName}[$dimId]				dim names
+#		%NC{dimID}{$dName}					dim ids
+#		%NC{dimLen}{$dName}					# elts in dim
+#		@NC{varName}[$varId]				var names
+#		%NC{varType}{$vName}				var types
+#		%NC{varId}{$vName}					var ids
+#		@%NC{varDimIDs}{$vName}[]			dims of vars, e.g. u(lon,lat)
+#		@%NC{varAttrName}{$vName}[]			names of var attrs
+#		%%NC{varAttrType}{$vName}{$aName}	types of var attrs
+#		%%NC{varAttrLen}{$vName}{$aName}	# of elts in var attrs
+#		%%NC{varAttr}{$vName}{$aName}		vals of scalar var attrs
+sub NC_readMData($)
+	my($fn) = @_;
+	my(%NC);
+	$NC{id} = NetCDF::open($ARGV[0],NetCDF::NOWRITE);	# open
+	my($nd,$nv,$nga,$udi);								# get nelts
+	NetCDF::inquire($NC{id},$nd,$nv,$nga,$udi);
+	$NC{unlim_dimId} = $udi;
+	for (my($d)=0; $d<$nd; $d++) {						# dimensions
+		my($dnm,$ln);
+		NetCDF::diminq($NC{id},$d,$dnm,$ln);
+		$NC{dimName}[$d] = $dnm;
+		$NC{dimId}{$dnm} = $d;
+		$NC{dimLen}{$dnm} = $ln;
+	}
+	for (my($v)=0; $v<$nv; $v++) {						# vars & var-attribs
+		my($vnm,$vtp,$nvd,$nva);
+		my(@dids) = ();
+		NetCDF::varinq($NC{id},$v,$vnm,$vtp,$nvd,\@dids,$nva);
+		$NC{varName}[$v] = $vnm;
+		$NC{varId}{$vnm} = $v;
+		$NC{varType}{$vnm} = $vtp;
+		@{$NC{varDimIds}{$vnm}} = @dids[0..$nvd-1];
+		for (my($a)=0; $a<$nva; $a++) {					# var-attribs
+			my($anm,$atp,$aln);
+			NetCDF::attname($NC{id},$v,$a,$anm);
+			$NC{varAttrName}{$vnm}[$a] = $anm;
+			NetCDF::attinq($NC{id},$v,$anm,$atp,$aln);
+			$NC{varAttrType}{$vnm}{$anm} = $atp;
+			$NC{varAttrLen}{$vnm}{$anm} = $aln;
+			if ($atp == NetCDF::BYTE || $atp == NetCDF::CHAR || $aln == 1) {
+				my($val) = "";
+				NetCDF::attget($NC{id},$v,$anm,\$val);
+				$val =~ s{\0+$}{} if ($atp == NetCDF::CHAR);	# trailing \0
+				$NC{varAttr}{$vnm}{$anm} = $val;
+			}		
+		}
+	}
+	for (my($a)=0; $a<$nga; $a++) {						#  global attribs
+		my($anm,$atp,$aln);
+		NetCDF::attname($NC{id},NetCDF::GLOBAL,$a,$anm);
+		$NC{attrName}[$a] = $anm;
+		NetCDF::attinq($NC{id},NetCDF::GLOBAL,$anm,$atp,$aln);
+		$NC{attrType}{$anm} = $atp;
+		$NC{attrLen}{$anm} = $aln;
+		if ($atp == NetCDF::BYTE || $atp == NetCDF::CHAR || $aln == 1) {
+			my($val) = "";
+			NetCDF::attget($NC{id},NetCDF::GLOBAL,$anm,\$val);
+			$val =~ s{\0+$}{} if ($atp == NetCDF::CHAR);
+			$NC{attr}{$anm} = $val;
+		}	    
+    }
+	return %NC;
+# create new nc file and write metadata
+#		<filename>
+#		<abscissa>			name of unlimited dimension
+#		<suppress-params>	if true, don't write %PARAMs
+#		<netcdf id>
+#		- netcdf types can be set with %<var>:NC_type to
+#			byte, long, short, double
+#		- string types are as in old PASCAL convention (e.g. string80)
+#		- default type is NetCDF::DOUBLE
+#		- %<var>:NC_type are not added to ATTRIBs
+sub NC_writeMData($$$)
+	my($fn,$abscissa,$suppress_params) = @_;
+	my(%attrDone,@slDim,@NCtype);
+	my($ncId) = NetCDF::create($fn,NetCDF::CLOBBER);
+	NetCDF::setfill($ncId,NetCDF::NOFILL);				# NetCDF library bug
+														# DIMENSIONS
+	my($aid) = NetCDF::dimdef($ncId,$abscissa,NetCDF::UNLIMITED);
+	for (my($f)=0; $f<=$#antsLayout; $f++) {			# types
+		my($tpa) = $antsLayout[$f] . ':NC_type';
+		my($sl) = ($P{$tpa} =~ m{^string(\d+)$});
+		if ($sl > 0) {									# string
+			$slDim[$f] = NetCDF::dimdef($ncId,"$antsLayout[$f]:strlen",$sl);
+			$NCtype[$f] = NetCDF::CHAR;
+		} elsif (defined($P{$tpa})) {					# custom
+			$NCtype[$f] = NC_type($P{$tpa});
+		} else {										# default
+			$NCtype[$f] = NetCDF::DOUBLE;
+		}
+#		printf(STDERR "type %s set to %s\n",$antsLayout[$f],NC_typeName($NCtype[$f]));
+		undef($P{$tpa});								# do not add to ATTRIBs
+    }
+	for (my($f)=0; $f<=$#antsLayout; $f++) {			# VARIABLES
+		my($vid);
+		if (defined($slDim[$f])) {
+			$vid = NetCDF::vardef($ncId,$antsLayout[$f],$NCtype[$f],[$aid,$slDim[$f]]);
+		} else {
+			$vid = NetCDF::vardef($ncId,$antsLayout[$f],$NCtype[$f],[$aid]);
+		}
+		croak("$0: varid != fnr (implementation restriction)")
+			unless ($vid == $f);
+		foreach my $anm (keys(%P)) {					# variable attributes
+			next unless defined($P{$anm});
+			my($var,$attr) = ($anm =~ m{([^:]+):(.*)});
+			next unless ($var eq $antsLayout[$f]);
+			$attrDone{$anm} = 1;						# mark
+			if (numberp($P{$anm}) || lc($P{$anm}) eq nan) {
+				NetCDF::attput($ncId,$f,$attr,NetCDF::DOUBLE,$P{$anm});
+			} else {
+				NetCDF::attput($ncId,$f,$attr,NetCDF::CHAR,$P{$anm});
+			}
+        }		                  
+	}
+	unless ($suppress_params) {
+		foreach my $anm (keys(%P)) {					# GLOBAL ATTRIBUTES
+			next unless defined($P{$anm});
+			next if ($anm eq 'FILENAME' || $anm eq 'DIRNAME' || # skip pseudo 
+					 $anm eq 'BASENAME' || $anm eq 'EXTN' ||
+					 $anm eq 'PATHNAME' || 
+					 $anm eq 'RECNO'	|| $anm eq 'LINENO');
+			next if $attrDone{$anm};
+			if (numberp($P{$anm}) || lc($P{$anm}) eq nan) {
+				NetCDF::attput($ncId,NetCDF::GLOBAL,$anm,NetCDF::DOUBLE,$P{$anm});
+			} else {
+				NetCDF::attput($ncId,NetCDF::GLOBAL,$anm,NetCDF::CHAR,$P{$anm});
+			}
+	    }
+	}
+	NetCDF::endef($ncId);
+	return $ncId;
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/antsusage.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,628 @@
+#                    A N T S U S A G E . P L 
+#                    doc: Fri Jun 19 13:43:05 1998
+#                    dlm: Mon Feb 13 19:57:03 2012
+#                    (c) 1998 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 441 0 NIL 0 0 70 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+#	Dec 30, 1998: - removed directory from $0
+#				  - added global -P option (pass comments)
+#	Jan 02, 1999: - changed -P to -T and added -P)refix for [./fnr]
+# 	Feb 08,	1999: - added &antsUsageError()
+#	Feb 17, 1999: - added -N
+#	Feb 28, 1999: - forced string interpretation for -O, -R, -I
+#	Mar 08, 1999: - added -L, $antsLibs
+#	Mar 20, 1999: - added exit(1) for unknown options
+#				  - added optional argument to &antsUsageError()
+#	May 28, 1999: - library loading generated headers even on -Q
+#	Jun 31, 1999: - added &antsDescription()
+#	Jul 31, 1999: - added parameter typechecking (field, float, card, int, file)
+#	Aug 02, 1999: - changed &antsDescription() to be option-dependent
+#	Sep 18, 1999: - added option delimiter --
+#				  - treat cardinals & integers differently
+#				  - added option typechecking funs, e.g. &antsIntOpt()
+#				  - auto set -Q if stdout is tty
+#	Sep 19, 1999: - changed &getopts() from Perl4 to Perl5
+#	Sep 21, 1999: - load local libraries first
+#	Mar 06, 2000: - added for-M)at
+#	Mar 07, 2000: - worked on -M
+#	Aug 24, 2000: - removed setting -Q on tty (bad for [yoyo] and [Split])
+#	Aug 28, 2000: - added -Z
+#				  - changed -P to -A
+#				  - added new -P
+#	Sep 19, 2000: - set opt_M (dodgily) if not specifically set (only affects
+#					[count] so far)
+#	Sep 20, 2000: - added []-syntax to -P
+#				  - added workaround for -M %0xd bug
+#	Sep 25, 2000: - changed order of -P and -L processing
+#	Sep 26, 2000: - cosmetics
+#	Nov 13, 2000: - BUG: -- had left a single empty argument
+#	Nov 15, 2000: - added &antsParamParam()
+#				  - added &antsFileOpt()
+#	Nov 17, 2000: - made -P override any header PARAMs
+#	Jan  4, 2001: - moved -L processing before -P
+#	Feb  8, 2001: - added -G)range option
+#   Mar 17, 2001: - param->arg
+#				  - added @file:field argument syntax
+#				  - added #num-num[:step] syntax
+#	Mar 23, 2001: - added prefix{#-#}suff syntax
+#	Mar 31, 2001: - changed -G)range to #[..#]{,#[..#}
+#				  - added -F)ields f{,f}
+#	Apr  3, 2001: - added +f syntax to -F)ields
+#	Apr  5, 2001: - added f+ syntax to -F)ields
+#	Apr 24, 2001: - removed err msg in case of -G f:* (select numbers)
+#	Apr 30, 2001: - shortened date, added pwd
+#	Jun 23, 2001: - removed default setting of $opt_M
+#	Jul  6, 2001: - added degree notation to &antsFloatArg() via str2num()
+#	Jul 10, 2001: - added select field names (for V.3)
+#	Jul 13, 2001: - store ONLY field names (replaced on 1st use)
+#				  - added quotes to usage history
+#	Jul 15, 2001: - added &antsNewFieldOpt()
+#	Jul 16, 2001: - made it work with Description again
+#	Jul 24, 2001: - removed fnr lookup on -G
+#	Jul 30, 2001: - BUG: made parseHeader conditional on $antsFixedFormat
+#	Aug  9, 2001: - chgd pref{#-#}suff syntax to expand only to exist files
+#	Oct 28, 2001: - BUG: added -K handling before parseHeader
+#	Nov 22, 2001: - moved logic into &antsParseHeader()
+#	Nov 28, 2001: - cosmetics
+#	Jan 18, 2002: - old -N => -X; new -N
+#	Mar 24, 2002: - BUG: &antsFieldArg('file') did not handle %PARAMs correctly
+#	Jul 26, 2002: - removed common usage from antsUsageError unless -U is set
+#	Jan  6, 2003: - added regexp option to -G
+#	Feb  9, 2003: - BUG: {103-103}.ens hung
+#	Jun 26, 2004: - made sure that near-zero \#args are rounded to zero
+#	Jun 27, 2004: - BUG: \#22-14 did not work correctly any more
+#	Jul 12, 2004: - removed &antsDescription()
+#	May  5, 2005: - added &antsNewField()
+#	May 17, 2005: - allowed &antsFieldArg() to check [Layout]
+#	Nov  1, 2005: - disallowed numeric options by adding -- if first argument
+#				    begins with -[0-9]
+#	Nov  8, 2005: - removed -P, -T => -P, -Z => -T, added -Z
+#	Nov 17, 2005: - removed $antsLibs
+#				  - removed remainder of -D
+#				  - added $antsARGV0 for [yoyo]
+#				  - added !<arg> quoting (for filenames)
+#	Nov 18, 2005: - finally allowed %PARAMs in -G
+#	Nov 21, 2005: - BUG: had not been allowed in -G fieldname
+#   Dec  7, 2005: - antsFName -> antsLayout (not tested)
+#	Dec  9, 2005: - Version 3.2 (see [HISTORY])
+#	Dec 11, 2005: - error on 0 args & tty stdin
+#	Dec 20, 2005: - created &antsFieldInFileArg() & added flag to &antsFieldArg
+#				  - simplified opt_M, because it now works w/o $#
+#	Dec 22, 2005: - added $antsInteractive for [abc]
+#   Dec 23, 2005: - replaced defined(@array) (c.f. perlfunc(1))
+#	Dec 31, 2005: - BUG: @-notation was broken (used antique [fields]!!!)
+#	Jan  3, 2006: - added support for -S)elect
+#	Jan  9, 2006: - removed old line-masking code
+#	Jan 12, 2006: - removed -A support
+#				  - removed support for $ENV{ANTS}
+#				  - changed from old -H)eader <skip> to -H)ead <n lines>
+#	Jan 13, 2006: - moved -G handling to -S
+#				  - BUG: -G regexpr did not allow :
+#				  - renamed -T)rim to -C)anonical
+#				  - removed warnings on -M/-C
+#				  - removed weird -Z)ap
+#	Jan 14, 2006: - removed -G (now handled by -S)
+#				  - changed semantics of pref{#-#}suff special arg to
+#					expand non-existing file names
+#	Jul 28, 2006: - made special arg #-#:# numerically more robust
+#	Aug 18, 2006: - improved special arg to pref{#,#-#,...} and allow / instead of ,
+#	Dec 14, 2006: - exported handling of -X to [antsio.pl]
+#				  - disallow -P & -Q
+#	May 31, 2007: - added -G
+#	Nov 28, 2007: - replaced / by + to separate ranges in {} arguments
+#	Mar  4, 2008: - disallow partial fname matches in antsNewField*()
+#	Mar 24, 2008: - new usage formatting (glorious!)
+#	Mar 25, 2008: - added $antsSummary
+#   Mar 26, 2008: - extended -F syntax
+#	Mar 27, 2008: - modified &antsUsage() to allow disabling common options
+#	Apr 24, 2008: - added &antsFieldListOpt()
+#	May  7, 2008: - disabled -N/-S for utilities without header parsing
+#	May 13, 2008: - moved -U to standard usage message
+#	Aug  5, 2008: - suppress empty usage lines
+#   Nov 12, 2008: - added opt_T
+#	Aug 24, 2009: - added V4 dependency on @file:field special args, file args & opts
+#	Oct  3, 2009: - BUG: sometime recently I had changed the pref{}suff semantics to be
+#				    much more permissive; this led to problems as args like {print $0}
+#					were erroneously expanded; changed => pref{}suff is only expanded
+#					if first expanded element is existing file
+#				  - special args expanding to zilch are not expanded any more
+#	Aug 16, 2010: - added -A)ctivate output (F/S Poseidon, P403, Lucky Strike)
+#	Aug 28, 2010: - added suppress -D)ependency check option
+#				  - improve common-options usage help
+#	Oct 15, 2010: - removed diagnostic output about loading libs
+#	Oct 29, 2010: - replaced list by Cat in expansion of @-special args
+#	Dec 21, 2010: - made $@ at end of -F list optional (i.e. -F can end with ,)
+#	Jul 21, 2011: - modified -D usage info
+#	Sep 19, 2011: - SEMANTICS: pref{#-#}suff does now produce warning on missing files
+#	Oct  3, 2011: - BUG: pref{}suff special args were (again) too permissive and matched
+#						 output formats; this time, I solved problem by making regexp
+#						 more restrictive; if this does not work, I can go back to
+#					     earlier solution (see BUG Oct 3 2009)
+#	Oct 16, 2011: - added support for \, escape in -F to protect commas used, e.g. in
+#					function calls, from splitting the opt_F argument string
+#	Nov 11, 2011: - BUG: antsNewField did not work for external layouts
+#	Dec 29, 2011: - BUG: antsNewField did not work Cat -f c=1,1,10 without input
+#				  - BUG: antsNewField did still not work for external layouts (the bug
+#						 resulted in always extending the layout, even when the field already
+#						 existed)
+#	Feb 13, 2012: - antsNewFieldOpt simplified by using 2nd arg to fnrNoErr
+#	- ksh expands {}-arguments with commas in them!!! Use + instead
+use Getopt::Std;
+sub antsUsageError() {									# die with Usage error
+	if (defined($antsSummary)) {
+		print(STDERR "\n$0 -- $antsSummary\n\n")
+	} else {
+		print(STDERR "\n$0\n\n")
+	}
+	if ($opt_U) {
+		print(STDERR "Options & Arguments: $antsCurUsage$_[0]\n\nCommon options:\n" .
+			"\t[-F)ields {%P|f|[\$@]|[f]=expr}[,...]]\n" .
+			"\t[num for-M)at] [-C)anonical numbers] [-G)eographic lat/lon]\n" .
+			"\t[-A)ctivate output] [LaTeX -T)able output]\n" .
+			"\t[-S)elect <addr-expr>] [-N)ums f[,...]] [-H)ead <n lines>]\n" .
+			"\t[-P)ass comments] [-Q)uiet (no headers)] [-X (no new header)]\n" .
+			"\t[suppress -D)ependency checks & addition of new dependencies]\n" .
+			"\t[-L)oad <lib,...>]\n" .
+			"\t[-I)n field-sep] [-O)ut field-sep] [-R)ecord sep]\n");
+	} else {
+		print(STDERR "Options & Arguments: $antsCurUsage$_[0]\n");
+	}
+	croak("\n");
+# NB: "-" as first char in opts string disables common-option processing
+sub antsUsage($$@) {									# handle options
+	my($opts,$min,@usage) = @_;
+	my($cOpts) = 'ADM:QN:XCGPH:UI:O:R:L:F:S:T';
+	my($d,$p);
+	$antsCurUsage .= "\n\t[print full -U)sage]";
+	foreach my $uln (@usage) {
+		$antsCurUsage .= "\n\t$uln"						# suppress emtpy, e.g.
+			unless ($uln eq '');						# for interp. model usage
+	}
+	&antsUsageError()									# no args && tty stdin
+		if (!$antsInteractive && $min == 0 && @ARGV == 0 && -t 0);
+	unshift(@ARGV,'--') if ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-\d/);		# -ve number heuristics
+	chomp($0 = `basename $0`);							# set scriptname
+	chop($d = `date +%D`);								# build header line
+	chop($p = `pwd`);
+	$p = "..." . substr($p,-17) if (length($p) > 20);
+	$antsCurHeader = "#ANTS# [$d $p] $0";
+	my($i,$eoo);
+	for ($i=0; $i<=$#ARGV; $i++) {
+		$antsCurHeader .= " '$ARGV[$i]'";
+		$eoo = 1 if ($ARGV[$i] eq '--');				# -- handling
+		$ARGV[$i] = "!$ARGV[$i+1]" if ($eoo); 			# make -ve non-options
+	}
+	$antsCurHeader .= "\n";
+	pop(@ARGV) if ($eoo);								# remove last ARG
+	if ($opts =~ m{^-}) {								# no common options processing
+		$opts = $';
+		undef($cOpts);
+	}
+	&antsUsageError(), exit(1)							# parse options
+		unless (&getopts($cOpts . $opts));
+	unless ($antsParseHeader) {
+		croak("$0: -S not supported (implementation restriction)\n")
+			if defined($opt_S);
+		croak("$0: -N not supported (implementation restriction)\n")
+			if defined($opt_N);
+	}
+	if ($eoo) {											# reset args
+		for ($i=0; $i<=$#ARGV; $i++) {
+			$ARGV[$i] = substr($ARGV[$i],1);
+		}
+	}
+	if (defined($cOpts)) {								# process common options
+		croak("$0: illegal option combination (-P & -Q)\n")
+			if ($opt_P && $opt_Q);
+		&antsActivateOut() if ($opt_A);					# activate output
+		if ($opt_T) {									# LaTeX table output
+			croak("$0: illegal option combination (-T & -G)\n")
+				if ($opt_G);
+			croak("$0: illegal option combination (-T & -O)\n")
+				if defined($opt_O);
+			$opt_O = ' & ';
+			croak("$0: illegal option combination (-T & -R)\n")
+				if defined($opt_R);
+			$opt_R = ' \\\\\\\\\n';
+        }
+		if (defined($opt_I)) {							# defaults
+			eval('$opt_I = "' . $opt_I .'";');			# interpret strings 
+		} else {										# ... as perl strings
+			$opt_I = '\s+';
+		}
+		if (defined($opt_O)) {
+			eval('$opt_O = "' . $opt_O .'";');
+		} else {
+			$opt_O = "\t";
+		}
+		if (defined($opt_R)) {
+			eval('$opt_R = "' . $opt_R .'";');
+		} else {
+			$opt_R = "\n";
+		}
+		if (defined($opt_L)) {							# load libraries
+			foreach $lib (split(',',$opt_L)) {
+				if (-r "lib$lib.pl") {
+#					&antsInfo("loading ./lib$lib.pl");
+					require "lib$lib.pl";
+				} else {
+#					&antsInfo("loading $ANTS/lib$lib.pl"),
+					require "$ANTS/lib$lib.pl";
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if (defined($opt_N)) {							# parse -N)ums
+			@antsNFNames = split(',',$opt_N);
+	    }
+		if (defined($opt_F)) {							# parse -F)ields
+			$opt_F =~ s/\\,/aNtScOmMa/g;
+			@antsOutExprs = split(',',$opt_F);	
+			push(@antsOutExprs,'$@') if ($opt_F =~ /,$/);
+			foreach my $e (@antsOutExprs) {
+				$e =~ s/aNtScOmMa/,/;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	my($ai);
+	for ($ai=0; $ai<=$#ARGV; $ai++) {					# parse special args
+		my(@exp);
+		if ($ARGV[$ai] =~ /^@([^:]+):(.+)/) {			# @file:field
+			&antsAddDeps($1);
+			@exp = `Cat -QF$2 $1`;
+			croak("(...while expanding $ARGV[$ai])\n") if ($?);
+		} elsif ($ARGV[$ai] =~ /^#(-?[\d\.]+)-(-?[\d\.]+):?(-?[\d\.]+)?/) {
+			my($step) = 1;								# #num-num:step
+			if (defined($3)) {
+				$step = $3;
+			} elsif ($2 < $1) {
+				$step = -1;
+			}
+			if ($step > 0) {
+				for (my($c)=0,my($i)=$1; $i<=$2+$step/1e6; $c++,$i=$1+$c*$step) {
+					$i = 0 if (abs($i) < abs($step) / 1e6);
+					push(@exp,$i);
+				}
+			} else {
+				for (my($c)=0,my($i)=$1; $i>=$2+$step/1e6; $c++,$i=$1+$c*$step) {
+					$i = 0 if (abs($i) < abs($step) / 1e6);
+					push(@exp,$i);
+				}
+			}
+#		} elsif ($ARGV[$ai] =~ m{\{([^\}]+)\}}) {		# pref{list of ranges}suff
+		} elsif ($ARGV[$ai] =~ m{\{([-\+,\d]+)\}}) {	# pref{list of ranges}suff
+			my($pref) = $`; my($suff) = $';
+			foreach my $range (split('[,\+]',$1)) {
+				if ($range =~ /^(\d+)-(\d+)$/) {
+					my($fmt) = length($1)==length($2) ?
+							   sprintf("$pref%%0%dd$suff",length($1)) : "$pref%d$suff";
+					if ($2 > $1) {
+						for (my($i)=$1; $i<=$2; $i++) {
+							my($f) = sprintf($fmt,$i);
+							if (-f $f) { push(@exp,$f); }
+							else { &antsInfo("$ARGV[$ai]: no file <$f>"); }
+						}
+					} else {
+						for (my($i)=$1; $i>=$2; $i--) {
+							my($f) = sprintf($fmt,$i);
+							if (-f $f) { push(@exp,$f); }
+							else { &antsInfo("$ARGV[$ai]: no file <$f>"); }
+	                    }
+	                }
+				} else {
+					my($f) = "$pref$range$suff";
+					if (-f $f) { push(@exp,$f); }
+					else { &antsInfo("$ARGV[$ai]: no file <$f>"); }
+	            }
+				@exp = ($ARGV[$ai])						# make sure it *was* special arg
+					unless (@exp);
+	        }
+		} else {										# regular argument
+			next;
+		}
+		&antsInfo("WARNING: special arg $ARGV[$ai] expands to nothing"),
+		push(@exp,$ARGV[$ai])
+			unless ($#exp >= 0);
+		splice(@ARGV,$ai,1,@exp);
+	}
+	my($nargs) = $#ARGV + 1;							# check arg count
+	&antsUsageError() if ($opt_U || ($min > 0) && ($nargs < $min));
+	$antsARGV0 = $ARGV[0];								# save 1st filename
+	&antsParseHeader();									# get fields & params
+	for (my($i)=0; $i<=$#ARGV; $i++) {					# remove leading ! from args
+		$ARGV[$i] =~ s/^!//;
+	}
+	return $nargs;
+# argument typechecking
+sub antsFieldInFileArg($)
+	my($fn) = @_;
+	my($fnr);
+	&antsUsageError() unless defined($ARGV[0]);
+	open(F,$fn) || croak("$fn: $!\n");
+	if ($ARGV[0] =~ /^%/) {
+		croak("$0: no PARAM $ARGV[0] in $fn\n")
+			unless (defined(&antsFileScanParam(F,$')));
+		$fnr = $ARGV[0];
+	} else {
+		$fnr = &antsFileScanFnr(F,$ARGV[0]);
+		unless (defined($fnr)) {
+			print(STDERR "$0: WARNING: no field $ARGV[0] in $fn\n");
+			$fnr = &fnr($ARGV[0]);
+		}	    
+	}
+    close(F);
+	shift(@ARGV);
+	return $fnr;
+sub antsFieldArg($)
+	&antsUsageError() unless defined($ARGV[0]);
+	my($paramsAllowed) = @_;
+	my($fnr) = &fnr($ARGV[0]);
+	croak("$0: $ARGV[0] is not a field\n")
+		unless (numberp($fnr) || $paramsAllowed);
+	shift(@ARGV);
+	return $fnr;
+sub antsFieldOpt(@)
+	my($opt,$default) = @_;
+	if (ref($opt)) {									# reference => set
+		if (defined(${$opt})) {							# defined => check,set
+			${$opt} = &fnr(${$opt});
+		} elsif (defined($default)) {					# not defined => default
+			${$opt} = &fnr($default);
+		}
+		return ${$opt};
+	} else {											# not ref => do not set
+		return defined($opt) ? &fnr($opt) :
+					defined($default) ? &fnr($default) : $opt;
+	}
+sub antsFieldListOpt($)
+	my($opt) = @_;
+	my(@fn) = split(',',$opt);
+	my(@fi);
+	for (my($i)=0; $i<@fn; $i++) {
+		$fi[$i] = &fnr($fn[$i]);
+	}
+	return @fi;
+sub antsNewField($)										# allocate if needed
+	my($fname) = @_;
+	my($fnr);
+	$fnr = &fnrNoErr($fname,1);							# exact match
+	unless (defined($fnr)) {
+		return $antsBufNFields++						# external layout
+			unless ($antsBufNFields==0 || @antsLayout);
+		@antsNewLayout = @antsLayout
+			unless (@antsNewLayout);
+		push(@antsNewLayout,$fname);
+		$fnr = $#antsNewLayout;
+	}
+	$antsBufNFields = $fnr+1 if ($fnr >= $antsBufNFields);
+	return $fnr;
+sub antsNewFieldOpt(@)									# allocate if does not exist
+	my($opt,$default) = @_;
+	my($fname,$fnr);
+	if (ref($opt)) {									# reference => set
+		if (defined(${$opt})) {							# defined => check,set
+			$fname = ${$opt};
+		} elsif (defined($default)) {					# not defined => default
+			$fname = $default;
+		}
+		if (defined($fname)) {
+			$fnr = &antsNewField($fname);
+			${$opt} = $fnr;
+			return $fnr;
+		} else { return undef; }
+	} else {											# not ref => do not set
+		if (defined($opt)) {
+			$fname = $opt;
+		} elsif (defined($default)) {
+			$fname = $default;
+		}
+		return defined($fname) ? &antsNewField($fname) : undef;
+	}
+sub antsNoFileErr($$)
+	croak("$0: $_[0] $_[1] is not a valid file\n")
+		unless (-r $_[1]);
+	&antsAddDeps($_[1]);
+sub antsFileArg()	# arg 1 => do not shift
+	&antsUsageError() unless defined($ARGV[0]);
+	&antsNoFileErr("Argument",$ARGV[0]);
+	my($res) = $ARGV[0];
+	shift(@ARGV) unless ($_[0]);
+	return $res;
+sub antsFileOpt($)
+	my($opt) = @_;
+	&antsNoFileErr("Option Argument",$opt)
+		if (defined($opt));
+sub antsParamArg()
+	&antsUsageError() unless defined($ARGV[0]);
+	croak("$0: Argument $ARGV[0] is not a valid PARAM\n")
+		unless ($ARGV[0] =~ /^%/);
+	shift(@ARGV);
+	return $';
+sub antsNoCardErr($$)
+	croak("$0: $_[0] $_[1] is not a cardinal number\n")
+		unless (cardinalp($_[1]));
+sub antsCardArg()
+	&antsUsageError() unless defined($ARGV[0]);
+	$ARGV[0] = &{&antsCompileConstExpr($')}
+		if ($ARGV[0] =~ m{^=});
+	&antsNoCardErr("Argument",$ARGV[0]);
+	my($res) = 1.0*$ARGV[0];
+	shift(@ARGV);
+	return $res;
+sub antsCardOpt(@)
+	my($opt,$default) = @_;
+	if (ref($opt)) {									# reference => set
+		if (defined(${$opt})) {							# defined => check
+			$$opt = &{&antsCompileConstExpr($')} if ($$opt =~ m{^=});
+			&antsNoCardErr("Option Argument",${$opt});
+		} else {										# not defined => default
+			${$opt} = $default;
+		}
+		return ${$opt};
+	} else {											# not ref => do not set
+		if (defined($opt)) {
+			$opt = &{&antsCompileConstExpr($')} if ($opt =~ m{^=});
+			&antsNoCardErr("Option Argument",$opt);
+	        return $opt;
+	    } else {
+	    	return $default;
+	    }
+	}
+sub antsNoIntErr($$)
+	croak("$0: $_[0] $_[1] is not an integer\n")
+		unless (integerp($_[1]));
+sub antsIntArg()
+	&antsUsageError() unless defined($ARGV[0]);
+	$ARGV[0] = &{&antsCompileConstExpr($')}
+		if ($ARGV[0] =~ m{^=});
+	&antsNoIntErr("Argument",$ARGV[0]);
+	my($res) = 1.0*$ARGV[0];
+	shift(@ARGV);
+	return $res;
+sub antsIntOpt(@)
+	my($opt,$default) = @_;
+	if (ref($opt)) {									# reference => set
+		if (defined(${$opt})) {							# defined => check
+			$$opt = &{&antsCompileConstExpr($')} if ($$opt =~ m{^=});
+			&antsNoIntErr("Option Argument",${$opt});
+		} else {										# not defined => default
+			${$opt} = $default;
+		}
+		return ${$opt};
+	} else {											# not ref => do not set
+		if (defined($opt)) {
+			$opt = &{&antsCompileConstExpr($')} if ($opt =~ m{^=});
+			&antsNoIntErr("Option Argument",$opt);
+	        return $opt;
+	    } else {
+	    	return $default;
+	    }
+	}
+sub antsNoFloatErr($$)
+	croak("$0: $_[0] $_[1] is not a number\n")
+		unless (numberp($_[1]));
+sub antsFloatArg()
+	&antsUsageError() unless defined($ARGV[0]);
+	$ARGV[0] = &{&antsCompileConstExpr($')}
+		if ($ARGV[0] =~ m{^=});
+	my($res) = str2num($ARGV[0]);
+	&antsNoFloatErr("Argument",$res);
+	shift(@ARGV);
+	return $res;
+sub antsFloatOpt(@)
+	my($opt,$default) = @_;
+	if (ref($opt)) {									# reference => set
+		if (defined(${$opt})) {							# defined => check
+			$$opt = &{&antsCompileConstExpr($')} if ($$opt =~ m{^=});
+			&antsNoFloatErr("Option Argument",${$opt});
+		} else {										# not defined => default
+			${$opt} = $default;
+		}
+		return ${$opt};
+	} else {											# not ref => do not set
+		if (defined($opt)) {
+			$opt = &{&antsCompileConstExpr($')} if ($opt =~ m{^=});
+			&antsNoFloatErr("Option Argument",$opt);
+	        return $opt;
+	    } else {
+	    	return $default;
+	    }
+	}
+1;														# return true
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/antsutils.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,566 @@
+#                    A N T S U T I L S . P L 
+#                    doc: Fri Jun 19 23:25:50 1998
+#                    dlm: Mon Feb 13 20:13:01 2012
+#                    (c) 1998 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 94 77 NIL 0 0 70 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+# Miscellaneous auxillary functions
+#	Mar 08, 1999: - added &antsFunUsage()
+#	Mar 20, 1999: - added &fnr()
+#				  - BUG &numberp() returned TRUE on "sigma2"
+#	Mar 21, 1999: - added semantics of &antsFunUsage() to specify min
+#					args on negative number
+#	Mar 22, 1999: - added round(); NB: there's a BUG:
+#					int(2.155*10**2+0.5)/100 returns 215!!!
+#	Jul 31, 1999: - added &cardinalp() and plugged into &fnr()
+#				  - change &numberp() to conform with &antsFloatArg()
+#	Sep 13, 1999: - added &SQR()
+#				  - removed "" from valid numbers
+#	Sep 18, 1999: - added &integerp()
+#				  - added typechecking to &antsFunUsage()
+#	Sep 20, 1999: - cosmetics
+#	Aug 24, 2000: - added #include directive to Description files
+#				  - added stringlengths to &antsFunUsage()
+#	Aug 28, 2000: - added str2num to remove leading 0es & lead/trail spcs
+#				  - changed opt_P to opt_A
+#	Aug 29, 2000: - added &antsRequireParam()
+#	Sep 01, 2000: - added prefix as 2nd arg to #include directive
+#				  - disallow <> in #include directive
+#				  - debugged &str2num()
+#	Sep 03, 2000: - allowed for %param to pass through fnr w/o error check
+#	Sep 05, 2000: - str2num always kills leading/trailing spaces
+#	Sep 19, 2000: - added interpretation to ./ to #include
+#				  - inherit prefix for chained inclusion (do not chain, however)
+#	Nov 25, 2000: - backslashed leading + in regexp to increase portability
+#	May 29, 2001: - adapted &antsNumbers() to handle %PARAMs
+#				  - added &antsVal()
+#	Jul  6, 2001: - added degree notation to str2num()
+#	Jul 12, 2001: - made $# notation 1-relative (awk, shell)
+#	Jul 15, 2001: - added field name to Description open error
+#	Jul 16, 2001: - added &localFnr()
+#	Jul 19, 2001: - added &croak()
+#	Aug  1, 2001: - BUG: numberp() returned false on "-.360"
+#	May  7, 2002: - BUG: numberp() returned true on "."
+#	Mar  8, 2003: - changed Description to Layout
+#   Dec  7, 2005: - antsFName -> antsLayout (not tested)
+#	Dec  8, 2005: - Version 3.2 (see [HISTORY])
+#	Dec 12, 2005: - BUG: &outFnr() was broken
+#				  - BUG: [Layout] overrode local #FIELDS#
+#   Dec 23, 2005: - replaced defined(@array) (c.f. perlfunc(1))
+#	Jan  2, 2006: - changed numberp to allow for multiple args
+#				  - changed right back
+#	Jan  9, 2006: - BUG: fnrNoErr() had not increased $antsBufNFields on
+#					     import of an externally defined field
+#	Jan 10, 2006: - added &antsLoadModel()
+#	Jan 12, 2006: - removed -A support
+#	Jan 13: 2006: - BUG: str2num(3.00) did not yield 3
+#	Jul  1, 2006: - added isNaN (from perlfunc(1))
+#				  - changed numberp() according to perldata(1)
+#	Jul 24, 2006: - added $PRACTICALLY_ZERO, &equal()
+#	Aug 23, 2006: - improved model loading (& added model w. params)
+#	Aug 24, 2006: - made 2nd argument of round() optional
+#				  - added frac()
+#	May 11, 2007: - added Floor(), Ceil()
+#	Oct 17, 2007: - added default field names (w. caching) to &antsFunUsage()
+#	Oct 18, 2007: - added support for optional parameters
+#	Oct 19, 2007: - generalized antsFunUsage to allow default %PARAMs
+#				  - BUG: make sure usage is printed in abc when called with
+#						 wrong # of args
+#	Nov 14, 2007: - made optional arguments to round, Floor, Ceil more intuitive
+#	Dec 19, 2007: - added &numbersp()
+#	Mar  2, 2008: - adapted fnr to partial matches
+#	Mar  4, 2008: - added $antsFnrExactMatch flag
+#				  - BUG: couldn't select f1 if there is also an f10
+#	Mar 26, 2008: - BUG: abbreviated field names were imported from external
+#						 Layout
+#	Mar 27, 2008: - added %pi
+#	Mar 28, 2008: - move %pi to [argtest]; when set here filediff -e bombs
+#	Apr 15, 2008: - added &log10()
+#	Apr 16, 2008: - MAJOR CHANGE: suppress croak() STDOUT error output on -Q
+#	Apr 29, 2008: - added &ismember()
+#	Jun 11, 2008: - adder perl 5.8.8 bug workaround (0*-0.1 = -0)
+#	Nov 12, 2008: - added opt_T
+#	Mar 21, 2009: - added debug()
+#	Nov 17, 2009: - added listAllRecs flag for list(1)
+#	May 12, 2010: - BUG: round() did not work correctly for -ve numbers
+#	May 21, 2011: - added support for $antsFnrNegative
+#	Nov 11, 2011: - added exact flag to fnrNoErr()
+#	Feb 13, 2012: - BUG: failure to specify exact flag resulted in ignoring antsFnrExactMatch
+#				  - BUG: fnrNoErr disregarded exact flag for external layouts
+# fnr notes:
+#	- matches field names starting with the string given, i.e. "sig" is
+#     really "^sig"
+#	- if exact match is desired, a $ can be appended to the field name
+#	- following regexp meta chars are auto-quoted: .
+# Flags
+$antsFnrExactMatch = 0;				# set to force exact match, e.g. for antsNewField* [antsutils.pl]
+$antsFnrNegativeOk = 0;				# set to allow, e.g., $-1 in [list]
+# Error-Exit
+sub croak($)
+	print("#ANTS#ERROR# @_[0]") unless (-t 1 || $opt_Q);
+	die(@_[0]);
+# Number-related funs
+$SMALL_AMOUNT	  = 1e-6;
+sub numberp(@)
+{ return  $_[0] =~ /^([+-]?)(?=\d|\.\d)\d*(\.\d*)?([Ee]([+-]?\d+))?$/; }
+sub numbersp(@)
+	foreach my $n (@_) {
+		return undef unless numberp($n);
+	}
+	return 1;
+sub equal($$)
+{ return (@_ >= 2) && (abs($_[0]-$_[1]) < $PRACTICALLY_ZERO); }
+# check whether given val is member of a set
+sub ismember($@)
+	my($val,@set) = @_;
+	for (my($i)=0; $i<@set; $i++) {
+		return 1 if ($val == $set[$i]);
+	}
+	return undef;
+sub isnan($) # perlfunc(1)
+{ return $_[0] != $_[0]; }
+sub cardinalp($)
+{ return $_[0] =~ /^\+?\d+$/; }
+sub integerp($)
+{ return $_[0] =~ /^[+-]?\d+$/; }
+sub antsNumbers(@)
+	my($n);
+	foreach $n (@_) {
+		return 0 unless (&numberp(&antsVal($n)));
+	}
+	return 1;
+sub round(@)
+	my($accuracy) = defined($_[1]) ? $_[1] : 1;
+	return $_[0] >= 0 ? int($_[0] / $accuracy + 0.5) * $accuracy
+					  : int($_[0] / $accuracy - 0.5) * $accuracy;
+sub Ceil(@)
+	my($accuracy) = defined($_[1]) ? $_[1] : 1;
+	return int($_[0]/$accuracy + 1 - $PRACTICALLY_ZERO) * $accuracy;
+sub Floor(@)
+	my($accuracy) = defined($_[1]) ? $_[1] : 1;
+	return int($_[0]/$accuracy) * $accuracy;
+sub frac($) { return $_[0] - int($_[0]); }
+sub SQR($) { return $_[0] * $_[0]; }
+sub str2num($)
+	my($num) = @_;
+	$num =~ s/^\s*//;					# kill leading spaces
+	$num =~ s/\s*$//;					# kill trailing spaces
+	$num = (substr($1,0,1) eq '-') ? $1-$2/60 : $1+$2/60	# degrees
+		if ($num =~ /^([+-]?\d*):(\d*\.?\d*)$/);
+	return $num unless (numberp($num));
+	$num =~ s/^(-?)0*/\1/;				# kill leading 0es
+	$num =~ s/(\.\d*[1-9])0*$/\1/;		# kill trailing fractional 0es
+	$num =~ s/^\./0./;					# ensure digit before decimal pnt
+	$num =~ s/^-\./-0./;				# ditto
+	$num =~ s/\.$/.0/;					# ensure digit after decimal pnt
+	$num =~ s/^-0(\.0?)$/0/;			# 0 is positive
+	$num =~ s/\.0+$//;					# kill trailing fractional 0es
+	return ($num eq "") ? 0 : $num;
+sub fmtNum($$)							# format number for output
+	my($num,$fname) = @_;
+	$num = 0 if ($num eq '-0');			# perl 5.8.8: 0*-0.1 = -0, which is 
+										# not handled correctly by all progs
+	$num = str2num($num) if ($opt_C);
+	if ($opt_G && numberp($num)) {
+		$num = sprintf("%d:%04.1f%s",
+						abs(int($num)),
+						(abs($num)-abs(int($num)))*60,
+						$num>=0 ? "N" : "S")
+			if (lc($fname) =~ /lat/);
+		$num = sprintf("%d:%04.1f%s",
+						abs(int($num)),
+						(abs($num)-abs(int($num)))*60,
+						$num>=0 ? "E" : "W")
+			if (lc($fname) =~ /lon/);
+	}
+	if ($opt_T && numberp($num)) {
+		$num = sprintf("\\lat%s{%d}{%04.1f}",
+						$num>=0 ? "N" : "S",
+						abs(int($num)),
+						(abs($num)-abs(int($num)))*60)
+			if (lc($fname) =~ /lat/);
+		$num = sprintf("\\lon%s{%d}{%04.1f}",
+						$num>=0 ? "E" : "W",
+						abs(int($num)),
+						(abs($num)-abs(int($num)))*60)
+			if (lc($fname) =~ /lon/);
+	}
+	$num = sprintf($opt_M,$num)
+        if defined($opt_M) && numberp($num);
+    return $num;
+sub log10 { my $n = shift; return log($n)/log(10); }	# c.v. perlfunc(1)
+# Layout-related funs
+sub fname_match($$)									# modified regexp match
+	my($pat,$trg) = @_;
+	return ($pat eq $trg) if ($antsFnrExactMatch);	# exact match (pre 3.4 behavior)
+#	print(STDERR "pattern: $pat -> ");
+	$pat =~ s/\./\\\./g;							# may want more of these
+	$pat =~ s/^/\^/;
+#	print(STDERR "$pat\n");
+	return $trg =~ /$pat/;
+sub fnrInFile(...)
+	my($fname,$file,$pref,$found) = @_;
+	my($fullName);
+	local(*D);
+	open(D,$file) || return (undef,$fname);
+	while (<D>) {
+		s/\s\b/ $pref/g	if m/^#\d+/;
+		my(@fn) = split;
+		if (/^#\s*include\s*([^\s]+)\s*([^\s]+)?/) {
+			my($npref) = ($2 eq "") ? $pref : $2;
+			if (substr($1,0,2) eq "./") {
+				my($dirname) = $file;
+				$file = $1;
+				$dirname =~ s@[^/]+$@@;
+				$file = $dirname . $file;
+			} else {
+				$file = $1;
+			}
+			($found,$fullName) = &fnrInFile($fname,$file,$npref,$found);
+		}
+		next unless ($fn[0] =~ /^#\d+$/);
+		for (my($i)=1; $i<=$#fn; $i++) {
+			close(D),return ($1,$fname)
+				if (/^#(\d+)\b.*\b$fname\b/);
+		}
+		for (my($i)=1; $i<=$#fn; $i++) {
+			next unless fname_match($fname,$fn[$i]);
+			croak("$0: $fname matches multiple fields in Layout files\n")
+				if defined($found);
+			$fullName = $fn[$i];
+			($found) = ($fn[0] =~ /^#(\d+)/);
+		}
+    }
+    close(D);
+	return ($found,$fullName);
+sub localFnr($@)
+	my($fnm,@layout) = @_;
+	my($i,$fnr);
+#	print(STDERR "finding $fnm...\n");
+	croak("$0: illegal 0-length field name\n")
+		if ($fnm eq "");
+	return $fnm if ($fnm =~ /^%/);
+	if ($fnm =~ /^\$/) {
+		croak("$0: invalid field identifier \$$'\n")
+			unless (cardinalp($'));
+		return $' - 1;
+	}
+	my($i,$found);
+	if (@layout) {
+		for ($i=0; $i<=$#layout; $i++) {
+			return $i if ($layout[$i] eq $fnm);
+	    }
+		for ($i=0; $i<=$#layout; $i++) {
+			next unless fname_match($fnm,$layout[$i]);
+			croak("$0: $fnm matches multiple fields ($layout[$found],$layout[$i],...)\n")
+				if defined($found);
+			$found = $i;
+	    }
+	} else {
+		for ($i=0; $i<=$#antsLayout; $i++) {
+			return $i if ($antsLayout[$i] eq $fnm);
+	    }
+		for ($i=0; $i<=$#antsLayout; $i++) {
+			next unless fname_match($fnm,$antsLayout[$i]);
+			croak("$0: $fnm matches multiple fields ($antsLayout[$found],$antsLayout[$i],...)\n")
+				if defined($found);
+			$found = $i;
+	    }
+	}
+	return $found;
+sub fnrNoErr($)
+	my($fnm,$exact) = @_;
+	my($tmp) = $antsFnrExactMatch;
+	$antsFnrExactMatch = $exact if defined($exact);
+	my($fnr) = &localFnr($fnm);
+	$antsFnrExactMatch = $tmp;
+	my($fullName);
+	return $fnr if defined($fnr); 						# internal layout
+	return $fnm if ($fnm < 0 && $antsFnrNegativeOk);	# e.g. for $-1 in [list]
+	my($tmp) = $antsFnrExactMatch;
+	$antsFnrExactMatch = $exact if defined($exact);
+	($fnr,$fullName) = &fnrInFile($fnm,"Layout","");	# external [Layout]
+	$antsFnrExactMatch = $tmp;
+    return undef unless defined($fnr);
+    return undef										# [Layout] cannod override
+		if (defined($antsLayout[$fnr]) &&				# local definition
+			!fname_match($fnm,$antsLayout[$fnr]));
+	$antsLayout[$fnr] = $fullName if defined($fullName);# found -> add to local
+	$antsBufNFields = $fnr+1							# can happen on externally
+		if ($antsBufNFields < $fnr+1);					# ... defined fields
+	return($fnr);
+sub fnr(@)
+	my(@fnm) = @_;
+	my($f,@fnr);
+	for ($f=0; $f<=$#fnm; $f++) {
+		$fnr[$f] = &fnrNoErr($fnm[$f]);
+		next if defined($fnr[$f]);						# normal case -> done
+	    croak("$0: Unknown field $fnm[$f]\n")
+	    	unless defined($fnr[$f]);
+    }
+	return(@fnr>1 ? @fnr : $fnr[0]);
+# fnr()-equivalent but checks in output format
+#	- only used for -F processing => single argument only
+sub outFnr($)
+	my($fnm) = @_;
+	my($f,$fnr,$fullName);
+	$fnr = &localFnr($fnm,@antsNewLayout);
+	return $fnr if defined($fnr); 					# normal case -> done
+	($fnr,$fullName)  = &fnrInFile($fnm,"Layout","");	# look in [Layout]
+	croak("$0: Unknown field $fnm\n")
+		unless defined($fnr);
+	$antsNewLayout[$fnr] = $fullName;
+	return $fnr;
+# model-loading funs
+sub antsLoadModel($$)
+	my($opt,$pref) = @_;
+	my($name);
+	for ($a=0;											# find model name
+		 $a<=$#ARGV && !($ARGV[$a] =~ m/^-\S*$opt$/);
+		 $a++) { }
+	if ($a < $#ARGV) {									# found
+		$name = $ARGV[$a+1];							# load it
+		if (-r "$pref.$name") {							# local
+			&antsInfo("loading local $pref.$name...");
+			require "$pref.$name";
+			return $name;
+		} else {
+			require "$ANTS/$pref.$name";
+			return $name;
+		}
+	}
+	return undef;
+sub antsLoadModelWithArgs($$)
+	my($opt,$pref) = @_;
+	for ($a=0;											# find model name
+		 $a<=$#ARGV && !($ARGV[$a] =~ m/^-\S*$opt$/);
+		 $a++) { }
+	if ($a < $#ARGV) {									# found
+		my($name,$args) = ($ARGV[$a+1] =~ /([^\(]+)\(([^\)]*)\)$/);
+		$name = $ARGV[$a+1] unless defined($name);
+		if (-r "$pref.$name") {							# local
+			&antsInfo("loading local $pref.$name...");
+			require "$pref.$name";
+			return ($name,split(',',$args));
+		} else {
+			require "$ANTS/$pref.$name";
+			return ($name,split(',',$args));
+		}
+	}
+	return undef;
+# Misc funs
+# return either current field value or PARAM
+sub antsVal($)
+{ return ($_[0] =~ /^%/) ? $P{$'} : $ants_[$ants_][$_[0]]; }
+# 	OLD: argc, type-string, errmesg, params to parse
+# 	NEW: adds between errmesg & params:
+#		1) reference to static array for caching fnrs
+#		2) list (argc elts) of field names
+#	- backward compatible
+#	- fnr_caching only works with fixed-argc funs
+#	- undef field names denote required arguments that must be
+#	  supplied by the user, e.g. for dn2date
+sub antsFunUsage($$$@)
+	my($argc,$types,$msg,@params) = @_;
+	if (ref($params[0]) && @antsLayout>0 && @params<2*$argc+1) {  # default params
+		my(@newparams);									# 2nd test is for abc
+		my($npi) = $argc+1;
+		$listAllRecs = 1;								# special flag for list(1)
+		if (@{$params[0]} > 0) {						# fnrs already in cache
+			for (my($i)=0; $i<@{$params[0]}; $i++) {
+				push(@newparams,defined($params[0]->[$i]) ?
+							    &antsVal($params[0]->[$i]) :
+								$params[$npi++]);
+			}
+			return(@newparams);
+		}
+		for (my($i)=1; $i<=$argc; $i++) {				# fill cache & do tests
+			if (defined($params[$i])) {
+				push(@{$params[0]},&fnr($params[$i]));
+				push(@newparams,&antsVal($params[0]->[$#{$params[0]}]));
+			} else {
+				croak("usage: $msg\n") unless ($npi <= $#params);
+				push(@{$params[0]},undef);
+				push(@newparams,$params[$npi++]);
+			}
+		}
+		croak("usage: $msg\n") unless ($npi > $#params);
+		@params = @newparams;
+	} elsif (ref($params[0])) {
+		splice(@params,0,$argc+1);
+	}
+	if ($argc >= 0) {									# argument count
+		croak("usage: $msg\n") unless (@params == $argc);
+	} else {
+		croak("usage: $msg\n") unless (@params >= -$argc);
+	}
+	for (my($i)=0; $i<length($types); $i++) {			# type checking
+		$_ = substr($types,$i,1);
+		SWITCH: {
+			last unless defined($params[$i]);
+			&antsNoCardErr("",$params[$i]),last SWITCH if (/c/);
+			&antsNoIntErr("",$params[$i]),last SWITCH if (/i/);
+			&antsNoFloatErr("",$params[$i]),last SWITCH if (/f/);
+			&antsNoFileErr("",$params[$i]),last SWITCH if (/F/);
+			if (/\d/) {
+				croak("$0: $params[$i] is not a string of length $_\n")
+					unless ($_ == length($params[$i]));
+				last SWITCH;
+			}
+			last SWITCH if (/\./);
+			croak("&antsFunUsage: illegal type specifier $_\n");
+		}
+	}
+	return @params;
+} # sub antsfunusage()
+sub antsRequireParam($)
+	my($pn) = @_;
+	croak("$0: required PARAM $pn not set\n")
+		unless (defined($P{$pn}));
+	return $P{$pn};
+{ my($term);	# STATIC
+sub debug($)
+	my($prompt) = @_;
+	unless (defined($term)) {						# initialize
+		use Term::ReadLine;
+		$term = new Term::ReadLine $ARGV0;
+    }
+	do {
+		my($expr) = $term->readline("$prompt>");
+		return if ($expr eq 'return');
+		$res = eval($expr);
+		if 	(defined($res)) {						# no error
+			print(STDERR "$res\n");
+		} else {									# error
+			print(STDERR "$@");
+		}
+	} while (1);
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/covsrt.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+#                    C O V S R T . P L 
+#                    doc: Sun Sep 26 18:44:11 1999
+#                    dlm: Sun Sep 26 18:56:56 1999
+#                    (c) 1999 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 46 2 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 ofnI
+# 2nd edition covsrt.c adapted to ANTS
+#	Sep 26, 1999: - created after confusion about old version [covsrt_old.pl]
+sub covsrt($$)
+	my($covarR,$iaR) = @_;
+	my($ma) = $#{$covarR};
+	my($mfit) = $#{$iaR};
+	my($i,$j,$k);
+	my($swap);
+	for ($i=$mfit+1;$i<=$ma;$i++) {
+		for ($j=1;$j<=$i;$j++) {
+			$covarR->[$i][$j] = 0;
+			$covarR->[$j][$i] = 0;
+		}
+	}
+	$k=$mfit;
+	for ($j=$ma;$j>=1;$j--) {
+		if ($iaR->[$j]) {
+			for ($i=1;$i<=$ma;$i++) {
+				$swap = $covarR->[$i][$k];
+				$covarR->[$i][$k] = $covarR->[$i][$j];
+				$covarR->[$i][$j] = $swap;
+			}
+			for ($i=1;$i<=$ma;$i++) {
+				$swap = $covarR->[$k][$i];
+				$covarR->[$k][$i] = $covarR->[$j][$i];
+				$covarR->[$j][$i] = $swap;
+			}
+			$k--;
+		}
+	}
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/covsrt_old.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+#                    C O V S R T _ O L D . P L 
+#                    doc: Wed Feb 24 17:35:07 1999
+#                    dlm: Sun Sep 26 18:42:48 1999
+#                    (c) 1999 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 12 0 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 ofnI
+# COVSRT routine from Numerical Recipes adapted to ANTS
+# NB: this is the 1st edition version using listA!!!!
+# Notes:
+#	- both @covar and @listA passed by ref
+sub covsrt($$)
+	my($covarR,$listAR) = @_;
+	my($ma) = $#{$covarR};
+	my($mfit) = $#{$listAR};
+	my($i,$j);
+	my($swap);
+	for ($j=1; $j<$ma; $j++) {
+		for ($i=$j+1; $i<=$ma; $i++) { $covarR->[$i][$j] = 0.0; }
+	}
+	for ($i=1; $i<$mfit; $i++) {
+		for ($j=$i+1; $j<=$mfit; $j++) {
+			if ($listAR->[$j] > $listAR->[$i]) {
+				$covarR->[$listAR->[$j]][$listAR->[$i]] = $covarR->[$i][$j];
+			} else {
+				$covarR->[$listAR->[$i]][$listAR->[$j]] = $covarR->[$i][$j];
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	$swap = $covarR->[1][1];
+	for ($j=1; $j<=$ma; $j++) {
+		$covarR->[1][$j]  = $covarR->[$j][$j];
+		$covarR->[$j][$j] = 0.0;
+	}
+	$covarR->[$listAR->[1]][$listAR->[1]] = $swap;
+	for ($j=2; $j<=$mfit; $j++) {
+		$covarR->[$listAR->[$j]][$listAR->[$j]] = $covarR->[1][$j];
+	}
+	for ($j=2; $j<=$ma; $j++) {
+		for ($i=1; $i<=$j-1; $i++) {
+			$covarR->[$i][$j] = $covarR->[$j][$i];
+		}
+	}
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fft.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,403 @@
+#                    F F T . P L 
+#                    doc: Fri Mar 12 09:20:33 1999
+#                    dlm: Mon Jul 24 14:58:04 2006
+#                    (c) 1999 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 241 36 NIL 0 0 72 66 2 4 NIL ofnI
+# Notes:
+#	It was found when rotary-analysing the FLAME current meters that
+#	the sign of the frequencies returned was wrong. When investigating
+#	the problem it was found that there are two conventions, one called
+#	the engineering convention which is followed by Bendat & Piersol
+#	[1971], Gonella [1972], and Mooers [1973] but not Numerical Recipes.
+#	For real-valued functions it does not matter because the power
+#	of the positive and negative frequencies are summed. The engineering
+#	convention appears more sensible, however, because it actually leads
+#	to the anticlockwise component to be reported as positive frequencies
+#	which is consistent with exp(i phi) = cos phi + i sin phi and the
+#	usual axes orientations.
+#	Mar 12, 1999: - adapted from NR
+#	Mar 13, 1999: - ``perlified'' (0-relative arrays; return value)
+#	Mar 14, 1999: - cosmetic changes
+#	Mar 15, 1999: - pad initial/final NaN values with 0es
+#	Dec 08, 1999: - adapted for complex FFT
+#	Dec 09, 1999: - continued
+#	Dec 10, 1999: - BUG: < replaced by <= (no difference)
+#	Dec 11, 1999: - investigated wrong frequency sign
+#	Dec 14, 1999: - changed one-sided spectra to get half of the f=0 power
+#	Mar 04, 2000: - require mean-removal when zero-padding is used
+#				  - BUG (cosmetic)
+#	Mar 05: 2000: - BUG: died even if no padding was done
+#	Mar 08, 2000: - removed opt_r hard-coding
+#	May 02, 2001: - BUG: RMS was really standard deviation estimator
+#	Aug 29, 2003: - BUG: &icFFT did not calc sigma correctly whenever
+#						 infield == outfield (e.g. [fftfilt] w/o -f)
+#	Mar 31, 2004: - added cFFT_bufR()
+#	Feb  9, 2005: - added &phase_pos(), &phase_neg()
+#   Jul  1, 2006: - Version 3.3 [HISTORY]
+#   Jul 24, 2006: - modified to use $PRACTICALLY_ZERO
+# FOUR1 routine
+# Notes:
+#	- nan will abort FFT!
+#	- added power of two assertions
+#	- arrays are 0-relative
+#	- isig should be set to -1 for FFT and to 1 for reverse FFT (see
+#	  note above)
+sub FOUR1($@) # ($isign, @data) => @fourier coefficients
+	my($isign,@data) = @_;
+	my($n,$mmax,$m,$j,$istep,$i);
+	my($wtemp,$wr,$wpr,$wpi,$wi,$theta);
+	my($tempr,$tempi);
+	my($N) = @data / 2;
+	$n = $N << 1;										# re-order input
+	$j = 0;
+	for ($i=0; $i<$n-1; $i+=2) {
+		if ($j > $i) {
+			$tempr = $data[$j];
+			$tempi = $data[$j+1];
+			$data[$j]   = $data[$i];
+			$data[$j+1] = $data[$i+1];
+			$data[$i]   = $tempr;
+			$data[$i+1] = $tempi;
+        }
+        croak("$0 (fft.pl) $N is not a power of two\n")
+        	if ($n % 2);
+		$m = $n >> 1;
+		while ($m >= 2 && $j >= $m) {
+			$j -= $m;
+			croak("$0 (fft.pl) $N is not a power of two\n")
+	            if ($m % 2);
+			$m >>= 1;
+		}
+		$j += $m;
+	}
+#	for ($i=0; $i<=$#data; $i+=2) {						# dump data
+#		print(STDERR "$data[$i]$opt_O$data[$i+1]$opt_R")
+#	}
+	$mmax = 2;											# do FFT
+	while ($n > $mmax) {
+		$istep = $mmax << 1;
+		$theta = $isign*(6.28318530717959/$mmax);
+		$wtemp = sin(0.5*$theta);
+		$wpr   = -2.0*$wtemp*$wtemp;
+		$wpi   = sin($theta);
+		$wr    = 1.0;
+		$wi    = 0.0;
+		for ($m=0; $m<$mmax-1; $m+=2) {
+			for ($i=$m; $i<=$n-1; $i+=$istep) {
+				$j     = $i + $mmax;
+				$tempr = $wr*$data[$j]   - $wi*$data[$j+1];
+				$tempi = $wr*$data[$j+1] + $wi*$data[$j];
+				$data[$j]    = $data[$i]   - $tempr;
+				$data[$j+1]  = $data[$i+1] - $tempi;
+				$data[$i]   += $tempr;
+				$data[$i+1] += $tempi;
+			}
+			$wtemp = $wr;
+			$wr    = $wr*$wpr - $wi*$wpi    + $wr;
+			$wi    = $wi*$wpr + $wtemp*$wpi + $wi;
+		}
+		$mmax = $istep;
+	}
+	return @data;
+# TWOFFT routine
+# Notes:
+#	- arrays are 0-relative
+#	- array references are used throughout; input arrays are 
+#     in $ants_[][] style; ouput are simple arrays
+#	- isign convention of NR is used here!!!
+sub TWOFFT($$$$$$)
+	my($data1R,$fnr1,$data2R,$fnr2,$fft1R,$fft2R) = @_;
+	my($nn3,$nn2,$jj,$j);
+	my($rep,$rem,$aip,$aim);
+	my($n) = scalar(@{$data1R});
+	$nn3 = 1 + ($nn2 = 2 + $n + $n);
+	for ($j=1,$jj=2; $j<=$n; $j++,$jj+=2) {
+		$fft1R->[$jj-2] = $data1R->[$j-1][$fnr1];
+		$fft1R->[$jj-1] = $data2R->[$j-1][$fnr2];
+	}
+	@{$fft1R} = FOUR1(1,@{$fft1R});
+	$fft2R->[0] = $fft1R->[1];
+	$fft1R->[1] = $fft2R->[1] = 0;
+	for ($j=3; $j<=$n+1; $j+=2) {
+		$rep = 0.5 * ($fft1R->[$j-1] + $fft1R->[$nn2-$j-1]);
+		$rem = 0.5 * ($fft1R->[$j-1] - $fft1R->[$nn2-$j-1]);
+		$aip = 0.5 * ($fft1R->[$j] + $fft1R->[$nn3-$j-1]);
+		$aim = 0.5 * ($fft1R->[$j] - $fft1R->[$nn3-$j-1]);
+		$fft1R->[$j-1] = $rep;
+		$fft1R->[$j]   = $aim;
+		$fft1R->[$nn2-$j-1] =  $rep;
+		$fft1R->[$nn3-$j-1] = -$aim;
+		$fft2R->[$j-1] =  $aip;
+		$fft2R->[$j]   = -$rem;
+		$fft2R->[$nn2-$j-1] = $aip;
+		$fft2R->[$nn3-$j-1] = $rem;
+	}
+# Interface to @ants_
+# Notes:
+#	- N (number of complex samples) calculated as next larger pwr-of-two
+#	  if set to 0 on calling; otherwise set is used
+#	- @ants_ padded with 0es to $N (deprecated in Hamming [1989])
+#	- ditto initial and final missing values
+#	- set ifnr to nan if input is purely real
+sub cFFT($$$) { return cFFT_bufR(\@ants_,@_); }
+sub cFFT_bufR($$$) # ($bufR, $rfnr, $ifnr, [$N]) => @coeff
+	my($bufR,$fnr,$ifnr,$N) = @_;
+	my(@data,$i,$lastSet);
+	unless ($N) {									# $N not set
+		for ($N=1; $N <= $#ants_; $N <<= 1) {}		# next greater pwroftwo
+		&antsInfo("(fft.pl) N set to $N")
+			unless ($N == $#ants_+1);
+	}
+	for ($i=0; $i<$N && $i<=$#ants_; $i++) {		# PAD
+		last if (numberp($bufR->[$i][$fnr]) &&
+				 (isnan($ifnr) || numberp($bufR->[$i][$ifnr])));
+		$data[2*$i]   = 0;
+		$data[2*$i+1] = 0;
+	}
+	$lastSet = $i - 1;
+	&antsInfo("(fft.pl) WARNING: $i initial non-numbers padded with 0es!!!"),
+		$padded=1 if ($i);
+	while ($i<$N && $i<=$#ants_) {					# fill
+		$i++,next unless (numberp($bufR->[$i][$fnr]) &&	# skip non-numbers 
+				          (isnan($ifnr) || numberp($bufR->[$i][$ifnr])));
+		croak("$0: (fft.pl) $lastSet, $i can't handle missing values ($bufR->[$lastSet+1][$fnr])!\n")
+			if ($lastSet != $i-1);					# missing values
+		$data[2*$i]   = $bufR->[$i][$fnr];			# real
+		$data[2*$i+1] = isnan($ifnr) ? 0 : $bufR->[$i][$ifnr];	# imag
+		$lastSet = $i;
+		$i++;
+	}
+	&antsInfo("(fft.pl) WARNING: %d final non-numbers padded with 0es!!!",$i-$lastSet-1),
+		$padded=1 if ($i > $lastSet+1);
+	&antsInfo("(fft.pl) WARNING: padded with %d 0es to next pwr-of-two!!!",$N-$i),
+		$padded=1 if ($i < $N);
+	croak("$0: (fft.pl) refusing to pad with zeroes unless mean is removed (sorry)\n")
+		if ($padded && !$FFT_ALLOW_ZERO_PADDING);
+	$i = $lastSet + 1;
+	while ($i < $N) {								# PAD
+		$data[2*$i]   = 0;
+		$data[2*$i+1] = 0;
+		$i++;
+	}
+	return &FOUR1(-1,@data);
+sub icFFT($$@) # ($ofnr, $tfnr, @coeff) => sigma
+	my($ofnr,$tfnr,@coeff) = @_;
+	my($N) = ($#coeff+1)/2;
+	my(@val) = &FOUR1(1,@coeff);
+	my($i);
+	my($n) = 0;
+	my($sumsq) = 0;
+	my($mai) = 0;
+	for ($i=0; $i<$N && $i<=$#ants_ ; $i++) {		# fill
+		my($oldval) = $ants_[$i][$ofnr];
+		push(@{$ants_[$i]},nan)						# pad empty fields
+			while ($#{$ants_[$i]} < $tfnr);
+		$ants_[$i][$tfnr] = $val[2*$i]/$N;			# real
+		$mai = abs($val[2*$i+1])					# imag
+			if (abs($val[2*$i+1]) > $mai);
+		next unless (numberp($oldval));	# sigma
+		$sumsq += ($oldval - $ants_[$i][$tfnr])**2;
+		$n++;
+	}
+	&antsInfo("(fft.pl) WARNING: imaginary exponents (abs <= $mai) ignored")
+		if ($mai > $PRACTICALLY_ZERO);
+	&antsInfo("(fft.pl) WARNING: reducing data (%d -> %d)",$#ants_+1,$N)
+		if ($i <= $#ants_);
+	while ($i <= $#ants_) {
+		$ants_[$i][$fnr] = nan;
+		$i++;
+    }
+    return ($n > 1) ? sqrt($sumsq/($n-1)) : nan;
+# Periodogram (p.421; (12.7.5) -- (12.7.6))
+# Miscellaneous Notes:
+# - there are N/2 + 1 values in the (unbinned) PSD (see NR)
+# Notes regarding the effects of zero padding:
+# - using zero-padding on a time series where the mean is not removed
+#	can result in TOTALLY DIFFERENT RESULTS, try it e.g. with
+#	temperatures!!! (A moment's thought will reveal why)
+# - Because the total power is normalized to the mean squared amplitude
+#	0-padded values depress the power; this was taken care of below by
+#	normalizing the power by multiplying it with nrm=(nData+nZeroes)/nData;
+# - this was checked using `avg -m' (in case of complex input the total
+#	power is given by sqrt(Re**2+Im**2));
+# - if zero-padding is used sqrt(nrm*P[0]) is mean value (done in [pgram])
+# Notes on interpreting the power spectrum (Hamming [1989] & NR):
+# - the frequency spectrum encompasses the frequencies between 0 (the
+#	mean value) and the Nyquist frequency (1 / (2 x sampling interval))
+# - higher frequencies are aliased into the power spectrum in a mirrored
+#   way (e.g. noise tends to (linearly?) approach zero as f goes to inft;
+#   the downsloping spectrum `hits' the Nyquist frequency, turns around
+#   and continues falling towards the zero frequency, where it gets mirrored
+# 	again => spectrum flattens towards Nyquist frequency
+# - the sum over all P's (total power) is equal to the mean square value;
+#	when one-sided spectra are used, P[0] and P[N/2] are counted doubly
+#	and must be subtracted from the total; NB: the total power is reduced
+#	if data are padded with 0es
+# - sqrt(P[0]) is an estimate for the mean value which is only accurate
+#   if no zero-padding is perfomed; removing the mean will
+#	strongly change the spectrum near the origin which might
+#   or might not be a good thing, depending on the physics behind it (e.g.
+#	it makes sense to remove the mean if a power spectrum from a temperature
+#	record is calculated but not if flow velocity is used).
+#   Removing higher order trends will also affect the spectrum but not
+#   in such a simple fashion. Note that the problem is mainly restricted
+#   to cases where the signal is in the low frequency and thus affected
+#	by the strong changes in the spectrum there.
+# Notes on the two-sided spectra:
+# - the power of the mean flow (sqrt(P[0])) is non-rotary. To have the sum
+#	of both one-sided spectra equal the two-sided one, each one-sided
+#	spectrum gets half of the total value.
+# - the same is true for the highest frequency; at the Nyquist frequency
+#	every rotation is sampled exactly twice => polarization cannot be
+#	determined (imagine a wheel with one spoke...)
+sub pgram_onesided(@) # $nData,@C -> return @P
+	my($nData,@C) = @_;
+	my($N)    = ($#C+1) / 2;				# number of fourier comps
+	my($Pfac) = $N**(-2) * $N/$nData;		# normalized to mean-sq amp
+	my($k,@P);
+	$P[0] = $Pfac * ($C[0]**2 + $C[1]**2);	# calc periodogram
+	for ($k=1; $k<=$N/2-1; $k++) {
+		$P[$k] = $Pfac * ($C[2*$k]**2 + $C[2*$k+1]**2 +
+						  $C[2*($N-$k)]**2 + $C[2*($N-$k)+1]**2);
+	}
+	$P[$N/2] = $Pfac * ($C[2*($N/2)]**2 + $C[2*($N/2)+1]**2);
+	return @P;
+sub pgram_pos(@) # $nData,@C -> return @P
+	my($nData,@C) = @_;
+	my($N)    = ($#C+1) / 2;				# number of fourier comps
+	my($Pfac) = $N**(-2) * $N/$nData;		# normalized to mean-sq amp
+	my($k,@P);
+	$P[0] = 0.5 * $Pfac * ($C[0]**2 + $C[1]**2);	# calc periodogram
+	for ($k=1; $k<=$N/2-1; $k++) {
+		$P[$k] = $Pfac * ($C[2*$k]**2 + $C[2*$k+1]**2);
+	}
+	$P[$N/2] = 0.5 * $Pfac * ($C[2*($N/2)]**2 + $C[2*($N/2)+1]**2);
+	return @P;
+sub pgram_neg(@) # $nData,@C -> return @P
+	my($nData,@C) = @_;
+	my($N)    = ($#C+1) / 2;				# number of fourier comps
+	my($Pfac) = $N**(-2) * $N/$nData;		# normalized to mean-sq amp
+	my($k,@P);
+	$P[0] = 0.5 * $Pfac * ($C[0]**2 + $C[1]**2);	# calc periodogram
+	for ($k=1; $k<=$N/2-1; $k++) {
+		$P[$k] = $Pfac * ($C[2*($N-$k)]**2 + $C[2*($N-$k)+1]**2);
+	}
+	$P[$N/2] = 0.5 * $Pfac * ($C[2*($N/2)]**2 + $C[2*($N/2)+1]**2);
+	return @P;
+# Current Ellipses (Emery and Thomson, (Rotary Component Spectra)
+# Notes on phase (ellipsis inclination) calculations:
+#	- comparing equations 5.6.42 and 5.6.43 in E+T shows a sign
+#	  sign change of one of the terms (U_2k - V_1k in eqn 5.6.42a)
+#	- for reasons of symmetry, this is unlikely to be correct
+#	- in order to test this, I compared the M2 ellipses inclinations of
+#	  a tidal analysis of BBTRE instruments #1 & #3 with the output
+#	  and found that changing the sign in 5.6.43a brought the values
+#	  into agreement (#1: tidal analysis 155+-3, pgram -25; #3: 136+-5,
+#	  pgram -44)
+#	- the changes are marked in the code by a (superfluous) + sign
+#	- the sign change was later found to be consistent with the
+#	  tidal analysis package manual by MGG Foreman (p.11)
+sub phase_pos(@) # @C -> return @eps
+	my(@C) = @_;
+	my($N) = ($#C+1) / 2;				# number of fourier comps
+	my($k,@eps);
+	$eps[0] = 180 / $PI * atan2(+$C[1],$C[0]);
+	for ($k=1; $k<=$N/2-1; $k++) {
+		$eps[$k] = 180 / $PI * atan2(+$C[2*$k+1],$C[2*$k]);
+	}
+	$eps[$N/2] = 180 / $PI * atan2(+$C[2*($N/2)+1],$C[2*($N/2)]);
+	return @eps;
+sub phase_neg(@) # @C -> return @P
+	my(@C) = @_;
+	my($N) = ($#C+1) / 2;				# number of fourier comps
+	my($k,@P);
+	$eps[0] = 180 / $PI * atan2(+$C[1],$C[0]);
+	for ($k=1; $k<=$N/2-1; $k++) {
+		$eps[$k] = 180 / $PI * atan2(+$C[2*($N-$k)+1],$C[2*($N-$k)]);
+	}
+	$eps[$N/2] = 180 / $PI * atan2(+$C[2*($N/2)+1],$C[2*($N/2)]);
+	return @eps;
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gaussj.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+#                    G A U S S J . P L 
+#                    doc: Wed Feb 24 17:06:55 1999
+#                    dlm: Fri Jan  6 10:23:44 2012
+#                    (c) 1999 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 46 0 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+# GAUSSJ routine from Numerical Recipes adapted to ANTS
+# Notes:
+#	- both @A and @B passed by ref
+#	Feb 24, 1999: - apparently created
+#	Jul 19, 2001: - apparently fiddled
+#	Jan  6, 2011: - added code to check for numericity of input
+sub gaussj($$)
+	my($AR,$BR) = @_;
+	my($n) = $#{$AR};
+	my($m) = $#{$BR->[1]};
+	my(@indxc,@indxr,@ipiv);
+	my($i,$icol,$irow,$j,$k,$l,$ll);
+	my($big,$dum,$pivinv);
+	my($temp);
+#	print(STDERR "n = $n, m = $m\n");
+#	for ($i=1; $i<=$n; $i++) {
+#		for ($j=1; $j<=$n; $j++) {
+#			print(STDERR "A[$i][$j] = $AR->[$i][$j]\n");
+#		}
+#	}
+	&vector(\@indxc,1,$n);
+	&vector(\@indxr,1,$n);
+	&vector(\@ipiv, 1,$n);
+	for ($j=1; $j<=$n; $j++) { $ipiv[$j] = 0; }
+	for ($i=1; $i<=$n; $i++) {
+		$big = 0.0;
+		for ($j=1; $j<=$n; $j++) {
+			if ($ipiv[$j] != 1) {
+				for ($k=1; $k<=$n; $k++) {
+					if ($ipiv[$k] == 0) {
+						croak("GAUSSJ: non-numeric A[$j][$k]\n")
+							unless numberp($AR->[$j][$k]);
+						if (abs($AR->[$j][$k]) >= $big) {
+							$big = abs($AR->[$j][$k]);
+							$irow = $j;
+							$icol = $k;
+						}
+					} elsif ($ipiv[$k] > 1) {
+						croak("GAUSSJ: Singular Matrix-1");
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		++($ipiv[$icol]);
+		if ($irow != $icol) {
+			for ($l=1; $l<=$n; $l++) {
+				$temp = $AR->[$irow][$l];
+				$AR->[$irow][$l] = $AR->[$icol][$l];
+				$AR->[$icol][$l] = $temp;
+			}
+			for ($l=1; $l<=$m; $l++) {
+				croak("GAUSSJ: non-numeric B[$irow][$l]\n")
+						unless numberp($BR->[$irow][$l]);
+				croak("GAUSSJ: non-numeric B[$icol][$l]\n")
+						unless numberp($BR->[$icol][$l]);
+				$temp = $BR->[$irow][$l];
+				$BR->[$irow][$l] = $BR->[$icol][$l];
+				$BR->[$icol][$l] = $temp;
+			}
+		}
+		$indxr[$i] = $irow;
+		$indxc[$i] = $icol;
+		if ($AR->[$icol][$icol] == 0.0) {
+			croak("GAUSSJ: Singular Matrix-2");
+		}
+		$pivinv = 1.0/$AR->[$icol][$icol];
+		$AR->[$icol][$icol] = 1.0;
+		for ($l=1; $l<=$n; $l++) {
+			$AR->[$icol][$l] *= $pivinv;
+		}
+		for ($l=1; $l<=$m; $l++) {
+			$BR->[$icol][$l] *= $pivinv;
+		}
+		for ($ll=1; $ll<=$n; $ll++) {
+			if ($ll != $icol) {
+				$dum = $AR->[$ll][$icol];
+				$AR->[$ll][$icol] = 0.0;
+				for ($l=1; $l<=$n; $l++) {
+					$AR->[$ll][$l] -= $AR->[$icol][$l]*$dum;
+				}
+				for ($l=1; $l<=$m; $l++) {
+					$BR->[$ll][$l] -= $BR->[$icol][$l]*$dum;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	for ($l=$n; $l>=1; $l--) {
+		if ($indxr[$l] != $indxc[$l]) {
+			for ($k=1; $k<=$n; $k++) {
+				$temp = $AR->[$k][$indxr[$l]];
+				$AR->[$k][$indxr[$l]] = $AR->[$k][$indxc[$l]];
+				$AR->[$k][$indxc[$l]] = $temp;
+			}
+		}
+	}
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lfit.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+#                    L F I T . P L 
+#                    doc: Sat Jul 31 11:24:47 1999
+#                    dlm: Thu Jan  5 12:53:11 2012
+#                    (c) 1999 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 19 60 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+# LFIT routine from Numerical Recipes adapted to ANTS
+#	Jul 31, 1999: - manually converted from c-source
+#	Aug 01, 1999: - changed funcs() interface
+#	Sep 26, 1999: - made sure right version of covsrt is used
+#	Jun 28, 2001: - re-added commented out code 'cause it's required
+#					on some perl versions
+#	Jan  5, 2012: - BUG: non-numeric x/y were not handled correctly;
+#						 this was only easily apparent when the last
+#						 record contained non-numeric values
+# Notes:
+#   - x,y,sig are field numbers for data in $ants_
+#	- funcs is passed the current index & xfnr instead of the x-value
+#   - if sig is a negative number, -sig is used as constant input stddev
+#   - @a, @ia, @covar, &funcs passed as refs
+#	- chi square is returned
+require "$ANTS/nrutil.pl";
+require "$ANTS/covsrt.pl";
+require "$ANTS/gaussj.pl";
+sub lfit($$$$$$$)
+	my($xfnr,$yfnr,$sig,$aR,$iaR,$covarR,$funcsR) = @_;
+	my($i,$j,$k,$l,$m,$mfit);			# int
+	my($ym,$wt,$sum,$sig2i,$chisq);		# float
+	my(@beta,@afunc);					# float[]
+	&matrix(\@beta,1,$#{$aR},1,1);
+	&vector(\@afunc,1,$#{$aR});
+	for ($j=1; $j<=$#{$aR}; $j++) {
+		$mfit++ if ($iaR->[$j]);
+	}
+	croak("lfit: no parameters to be fitted") if ($mfit == 0);
+	for ($j=1; $j<=$mfit; $j++) {		# REQUIRED FOR SOME PERL VERSIONS!!!
+		for ($k=1;$ k<=$mfit; $k++) {
+			$covarR->[$j][$k] = 0;
+		}
+		$beta[$j][1] = 0;
+	}
+	for ($i=0; $i<=$#ants_; $i++) {
+		next if ($antsFlagged[$i]);
+		next unless numberp($ants_[$i][$xfnr]) && numberp($ants_[$i][$yfnr]);
+		&$funcsR($i,$xfnr,\@afunc);
+		$ym = $ants_[$i][$yfnr];
+		if ($mfit < $#{$aR}) {
+			for ($j=1; $j<=$#{$aR}; $j++) {
+				$ym -= $aR->[$j]*$afunc[$j] if (!$iaR->[$j]);
+			}
+		}
+        if ($sig > 0) {                                 # field number
+            $sig2i = 1.0/($ants_[$i][$sig]*$ants_[$i][$sig]);
+        } else {                                        # const value
+            $sig2i = 1.0/($sig*$sig);
+        }
+		for ($j=0,$l=1; $l<=$#{$aR}; $l++) {
+			if ($iaR->[$l]) {
+				$wt = $afunc[$l]*$sig2i;
+				for ($j++,$k=0,$m=1; $m<=$l; $m++) {
+					$covarR->[$j][++$k] += $wt*$afunc[$m] if ($iaR->[$m]);
+				}
+				$beta[$j][1] += $ym*$wt;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	for ($j=2; $j<=$mfit; $j++) {
+		for ($k=1;$k<$j;$k++) {
+			$covarR->[$k][$j] = $covarR->[$j][$k];
+#			print(STDERR "covarR[$k][$j] = $covarR->[$k][$j]\n");
+		}
+	}
+	&gaussj($covarR,\@beta);
+	for ($j=0,$l=1;$l<=$#{$aR};$l++) {
+		$aR->[$l]=$beta[++$j][1] if ($iaR->[$l]);
+	}
+	for ($i=0; $i<=$#ants_; $i++) {
+		next if ($antsFlagged[$i]);
+		next unless numberp($ants_[$i][$xfnr]) && numberp($ants_[$i][$yfnr]);
+		&$funcsR($i,$xfnr,\@afunc);
+		for ($sum=0,$j=1; $j<=$#{$aR}; $j++) {
+			$sum += $aR->[$j]*$afunc[$j];
+		}
+		my($tmpval) = ($sig > 0) ?
+			($ants_[$i][$yfnr] - $sum) / $ants_[$i][$sig] :
+			($ants_[$i][$yfnr] - $sum) / -$sig;
+		$chisq += $tmpval * $tmpval;
+	}
+	&covsrt($covarR,$iaR);
+	return $chisq;
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libCPT.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+#                    L I B C P T . P L 
+#                    doc: Wed Nov 15 12:28:49 2000
+#                    dlm: Fri May  9 11:40:01 2008
+#                    (c) 2000 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 25 31 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+#	Nov 15, 2000: - created
+#	May 29, 2001: - made bg/fg numeric
+#	May 31, 2001: - removed dummy bg val from all arrays
+#	Dec 12, 2001: - clarified format errors
+#	Jun 21, 2004: - relaxed cpt file format restrictions
+#			      - made cpt into a hash
+#				  - totally re-written
+#	Jun 25, 2004: - return good value if $z equal upper cpt table limit
+#	Jun 28, 2004: - added default color model
+#	Jun 30, 2004: - renamed from libGMT.pl to libCPT.pl
+#	Dec  1, 2005: - BUG: roundoff error
+#   Jul  1, 2006: - Version 3.3 [HISTORY]
+#   Jul 24, 2006: - modified to use $PRACTICALLY_ZERONY
+#	Aug 16, 2006: - BUG: last level was returned on value < first level
+#	May  9, 2008: - adapted to GMT 4.3 (see also IMPLEMENTATION NOTES
+#					in [mkCPT])
+# CPT File Parsing
+# NB: %CPT structure assumes RGB --- if the color model is really HSV,
+#	  field names are wrong.
+# %CPT
+#	levels				number of different color levels
+#	color_model			RGB or HSV
+#	@from_z				from values (z, RGB) for each level
+#	@from_R
+#	@from_G
+#	@from_B
+#	@to_z				to values (z, RGB) for each level
+#	@to_R
+#	@to_G
+#	@to_B
+#	bg_R				background vals
+#	bg_G
+#	bg_B
+#	fg_R				foreground vals
+#	fg_G
+#	fg_B
+#	nan_R				nan vals
+#	nan_G
+#	nan_B
+sub readCPT($)
+	my($f) = @_;
+	my($flag,%CPT);
+	for ($CPT{levels}=0; <$f>;) {
+		$CPT{color_model} = $' if /^# COLOR_MODEL = /; chomp($CPT{color_model});
+		s/#.*//;
+		next if /^\s*$/;
+		my(@f) = split;
+		if ($f[0] eq 'B') {
+			$CPT{bg_R} = $f[1]; $CPT{bg_G} = $f[2]; $CPT{bg_B} = $f[3];
+		} elsif ($f[0] eq 'F') {
+			$CPT{bg_R} = $f[1]; $CPT{bg_G} = $f[2]; $CPT{bg_B} = $f[3];
+		} elsif ($f[0] eq 'N') {
+			$CPT{nan_R} = $f[1]; $CPT{nan_G} = $f[2]; $CPT{nan_B} = $f[3];
+		} else {
+			$CPT{from_z}[$CPT{levels}] = $f[0];
+			$CPT{from_R}[$CPT{levels}] = $f[1];
+			$CPT{from_G}[$CPT{levels}] = $f[2];
+			$CPT{from_B}[$CPT{levels}] = $f[3];
+			$CPT{to_z}[$CPT{levels}] = $f[4];
+			$CPT{to_R}[$CPT{levels}] = $f[5];
+			$CPT{to_G}[$CPT{levels}] = $f[6];
+	        $CPT{to_B}[$CPT{levels}] = $f[7];
+			$CPT{levels}++;
+	    }
+    }
+    $CPT{color_model} = 'RGB' unless defined($CPT{color_model});
+    croak("$0: color model $CPT{color_model} not implemented\n")
+    	unless ($CPT{color_model} =~ '\+?RGB' || $CPT{color_model} =~ '\+?HSV');
+	return %CPT;
+sub CPTlvl($%)
+	my($z,%CPT) = @_;
+	my($l);
+	croak("$0: no valid CPT info\n")
+		unless ($CPT{levels} > 0);
+	return nan if isnan($z);
+	for ($l=0; $l<$CPT{levels}; $l++) {
+		return $l if ($CPT{from_z}[$l] <= $z && $z < $CPT{to_z}[$l]);
+	}
+	return $CPT{levels}-1
+		if (abs($z-$CPT{to_z}[$CPT{levels}-1]) < $PRACTICALLY_ZERO);
+	return -1 if ($z < $CPT{from_z}[0]);
+	return $CPT{levels};
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libEOS83.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,652 @@
+#          L I B E O S 8 3 . P L 
+#          doc: Mon Mar  8 08:22:05 1999
+#          dlm: Thu Oct  6 11:44:00 2011
+#          (c) 1999 A.M. Thurnherr
+#          uE-Info: 1 0 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+# Perl Implementation of UNESCO Eqn of State 1983
+# Notes:
+# 	- copied from eos83calc.c which was in turn...
+#	- copied from pexec_v4 (incl comments)
+#	- only subset of functions implemented
+#	- some attempt at cleaning up the code has been made
+#	- pressures in dbar throughout
+#	- no temperature scale assumed; set PARAM ITS=90|68
+#	- T90*1.00024=T68
+#	- check values calculated with T68
+#	- no conductivity unit assumed; set PARAM cond.unit=S/p|mS/cm
+#	Mar 08, 1999: - translated by hand from krc
+#				  - added &alpha(), &beta(), &Rrho(), &TurnerAngle()
+#	Mar 13, 1999: - cosmetic changes
+#	Mar 14, 1999: - BUG NAN instead of NaN
+#	Mar 21, 1999: - make $sigmaR optional in &sVolAnom()
+#	Mar 31, 1999: - alias &potemp() = &theta(); &podens() = &sigma()
+#				  - added &temp() to calc in-situ from potemp
+#	Sep 18, 1999: - parameter typechecking
+#	Aug 28, 2000: - added PARAM T68 check
+#	Aug 29, 2000: - forced temp_scale param check --- set to T68 or T90
+#	Sep 25, 2000: - changed temp_scale to 68 or 90 (easier check)
+#				  - check for temp_scale during loading
+#	Nov 07, 2000: - added &dynHt()
+#				  - strictified
+#	Nov 13, 2000: - removed temp_scale check during loading (STUPID,
+#					because PARAMs are only available after header
+#					is read)
+#	Feb 28, 2001: - added &rho(S,T,P)
+#	Mar 28, 2001: - changed Rrho() to use podens
+#				  - optimized &theta() for P == Pref
+#	Apr  2, 2001: - &TurnerAngle() disabled pending adaptation to new Rrho()
+#	Apr  3, 2001: - updated &TurnerAngle()
+#	Jul 17, 2001: - cosmetics
+#				  - added &grav(), &potErgAnom()
+#	Jul 18, 2001: - cosmetics
+#	Jul 20, 2001: - changed temp_scale to ITS
+#	Nov 26, 2001: - added &g(), &f()
+#	Dec 26, 2005: - update notes
+#   Jul  1, 2006: - Version 3.3 [HISTORY]
+#				  - nan must be quoted for use strict
+#	Nov  5, 2006: - added K15toSalin
+#	Oct 18, 2007: - adapted to new &antsFunUsage()
+#				  - changed order of &salin() params
+#	Oct 19, 2007: - continued
+#				  - removed &grav(), podens(), potemp()
+#	Dec  1, 2007: - made theta(), sigma(), rho() return nan on nan input
+#	Dec 21, 2007: - BUG: grav() was still used
+#	Jan 20, 2008: - BUG: theta(), sigma(), rho() still generated error on nan in
+#				  - made depth(), dynht(), potErgAnom() return nan on nan in
+#	Jan  4, 2011: - maded salin(), sVel() return nan on nan in
+#	Oct  6, 2011: - added %cond.unit (analogous to %ITS)
+require "$ANTS/libvec.pl";
+use strict;
+# PART I: stuff taken from PEXEC
+	my($TCONV);
+	sub TCONV()
+	{
+		unless (defined($TCONV)) {
+			my($ITS) = &antsRequireParam('ITS');
+			if ($ITS == 68) {
+				$TCONV = 1;
+			} elsif ($ITS == 90) {
+				$TCONV = 1.00024;
+			} else {
+				croak("$0: illegal PARAM-value ITS=$ITS\n");
+	        }
+	    }
+	    return $TCONV;
+	}
+#	REF: BRYDEN,H.,1973,DEEP-SEA RES.,20,401-408						 
+#	CHECK VALUE: ATGR80=3.255976E-3 FOR S=40 NSU,T=40 DEG C,			 
+#	NB: real check value appears to be 3.255976E-4; this makes sense
+#	    as check value of potential temperature below is correct. Also
+#       note the 0.1 factor on return.
+{ my(@fc);
+	sub adiaTempGrad(@)
+	{
+		my($S,$T,$P) = &antsFunUsage(3,'fff','[salin, temp, press(db)]',
+									 \@fc,'salin','temp','press',@_);
+		my($DS);
+		my($TCONV) = &TCONV();
+		$T *= $TCONV;		# use T68 
+		$P *= 0.1;
+		$DS = $S - 35.0;
+		return 0.1 * ((((-2.1687E-13*$T+1.8676E-11)*$T-4.6206E-10)*$P
+					+((2.7759E-10*$T-1.1351E-8)*$DS+((-5.4481E-12*$T
+					+8.733E-10)*$T-6.7795E-8)*$T+1.8741E-6))*$P
+					+(-4.2393E-7*$T+1.8932E-5)*$DS
+					+((6.6228E-9*$T-6.836E-7)*$T+8.5258E-5)*$T+3.5803E-4) / $TCONV;
+	}
+#	REF: BRYDEN,H.,1973,DEEP-SEA RES.,20,401-408						 
+#	FOFONOFF,N.,1977,DEEP-SEA RES.,24,489-491							 
+#	CHECK VALUE: PTMP83 =36.89072 FOR S=40 NSU,T=40 DEG C,				 
+{ my(@fc);
+	sub theta(@)
+	{
+		my($S,$T,$P,$Pref) =
+			&antsFunUsage(4,'....','[salin, temp, press(db),] refpress(db)',
+						  \@fc,'salin','temp','press',undef,@_);
+		return 'nan' unless numberp($S) && numberp($T) && numberp($P);
+		my($H,$XK,$Q);
+		my($TCONV) = &TCONV();
+		return $T if ($P == $Pref);
+		$T *= $TCONV;	# use T68 
+		$H = $Pref - $P;
+		$XK = $H * &adiaTempGrad($S,$T/$TCONV,$P)*$TCONV;
+		$T += 0.5 * $XK;
+		$Q = $XK;
+		$P += 0.5 * $H;
+		$XK = $H * &adiaTempGrad($S,$T/$TCONV,$P)*$TCONV;
+		$T += 0.29289322 * ($XK-$Q);
+		$Q = 0.58578644*$XK + 0.121320344*$Q;
+		$XK = $H * &adiaTempGrad($S,$T/$TCONV,$P)*$TCONV;
+		$T += 1.707106781 * ($XK-$Q);
+		$Q = 3.414213562*$XK - 4.121320344*$Q;
+		$P += 0.5*$H;
+		$XK = $H * &adiaTempGrad($S,$T/$TCONV,$P)*$TCONV;
+		return ($T + ($XK-2.0*$Q)/6.0)/$TCONV;
+	}
+# can't easily do default fields because theta field name is not unique
+sub temp(@)
+	my($S,$T,$P,$Pref) =
+		&antsFunUsage(4,"ffff","salin, potemp, press(db), refpress(db)",@_);
+	return &theta($S,$T,$Pref,$P);
+#	Calculation of specific volume anomaly
+#		Gill (1982), p.215: - specific volume = inverse of density
+#							- SVA referenced to same press, T=0, S=35
+#	 *************************************************					 
+#	 *************************************************					 
+#	Check value. SVAN83=981.30210E-8, SIGMA=59.82037					 
+#	for S=40, T=40, P=10000												 
+# 	NB: - this one was a bitch to translate, used f2c and it shows :-)	 
+#		- the 1e-8 factor in the check value is wrong; yup: see gill p.215
+#		  (typical units are 1e-8m^3kg^-1)
+#		- check val appears to be slightly off, I get 981.30187319561
+sub sVolAnom(@)
+	my($S,$T,$P,$sigmaR) =
+		&antsFunUsage(-3,'fff','salin, temp, press(db)[, ref to sigma var]',@_);
+	my($r3500) = 1028.1063;
+	my($r4)	   = 4.8314e-4;
+	my($dr350) = 28.106331;
+	my($temp0,$temp1,$temp2,$temp3,$temp4);
+	my($dvan,$dr35p,$p,$t,$dk,$pk,$sr,$gam,$sig,$rk35,$sva,$v350p);
+	my($TCONV) = &TCONV();
+	$t = $T*$TCONV;								# use T68 
+	$p = $P / 10.;
+#	$sr = sqrt(abs($S));
+	$sr = sqrt($S);
+	$temp3 = (((($t * 6.536332e-9 - 1.120083e-6) * $t + 
+	  1.001685e-4) * $t - .00909529) * $t + .06793952) * $t 
+	  - 28.263737;
+	$temp2 = ((($t * 5.3875e-9 - 8.2467e-7) * $t + 7.6438e-5) 
+	  * $t - .0040899) * $t + .824493;
+	$temp1 = ($t * -1.6546e-6 + 1.0227e-4) * $t - .00572466;
+	$sig = ($r4 * $S + $temp1 * $sr + $temp2) * $S + $temp3;
+	$v350p = 1. / $r3500;
+	$sva = -$sig * $v350p / ($r3500 + $sig);
+	$$sigmaR = $sig + $dr350 if (defined($sigmaR));
+	return $sva * 1e8 if ($p == 0.0);
+	$temp0 = ($t * 9.1697e-10 + 2.0816e-8) * $t - 9.9348e-7;
+	$temp1 = ($t * 5.2787e-8 - 6.12293e-6) * $t + 3.47718e-5;
+	$temp1 = $temp1 + $temp0 * $S;
+	$temp0 = 1.91075e-4;
+	$temp2 = ($t * -1.6078e-6 - 1.0981e-5) * $t + .0022838;
+	$temp3 = (($t * -5.77905e-7 + 1.16092e-4) * $t + .00143713) * $t - .1194975;
+	$temp3 = ($temp0 * $sr + $temp2) * $S + $temp3;
+	$temp0 = ($t * -5.3009e-4 + .016483) * $t + .07944;
+	$temp2 = (($t * -6.167e-5 + .0109987) * $t - .603459) * $t + 54.6746;
+	$temp4 = ((($t * -5.155288e-5 + .01360477) * $t - 2.327105) * $t + 148.4206) * $t - 1930.06;
+	$temp4 = ($temp0 * $sr + $temp2) * $S + $temp4;
+	$dk = ($temp1 * $p + $temp3) * $p + $temp4;
+	$rk35 = ($p * 5.03217e-5 + 3.359406) * $p + 21582.27;
+	$gam = $p / $rk35;
+	$pk = 1. - $gam;
+	$sva = $sva * $pk + ($v350p + $sva) * $p * $dk / ($rk35 * ($rk35 + $dk));
+	$v350p *= $pk;
+	$dr35p = $gam / $v350p;
+	$dvan = $sva / ($v350p * ($v350p + $sva));
+	$$sigmaR = $dr350 + $dr35p - $dvan if (defined($sigmaR));
+	return $sva * 1e8;
+# Dynamic Height (from dyht83.F)
+#	Usage:
+#		- dynHt(salin,temp,press[,idx])
+#	Check Values from PEXEC:
+#		- dynHt(40,18,20)  -> -.01879
+#		- dynHt(??,16,50)  -> -.03194
+#		- dynHt(??,14,100) -> -.00255
+#	NB: - check values 2 & 3 do not appear to check out
+#		- checked against WHOI-supplied BBTRE data indicates max
+#		  diff of 1e-3 dyn.m at 5141m
+#		- use different idx to use multiple times in single program
+#		  (c.f. [gshear])
+#		- behaves the same as the pexec version with PFIRST=0
+#		- dynamic height seems to be defined (1e-5 factor) to allow
+#		  station distance to be in km and velocities in cm/s
+{ # BEGIN static scope
+	my(@lastP,@lastAnom,@ht);
+	sub dynHt(@)
+	{
+		my($S,$T,$P,$idx) =
+			&antsFunUsage(-3,"...","salin, temp, press(db)[, <idx>]",@_);
+		return 'nan' unless numbersp($S,$T,$P);
+		my($anom) = sVolAnom($S,$T,$P) * 1e-5;
+		if (!defined($ht[$idx])) {					# first call
+			$ht[$idx] = $P * $anom;
+		} else {									# successive calls
+		    croak("$0: pressure not increasing monotonically ($lastP[$idx] -> $P)\n")
+		    	if ($P < $lastP[$idx]);
+			$ht[$idx] += ($P-$lastP[$idx]) * ($anom+$lastAnom[$idx])/2;
+		}
+		$lastP[$idx] = $P; $lastAnom[$idx] = $anom;
+		return $ht[$idx];
+	}
+} # END static scope
+# Local Gravity (from grav83.F)
+#	Usage:
+#		- g(press,lat)
+#	Check Values:
+#		- g(10000,30) = 9.804160
+{ my(@fc);
+	sub g(@)
+	{
+		my($P,$lat) = &antsFunUsage(2,'ff','[press(db), lat]',\@fc,'press','%lat',@_);
+		my($x) = sin($lat/57.29578) ** 2;				    
+		my($g) = 9.780318*(1.0+(5.2788e-3+2.36e-5*$x)*$x);	# global variation
+		return $g + 1.092e-6 * $P;							# pressure correction
+	}
+# Coriolis frequency
+#	Usage:
+#		- f(%lat)
+{ my(@fc);
+	sub f(@)
+	{
+		my($lat) = &antsFunUsage(1,'f','[lat]',\@fc,'%lat',@_);
+		my($Omega) = 7.292e-5;								# Gill (1982)
+		return 2 * $Omega * sin(rad($lat));
+	}
+# Potential Energy Anomaly (from pean83.F)
+#	Usage:
+#		- potErgAnom(salin,temp,press,refPress,lat)
+#	Check Values from PEXEC: (NB: sequence of calls)
+#		- potErgAnom(40,18, 20,0,49.2235) = -1.91462
+#		- potErgAnom(38,16, 50,0,49.2235) = -4.31092
+#		- potErgAnom(36,14,100,0,49.2235) = 24.82922
+#	Units:
+#		- Gill (1982) p.45: m^2/s^2 = J/kg
+#	NB:
+#		- geopotential Phi is PEA wrt zero pressure
+#		- PE of volume is volume integral of rho*PEA (c.f. Gill, p.80)
+#		- check value lat calculated so that g(0,lat) ~ 9.81
+#		  Pref.  HENCE IF Pref = 0.0, FROM SEA SURFACE DOWN.
+#		- different to pexec, this version sets values for P<Pref to nan
+	my($gzero,$H,$lastZ,$lastP);
+	sub potErgAnom(@)
+	{
+		my($S,$T,$P,$Pref,$lat) =
+	        &antsFunUsage(5,".....","salin, temp, press(db), refpress(db), lat",@_);
+	    return 'nan' unless numbersp($S,$T,$P,$Pref,$lat);
+		return 'nan' if ($P < $Pref);
+		$gzero = g(0,$lat) unless (defined($gzero));		# 1st time
+		my($g) = $gzero + 1.113e-4*$P;
+		my($anom) = sVolAnom($S,$T,$P) * 1e-3;
+		my($Z) = $anom * $P/$g;
+		if (defined($H)) {									# not 1st time
+		    croak("$0: pressure not increasing monotonically\n")
+		    	if ($P < $lastP);
+			$H += ($Z+$lastZ) * ($P-$lastP)*0.5;
+		} else {
+			$H = (($anom*$Pref/$g)+$Z)*($P-$Pref)*0.5;
+        }
+		$lastP = $P; $lastZ = $Z;
+		return $H;
+    }
+} # END static scope
+# Density at pressure P (P - Measured pressure)						 
+# 						(PREF - Reference pressure)					 
+# Equation of state for seawater proposed by JPOTS 1980				 
+# References															 
+#		Millero et al 1980, Deep Sea Res.,27A,255-264					 
+#		Jpots Ninth Report 1978, Tenth Report 1980						 
+# Units:																 
+#	   Pressure   P  Decibars									 
+#	   Temperature T  Deg Celcius (IPTS-68)						 
+#	   Salinity   S  NSU (IPSS-78)								 
+#	   Density   RHO KG/M**3										 
+#	   Spec. Vol.  EOS80 M**3/KG									 
+#	check value. 43.331642 for P=10000,PREF=5000,T=40,S=40				 
+# NB: check value appears to be 42.33164!!!							 
+{ my(@fc); 
+	sub sigma(@)
+	{
+		my($S,$T,$P,$Pref) =
+			&antsFunUsage(4,'....','[salin, temp, press(db),] refpress(db)',
+						  \@fc,'salin','temp','press',undef,@_);
+		return 'nan' unless numberp($S) && numberp($T) && numberp($P);
+		my($sig);
+		&sVolAnom($S,&theta($S,$T,$P,$Pref),$Pref,\$sig);
+		return $sig;
+	}
+{ my(@fc);
+	sub rho(@)
+	{
+		my($S,$T,$P) = &antsFunUsage(3,'...','[salin, temp, press(db)]',
+									 \@fc,'salin','temp','press',@_);
+		return 'nan' unless numberp($S) && numberp($T) && numberp($P);
+		return 1000 + &sigma($S,$T,$P,$P);
+	}
+#    PP22-23) = 42.9140 AT    PRES=0.0, 							 
+#	PRESSURE=DECIBARS 													 
+#	RETURNS ZERO FOR CND<.0005 		 									 
+#	CHECKVALUES.... 													 
+#	SAL83 =40.000000 FOR CND=81.025545,T=40 DEG C,PIN=10000 			 
+#   DECIBARS														 
+#	FCN SAL83, XR=SQRT(RT) 												 
+#	RT35 																 
+#	C,B,A, POLYNOMIALS 													 
+#	NB: - done using f2c (couldn't be bothered)							 
+#		- removed SAL->COND												 
+{ my(@fc);
+  my($cond_scale);	# 1 for mS/cm, 10 for S/m
+	sub salin(@)
+	{
+		my($C,$T,$P) = &antsFunUsage(3,'...','[cond, temp, press(db)]',
+									 \@fc,'cond','temp','press',@_);
+		return 'nan' unless numberp($C) && numberp($T) && numberp($P);
+		my($r__,$dt,$rt,$c1535);
+		my($TCONV) = &TCONV();
+		unless (defined($cond_scale)) {				# deal with different conductivity units
+			my($cu) = &antsRequireParam('cond.unit');
+			if    ($cu eq 'S/m')   { $cond_scale = 10; }
+			elsif ($cu eq 'mS/cm') { $cond_scale = 1;  }
+			else { croak("$0: illegal PARAM-value cond.unit=$cu\n"); }
+		}
+		$C *= $cond_scale;
+		return 0.0 if ($C <= 5e-4); 				# zero salinity trap 
+		$T *= $TCONV;								# use T68 scale 
+		$c1535 = 42.914;
+		$dt = $T - 15.0;
+		$P *= .1;									# convert pressure to bars 
+		$r__ = $C / $c1535; 						# convert cond to salin
+		$rt = $r__ / ((((($T * 1.0031e-9 - 6.9698e-7) * $T + 
+		  1.104259e-4) * $T + .0200564) * $T + .6766097) * ((($P 
+		  * 3.989e-12 - 6.37e-8) * $P + 2.07e-4) * $P / (
+		  ($T * 4.464e-4 + .03426) * $T + 1. + ($T *
+		  -.003107 + .4215) * $r__) + 1.));
+		$rt = sqrt(abs($rt));
+		return (((($rt * 2.7081 - 7.0261) * $rt + 14.0941) *
+		   $rt + 25.3851) * $rt - .1692) * $rt + .008 + 
+		  $dt / ($dt * .0162 + 1.) * ((((($rt * -.0144 + 
+		  .0636) * $rt - .0375) * $rt - .0066) * $rt - 
+		  .0056) * $rt + 5e-4);
+	}
+# K15toSalin; see http://ioc.unesco.org/oceanteacher/OceanTeacher2/01_GlobOcToday/02_CollDta/02_OcDtaFunda/03_T&SScales/TemperatureAndSalinityScales.htm
+sub K15toSalin(@)
+	my($K15) = &antsFunUsage(1,'f','K15',@_);
+	return  0.0080 -  0.1692 * $K15**0.5
+				   + 25.3851 * $K15**1.0
+				   + 14.0941 * $K15**1.5
+				   -  7.0261 * $K15**2.0
+				   +  2.7081 * $K15**2.5;
+#	DEEP SEA RES., 1976,23,109-111.										 
+#	NB: results are closer to Saunders, JPO 11, 1981 than ref given
+#	    above. They are not exact, either, however.
+{ my(@fc);
+	sub depth(@)
+	{
+		my($P,$lat) = &antsFunUsage(2,'..','[press(db), lat]',\@fc,'press','%lat',@_);
+		return 'nan' unless numbersp($P,$lat);
+		my($x) = sin($lat/57.29578);
+		$P *= 0.1;
+		$x = $x*$x;
+		return ((((-1.82E-11*$P+2.279E-7)*$P-2.2512E-3)*$P+97.2659)*$P) /
+			  (9.780318*(1.0+(5.2788E-3+2.36E-5*$x)*$x) + 1.092E-5*$P);
+	}
+#	Convert depth to pressure using 2nd order polynomial
+#	From file pdepth.F (pexec)
+#	This is based on Saunders, JPO 11, 1981
+{ my(@fc);
+	sub press(@)
+	{
+		my($d,$lat) = &antsFunUsage(2,'ff','[depth, lat]',\@fc,'depth','%lat',@_);
+		my($c1) = 5.92E-3 + 5.25E-3 * sin($lat/57.29578) ** 2;
+		my($c2) = 2.21E-6;
+		my($press) = (1 - $c1 - sqrt((1 - $c1)**2 - 4*$d*$c2)) / (2*$c2);
+		my($derr) = abs(&depth($press,$lat) - $d);
+		&antsInfo("WARNING (libEOS83.pl): %.1gm depth error due to pressure " .
+				  "approximation", $derr) if ($derr >= 1);
+		return $press;
+	}
+#	SOUND SPEED SEAWATER (CHEN & MILLERO 1977, JASA,62,1129-1135) 		 
+#	CHECK VALUE : 1731.9954 M/S FOR PIN=10000, T=40, C,S=40 			 
+#	NB: - f2c used (because of fortran `equivalence')					 
+{ my(@fc);
+	sub sVel(@)
+	{
+		my($S,$T,$P) = &antsFunUsage(3,'...','[salin, temp, press(db)]',
+									 \@fc,'salin','temp','press',@_);
+		return 'nan' unless numberp($S) && numberp($T) && numberp($P);
+		my($temp0,$temp1,$temp2,$temp3);
+		my($a,$b,$c__,$d__,$sr);
+		my($TCONV) = &TCONV();
+		$T *= $TCONV;									# T68 
+		$P *= .1;										# CONVERT PRESSURE TO BARS 
+		$sr = sqrt(abs($S));							# S**2 TERM 
+		$d__ = .001727 - $P * 7.9836e-6;
+		$temp1 = $T * 1.7945e-7 + 7.3637e-5;			# S**3/2 TERM 
+		$temp0 = -.01922 - $T * 4.42e-5;
+		$b = $temp0 + $temp1 * $P;
+		$temp3 = ($T * -3.389e-13 + 6.649e-12) * $T + 1.1e-10;	# S**1 TERM 
+		$temp2 = (($T * 7.988e-12 - 1.6002e-10) * $T + 9.1041e-9) * $T - 3.9064e-7;
+		$temp1 = ((($T * -2.0122e-10 + 1.0507e-8) * $T - 6.4885e-8) * $T
+			- 1.258e-5) * $T + 9.4742e-5;
+		$temp0 = ((($T * -3.21e-8 + 2.006e-6) * $T + 7.164e-5) * $T - .01262)
+			* $T + 1.389;
+		$a = (($temp3 * $P + $temp2) * $P + $temp1) * $P + $temp0;
+		$temp3 = ($T * -2.3643e-12 + 3.8504e-10) * $T - 9.7729e-9;	# S**0 TERM 
+		$temp2 = ((($T * 1.0405e-12 - 2.5335e-10) * $T + 2.5974e-8) * $T
+			- 1.7107e-6) * $T + 3.126e-5;
+		$temp1 = ((($T * -6.1185e-10 + 1.3621e-7) * $T - 8.1788e-6) * $T
+			+ 6.8982e-4) * $T + .153563;
+		$temp0 = (((($T * 3.1464e-9 - 1.478e-6) * $T + 3.342e-4) * $T - .0580852)
+			* $T + 5.03711) * $T + 1402.388;
+		$c__ = (($temp3 * $P + $temp2) * $P + $temp1) * $P + $temp0;
+		return $c__ + ($a + $b * $sr + $d__ * $S) * $S; 		# SOUND SPEED RETURN 
+	}
+# PART II: Homegrown Stuff
+# &alpha(S,T,P)		linear thermal expansion coefficient
+# 	Notes:			- use temperature interval of 0.2 degrees
+#					- depth instead of pressure ok
+# 	Check Value:	- alpha(35,2,6000) = 0.000209447279306853
+sub alpha(@)
+	my($S,$T,$P) = &antsFunUsage(3,"fff","salin, temp, press | depth",@_);
+	return (&sigma($S,$T-.1,$P,$P) - &sigma($S,$T+.1,$P,$P))
+			/ (.2 * (1000+&sigma($S,$T,$P,$P)));
+# &beta(S,T,P)		linear haline contraction coefficient
+# 	Notes:			- use salinity interval of 0.02 psu
+#					- depth instead of pressure ok
+# 	Check Value:	- beta(35,2,6000) = 0.000718513652714652 (should check Gill)
+sub beta(@)
+	my($S,$T,$P) = &antsFunUsage(3,"fff","salin, temp, press | depth",@_);
+	return (&sigma($S+0.01,$T,$P,$P) - &sigma($S-0.01,$T,$P,$P))
+			/ (.02 * (1000+&sigma($S,$T,$P,$P)));
+# &Rrho(midS,S0,S1,midT,T0,T1,midP,P0,P1)	stability ratio
+# 	Notes:			- depth instead of pressure ok
+# 	Check Value:	- Rrho(35.05,35.1,35,4.27,4.82,3.72,2100,2100,2100) = 2.222
+sub alphaDT(@)
+	my($S,$T0,$T1,$P,$P0,$P1) = @_;
+#		&antsFunUsage(6,"ffffff","S, T0, T1, P, P0, P1",@_);
+	my($sgn) = ($P1 > $P0) ? 1 : -1;
+	return $sgn * (&sigma($S,$T1,$P1,$P) - &sigma($S,$T0,$P0,$P));
+sub betaDS(@)
+	my($S0,$S1,$T,$P,$P0,$P1) = @_;
+#		&antsFunUsage(6,"ffffff","S0, S1, T, P, P0, P1",@_);
+	my($sgn) = ($P1 > $P0) ? 1 : -1;
+	return $sgn * (&sigma($S0,$T,$P0,$P) - &sigma($S1,$T,$P1,$P));
+sub Rrho(@)
+	my($S,$S0,$S1,$T,$T0,$T1,$P,$P0,$P1) =
+		&antsFunUsage(9,"fffffffff","S, S0, S1, T, T0, T1, P, P0, P1",@_);
+	my($aDT) = &alphaDT($S,$T0,$T1,$P,$P0,$P1);
+	my($bDS) = &betaDS($S0,$S1,$T,$P,$P0,$P1);
+	return $bDS == 0 ? 'nan' : $aDT / $bDS;
+# &TurnerAngle(midS,S0,S1,midT,T0,T1,midP,P0,P1)	Turner Angle
+# 	Notes:						- c.f. &Rrho()
+#								- -45<Tu<45 	doubly stable
+#								- Tu<-90, Tu>90 statically unstable
+#								- 45<Tu<90 		fingering regime
+#								- -90<Tu<-45	diffusive regime
+# 	Check Value: TurnerAngle(35.05,35.1,35,4.27,4.82,3.72,2100,2100,2100.01) = 69.2296333539803
+sub TurnerAngle(@)
+	my($S,$S0,$S1,$T,$T0,$T1,$P,$P0,$P1) =
+		&antsFunUsage(9,"fffffffff","S, S0, S1, T, T0, T1, P, P0, P1",@_);
+	my($aDT) = &alphaDT($S,$T0,$T1,$P,$P0,$P1);
+	my($bDS) = &betaDS($S0,$S1,$T,$P,$P0,$P1);
+	return atan2($aDT+$bDS,$aDT-$bDS)*57.29577951;
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libGM.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+#                    L I B G M . P L 
+#                    doc: Sun Feb 20 14:43:47 2011
+#                    dlm: Sun Apr  1 11:29:53 2012
+#                    (c) 2011 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 53 1 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+#	Feb 20, 2011: - created
+#	Feb 28, 2011: - cosmetics
+#	Mar 28, 2012: - BUG: N had been ignored (but only affects vertical
+#						 wavelengths > 1000m in any was significantly
+#				  - changed from Munk eqn 9.23b to 9.23a, which also
+#					affects only long wavelengths
+#				  - return nan for omega outside internal-wave band
+#	Mar 29, 2012: - re-wrote using definition of B(omega) from Munk (1981)
+require "$ANTS/libEOS83.pl";
+my($pi) = 3.14159265358979;
+# Vertical velocity spectral density
+# Units: K.E. per frequency per wavenumber [m^2/s^2*1/s*1/m = m^3/s]
+# Version: GM79?
+# E. Kunze (email, Feb 2011): The GM vertical velocity w spectrum is described by
+# S[w](omega, k_z) = PI*E_0*b*{f*sqrt(omega^2-f^2)/omega}*{j*/(k_z + k_z*)^2}
+# where E_0 = 6.3 x 10^-5 is the dimensionless spectral level, b = 1300 m is
+# the pycnocline lengthscale, j* = 3 the peak mode number and k_z* the
+# corresponding vertical wavenumber.  The flat log-log spectrum implies w is
+# dominated by near-N frequencies (where we know very little though Yves
+# Desaubies wrote some papers back in the late 70's/early 80's about the
+# near-N peak) and low modes.  The rms w = 0.6 cm/s, right near your noise
+# level.  Interestingly, the only N dependence is in m and m*.  As far
+# as I know, little is known about its intermittency compared to horizontal
+# velocity.  Since w WKB-scales inversely with N, the largest signals should
+# be in the abyss where you therefore likely have the best chance of
+# measuring it.
+sub m($$)	# vertical wavenumber as a function of mode number & stratification params
+	my($j,$N,$omega) = @_;
+	my($b) = 1300; #m                               # stratification e-folding scale (Munk 81)
+	my($N0) = 5.2e-3; #rad/s                        # extrapolated to surface value (Munk 81)
+#	print(STDERR "omega = $omega, N = $N\n");
+	return defined($omega)
+		   ? $pi / $b * sqrt(($N**2 - $omega**2) / ($N0**2 - $omega**2)) * $j
+		   : $pi * $j * $N / ($b * $N0);			# valid, except in vicinity of buoyancy turning frequency (p. 285)
+sub B($)											# structure function (omega dependence)
+{													# NB: f must be defined
+	my($omega) = @_;
+	croak("coriolis parameter not defined\n")
+		unless defined($f);
+	return 2 / $pi * $f / $omega / sqrt($omega**2 - $f**2);
+sub Sw($$$$)
+	my($omega,$m,$lat,$N) = &antsFunUsage(4,'fff','<frequency[1/s]> <vertical wavenumber[1/m]> <lat[deg]> <N[rad/s]>',@_);
+	local($f) = abs(&f($lat));
+	return nan if ($omega < $f || $omega > $N);
+	my($E0) = 6.3e-5;								# dimensionless spectral level
+	my($j_star) = 3;								# peak mode number
+	my($b) = 1300; #m								# pycnocline lengthscale
+	my($mstar) = &m($j_star,$N,$omega);
+	return $E0 * $b * 2 * $f**2/$omega**2/B($omega) * $j_star / ($m+$mstar)**2;
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libLADCP.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+#                    L I B L A D C P . P L 
+#                    doc: Wed Jun  1 20:38:19 2011
+#                    dlm: Wed Jan 18 18:46:33 2012
+#                    (c) 2011 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 103 19 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+#	Jun  1, 2011: - created
+#	Jul 29, 2011: - improved
+#	Aug 10, 2011: - made correct
+#	Aug 11, 2011: - added "convenient combinations"
+#	Aug 18, 2011: - made buoyancy frequency non-constant in S()
+#	Jan  4, 2012: - improved T_VI to allow correcting even without superensembles
+#	Jan  5, 2012: - removed S(), which is just pwrdens/N^2 (rather than
+#				    pwrdens/N^2/(2pi) as I erroneously thought)
+#	Jan 18, 2012: - added T_VI_alt() to allow assessment of tilt correction extrema
+require "$ANTS/libvec.pl";
+require "$ANTS/libfuns.pl";
+# Polzin et al., JAOT 2002 LADCP shear corrections
+#	- apply to downcast data only
+# individual corrections
+# NB: Dzb = (Dzt == Dzr) assumed
+sub T_ravg($$)
+    my($kz,$Dzb) =
+        &antsFunUsage(2,'ff','<vertical wavenumber[rad/s]> <pulse/bin-length[m]>',@_);
+    return 1 / sinc($kz*$Dzb/2/$PI)**4;
+sub T_fdiff($$)
+    my($kz,$Dzd) =
+        &antsFunUsage(2,'ff','<vertical wavenumber[rad/s]> <differencing interval[m]>',@_);
+    return 1 / sinc($kz*$Dzd/2/$PI)**2;
+sub T_interp($$$)
+    my($kz,$Dzb,$Dzg) =
+        &antsFunUsage(3,'fff','<vertical wavenumber[rad/s]> <bin length[m]> <grid resolution[m]>',@_);
+    return 1 / sinc($kz*$Dzb/2/$PI)**4 / sinc($kz*$Dzg/2/$PI)**2;
+# NB: Polzin et al claim that Dz should be ADCP bin size, which does not seem to make sense
+sub T_binavg($$)
+    my($kz,$Dzg) =
+        &antsFunUsage(2,'ff','<vertical wavenumber[rad/s]> <grid resolution[m]>',@_);
+    return 1 / sinc($kz*$Dzg/2/$PI)**2;
+sub T_tilt($$)
+    my($kz,$dprime) =
+        &antsFunUsage(2,'ff','<vertical wavenumber[rad/s]> <d-prime[m]>',@_);
+    return 1 / sinc($kz*$dprime/2/$PI)**2;
+# convenient combinations
+sub LADCP_tilt_dprime($)
+	return -1.2 + 0.0857 * $_[0] - 0.000136 * $_[0]**2;
+sub T_UH($$$$)
+	my($kz,$blen,$grez,$maxrange) =
+        &antsFunUsage(4,'ffff','<vertical wavenumber[rad/s]> <ADCP bin size[m]> <shear grid resolution[m]> <max range[m]>',@_);
+    return T_ravg($kz,$blen) * T_fdiff($kz,$blen) * T_interp($kz,$blen,$grez) * T_tilt($kz,LADCP_tilt_dprime($maxrange));
+sub T_SM($$$$)
+	my($kz,$blen,$grez,$maxrange) =
+        &antsFunUsage(4,'ffff','<vertical wavenumber[rad/s]> <ADCP bin size[m]> <shear grid resolution[m]> <max range[m]>',@_);
+    return T_ravg($kz,$blen) * T_fdiff($kz,$blen) * T_binavg($kz,$grez) * T_tilt($kz,LADCP_tilt_dprime($maxrange));
+sub T_VI($$$$$)
+	my($kz,$blen,$sel,$grez,$maxrange) =
+        &antsFunUsage(5,'ff.ff','<vertical wavenumber[rad/s]> <ADCP bin size[m]> <superensemble size[m]|nan> <shear grid resolution[m]> <max range[m]>',@_);
+	return T_VI_alt($kz,$blen,$sel,$grez,LADCP_tilt_dprime($maxrange));        
+sub T_VI_alt($$$$$)
+	my($kz,$blen,$sel,$grez,$dprime) =
+        &antsFunUsage(5,'ff.ff','<vertical wavenumber[rad/s]> <ADCP bin size[m]> <superensemble size[m]|nan> <shear grid resolution[m]> <tilt d-prime[m]>',@_);
+	croak("$0: tilt-dprime outside range [0..$blen]\n")
+		unless ($dprime>=0 && $dprime<=$blen);
+    return ($sel>0) ? T_ravg($kz,$blen) * T_binavg($kz,$sel) * T_binavg($kz,$grez) * T_tilt($kz,$dprime)
+    				: T_ravg($kz,$blen) * T_binavg($kz,$grez) * T_tilt($kz,$dprime);
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libNODC.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+#                    L I B N O D C . P L 
+#                    doc: Mon Aug 28 11:07:47 2000
+#                    dlm: Sun Jul  2 00:16:26 2006
+#                    (c) 2000 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 117 0 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+#	Aug 28, 2000: - created
+#	Sep 05, 2000: - allow spaces instead of 0es in lat/lon to accomodate
+#					for Talley's OCEANUS 24S files
+#	Oct 16, 2000: - added &DD[D]MMSSh2d()
+#	Feb 28, 2001: - changed &depth to &obs_depth to remove clash with
+#					[libEOS83]
+#	Aug  1, 2001: - BUG: obs() could not handle Reid and Mantyla -ve values
+#					correctly (such as -80 with precision 3!)
+#   Jul  1, 2006: - Version 3.3 [HISTORY]
+require "$ANTS/libconv.pl";
+# Lat/Lon
+sub DDMMXh2d(@)			# NODC SD2 header info
+	my($DDMMX,$H) = &antsFunUsage(2,"51","DDMMX H",@_);
+	$DDMMX =~ s/ /0/g;
+	return &dmh2d(substr($DDMMX,0,2),
+				  substr($DDMMX,2,2) . "." . substr($DDMMX,4,1),
+				  $H);
+sub DDDMMXh2d(@)		# NODC SD2 header info
+	my($DDDMMX,$H) = &antsFunUsage(2,"61","DDDMMX H",@_);
+	$DDDMMX =~ s/ /0/g;
+	return &dmh2d(substr($DDDMMX,0,3),
+				  substr($DDDMMX,3,2) . "." . substr($DDDMMX,5,1),
+				  $H);
+sub DDMMSSh2d(@)		# NODC detailed inventory info
+	my($DDMMSS,$H) = &antsFunUsage(2,"61","DDMMSS H",@_);
+	$DDMMSS =~ s/ /0/g;
+	return &dmsh2d(substr($DDMMSS,0,2),
+				   substr($DDMMSS,2,2),
+				   substr($DDMMSS,4,2),
+				   $H);
+sub DDDMMSSh2d(@)		# NODC detailed inventory info
+	my($DDDMMSS,$H) = &antsFunUsage(2,"71","DDDMMSS H",@_);
+	$DDDMMSS =~ s/ /0/g;
+	return &dmsh2d(substr($DDDMMSS,0,3),
+				   substr($DDDMMSS,3,2),
+				   substr($DDDMMSS,5,2),
+				   $H);
+# date/time
+sub YYMMDD(@)		# 6 digit date
+	my($YYMMDD) = &antsFunUsage(1,"6","YYMMDD",@_);
+	return substr($YYMMDD,2,2) . "/" .
+		   substr($YYMMDD,4,2) . "/19" . substr($YYMMDD,0,2);
+sub HHt(@)			# 3 digits (hours to tenths)
+	my($HHt) = &antsFunUsage(1,"3","HHt",@_);
+	return sprintf("%02d:%02d",substr($HHt,0,2),substr($HHt,2,1)*6);
+# depth
+sub obs_depth(@)									# good depth only
+	my($obs,$quality,$t_flag) =
+		&antsFunUsage(3,"c..","obs quality t_flag",@_);
+	return (isnan($quality) && ($t_flag ne 'T'))
+		? $obs : nan;
+sub wire_out(@)										# wire-out
+	my($obs,$quality,$t_flag) =
+		&antsFunUsage(3,"c..","obs quality t_flag",@_);
+	return (($quality == 6) && ($t_flag ne 'T'))
+		? $obs : nan;
+sub t_depth(@)										# good thermometric depth
+	my($obs,$quality,$t_flag) =
+		&antsFunUsage(3,"c..","obs quality t_flag",@_);
+	return (isnan($quality) && ($t_flag eq 'T'))
+		? $obs : nan;
+# temp, salin, O2, ...
+sub obs(@)
+	my($obs,$prec,$qual) =
+		&antsFunUsage(3,".1.","obs prec qual",@_);
+	return nan if isnan($obs);
+	return nan if isnan($qual);						# spc->nan==OK
+	my($fac) = 1;									# Reid and Mantyla weird fmt
+	if ($obs =~ /^-/) {
+		$fac = -1;
+		$obs = $';
+	}
+	$obs = sprintf("%0${prec}d",$obs);				# pre-pad missing 0es
+	substr($obs,-$prec,0) = ".";					# PERL is wonderful...
+	return $fac * $obs;
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libPOSIX.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+#                    L I B P O S I X . P L 
+#                    doc: Mon Mar  8 11:46:36 1999
+#                    dlm: Mon Jul  9 12:26:12 2001
+#                    (c) 1999 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 12 0 NIL 0 0 72 0 2 4 NIL ofnI
+# POSIX.pl library stub to allow -L option
+use POSIX;
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libRWalk.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+#                    L I B R W A L K . P L 
+#                    doc: Tue Oct  5 21:34:37 2010
+#                    dlm: Tue Oct  5 21:47:28 2010
+#                    (c) 2010 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 26 26 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+sub fac($)
+{ return ($_[0] < 2) ? $_[0] : $_[0]*fac($_[0]-1); }
+# From: http://mathworld.wolfram.com/RandomWalk1-Dimensional.html
+# Let N steps of equal length be taken along a line. Let p be the
+# probability of taking a step to the right, q the probability of taking a
+# step to the left, n1 the number of steps taken to the right, and  n2 the
+# number of steps taken to the left.
+# The following calculates the probability of taking exactly n1 steps out
+# of N (= n1+n2) to the right.
+sub pNSteps(@)
+	my($n1,$N,$p,$q) = @_;
+	$p = $q = 0.5 unless defined($p);
+	return fac($n1+($N-$n1)) / (fac($n1)*fac($N-$n1)) * $p**$n1 * $q**($N-$n1);
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libWOCE.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+#                    L I B W O C E . P L 
+#                    doc: Mon Aug 28 11:07:47 2000
+#                    dlm: Thu Dec 10 13:43:44 2009
+#                    (c) 2000 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 31 33 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+#	Sep 04, 2000: - created from [libNODC.pl]
+#	Sep 19, 2000: - added &q_OK()
+#	Jan  2, 2002: - added optional length argument to &q_OK()
+#				  - allowed NaN observations in &q_OK()
+#	Aug 14, 2002: - added &csv_q_OK()
+#	Jun 19, 2004: - made Y2K compatible
+#	Apr  4, 2006: - added flt_qual(), flt_src()
+#   Jul  1, 2006: - Version 3.3 [HISTORY]
+#	Dec 10, 2009: - adapted to netCDF processing
+require "$ANTS/libconv.pl";		# imply lat/lon conversions
+# date/time
+sub YYYYMMDD(@)		# 8 digit date
+	my($YYYYMMDD) = &antsFunUsage(1,"8","YYYYMMDD",@_);
+	return substr($YYYYMMDD,4,2) . '/' .
+		   substr($YYYYMMDD,6,2) . '/' .
+		   substr($YYYYMMDD,0,4);
+sub HHMM(@)			# 4 digits
+	$_[0] = sprintf('%04d',$_[0]) if (@_ > 0);		# pre-pad with 0es
+	my($HHMM) = &antsFunUsage(1,"4","HHMM",@_);
+	return substr($HHMM,0,2) . ":" . substr($HHMM,2,2);
+# CTD quality flags
+sub q_OK(@)			# exchange-format version (single flags)
+	return $_[1] == 2 ? $_[0] : nan;
+# Float Quality/Source Flags [/Data/Floats/DBE/WFDAC/WDBE/quality.doc]
+#	- 2-digit decimal number
+#	- 10s: quality (0-9, with 9 being best)
+#	-  1s: source:
+#			0	missing
+#			1	interpolated 	(backward diff for u/v)
+#			2					(forward diff for u/v)
+#			3	splined
+#			4	manually edited
+#			5	filtered/averaged
+#			9	original value
+#	- should accept source values >= 4
+sub flt_qual($)
+{ return int($_[0] / 10); }
+sub flt_src($)
+{ return $_[0] % 10; }
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libWOCE_oldstyle.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+#                    L I B W O C E . P L 
+#                    doc: Mon Aug 28 11:07:47 2000
+#                    dlm: Sun Jul  2 00:16:46 2006
+#                    (c) 2000 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 53 35 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+#	Sep 04, 2000: - created from [libNODC.pl]
+#	Sep 19, 2000: - added &q_OK()
+#	Jan  2, 2002: - added optional length argument to &q_OK()
+#				  - allowed NaN observations in &q_OK()
+#	Aug 14, 2002: - added &csv_q_OK()
+#	Jun 19, 2004: - made Y2K compatible
+#	Apr  4, 2006: - added flt_qual(), flt_src()
+#   Jul  1, 2006: - Version 3.3 [HISTORY]
+require "$ANTS/libconv.pl";		# imply lat/lon conversions
+# date/time
+sub MMDDYY(@)		# 6 digit date
+	my($MMDDYY) = &antsFunUsage(1,"6","MMDDYY",@_);
+	my($YY) = substr($MMDDYY,4,2);
+	return substr($MMDDYY,0,2) . "/" .
+		   substr($MMDDYY,2,2) . ($YY>50 ? "/19$YY" : "/20$YY");
+sub HHMM(@)			# 4 digits
+	my($HHMM) = &antsFunUsage(1,"4","HHMM",@_);
+	return substr($HHMM,0,2) . ":" . substr($HHMM,2,2);
+# CTD quality flags
+sub q_OK(@)				# accept only perfect measurements (table 4.10)
+	my($nflags) = (@_ == 3) ? 4 : $_[3];
+	my($obs,$qf,$qi) =
+		&antsFunUsage(-3,".${nflags}c","obs, quality flags, flag index[, nflags]",@_);
+	return (substr($qf,$qi,1) == 2) ? $obs : nan;
+sub csv_q_OK(@)			# exchange-format version (single flags)
+	return $_[1] == 2 ? $_[0] : nan;
+# Float Quality/Source Flags [/Data/Floats/DBE/WFDAC/WDBE/quality.doc]
+#	- 2-digit decimal number
+#	- 10s: quality (0-9, with 9 being best)
+#	-  1s: source:
+#			0	missing
+#			1	interpolated 	(backward diff for u/v)
+#			2					(forward diff for u/v)
+#			3	splined
+#			4	manually edited
+#			5	filtered/averaged
+#			9	original value
+#	- should accept source values >= 4
+sub flt_qual($)
+{ return int($_[0] / 10); }
+sub flt_src($)
+{ return $_[0] % 10; }
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libconv.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,566 @@
+#                    L I B C O N V . P L 
+#                    doc: Sat Dec  4 13:03:49 1999
+#                    dlm: Tue Apr 17 10:34:41 2012
+#                    (c) 1999 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 61 76 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+#   Dec 12, 1999: - created for the Rainbow CM data as libdate
+#   Jul 07, 2000: - renamed to libconv and added lat/lon conversions
+#   Aug 21, 2000: - added &s2d()
+#   Aug 24, 2000: - added &DDMMXh2d() and &DDDMMXh2d()
+#   Aug 28, 2000: - moved &DDMMXh2d() and &DDDMMXh2d() to [libNODC.pl]
+#   Sep 04, 2000: - added &GMT2d()
+#   Sep 20, 2000: - added &fmtdate(), &fmttime()
+#   Oct 16, 2000: - added &dmsh2d()
+#   Oct 31, 2000: - added &T90(), &T68()
+#   Jan 22, 2001: - BUG: &GMT2d() wrongly +ve-ized stuff like -00:05
+#   Feb 28, 2001: - added &O2mlpl2umpkg()
+#   Aug  3, 2001: - made &O2mlpl2umpkg() return NaN on -ve input
+#   Aug  7, 2001: - added &O2umpkg2mlpl()
+#                 - replaced temp_scale by ITS
+#   Aug  8, 2001: - BUG: allowed for NaN O2 values
+#   Aug 19, 2001: - change temp-conversions to allow nop; changed names
+#   Sep  1, 2001: - BUG: allow for nan in addition to NaN
+#	Dec 30, 2001: - generalized s2d()
+#				  - BUG: allow NaNs on temp conversions
+#	Feb  4, 2002: - allow for -ve O2 values in conversions to handle offsets
+#	Aug 14, 2002: - moved ITS checks in ITS_68() & ITS_90()
+#	Oct  9, 2002: - added &fmttime1(),&fmtdate1()
+#	Jan 23, 2003: - added more time conversion routines
+#	Apr 14, 2003: - removed antsReplaceParam() call
+#	May 21, 2004: - added ``-'' as a valid date separator
+#	Jun 22, 2004: - added HSV2RGB()
+#	Jun 27, 2004: - renamed degree-conversion routines
+#				  - added wraplon()
+#	Dec  1, 2005: - cosmetics
+#	Dec  9, 2005: - Version 3.2 [HISTORY]
+#	Apr  4, 2006: - made epoch optional in &dayNo()
+#	Apr 28, 2006: - added &dn2date()
+#   Jul  1, 2006: - Version 3.3 [HISTORY]
+#	Nov  9, 2006: - added dec_time()
+#				  - added dn2date_time()
+#				  - moved year forward in dn2date()
+#	Oct 17, 2007: - dn2date -> Date
+#				  - dn2date_time -> Time
+#				  - adapted Date/Time to antsFunUsage() with default fields
+#	Oct 19, 2007: - removed antsFunUsage() from non-UI funs
+#	Nov 17, 2007: - added "." as another legal date separator
+#	Jul 10, 2008: - added support for month names in dayNo()
+#	Dec  1, 2008: - added dec_time_long()
+#	Dec  3, 2008: - renamed many of the date-conversion routines
+#				  - added frac_day()
+#	Jan  8, 2009: - BUG: &Date() returned wrong date for any time after
+#						 midnite on last day of a month
+#	Oct 27, 2010: - added &day_secs()
+#	Jan  3, 2010: - extended frac_day() to allow a single string time-spec
+#	Jul 19, 2011: - made epoch aptional in mmddyy2dec_time()
+#	Aug  2, 2011: - enhanced yymmdd2dec_time()
+#	Apr 17, 2012: - added space as another date separator in ddmmyy2dec_time
+require "$ANTS/libEOS83.pl";                        # &sigma()
+require "$ANTS/libPOSIX.pl";                        # &floor()
+require "$ANTS/libstats.pl";                        # &min(),&max()
+# Date Conversion
+sub leapYearP(@)                                    # leap year?
+    my($y) = @_;
+    $y += ($y < 50) ? 2000 : 1900 if ($y < 100);    # Y2K
+    return 0 if ($y%4 != 0);
+    return 1 if ($y%100 != 0);
+    return 0 if ($y%400 > 0);
+    return 1;
+sub monthLength(@)                                  # #days in given month/year
+    my($y,$m) = @_;
+    return 31 if ($m==1 || $m==3 || $m==5 || $m==7 ||
+                  $m==8 || $m==10 || $m==12);
+    return 30 if ($m==4 || $m==6 || $m==9 || $m==11);
+    return 28 + &leapYearP($y) if ($m == 2);
+    croak("$0: &monthLength(): Illegal month\n");
+{ my(@fc);
+	sub Date(@) 										# day number -> date
+	{
+		my($dnf);										# find std dn field & epoch
+		if (@_ == 0) {
+			for (my($i)=0; $i<@antsLayout; $i++) {
+				next unless ($antsLayout[$i] =~ /^dn(\d\d)$/);
+				$dnf = $antsLayout[$i]; push(@_,$1);
+				last;
+	        }
+	    }
+		my($year,$day) = &antsFunUsage(2,"cf","epoch, dayNo",\@fc,undef,$dnf,@_);
+		$year += ($year < 50) ? 2000 : 1900 			# Y2K
+			if ($year < 100);
+		$day = int($day);								# prevent runover on last day of month
+		while ($day > 365+&leapYearP($year)) {			# adjust year
+			$day -= 365 + &leapYearP($year);
+			$year++;
+		}
+		my($month) = 1;
+		while ($day > &monthLength($year,$month)) {
+			$day -= &monthLength($year,$month);
+			$month++;
+		}
+		return sprintf('%04d/%02d/%02d',$year,$month,$day);
+	}
+{ my(@fc);
+	sub Time(@) 										# day number -> date/time
+	{
+		my($dnf);										# find standard dn field
+		for (my($i)=0; $i<@antsLayout; $i++) {
+			next unless ($antsLayout[$i] =~ /^dn\d\d$/);
+			$dnf = $antsLayout[$i];
+			last;
+		}
+		my($fday) = &antsFunUsage(1,"f","dayNo",\@fc,$dnf,@_);
+		my($day) = int($fday);
+		$fday -= $day;
+		my($hour) = int(24*$fday);
+		$fday -= $hour/24;
+		my($min) = int(24*60*$fday);
+		$fday -= $min/24/60;
+		my($sec) = round(24*3600*$fday);
+		$min++,$sec=0 if ($sec == 60);
+		$hour++,$min=0 if ($min == 60);
+		$day++,$hour=0 if ($hour == 24);
+		return sprintf('%02d:%02d:%02d',$hour,$min,$sec);
+	}
+sub dayNo(@)										# day number, starting at 1
+    my($epoch,$y,$m,$d) =
+        &antsFunUsage(-3,"c..","[epoch,] year, month, day",@_);
+    unless (defined($d)) {
+    	$d = $m; $m = $y; $y = $epoch;
+    }
+	unless (cardinalp($m)) {
+		$m = lc($m);
+		if    ($m =~ /^jan/) { $m = 1; }
+		elsif ($m =~ /^feb/) { $m = 2; }
+		elsif ($m =~ /^mar/) { $m = 3; }
+		elsif ($m =~ /^apr/) { $m = 4; }
+		elsif ($m =~ /^may/) { $m = 5; }
+		elsif ($m =~ /^jun/) { $m = 6; }
+		elsif ($m =~ /^jul/) { $m = 7; }
+		elsif ($m =~ /^aug/) { $m = 8; }
+		elsif ($m =~ /^sep/) { $m = 9; }
+		elsif ($m =~ /^oct/) { $m = 10; }
+		elsif ($m =~ /^nov/) { $m = 11; }
+		elsif ($m =~ /^dec/) { $m = 12; }
+		else { croak("$0: unknown month $m\n"); }
+	}
+    my($dn) = 0;        
+    $epoch += ($epoch < 50) ? 2000 : 1900           # Y2K       
+        if ($epoch < 100);
+    $y += ($y < 50) ? 2000 : 1900
+        if ($y < 100);
+    croak("$0: &dayNo(): Error: epoch > year\n")        # only positive times
+        if ($y < $epoch);
+    while ($epoch < $y) {                           # entire years
+        $dn += 365 + &leapYearP($epoch);
+        $epoch++;
+    }
+    croak("$0: &dayNo(): Error: day > #days of month\n")    # current month
+        if ($d > &monthLength($y,$m));
+    $dn += $d;
+    $m--;
+    while ($m > 0) {                                # current year
+        $dn += &monthLength($y,$m);
+        $m--;
+    }
+    return $dn
+sub frac_day(@)										# fractional day
+	my($h,$m,$s);
+	if (@_ == 1) {
+		($h,$m,$s) = split(':',$_[0]);
+	} else {
+		($h,$m,$s) = &antsFunUsage(3,'ccf',"<h:m:s>|<hour> <min> <sec>",@_);
+	}
+	croak("$0: &frac_day_long(): illegal time spec $h:$m:$s\n")
+		unless (defined($h) && $h>=0 && $h<24 &&
+				defined($m) && $m>=0 && $m<60 &&
+				defined($s) && $s>=0 && $s<60);
+	return $h/24 + $m/24/60 + $s/24/3600;
+sub day_secs(@)										# seconds since daystart
+	my($h,$m,$s) = &antsFunUsage(3,'ccf',"<hour> <min> <sec>",@_);
+	croak("$0: &frac_day_long(): illegal time spec $h:$m:$s\n")
+		unless (defined($h) && $h>=0 && $h<24 &&
+				defined($m) && $m>=0 && $m<60 &&
+				defined($s) && $s>=0 && $s<60);
+	return $h*3600 + $m*60 + $s;
+sub str2dec_time(@)									# decimal time
+	my($ts,$ds,$epoch) =
+        &antsFunUsage(-1,'.',"'hh:mm[:ss]'[,'[YY]YY/MM/DD'[,epoch]]",@_);
+	my($dayNo) = 0;
+	if ($ds ne '') {								# date
+		my($yy,$mm,$dd) = split('[-/\.]',$ds);
+		$dayNo = defined($epoch) ?
+				 dayNo($epoch,$yy,$mm,$dd) : dayNo($yy,$mm,$dd);
+	}
+	my($h,$m,$s) = split(':',$ts);
+	$s = 0 unless defined($s);
+	return $dayNo + &frac_day($h,$m,$s);
+sub dec_time(@)										# decimal time
+	my($epoch,$yy,$mm,$dd,$h,$m,$s) =
+        &antsFunUsage(7,'ccccccf',"<epoch> <year> <month> <day> <hour> <min> <sec>",@_);
+	return &dayNo($epoch,$yy,$mm,$dd) + &frac_day($h,$m,$s);
+sub mmddyy2dec_time(@)								# decimal time
+	my($ds,$ts,$epoch) =
+        &antsFunUsage(2,"..","date-string (empty ok), time-string[, epoch]",@_);
+	my($time) = 0;
+	if ($ds ne "") {								# date
+		my($mm,$dd,$yy) = split('[-/\. ]',$ds);
+		if (defined($epoch)) {
+			$time = dayNo($epoch,$yy,$mm,$dd);
+        } else {
+			$time = dayNo($yy,$yy,$mm,$dd);
+		}
+	}
+	my($h,$m,$s) = split(':',$ts);					# time
+	croak("$0: &dec_time(): illegal time spec $ts\n")
+		unless (defined($h) && $h>=0 && $h<24 &&
+				defined($m) && $m>=0 && $m<60 &&
+				defined($s) && $s>=0 && $s<60);
+	$time += $h/24 + $m/24/60 + $s/24/3600;
+	return $time;
+sub ddmmyy2dec_time(@)								# decimal time
+	my($epoch,$ds,$ts) =
+        &antsFunUsage(3,"c..","epoch, date-string (empty ok), time-string",@_);
+	my($time) = 0;
+	if ($ds ne "") {								# date
+		my($dd,$mm,$yy) = split('[-/\.]',$ds);
+		$time = dayNo($epoch,$yy,$mm,$dd);
+	}
+	my($h,$m,$s) = split(':',$ts);
+	croak("$0: &dec_time(): illegal time spec $ts\n")
+		unless (defined($h) && $h>=0 && $h<24 &&
+				defined($m) && $m>=0 && $m<60 &&
+				defined($s) && $s>=0 && $s<60);
+	$time += $h/24 + $m/24/60 + $s/24/3600;
+	return $time;
+sub yymmdd2dec_time(@)								# decimal time
+	my($epoch,$ds,$ts) =
+        &antsFunUsage(3,"c..","epoch, date-string (empty ok), time-string (empty ok)",@_);
+	my($time) = 0;
+	if ($ds ne "") {								# date
+		my($yy,$mm,$dd);
+		if (length($ds) == 6) {
+			$yy = substr($ds,0,2);
+			$mm = substr($ds,2,2);
+			$dd = substr($ds,4,2);
+		} else {
+			($yy,$mm,$dd) = split('[-/\.]',$ds);
+		}
+		$time = dayNo($epoch,$yy,$mm,$dd);
+	}
+	if ($ts ne '') {
+		my($h,$m,$s) = split(':',$ts);
+		croak("$0: &dec_time(): illegal time spec $ts\n")
+			unless (defined($h) && $h>=0 && $h<24 &&
+					defined($m) && $m>=0 && $m<60 &&
+					defined($s) && $s>=0 && $s<60);
+	    $time += $h/24 + $m/24/60 + $s/24/3600;
+	}
+	return $time;
+sub date2str(@)
+    my($MM,$DD,$YYYY) = &antsFunUsage(3,"ccc","month, day, year",@_);
+    $YYYY += 2000 if ($YYYY < 50);
+    $YYYY += 1900 if ($YYYY < 100);
+    return sprintf("%02d",$MM) . "/" .
+           sprintf("%02d",$DD) . "/" . $YYYY;
+sub card_date2str(@)
+    my($DDMMYY) = &antsFunUsage(1,"c","ddmmyy",@_);
+    $DDMMYY = sprintf("%06d",$DDMMYY);
+    return &fmtdate(substr($DDMMYY,2,2),substr($DDMMYY,0,2),substr($DDMMYY,4,2));
+sub time2str(@)
+    my($HH,$MM) = &antsFunUsage(2,"cc","hr, min",@_);
+    return sprintf("%02d",$HH) . ":" . sprintf("%02d",$MM);
+sub card_time2str(@)
+    my($HHMM) = &antsFunUsage(1,"c","hrmin",@_);
+    return &fmttime(int($HHMM/100),$HHMM%100);
+# Lat/Lon Conversion
+sub wraplon(@)		# get sign of longitudes right
+	my($deg) = &antsFunUsage(1,'f','deg',@_);
+	return ($deg > 180) ? $deg - 360 : $deg;
+sub dmh2deg(@)		# dd mm.m NSEW -> dd.d
+    my($deg,$min,$hemisph) =
+        &antsFunUsage(3,"ff1","deg, min, hemisphere",@_);
+    croak("$0 dmh2d(): <deg> may not be -ve\n") if ($deg < 0);
+    croak("$0 dmh2d(): <min> may not be -ve\n") if ($min < 0);
+    $deg += $min/60;
+    $_ = $hemisph;
+    SWITCH: {
+        $deg = -$deg, last SWITCH if (/[sSwW]/);
+        last SWITCH if (/[nNeE]/);
+        croak("$0 dmh2d(): $hemisph is an invalid hemisphere id\n");
+    }
+    return $deg;
+sub dmsh2deg(@)   # dd mm ss NSEW -> dd.d
+    my($deg,$min,$sec,$hemisph) =
+        &antsFunUsage(4,"fff1","deg, min, sec, hemisphere",@_);
+    croak("$0 dmsh2d(): <deg> may not be -ve\n") if ($deg < 0);
+    croak("$0 dmsh2d(): <min> may not be -ve\n") if ($min < 0);
+    croak("$0 dmsh2d(): <sec> may not be -ve\n") if ($sec < 0);
+    $deg += $min/60 + $sec/3600;
+    $_ = $hemisph;
+    SWITCH: {
+        $deg = -$deg, last SWITCH if (/[sSwW]/);
+        last SWITCH if (/[nNeE]/);
+        croak("$0 dmh2d(): $hemisph is an invalid hemisphere id\n");
+    }
+    return $deg;
+sub str2deg(@)      # string containing dd [mm.m] [NSEW] -> dd.d
+    my($s) = &antsFunUsage(1,".","'deg[ :][min][ ]hemisphere'",@_);
+    my($deg,$a,$b) = ($s =~ m{^([-\d]+)[\s:]([\d\.]+)\s*([NSEW])$});
+#    print(STDERR "--> $deg, $a, $b\n");
+	return ($b eq "") ? &dmh2d($deg,0,$a) : &dmh2d($deg,$a,$b);
+sub GMT2deg(@)	# GMT degree format to decimal
+	my($GMT) = &antsFunUsage(1,".","GMT-degs ",@_);
+	return (substr($1,0,1) eq "-") ? $1-$2/60.0 : $1+$2/60.0
+		if ($GMT =~ /\s*([^:]+):([^:]+)/);
+	return $GMT;
+# Temp-Scale Conversion
+{ my($ITS);
+sub ITS_68(@)		  # T90|T68 -> T68
+	unless (defined($ITS)) {
+		$ITS = &antsRequireParam('ITS');
+		croak("$0 ITS_68(): ITS == $ITS???\n")
+			unless ($ITS == 68 || $ITS ==90);
+		unless ($ITS == 68)	{
+			croak("$0 ITS_68(): can't change %ITS after flushing header\n")
+				if ($antsHeadersPrinted);
+			&antsAddParams('ITS',68);
+		}
+	}
+	my($temp) = &antsFunUsage(1,".","temp",@_);
+	return nan unless (numberp($temp));
+	return($temp) if ($ITS == 68);
+    return $temp * 1.00024;
+} # static scope
+{ my($ITS);
+sub ITS_90(@)		  # T90|T68 -> T90
+	unless (defined($ITS)) {
+		$ITS = &antsRequireParam('ITS');
+		croak("$0 ITS_90(): ITS == $ITS???\n")
+			unless ($ITS == 68 || $ITS ==90);
+		unless ($ITS == 90)	{
+			croak("$0 ITS_90(): can't change %ITS after flushing header\n")
+				if ($antsHeadersPrinted);
+			&antsAddParams('ITS',90);
+		}
+	}
+	my($temp) = &antsFunUsage(1,".","temp",@_);
+	return nan unless (numberp($temp));
+	return($temp) if ($ITS == 90);
+	return $temp / 1.00024;
+# Oxygen Unit Conversion
+# - old units (e.g. sd2) are ml/l
+# - new units (e.g. WOCE) are umol/kg => independent of pressure!
+# - conversion (from [http://sea-mat.whoi.edu/robbins/ox_units.m]; Paul
+#	Robbins) uses potential density ref'd to surface --- makes sense
+#	because titration is presumably done at atmospheric pressure
+# - constant divisor is volume of one mole derived from gas law
+#   (PV = nRT) in the right units (whatever)
+{ my(@fc);
+	sub O2mlpl2umpkg(@)
+	{
+		return nan if isnan($_[3]);
+		my($S,$T,$P,$mlpl) =
+			&antsFunUsage(4,'ffff','[S, T, P [dbar], O2 [ml/l]]',
+						  \@fc,'salin','temp','press','O2',@_);
+		return $mlpl * 1000/(1000+sigma($S,$T,$P,0)) / .022403;
+	}
+{ my(@fc);
+	sub O2umpkg2mlpl(@)
+	{
+		return nan if isnan($_[3]);
+		my($S,$T,$P,$umpkg) =
+			&antsFunUsage(4,'ffff','[S, T, P [dbar], O2 [ml/l]]',
+						  \@fc,'salin','temp','press','O2',@_);
+		return .022403 * $umpkg * (1000+sigma($S,$T,$P,0))/1000;
+	}
+# Color Conversion
+# - algorithms taken from the web; source given alternatively as ACM 
+#	and Foley and VanDam
+# - from the available GMT default cpt files, it looks like
+#	the range for hue is 0 - 359 (angles on a circle)
+# - ACM implementation uses a hue range of 0-6 with pure red being 0 or 6
+# - ACM implementation uses range of 0-1 for R,G,B
+# - in HSV, gray scales are not uniquely defined; I extended the 
+#   algorithms to behave like matlab in this case, i.e. return a hue of
+#	pure red (0)
+sub HSV2RGB(@)
+    my($H,$S,$V) = &antsFunUsage(3,"fff","H (0-360), S (0-1), V (0-1), ",@_);
+	my($m,$n,$f,$i);
+	$H = 0 if ($H < 0 && $H >= -$PRACTICALLY_ZERO);
+	croak("$0 HSV2RGB(): H=$H out of range\n") if ($H < 0 || $H > 360);
+	croak("$0 HSV2RGB(): S=$S out of range\n") if ($S < 0 || $S > 1);
+	croak("$0 HSV2RGB(): V=$V out of range\n") if ($V < 0 || $V > 1);
+	$i = POSIX::floor($H/60);	# ACM implementation uses [0-6] with red = 0 = 6
+	$f = $H/60 - $i;
+	$f = 1 - $f if (!($i & 1));	# if i is even
+	$m = $V * (1 - $S);
+	$n = $V * (1 - $S * $f);
+	return (int(255*$V+0.5),int(255*$n+0.5),int(255*$m+0.5)) if ($i==0 || $i==6);
+	return (int(255*$n+0.5),int(255*$V+0.5),int(255*$m+0.5)) if ($i == 1);
+	return (int(255*$m+0.5),int(255*$V+0.5),int(255*$n+0.5)) if ($i == 2);
+	return (int(255*$m+0.5),int(255*$n+0.5),int(255*$V+0.5)) if ($i == 3);
+	return (int(255*$n+0.5),int(255*$m+0.5),int(255*$V+0.5)) if ($i == 4);
+	return (int(255*$V+0.5),int(255*$m+0.5),int(255*$n+0.5)) if ($i == 5);
+	croak("$0 HSV2RGB(): implementation error");
+sub RGB2HSV(@)
+	my($R,$G,$B) = &antsFunUsage(3,"cc","R, G, B",@_);
+	my($V,$x,$f,$i,$H);
+	$R /= 255; $G /= 255; $B /= 255;
+	croak("$0 RGB2HSV(): R out of range\n") if ($R < 0 || $R > 1);
+	croak("$0 RGB2HSV(): G out of range\n") if ($G < 0 || $G > 1);
+	croak("$0 RGB2HSV(): B out of range\n") if ($B < 0 || $B > 1);
+	$x = min($R,$G,$B);
+	$V = max($R,$G,$B);
+	return (0,0,$V) if ($V == $x);	# any hue is valid
+	$f = ($R == $x) ? $G - $B : (($G == $x) ? $B - $R : $R - $G);
+	$i = ($R == $x) ? 3 : (($G == $x) ? 5 : 1);
+	$H = 60 * ($i - $f / ($V - $x));
+	$H = 0 if ($H == 360);
+	return ($H, ($V - $x)/$V, $V);
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libfuns.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+#                    L I B F U N S . P L 
+#                    doc: Wed Mar 24 11:49:13 1999
+#                    dlm: Fri Apr 16 15:58:47 2010
+#                    (c) 1999 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 269 45 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+#	Mar 24, 1999: - copied from the c-version of NR
+#	Mar 26, 1999: - added stuff for better [./fit]
+#	Sep 18, 1999: - argument typechecking
+#	Oct 04, 1999: - added gauss(), normal()
+#	Jan 25, 2001: - added f(), sgn()
+#	Apr 16, 2010: - added sinc()
+require	"$ANTS/libvec.pl";								# rad()
+sub gauss(@)
+	my($x,$peak,$mean,$efs) = &antsFunUsage(4,"ffff","x, peak, mean, e-folding scale",@_);
+	return $peak * exp( -(($x-$mean) / $efs)**2);
+sub normal(@)
+	my($x,$area,$mean,$sigma) = &antsFunUsage(4,"ffff","x, area, mean, stddev",@_);
+	my($pi) = 3.14159265358979;
+	return $area/(sqrt(2*$pi)*$sigma) * exp(-((($x-$mean) / $sigma)**2)/2);
+# &f(lat)			calculate coriolis param
+sub f(@)
+	my($lat) = &antsFunUsage(1,"f","lat",@_);
+	my($Omega) = 7.292e-5;								# Gill (1982)
+	return 2 * $Omega * sin(rad($lat));
+# &sgn(v)			return -1/0/+1
+sub sgn(@)
+	my($val) = &antsFunUsage(1,"f","val",@_);
+	return 0 if ($val == 0);
+	return ($val < 0) ? -1 : 1;
+# rest of library cooked up from the diverse special function routines of NR
+# Chapter 6. No attempt to clean up the code has been made.
+# 6.1 Gamma Function et al
+sub gammln(@)
+	my($xx) = &antsFunUsage(1,"f","xx",@_);
+	my($x,$y,$tmp,$ser);
+	my(@cof) = (76.18009172947146, 	   -86.50532032941677,
+				24.01409824083091,     -1.231739572450155,
+				0.1208650973866179e-2, -0.5395239384953e-5);
+	my($j);
+	$x    = $xx;
+	$y    = $x;
+	$tmp  = $x + 5.5;
+	$tmp -= ($x+0.5) * log($tmp);
+	$ser  = 1.000000000190015;
+	for ($j=0; $j<=5; $j++) {
+		$ser += $cof[$j] / ++$y;
+    }
+	return -$tmp + log(2.5066282746310005*$ser/$x);
+# 6.2. Incomplete Gamma Function, Error Function et al
+{ my($ITMAX)=100; my($EPS)=3.0e-7;						# static vars
+sub gser(@)
+	my($a,$x,$glnR) =  &antsFunUsage(-2,"ff","a,x[,ref to gln]",@_);
+	my($gln);
+	my($n);
+	my($sum,$del,$ap);
+	$gln = &gammln($a);
+	$$glnR = $gln if (defined($glnR));
+	return 0 if ($x == 0);
+	croak("$0 (libspecfuns.pl): x<0 ($x) in &gser()\n")
+		if ($x < 0);
+	$ap  = $a;
+	$sum = 1 / $a;
+	$del = $sum;
+	for ($n=1; $n<=$ITMAX; $n++) {
+		++$ap;
+		$del *= $x/$ap;
+		$sum += $del;
+		return $sum * exp(-$x+$a*log($x)-$gln)
+			if (abs($del) < abs($sum)*$EPS);
+	}
+	croak("$0 (libspecfuns.pl): a ($a) too large, " .
+		"ITMAX ($ITMAX) too small in &gser()\n");
+} # end of static scope
+{ my($ITMAX)=100; my($EPS)=3.0e-7; my($FPMIN)=1.0e-30;	# static
+sub gcf(@)
+	my($a,$x,$glnR) =  &antsFunUsage(-2,"ff","a,x[,ref to gln]",@_);
+	my($gln);
+	my($i);
+	my($an,$b,$c,$d,$del,$h);
+	$gln = &gammln($a);
+	$$glnR = $gln if (defined($glnR));
+	$b = $x + 1 - $a;
+	croak("$0 (libspecfuns.pl): illegal params (a = x + 1) in &gcf()\n")
+		unless ($b);
+	$c = 1 / $FPMIN;
+	$d = 1 / $b;
+	$h = $d;
+	for ($i=1; $i<=$ITMAX; $i++) {
+		$an = -$i * ($i - $a);
+		$b += 2.0;
+		$d  = $an * $d + $b;
+		$d  = $FPMIN if (abs($d) < $FPMIN);
+		$c  = $b + $an/$c;
+		$c  = $FPMIN if (abs($c) < $FPMIN);
+		$d  = 1 / $d;
+		$del= $d * $c;
+		$h *= $del;
+		last if (abs($del-1) < $EPS);
+	}
+	croak("$0 (libspecfuns.pl): a ($a) too large," .
+		" ITMAX ($ITMAX) too small in &gcf()\n")
+		if ($i > $ITMAX);
+	return exp(-$x + $a*log($x) - $gln) * $h;
+} # end of static scope
+sub gammq(@)
+	my($a,$x) = &antsFunUsage(2,"ff","a,x",@_);
+	croak("$0 (libspecfuns.pl): Invalid arguments in &gammq()\n")
+		if ($x < 0 || $a <= 0);
+	return ($x < ($a+1)) ?
+		   1 - &gser($a,$x) :
+		   &gcf($a,$x);
+sub erfcc(@)
+	my($x) = &antsFunUsage(1,"f","x",@_);
+	my($t,$z,$ans);
+	$z = abs($x);
+	$t = 1/(1+0.5*$z);
+	$ans = $t*exp(-$z*$z-1.26551223+$t*(1.00002368+$t*(0.37409196+$t*(0.09678418+
+		   $t*(-0.18628806+$t*(0.27886807+$t*(-1.13520398+$t*(1.48851587+
+		   $t*(-0.82215223+$t*0.17087277)))))))));
+	return $x >= 0 ? $ans : 2.0-$ans;
+{ my($warned) = 0; # static
+sub erf(@)
+	my($x) = &antsFunUsage(1,"f","x",@_);
+	&antsInfo("(libspecfuns.pl) WARNING: using approximate erf()"),$warned=1
+		unless ($warned);
+	return 1-&erfcc($x);
+# 6.3. Incomplete Beta Function et al
+sub betai(@)
+	my($a,$b,$x) = &antsFunUsage(3,"fff","a,b,x",@_);
+	my($bt);
+	croak("$0 (liberrf.pl): x (=$x) out of range in betai()\n")
+		if ($x < 0 || $x > 1);
+	if ($x == 0 || $x == 1) {
+		$bt = 0;
+	} else {
+		$bt = exp(gammln($a+$b)-gammln($a)-gammln($b)+$a*log($x)+$b*log(1-$x));
+	}
+	if ($x < ($a+1)/($a+$b+2)) {
+		return $bt * betacf($a,$b,$x) / $a;
+	} else {
+		return 1 - $bt*betacf($b,$a,1-$x) / $b;
+	}
+{ # static scope
+	my($MAXIT) = 100;
+	my($EPS)   = 3.0e-7;
+	my($FPMIN) = 1.0e-30;
+sub betacf(@)
+	my($a,$b,$x) = &antsFunUsage(3,"fff","a,b,x",@_);
+	my($m,$m2);
+	my($aa,$c,$d,$del,$h,$qab,$qam,$qap);
+	$qab = $a + $b;
+	$qap = $a + 1;
+	$qam = $a - 1;
+	$c   = 1;
+	$d   = 1 - $qab*$x/$qap;
+	$d   = $FPMIN if (abs($d) < $FPMIN);
+	$d   = 1 / $d;
+	$h	 = $d;
+	for ($m=1; $m<=$MAXIT; $m++) {
+		$m2 = 2 * $m;
+		$aa = $m*($b-$m)*$x / (($qam+$m2)*($a+$m2));
+		$d  = 1 + $aa*$d;
+		$d  = $FPMIN if (abs($d) < $FPMIN);
+		$c	= 1 + $aa/$c;
+		$c  = $FPMIN if (abs($c) < $FPMIN);
+		$d  = 1 / $d;
+		$h *= $d * $c;
+		$aa = -($a+$m)*($qab+$m)*$x / (($a+$m2)*($qap+$m2));
+		$d	= 1 + $aa*$d;
+		$d  = $FPMIN if (abs($d) < $FPMIN);
+		$c  = 1 + $aa/$c;
+		$c  = $FPMIN if (abs($c) < $FPMIN);
+		$d	= 1 / $d;
+		$del= $d * $c;
+		$h *= $del;
+		last if (abs($del-1) < $EPS);
+	}
+	croak("$0 (liberrf.pl): a or b too big, or MAXIT too small in betacf")
+		if ($m > $MAXIT);
+	return $h;
+} # end of static scope
+# normalized cardinal sine as used, e.g., in JAOT/polzin02
+sub sinc($)
+	my($piX) = 3.14159265358979 * $_[0];
+	return $piX==0 ? 1 : sin($piX)/$piX;
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libgamma.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+#                    L I B G A M M A . P L 
+#                    doc: Mon Mar  8 11:46:36 1999
+#                    dlm: Tue Jan  2 11:27:11 2001
+#                    (c) 1999 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 17 40 NIL 0 0 72 0 2 4 ofnI
+#	Sep 25, 2000: - finished implementation
+#	Jan 02, 2001: - updated documentation (here)
+# 	- gamma library stub to allow -L option
+# 	- requires the perl interface of the (fortran library) gamma.a 
+#	  [/usr/local/src/gamma/perl-interface]
+#	- main use of this library: [gamma_n]
+#	$gamma::temp_scale = &antsRequireParam(temp_scale);
+#	&gamma::gamma_n(S,T,P,lon,lat[,dg_lo,dg_hi])
+#		[$|@]S			salinity
+#		[$|@]T			temperature (scale in $gamma::temp_scale)
+#		[$|@]P			pressure
+#		$lat			latitude
+#		$lon			longitude
+#		[$|\$|\@]dg_lo	low end of error range
+#		[$|\$|\@]dg_lo	high end of error range
+#	&gamma::gamma_n_lol(buf,S_f,T_f,P_f,gam_f,lon,lat[,dg_lo_f,dg_hi_f])
+#		@buf			LoL containing columns for S,T,P,gamma[,dg_lo,dg_hi]
+#		$S_f			salinity field
+#		$T_f			temperature field
+#		$P_f			pressure field
+#		$lat			latitude
+#		$lon			longitude
+#		$dg_lo_f		low end of error range (field number)
+#		$dg_lo_f		high end of error range (field number)
+use gamma;
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libstats.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+#                    L I B S T A T S . P L 
+#                    doc: Wed Mar 24 13:59:27 1999
+#                    dlm: Thu Apr 26 09:49:47 2012
+#                    (c) 1999 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 33 64 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+#	Mar 24, 1999: - created for the ANO paper
+#	Mar 27, 1999: - extended
+#	Sep 18, 1999: - argument typechecking
+#	Sep 30, 1999: - added gauss()
+#	Oct 04, 1999: - moved gauss() to [./libfuns.pl] (changed from specfuns)
+#	Oct 20, 1999: - changed, 'cause I understand it better
+#	Oct 21, 1999: - changed &Fishers_z to &r2z(); added &z2r()
+#				  - added &sig_rr(), &sig_rrtrue
+#	Jan 22, 2002: - added N(), avg(), stddev(), min(), max()
+#	Feb 27, 2006: - adjusted median() for compat with NR (even # of points)
+#				  - added medianF()
+#	Jun 27, 2006: - added medianFNaN()
+#   Jul  1, 2006: - Version 3.3 [HISTORY]
+#				  - made median respect nan based on perlfunc(1)
+#	Apr 25, 2008: - added &bootstrap()
+#	Oct 24, 2010: - replaced grep { $_ == $_ } by grep { numberp($_) } everywhere
+#				  - added &fixLowSampStat()
+#	Nov  5, 2010: - added std (stderr would have been better but that's used in libPOSIX.pl
+#	Dec 18, 2010: - added stddev2, mad, mad2
+#	Dec 31, 2010: - added rms()
+#	Jul  2, 2011: - added mad2F()
+#	Mar 10, 2012: - medianF() -> medianAnts_(); mad2F() -> mad2Ants_()
+#				  - added sum()
+#	Apr 26, 2012: - BUG: std() did not allow nan as stddev input
+require "$ANTS/libfuns.pl";
+# estimate stderr given stddev & degrees of freedom
+#	- return nan for dof <= 0
+sub std(@)
+	my($sig,$dof) = 
+		&antsFunUsage(2,".c","stddev, deg_of_freedom",@_);
+	return nan unless ($dof > 0);
+	return $sig / sqrt($dof);
+# calc standard stats from vector of vals
+sub min(@)
+	my($min) = 9e99;
+	for (my($i)=0; $i<=$#_; $i++) {
+		$min = $_[$i] if (numberp($_[$i]) && $_[$i] < $min);
+	}
+	return $min<9e99 ? $min : nan;
+sub max(@)
+	my($max) = -9e99;
+	for (my($i)=0; $i<=$#_; $i++) {
+		$max = $_[$i] if (numberp($_[$i]) && $_[$i] > $max);
+	}
+	return $max>-9e99 ? $max : nan;
+sub N(@)
+	my($N) = 0;
+	for (my($i)=0; $i<=$#_; $i++) { $N++ if (numberp($_[$i])); }
+	return $N;
+sub sum(@)
+	my($N) = my($sum) = 0;
+	for (my($i)=0; $i<=$#_; $i++) { $N++,$sum+=$_[$i] if (numberp($_[$i])); }
+	return ($N>0)?$sum:nan;
+sub avg(@)
+	my($N) = my($sum) = 0;
+	for (my($i)=0; $i<=$#_; $i++) { $N++,$sum+=$_[$i] if (numberp($_[$i])); }
+	return ($N>0)?$sum/$N:nan;
+sub stddev2(@)		# avg, val, val, val, ...
+	my($N) = my($sum) = 0;
+	for (my($i)=1; $i<=$#_; $i++) {
+		$N++,$sum+=($_[0]-$_[$i])**2 if (numberp($_[$i]));
+	}
+	return ($N>1)?sqrt($sum/($N-1)):nan;
+sub stddev(@)
+	my($avg) = &avg(@_);
+	return numberp($avg) ? stddev2($avg,@_) : nan;
+sub rms(@)
+	my($N) = my($sum) = 0;
+	for (my($i)=0; $i<=$#_; $i++) { $N++,$sum+=$_[$i]**2 if (numberp($_[$i])); }
+	return ($N>0)?sqrt($sum/$N):nan;
+sub median(@)
+	my(@svals) = sort {$a <=> $b} grep { numberp($_) } @_;
+	return nan if (@svals == 0);
+	return (@svals & 1) ?
+				$svals[$#svals/2] :
+				0.5 * ($svals[$#svals/2] + $svals[$#svals/2+1]);
+sub medianAnts_($)
+	my($fnr) = @_;
+	my(@svals) = sort {@{$a}[$fnr] <=> @{$b}[$fnr]} grep { numberp(@{$_}[$fnr]) } @ants_;
+	return nan if (@svals == 0);
+	return (@svals & 1) ?
+				$svals[$#svals/2][$fnr] :
+				0.5 * ($svals[$#svals/2][$fnr] + $svals[$#svals/2+1][$fnr]);
+sub mad2(@)		# avg, val, val, val, ...
+	my($N) = my($sum) = 0;
+	for (my($i)=1; $i<=$#_; $i++) {
+		$N++,$sum+=abs($_[0]-$_[$i]) if (numberp($_[$i]));
+	}
+	return ($N>0)?sqrt($sum/$N):nan;
+sub mad(@)
+	my($median) = &median(@_);
+	return numberp($median) ? mad2($median,@_) : nan;
+sub mad2Ants_($$)
+	my($median,$fnr) = @_;
+	my($sum,$n);
+	for (my($r)=0; $r<@ants_; $r++) {
+		next unless numberp($ants_[$r][$fnr]);
+		$sum += abs($median - $ants_[$r][$fnr]);
+		$n++
+	}
+	return ($n>0) ? $sum/$n : nan;
+# &bootstrap(nDraw,cLim,statFun,val[,...])
+#		nDraw		number of synthetic samples to draw
+#		cLim		confidence limit (e.g. 0.95)
+#		statFun		pointer to stats function
+#		val[,...]	data values
+# e.g.  bootstrap(1000,.5,\&avg,1,2,1000)
+sub bootstrap($$$@)
+	my($nDraw,$cLim,$statFun,@vals) = @_;
+	my(@sv,@stats);
+	for (my($s)=0; $s<$nDraw; $s++) {
+		for (my($i)=0; $i<@vals; $i++) {
+			$sv[$i] = $vals[int(rand(@vals))];
+		}
+		$stats[$s] = &$statFun(@sv);
+	}
+	@stats = sort {$a <=> $b} grep { numberp($_) } @stats;
+	my($cli) = int($nDraw*(1-$cLim)/2);
+	return ($stats[$cli],$stats[$#stats-$cli]);
+# &fixLowSampStat(statRef,nsamp[])
+#	- replace stat (variance, stddev, stderr) based on small (<10) samples
+#	  with median calculated from all stats
+#	- median of all stats is chosen to allow routine to work even if all
+#	  stats are based on small samples
+sub fixLowSampStat($@)
+	my($statR,@nsamp) = @_;
+	my($medStat) = median(@{$statR});
+	for (my($i)=0; $i<@{$statR}; $i++) {
+		$statR->[$i] = $medStat
+			unless ($nsamp[$i]>=10 || !defined($statR->[$i]) || $statR->[$i]>$medStat);
+	}
+# significance of difference of means (NR, 2nd ed, 14.2)
+sub Students_t(@)
+	my($mu1,$sig1,$N1,$mu2,$sig2,$N2) =
+		&antsFunUsage(6,"ffcffc","mu1, sigma1, N1, mu2, sigma2, N2",@_);
+	my($var1) = $sig1 * $sig1;
+	my($var2) = $sig2 * $sig2;
+	my($sd) = sqrt($var1 + $var2 / ($N1+$N2-2) * (1/$N1 + 1/$N2));
+	return ($mu1-$mu2) / $sd;
+sub slevel_mudiff1(@)
+	my($mu1,$sig1,$N1,$mu2,$sig2,$N2) =
+		&antsFunUsage(6,"ffcffc","mean1, sqrt(var1), N1, mean2, sqrt(var2), N2",@_);
+	my($df) = $N1 + $N2 - 2;
+	return &betai(0.5*$df,0.5,
+		$df/($df + &Students_t(mu1,$sig1,$N1,$mu2,$sig2,$N2)**2));
+# significance of correlation coefficient (NR, 2nd ed, 14.5)
+sub slevel_r(@)
+	my($r,$N) = &antsFunUsage(2,"fc","r, N",@_);
+	return &erfcc(abs($r) * sqrt($N/2));
+# significance of difference btw two measured correlation coeffs
+# using Fisher's z (from NR, 2nd ed, 14.5). NB: averaging correlation
+# coefficients is done using [avgr]
+# NB: significance level is only good if correlated variables form
+#	  a binormal distribution
+sub r2z(@)
+	my($r) = &antsFunUsage(1,"f","<r>",@_);
+	return 0.5 * log((1+$r)/(1-$r));
+sub z2r(@)
+	my($z) = &antsFunUsage(1,"f","<z>",@_);
+	my($e) = exp(2*$z);
+	return ($e-1) / ($e+1);
+sub slevel_rrtrue(@)
+	my($r,$N,$rtrue) = &antsFunUsage(3,"fcf","r, N, r_true",@_);
+	croak("$0 (libstats.pl): N (=$N) < 10 in &slevel_rrtrue()\n")
+		if ($N < 10);
+	return &erfcc(abs(&r2z($r) - (&r2z($rtrue) + $rtrue/(2*$N-2))) *
+				sqrt($N - 3) / sqrt(2));
+sub slevel_zz(@)
+	my($z1,$N1,$z2,$N2) = &antsFunUsage(4,"fcfc","z1, N1, z2, N2",@_);
+	croak("$0 (libstats.pl): N (=$N1,$N2) < 10 in &slevel_zz()\n")
+		if ($N1 < 10 || $N2 < 10);
+	return &erfcc(abs($z1-$z2) / sqrt(2/($N1-3) + 2/($N2-3)));
+sub slevel_rr(@)
+	my($r1,$N1,$r2,$N2) = &antsFunUsage(4,"fcfc","r1, N1, r2, N2",@_);
+	return &slevel_zz(&r2z($r1),$N1,&r2z($r2),$N2);
+# significance of difference btw two measured correlation coeffs
+# from brookes+dick63, p.216f
+# NB: result is returned as ratio of difference in Fisher's z to
+#	  standard error of Fisher's z; values >> 1 indicate that difference
+#	  is significant
+sub sig_rrtrue(@)
+	my($r,$N,$rtrue) = &antsFunUsage(3,"fcf","r, N, r_true",@_);
+	return abs(&r2z($r) - &r2z($rtrue)) * sqrt($N-3);
+sub sig_rr(@)
+	my($r1,$N1,$r2,$N2) = &antsFunUsage(4,"fcfc","r1, N1, r2, N2",@_);
+	return abs(&r2z($r1) - &r2z($r2)) / (1/sqrt($N1-3)+1/sqrt($N2-3));
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libtides.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+#                    L I B T I D E S . P L 
+#                    doc: Thu Aug 24 21:37:14 2006
+#                    dlm: Thu Apr 26 10:22:53 2012
+#                    (c) 2006 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 17 0 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+# tidal calculations
+#   Aug 24, 2006: - created during GRAVILUCK
+#   Jan 22, 2008: - renamed M2() to M2_bias()
+#                 - added M2_phase()
+#   Apr 26, 2012: - added K1 & M2 tidal frequencies
+# tidal frequencies
+#   - taken from thesis Makefile
+#   - according to my memory, the values are from Apel's book
+$M2 = 24/1.9322;
+$K1 = 24/1.0027;
+# given t0, a decimal day at the beginning of "flood", return a scale
+# between -1 and 1 that can be multiplied with the max tidal flow amplitude
+# to estimate tidal velocity at time t. 
+sub M2_bias(@)
+	my($t0,$t) = &antsFunUsage(2,'ff','time-origin, time',@_);
+	return sin(2*3.14159265358979 * ($t-$t0) / ($M2/24));
+sub M2_phase(@)
+	my($t0,$t) = &antsFunUsage(2,'ff','time-origin, time',@_);
+	return round(360 * frac(($t-$t0) / ($M2/24)));
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libubtest.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+#                    L I B U B T E S T . P L 
+#                    doc: Sun Mar 21 09:35:05 1999
+#                    dlm: Mon Jul 24 15:10:05 2006
+#                    (c) 1999 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 10 32 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+# overloaded equal() routine for ubtest
+#	NB: tests relative errors!!!
+#	Mar 21, 1999: - created
+#	Sep 18, 1999: - argument typechecking
+$error = 1e-6;
+sub equal($$)
+	my($target,$val) = &antsFunUsage(2,"ff","target, val",@_);
+	my($abserr) = $target-$val;
+	my($relerr) = abs($abserr / ($target ? $target : 1));
+	if ($relerr > $error) {
+		print(STDERR "Equality failure --- abs err = $abserr, rel err = $relerr\n");
+		exit(1);
+	}
+	exit(0);
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libvec.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+#                    L I B V E C . P L 
+#                    doc: Sat Mar 20 12:50:32 1999
+#                    dlm: Thu Apr 22 11:32:54 2010
+#                    (c) 1999 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 147 34 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+#	Mar 20, 1999: - created for ANTS_2.1 (no more c-code)
+#	May 27, 1999: - added polar/cartesian conversions
+#	Sep 18, 1999: - argument typechecking
+#	Dec 10, 1999: - vel_u(), vel_v(), vel_dir(), vel_mag()
+#	Mar 07, 2000: - proj(), deg(), rad()
+#	Apr 18, 2002: - area()
+#	Jan  6, 2003: - changed dist() output to meters
+#	Jan 16, 2003: - renamed vel_vel() to vel_speed()
+#	Sep  3, 2003: - dir_bias()
+#	May 13, 2004: - BUG: had fogotten to adapt area() to new dist()
+#	May 21, 2004: - forced zero distance on &dist() if lat/lon does
+#				    not change (avoid roundoff error)
+#	Jun 22, 2004: - added GMTdeg(), dir()
+#	Nov 11, 2004: - BUG: roundoff test in dist() was done before
+#					     conversion to numbers
+#   Jul  1, 2006: - Version 3.3 [HISTORY]
+#   Jul 24, 2006: - modified to use equal()
+#	Nov 16, 2006: - added degmin()
+#	Dec 19, 2007: - addapted vel_speed(), vel_dir() to new &antsFunUsage()
+#				  - same routines now return nan on nan input
+#	Jan 15, 2007: - BUG: vel_dir() was broken
+#	Jun 14, 2009: - added p_vel()
+#	Nov  5, 2009: - added angle(); vel_bias() => angle_diff()
+#	Apr 22, 2010: - added angle_ts()
+require "$ANTS/libPOSIX.pl";	# acos()
+# &rad()							calc radians
+# &deg()							calc degrees
+$PI = 3.14159265358979;
+sub rad(@)
+	my($d) = &antsFunUsage(1,"f","<deg>",@_);
+	return $d/180 * $PI;
+sub deg(@)
+	my($r) = &antsFunUsage(1,"f","<rad>",@_);
+	return $r/$PI * 180;
+# &proj(from_x,from_y,onto_unit_x,onto_unit_y)
+#									project vector onto another
+# to transform CM velocity components u/v to along/across mean l/c:
+#   - mean dir d = &vel_dir(<u>,<v>); with <.> indicating ensemble avg
+#	- l = proj(u,v,sin(rad(d)),cos(rad(d))); NEW: l = p_vel(d[,u,v])
+#	- c = -proj(u,v,-cos(rad(d)),sin(rad(d)));
+sub proj(@)
+	my($fx,$fy,$oux,$ouy) =
+		&antsFunUsage(4,"ffff","<from_x> <from_y> " .
+							   "<onto_unit_x> <onto_unit_y>",@_);
+	return $fx*$oux + $fy*$ouy;
+{ my(@fc);
+	sub p_vel(@)
+	{
+		my($u,$v,$d) = &antsFunUsage(3,'..f','[u, v,] dir',\@fc,'u','v',undef,@_);
+		return nan unless numbersp($d,$u,$v);
+		return proj($u,$v,sin(rad($d)),cos(rad($d)));
+	}
+# &polar_r(x,y),&vel_vel(u,v)		calc polar radius, velocity
+# &polar_phi(x,y),&vel_dir(u,v)		calc polar degrees cclockwise from
+#									horiz (phi) OR clockwise from N (dir)
+# &cartesian_x(r,phi),&vel_u(m,dir)	calc x and u from polar coords
+# &cartesian_y(r,phi),&vel_v(m,dir)	calc y and v from polar coords
+sub polar_r(@)
+	my($x,$y) = &antsFunUsage(2,"ff","<x> <y>",@_);
+	return sqrt($x*$x+$y*$y);
+{ my(@fc);
+	sub vel_speed(@)
+	{
+		my($u,$v) = &antsFunUsage(2,'..','[u, v]',\@fc,'u','v',@_); # . allows for nans
+		return nan unless numbersp($u,$v);
+		return sqrt($u*$u+$v*$v);
+	}
+sub polar_phi(@)
+	my($x,$y) = &antsFunUsage(2,"ff","<x> <y>",@_);
+	return 180 / $PI * atan2($y,$x);
+{ my(@fc);
+	sub vel_dir(@)
+	{
+		my($u,$v) = &antsFunUsage(2,'..','[u, v]',\@fc,'u','v',@_); # . allows for nans
+		return nan unless numbersp($u,$v);
+		my($dir) = 180 / $PI * atan2($u,$v);
+		return ($dir >= 0) ? $dir : $dir+360;
+	}
+sub cartesian_x(@)
+	my($r,$phi) = &antsFunUsage(2,"ff","<r> <phi>",@_);
+	return $r * cos($PI*$phi/180);
+sub vel_u(@) { return &cartesian_x($_[0],90-$_[1]); }
+sub cartesian_y(@)
+	my($r,$phi) = &antsFunUsage(2,"ff","<r> <phi>",@_);
+	return $r * sin($PI*$phi/180);
+sub vel_v(@) { return &cartesian_y($_[0],90-$_[1]); }
+# &angle(val)
+#	return angle in range [-180,180]
+# &angle_diff(ref_dir,dir)
+#	return rotation between two angles
+# &rotation_ts(dir)
+#	return time series of rotation
+# &angle_ts(dir)
+#	return time series of angle without "wrap-around jumps"
+sub angle(@)
+	my($val) = &antsFunUsage(1,"f","<val>",@_);
+	$val += 360 while ($val < -180);
+	$val -= 360 while ($val > 180);
+	return $val;
+sub angle_diff(@)
+	my($m,$s) = &antsFunUsage(2,"ff","<minuend> <subtrahend>",@_);
+	return angle($m-$s);
+{ my($last_in);
+  sub rotation_ts(@)
+  {
+	my($a) = &antsFunUsage(1,"f","<angle>",@_);
+	my($rot) = defined($last_in) ? angle_diff($a,$last_in) : nan;
+	$last_in = $a;
+	return $rot;
+  }
+{ my($last_in,$last_out);
+  sub angle_ts(@)
+  {
+	my($a) = &antsFunUsage(1,"f","<angle>",@_);
+	$last_out = $last_in = $a
+		unless (defined($last_in));
+	$last_out += angle_diff($a,$last_in);
+	$last_in = $a;
+	return $last_out;
+  }
+# &ddeg(deg),&GMTdeg(deg)				convert degree formats
+sub ddeg(@)
+	my($deg) = &antsFunUsage(1,"","<degrees in GMT format>",@_);
+	my($d,$m,$s) = split(':',$deg);
+	return ($d>=0) ? $d+$m/60+$s/3600
+				   : $d-$m/60-$s/3600;
+# NB: without roundoff code, results are as follows:
+#		abc -Lvec 'GMTdeg(ddeg("10:11"))' -> 10:11:8.52651e-13
+#		abc -Lvec 'GMTdeg(ddeg("10:10"))' -> 10:9:60
+sub GMTdeg(@)
+	my($deg) = &antsFunUsage(1,"f","<degrees>",@_);
+	my($sgn); if ($deg < 0) { $sgn = '-'; $deg *= -1; }
+	my($min) = 60*($deg-int($deg));
+	my($sec) = 60*($min-int($min));
+	$sec=0,$min++ if equal($sec,60);
+	$sec=0        if equal($sec,0);
+	return sprintf("$sgn%d:%d:%g",int($deg),int($min),$sec);
+sub degmin(@)
+	my($deg) = &antsFunUsage(1,"f","<degrees>",@_);
+	my($sgn); if ($deg < 0) { $sgn = '-'; $deg *= -1; }
+	my($min) = 60*($deg-int($deg));
+	$min=0 if equal($min,0);
+	return sprintf("$sgn%d:%04.1f",int($deg),$min);
+# &dist(lat1,lon1,lat2,lon2)	distance on globe (in m)
+# &dist12(...)					ditto but with deg/min/sec separate
+# &dir(lat1,lon1,lat2,lon2)		direction btw two points
+# &area(gmt_region)				approximate area
+sub dist(@)
+	my($lat1,$lon1,$lat2,$lon2) =
+		&antsFunUsage(4,"","lat1 lon1 lat2 lon2",@_);
+	$lat1 = &ddeg($lat1);
+	$lat2 = &ddeg($lat2);
+	$lon1 = &ddeg($lon1);
+	$lon2 = &ddeg($lon2);
+	return 0 if ($lat1 == $lat2 && $lon1 == $lon2);	# avoid roundoff
+	$radius = 6378139; 					# const
+	$pi = 3.14159265358979;
+	$d2r = $pi/180.0;
+	$ct1 = cos($d2r*$lat1);
+	$st1 = sin($d2r*$lat1);
+	$cp1 = cos($d2r*$lon1);
+	$sp1 = sin($d2r*$lon1);
+	$ct2 = cos($d2r*$lat2);
+	$st2 = sin($d2r*$lat2);
+	$cp2 = cos($d2r*$lon2);
+	$sp2 = sin($d2r*$lon2);
+	$cosine = $ct1*$cp1*$ct2*$cp2 + $ct1*$sp1*$ct2*$sp2 + $st1*$st2;
+	if ($cosine > 1.0) { $cosine = 1.0; }
+	if ($cosine < -1.0) { $cosine = -1.0; }
+	return $radius * acos($cosine);
+sub dist12(@)
+	my($la1d,$la1m,$la1s,$lo1d,$lo1m,$lo1s,
+	   $la2d,$la2m,$la2s,$lo2d,$lo2m,$lo2s) =
+		&antsFunUsage(12,"ffffffffffff","lat1 m s lon1 m s lat2 m s lon2 m s",@_);
+	return dist(
+		($la1d>=0)?$la1d+$la1m/60+$la1s/3600 : $la1d-$la1m/60-$la1s/3600,
+		($lo1d>=0)?$lo1d+$lo1m/60+$lo1s/3600 : $lo1d-$lo1m/60-$lo1s/3600,
+		($la2d>=0)?$la2d+$la2m/60+$la2s/3600 : $la2d-$la2m/60-$la2s/3600,
+		($lo2d>=0)?$lo2d+$lo2m/60+$lo2s/3600 : $lo2d-$lo2m/60-$lo2s/3600
+	);
+sub dir(@)
+	my($lat1,$lon1,$lat2,$lon2) =
+		&antsFunUsage(4,"","lat1 lon1 lat2 lon2",@_);
+	my($dx) = dist(($lat1+$lat2)/2,$lon1,($lat1+$lat2)/2,$lon2);
+	$dx *= -1 if ($lon2 < $lon1);
+	my($dy) = dist($lat1,($lon1+$lon2)/2,$lat2,($lon1+$lon2)/2);
+	$dy *= -1 if ($lat2 < $lat1);
+	return ($dx == 0 && $dy == 0) ? nan : vel_dir($dx,$dy);
+sub area(@)
+	my($R) = &antsFunUsage(1,"",'<"W/E/S/N">',@_);
+	my($W,$E,$S,$N) = split('/',$R);
+	return (&dist($S,$W,$S,$E) + &dist($N,$W,$N,$E)) / 2 *
+		   (&dist($S,$W,$N,$W) + &dist($S,$E,$N,$E)) / 2;
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mrqcof.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+#                    M R Q C O F . P L 
+#                    doc: Wed Feb 24 15:14:39 1999
+#                    dlm: Thu Feb 27 09:40:41 2003
+#                    (c) 1999 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 30 0 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+# MRQCOF routine from Numerical Recipes adapted for ANTS
+# Notes:
+#	- data which has $antsFlagged[] TRUE is ignored
+#	- x,y,sig are field numbers for data in $ants_
+#	- if sig is a negative number, -sig is used as constant input stddev
+#	- @A, @listA, @alpha, @beta, $chisq, &funcs are passed as references
+# 	- Feb 24, 1999: - ported from c-source
+#	- Jul 31, 1999: - BUG: first elt in $ants_ was ignored!
+require "$ANTS/nrutil.pl";
+sub mrqcof($$$$$$$$$)
+	my($xfnr,$yfnr,$sig,$AR,$listAR,$alphaR,$betaR,$chiSqR,$funcsR) = @_;
+	my($k,$j,$i);
+	my($ymod,$wt,$sig2i,$dy,@dyda);
+	&vector(\@dyda,1,$#{$AR});
+	for ($j=1; $j<=$#{$listAR}; $j++) {
+		for ($k=1; $k<=$j; $k++) { $alphaR->[$j][$k] = 0.0; }
+		$betaR->[$j] = 0.0;
+	}
+	$$chiSqR = 0.0;
+	for ($i=0; $i<=$#ants_; $i++) {
+		next if ($antsFlagged[$i]);
+	    $ymod = &$funcsR($ants_[$i][$xfnr],$AR,\@dyda);
+	    if ($sig > 0) {									# field number
+			$sig2i = 1.0/($ants_[$i][$sig]*$ants_[$i][$sig]);
+		} else {										# const value
+			$sig2i = 1.0/($sig*$sig);
+		}
+		$dy = $ants_[$i][$yfnr] - $ymod;
+		for ($j=1; $j<=$#{$listAR}; $j++) {
+			$wt = $dyda[$listAR->[$j]]*$sig2i;
+			for ($k=1; $k<=$j; $k++) {
+				$alphaR->[$j][$k] += $wt*$dyda[$listAR->[$k]];
+#				print(STDERR "alpha[$j][$k] = $alphaR->[$j][$k]\n");
+#				print(STDERR "$wt,$dyda[$listAR->[$k]]\n");
+			}
+			$betaR->[$j] += $dy*$wt;
+		}
+		$$chiSqR += $dy*$dy*$sig2i;
+	}
+	for ($j=2; $j<=$#{$listAR}; $j++) {
+		for ($k=1; $k<=$j-1; $k++) {
+			$alphaR->[$k][$j] = $alphaR->[$j][$k];
+		}
+	}
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mrqmin.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+#                    M R Q M I N . P L 
+#                    doc: Wed Feb 24 15:10:22 1999
+#                    dlm: Tue Aug 22 22:05:43 2006
+#                    (c) 1999 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 15 67 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+# MRQMIN routine from Numerical Recipes adapted to ANTS
+# NB: based on 1st edtion of NR!!!!
+#	Mar 11, 1999: - created
+#	Sep 27, 1999: - adapted to allow for new version of covsrt.pl as well
+#	Aug 22, 2006: - changed require from covsrt_old.pl to covsrt.pl
+# Notes:
+#	- x,y,sig are field numbers for data in $ants_
+#	- if sig is a negative number, -sig is used as constant input stddev
+#	- @A, @listA, @alpha, @covar, $chiSq, &funcs, $alamda passed as refs
+require "$ANTS/mrqcof.pl";
+require "$ANTS/gaussj.pl";
+require "$ANTS/covsrt.pl";
+require "$ANTS/nrutil.pl";
+{													# static scope
+	my(@da,@atry,@oneda,@beta,$oChiSq);
+	sub mrqmin($$$$$$$$$$)
+	{
+		my($xfnr,$yfnr,$sig,$AR,$listAR,$covarR,
+		   $alphaR,$chiSqR,$funcsR,$alamdaR) = @_;
+		my($k,$kk,$j,$ihit);
+		if ($$alamdaR < 0.0) {
+			&matrix(\@oneda,1,$#{$AR},1,1);
+			&vector(\@atry,1,$#{$AR});
+			&vector(\@da,1,$#{$AR});
+			&vector(\@beta,1,$#{$AR});
+			$kk = $#{$listAR}+1;
+			for ($j=1; $j<=$#{$AR}; $j++) {
+				$ihit = 0;
+				for ($k=1; $k<=$#{$listAR}; $k++) {
+					if ($listAR->[$k] == $j) { $ihit++; }
+				}
+				if ($ihit == 0) {
+					$listAR->[$kk++] = $j;
+				} elsif ($ihit > 1) {
+					croak("Bad listA permutation in MRQMIN-1");
+				}
+			}
+			if ($kk != $#{$AR}+1) {
+				for ($ei=1; $ei<=$#{$listAR}; $ei++) {
+					print(STDERR "listA[$ei] = $listAR->[$ei]\n");
+				}
+				croak("Bad listA permutation in MRQMIN-2 " .
+					"($kk != $#{$AR}+1)");
+			}
+			$$alamdaR = 0.001;
+			&mrqcof($xfnr,$yfnr,$sig,$AR,$listAR,$alphaR,
+					\@beta,$chiSqR,$funcsR);
+			$oChiSq = $$chiSqR;
+		}
+		for ($j=1; $j<=$#{$listAR}; $j++) {
+			for ($k=1; $k<=$#{$listAR}; $k++) {
+				$covarR->[$j][$k] = $alphaR->[$j][$k];
+#				print(STDERR "covar[$j][$k] = $covarR->[$j][$k]\n");
+			}
+			$covarR->[$j][$j] = $alphaR->[$j][$j]*(1.0+$$alamdaR);
+			$oneda[$j][1] = $beta[$j];
+		}
+		&gaussj($covarR,\@oneda);
+		for ($j=1; $j<=$#{$listAR}; $j++) {
+			$da[$j] = $oneda[$j][1];
+		}
+		if ($$alamdaR == 0.0) {
+			&covsrt($covarR,$listAR);
+			return;
+		}
+		for ($j=1; $j<=$#{$AR}; $j++) { $atry[$j] = $AR->[$j]; }
+		for ($j=1; $j<=$#{$listAR}; $j++) {
+			$atry[$listAR->[$j]] = $AR->[$listAR->[$j]]+$da[$j];
+		}
+		&mrqcof($xfnr,$yfnr,$sig,\@atry,$listAR,$covarR,\@da,$chiSqR,$funcsR);
+		if ($$chiSqR < $oChiSq) {
+			$$alamdaR *= 0.1;
+			$oChiSq = $$chiSqR;
+			for ($j=1; $j<=$#{$listAR}; $j++) {
+				for ($k=1; $k<=$#{$listAR}; $k++) {
+					$alphaR->[$j][$k] = $covarR->[$j][$k];
+				}
+				$beta[$j] = $da[$j];
+				$AR->[$listAR->[$j]] = $atry[$listAR->[$j]];
+			}
+		} else {
+			$$alamdaR *= 10.0;
+			$$chiSqR = $oChiSq;
+		}
+		return;
+	}
+} # end of static scope
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nrutil.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+#                    N R U T I L . P L 
+#                    doc: Wed Feb 24 17:44:49 1999
+#                    dlm: Sun Jul  2 00:47:04 2006
+#                    (c) 1999 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 45 31 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+# extract from nrutil.c/nrutil.h (Numerical Recipes) adapted for ANTS
+#	Feb 24, 1999: -	created from c-source
+#	Aug 01, 1999: - added macros from nrutil.h
+#	Sep 26, 1999: - added &dumpMatrix()
+#   Jul  1, 2006: - Version 3.3 [HISTORY]
+#	- allocation routines &vector, &matrix needed to make sure
+#	  right number of elts is allocated (for $# op)
+#	- array elts are initialized with nan
+#	- array indices MUST start with 1 (in the spirit of FORTRAN IV, bless)
+#	- instead of pointer return, we use refs
+sub vector($$$)
+	my($vR,$nl,$nh) = @_;
+	my($i);
+	croak("vector must be 1-relative")
+		unless ($nl == 1);
+	for ($i=1; $i<=$nh; $i++) {
+		$vR->[$i] = nan;
+	}
+sub matrix($$$$$)
+	my($mR,$nrl,$nrh,$ncl,$nch) = @_;
+	my($i,$j);
+	croak("matrix must be 1-relative")
+		unless ($nrl == 1 && $ncl == 1);
+	for ($i=1; $i<=$nrh; $i++) {
+		for ($j=1; $j<=$nch; $j++) {
+			$mR->[$i][$j] = nan;
+		}
+	}
+sub dumpMatrix($$)
+	my($msg,$mR) = @_;
+	my($rows) = $#{$mR};
+	my($cols) = $#{$mR->[1]};
+	my($r,$c);
+	print(STDERR "$msg: $rows x $cols (rows x cols)\n");
+	for ($r=1; $r<=$rows; $r++) {
+		for ($c=1; $c<=$cols; $c++) {
+			printf(STDERR "%.3e\t",$mR->[$r][$c]);
+		}
+		print(STDERR "\n");
+	}
+# Macros
+sub SQR($) { return $_[0] * $_[0]; }						# D?SQR
+sub MAX($$) { return ($_[0] > $_[1]) ? $_[0] : $_[1]; }		# [DF]MAX
+sub MIN($$) { return ($_[0] < $_[1]) ? $_[0] : $_[1]; }		# [DF]MIN
+sub SIGN($$) { return ($_[1] >= 0) ? $_[0] : -$_[0]; }		# SIGN
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pearsn.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+#                    P E A R S N . P L 
+#                    doc: Wed Mar 24 11:23:29 1999
+#                    dlm: Mon Jul 24 15:02:14 2006
+#                    (c) 1999 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 26 0 NIL 0 0 72 66 2 4 NIL ofnI
+#	Mar 24, 1999: - created from NR c-version
+#	Mar 26, 1999: - cosmetic changes
+#	May 23, 1999: - allowed for N==2
+#	Oct 04, 1999: - changed from specfuns to funs
+#	Oct 13, 1999: - BUG: had to change TINY from 1e-20 to 1e-19
+#	Nov 11, 1999: - BUG: had to change TINY from to 1e-16
+#	Dec 11, 2001: - BUG: NaNs had not been handled correctly
+#	Dec 12, 2001: - BUG: croak() had been used (this produces
+#						 a pipe #ERROR# output which is wrong
+#						 if pearsn is called within eval as in [fit])
+#	Jan  9, 2006: - removed @antsFlagged
+require "$ANTS/libfuns.pl";
+{											# static scope
+my($TINY) = 1e-16;							# for complete correlation
+# get correlation coefficient (retval); N (ref); significance level at which 
+# null hypothesis of zero correlation is disproved (ref; small value
+# indicates significant correlation); and Fisher's z (ref). Missing refs
+# indicate values are not returned. Adapted for ANTS.
+sub pearsn(@)
+	my($xfnr,$yfnr,$NR,$pR,$zR) = @_;
+	my($n,$r);
+	my($j);
+	my($yt,$xt,$t,$df);
+	my($syy,$sxy,$sxx,$ay,$ax);
+	for ($j=0; $j<=$#ants_; $j++) {
+		next unless (numberp($ants_[$j][$xfnr]) && numberp($ants_[$j][$yfnr]));
+		$n++;
+		$ax += $ants_[$j][$xfnr];
+		$ay += $ants_[$j][$yfnr];
+	}
+	die("$0 (pearsn.pl): no data\n") unless ($n >= 2);
+	$ax /= $n;
+	$ay /= $n;
+	for ($j=0; $j<=$#ants_; $j++) {
+		next unless (numberp($ants_[$j][$xfnr]) && numberp($ants_[$j][$yfnr]));
+		$xt = $ants_[$j][$xfnr] - $ax;
+		$yt = $ants_[$j][$yfnr] - $ay;
+		$sxx += $xt * $xt;
+		$syy += $yt * $yt;
+		$sxy += $xt * $yt;
+	}
+	$r   = $sxy/(sqrt($sxx * $syy) + $TINY);
+	$df  = $n - 2;
+	$t   = $r * sqrt($df/((1-$r+$TINY) * (1+$r+$TINY)));
+	$$NR = $n if (defined($NR));
+	$$pR = ($n == 2) ? 0 : &betai(0.5*$df,0.5,$df/($df+$t*$t))
+		if (defined($pR));
+	$$zR = 0.5 * log((1+$r+$TINY) / (1-$r+$TINY))
+		if (defined($zR));
+	return $r;
+}													# end of static scope
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polint.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+#                    P O L I N T . P L 
+#                    doc: Thu Nov 23 20:38:46 2000
+#                    dlm: Tue Aug  5 14:06:31 2008
+#                    (c) 2000 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 17 0 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+# 2nd edition NR polint.c adapted to ANTS
+#	Nov 23, 2000: - created for [.interp.poly]
+#	Jan 12, 2006: - BUG: higher-order polynomials could not be used
+#						 to interpolate linear function
+#   Jul  1, 2006: - Version 3.3 [HISTORY]
+#	Jul 28, 2006: - cosmetics
+#	Aug  5, 2008: - BUG: [.interp.poly] takes data from ref, not @ants_
+#	- &vector()-allocated arrays are numbered from 1
+#	- (nan,nan) is returned on non-numeric required @ants_ values
+#	- in contrast to the NR routine, the error value returned is +ve
+require "$ANTS/nrutil.pl";
+sub polint($$$$$$)								# ($y,$dy) = &polint(...)
+	my($dR,$xf,$xv,$ti,$n,$yf) = @_;
+	my($y,$dy);
+	my($i,$m); my($ns) = 1;
+	my($den,$dif,$dift,$ho,$hp,$w);
+	my(@c,@d);
+	for ($i=0; $i<$n; $i++) {					# check for nans
+		return (nan,nan)
+			unless (numberp($dR->[$ti+$i][$xf]) &&
+					numberp($dR->[$ti+$i][$yf]));
+	}
+	$dif = abs($xv - $dR->[$ti][$xf]);
+	&vector(\@c,1,$n);
+	&vector(\@d,1,$n);
+	for ($i=1; $i<=$n; $i++) {
+		$dift = abs($xv - $dR->[$ti+$i-1][$xf]);
+		if ($dift < $dif) {
+			$ns  = $i;
+			$dif = $dift;
+		}
+		$c[$i] = $dR->[$ti+$i-1][$yf];
+		$d[$i] = $dR->[$ti+$i-1][$yf];
+	}
+	$y = $dR->[$ti+$ns---1][$yf];				# WHAT A CONSTRUCT :-)
+	for ($m=1; $m<$n; $m++) {
+		for ($i=1; $i<=$n-$m; $i++) {
+			$ho  = $dR->[$ti+$i-1][$xf] - $xv;
+			$hp  = $dR->[$ti+$i+$m-1][$xf] - $xv;
+			$w   = $c[$i+1] - $d[$i];
+			$den = $ho - $hp;
+### The following two lines of code are the original, which makes polint
+### fail when interpolating a linear function with a higher-order polynomial,
+### as is done in [ubtest/resample.TF]. 
+###			croak("$0 (polint.pl): ERROR!") if ($den == 0);
+###			$den   = $w / $den;
+### The following line of code is the replacement that solves the bug.
+			$den   = $w / $den unless ($den == 0);
+			$d[$i] = $hp * $den;
+			$c[$i] = $ho * $den;
+		}
+		$dy = (2*$ns < ($n-$m)) ? $c[$ns+1] : $d[$ns--];
+		$y += $dy;
+	}
+	return ($y,abs($dy));
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pythag.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+#                    . / P Y T H A G . P L 
+#                    doc: Sun Aug  1 10:41:34 1999
+#                    dlm: Sun Aug  1 10:46:43 1999
+#                    (c) 1999 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 23 65 NIL 0 0 72 0 2 4 ofnI
+# PYTHAG routine from Numerical Recipes adapted to ANTS
+#	Aug 01, 1999: - manually converted from c-source
+sub pythag($$)
+	my($a,$b) = @_;							# params
+	my($absa,$absb);						# float 
+	$absa = abs($a);
+	$absb = abs($b);
+	return $absa*sqrt(1.0+SQR($absb/$absa))
+		if ($absa > $absb);
+	return ($absb == 0 ? 0 : $absb*sqrt(1+$absa*$absa/$absb/$absb)));
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/svbksb.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+#                    . / S V B K S B . P L 
+#                    doc: Sat Jul 31 22:47:03 1999
+#                    dlm: Sat Jul 31 23:06:40 1999
+#                    (c) 1999 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 30 32 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 ofnI
+# SVBKSB routine from Numerical Recipes adapted to ANTS
+#	Jul 31, 1999: - manually converted from c-source
+# Notes:
+#   - everything passed as refs
+require "$ANTS/nrutil.pl";
+sub svbksb($$$$$)
+	my($uR,$wR,$vR,$bR,$xR) = @_;
+	my($jj,$j,$i);									# int
+	my($s);										# float
+	my(@tmp);									# float[]
+	&vector(\@tmp,1,$#{$wR});
+	for ($j=1; $j<=$#{$wR}; $j++) {
+		$s = 0;
+		if ($wR->[$j]) {
+			for ($i=1; $i<=$#{$uR}; $i++) {
+				$s += $uR->[$i][$j] * $bR->[$i];
+			}
+			$s /= $wR->[$j];
+		}
+		$tmp[$j]=$s;
+	}
+	for ($j=1; $j<=$#{$wR}; $j++) {
+		$s = 0;
+		for ($jj=1; $jj<=$#{$wR}; $jj++) {
+			$s += $vR->[$j][$jj] * tmp[$jj];
+		}
+		$x->[$j] = $s;
+	}
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/svdcmp.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+#                    S V D C M P . P L 
+#                    doc: Sun Aug  1 09:51:37 1999
+#                    dlm: Thu Jul 19 09:45:52 2001
+#                    (c) 1999 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 184 18 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+# SVDCMP routine from Numerical Recipes adapted to ANTS
+#	Aug 01, 1999: - manually converted from c-source
+# Notes:
+#   - everything passed as refs
+require "$ANTS/nrutil.pl";
+require "$ANTS/pythag.pl";
+sub svdcmp($$$)
+	my($aR,$wR,$vR) = @_;							# params
+	my($flag,$i,$its,$j,$jj,$k,$l,$nm);				# int 
+	my($anorm,$c,$f,$g,$h,$s,$scale,$x,$y,$z);		# float
+	my(@rv1);										# float[]
+	vector(\@rv1,1,$#{$vR});
+	for ($i=1; $i<=$#{$vR}; $i++) {
+		$l = $i+1;
+		$rv1[$i] = $scale*$g;
+		$g = 0; $s = 0; $scale = 0;
+		if ($i <= $#{$aR}) {
+			for ($k=$i; $k<=$#{$aR}; $k++) {
+				$scale += abs($aR->[$k][$i]);
+			}
+			if ($scale) {
+				for ($k=$i; $k<=$#{$aR}; $k++) {
+					$aR->[$k][$i] /= $scale;
+					$s += $aR->[$k][$i]*$aR->[$k][$i];
+				}
+				$f = $aR->[$i][$i];
+				$g = -&SIGN(sqrt($s),$f);
+				$h = $f*$g-$s;
+				$aR->[$i][$i] = $f-$g;
+				for ($j=$l; $j<=$#{$vR}; $j++) {
+					for ($s=0,$k=$i; $k<=$#{$aR}; $k++) {
+						$s += $aR->[$k][$i]*$aR->[$k][$j];
+					}
+					$f = $s/$h;
+					for ($k=$i; $k<=$#{$aR}; $k++) {
+						$aR->[$k][$j] += $f*$aR->[$k][$i];
+					}
+				}
+				for ($k=$i; $k<=$#{$aR}; $k++) {
+					$aR->[$k][$i] *= $scale;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		$wR->[$i] = $scale * $g;
+		$g = 0; $s = 0; $scale = 0;
+		if ($i <= $#{$aR} && $i != $#{$vR}) {
+			for ($k=$l; $k<=$#{$vR}; $k++) {
+				$scale += abs($aR->[$i][$k]);
+			}
+			if ($scale) {
+				for ($k=$l; $k<=$#{$vR}; $k++) {
+					$aR->[$i][$k] /= $scale;
+					$s += $aR->[$i][$k]*$aR->[$i][$k];
+				}
+				$f = $aR->[$i][$l];
+				$g = -&SIGN(sqrt($s),$f);
+				$h = $f*$g-$s;
+				$aR->[$i][$l] = $f-$g;
+				for ($k=$l; $k<=$#{$vR}; $k++) {
+					$rv1[$k] = $aR->[$i][$k]/$h;
+				}
+				for ($j=$l; $j<=$#{$aR}; $j++) {
+					for ($s=0,$k=$l; $k<=$#{$vR}; $k++) {
+						$s += $aR->[$j][$k]*$aR->[$i][$k];
+					}
+					for ($k=$l; $k<=$#{$vR}; $k++) {
+						$aR->[$j][$k] += $s*$rv1[$k];
+					}
+				}
+				for ($k=$l; $k<=$#{$vR}; $k++) {
+					$aR->[$i][$k] *= $scale;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		$anorm = &FMAX($anorm,(abs($wR->[$i])+abs($rv1[$i])));
+	}
+	for ($i=$#{$vR}; $i>=1; $i--) {
+		if ($i < $#{$vR}) {
+			if ($g) {
+				for ($j=$l; $j<=$#{$vR}; $j++) {
+					$vR->[$j][$i] = ($aR->[$i][$j]/$aR->[$i][$l])/$g;
+				}
+				for ($j=$l; $j<=$#{$vR}; $j++) {
+					for ($s=0,$k=$l; $k<=$#{$vR}; $k++) {
+						$s += $aR->[$i][$k]*$vR->[$k][$j];
+					}
+					for ($k=$l; $k<=$#{$vR}; $k++) {
+						$vR->[$k][$j] += $s*$vR->[$k][$i];
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			for ($j=$l; $j<=$#{$vR; $j++) {
+				$vR->[$i][$j] = 0; $vR->[$j][$i] = 0;
+			}
+		}
+		$vR->[$i][$i] = 1;
+		$g = $rv1[$i];
+		$l = $i;
+	}
+	for ($i=IMIN($#{$aR},$#{$vR}); $i>=1; $i--) {
+		$l = $i+1;
+		$g = $wR->[$i];
+		for ($j=$l; $j<=$#{$vR}; $j++) {
+			$aR->[$i][$j] = 0;
+		}
+		if ($g) {
+			$g = 1/$g;
+			for ($j=$l; $j<=$#{$vR}; $j++) {
+				for ($s=0,$k=$l; $k<=$#{$aR}; $k++) {
+					$s += $aR->[$k][$i]*$aR->[$k][$j];
+				}
+				$f = ($s/$aR->[$i][$i])*$g;
+				for ($k=$i; $k<=$#{$aR}; $k++) {
+					$aR->[$k][$j] += $f*$aR->[$k][$i];
+				}
+			}
+			for ($j=$i; $j<=$#{$aR}; $j++) {
+				$aR->[$j][$i] *= $g;
+			}
+		} else {
+			for ($j=$i; $j<=$#{$aR}; $j++) {
+				$aR->[$j][$i] = 0;
+			}
+		}
+		++$aR->[$i][$i];
+	}
+	for ($k=$#{$vR}; $k>=1; $k--) {
+		for ($its=1; $its<=30; $its++) {
+			$flag = 1;
+			for ($l=$k; $l>=1; $l--) {
+				$nm = $l-1;
+				if ((abs($rv1[$l])+$anorm) == $anorm) {
+					$flag = 0;
+					break;
+				}
+				break if ((abs($wR->[$nm])+$anorm) == $anorm);
+			}
+			if ($flag) {
+				$c = 0;
+				$s = 1;
+				for ($i=$l; $i<=$k; $i++) {
+					$f = $s*$rv1[$i];
+					$rv1[$i] = $c*$rv1[$i];
+					break if ((abs($f)+$anorm) == $anorm);
+					$g = $wR->[$i];
+					$h = &pythag($f,$g);
+					$wR->[$i] = $h;
+					$h = 1/$h;
+					$c = $g*$h;
+					$s = -$f*$h;
+					for ($j=1; $j<=$#{$aR}; $j++) {
+						$y = $aR->[$j][$nm];
+						$z = $aR->[$j][$i];
+						$aR->[$j][$nm] = $y*$c+$z*$s;
+						$aR->[$j][$i] = $z*$c-$y*$s;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			$z = $wR->[$k];
+			if ($l == $k) {
+				if ($z < 0) {
+					$wR->[$k] = -$z;
+					for ($j=1; $j<=$#{$vR}; $j++) {
+						$vR->[$j][$k] = -$vR->[$j][$k];
+					}
+				}
+				break;
+			}
+			croak("no convergence in 30 svdcmp iterations\n") if ($its == 30);
+			$x = $wR->[$l];
+			$nm = $k-1;
+			$y = $wR->[$nm];
+			$g = $rv1[$nm];
+			$h = $rv1[$k];
+			$f = (($y-$z)*($y+$z)+($g-$h)*($g+$h))/(2.0*$h*$y);
+			$g = &pythag($f,1);
+			$f = (($x-$z)*($x+$z)+$h*(($y/($f+&SIGN($g,$f)))-$h))/$x;
+			$c = 1; $s = 1;
+			for ($j=$l; $j<=$nm; $j++) {
+				$i = $j+1;
+				$g = $rv1[$i];
+				$y = $wR->[$i];
+				$h = $s*$g;
+				$g = $c*$g;
+				$z = &pythag($f,$h);
+				$rv1[$j] = $z;
+				$c = $f/$z;
+				$s = $h/$z;
+				$f = $x*$c+$g*$s;
+				$g = $g*$c-$x*$s;
+				$h = $y*$s;
+				$y *= $c;
+				for ($jj=1; $jj<=$#{$vR}; $jj++) {
+					$x = $vR->[$jj][$j];
+					$z = $vR->[$jj][$i];
+					$vR->[$jj][$j] = $x*$c+$z*$s;
+					$vR->[$jj][$i] = $z*$c-$x*$s;
+				}
+				$z = &pythag($f,$h);
+				$wR->[$j] = $z;
+				if ($z) {
+					$z = 1/$z;
+					$c = $f*$z;
+					$s = $h*$z;
+				}
+				$f = $c*$g+$s*$y;
+				$x = $c*$y-$s*$g;
+				for ($jj=1; $jj<=$#{$aR}; $jj++) {
+					$y = $aR->[$jj][$j];
+					$z = $aR->[$jj][$i];
+					$aR->[$jj][$j] = $y*$c+$z*$s;
+					$aR->[$jj][$i] = $z*$c-$y*$s;
+				}
+			}
+			$rv1[$l] = 0;
+			$rv1[$k] = $f;
+			$wR->[$k] = $x;
+		}
+	}
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/svdfit.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+#                    . / S V D F I T . P L 
+#                    doc: Sat Jul 31 22:09:25 1999
+#                    dlm: Sat Jul 31 22:45:40 1999
+#                    (c) 1999 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 61 36 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 ofnI
+# SVDFIT routine from Numerical Recipes adapted to ANTS
+#	Jul 31, 1999: - manually converted from c-source
+# Notes:
+#   - x,y,sig are field numbers for data in $ants_
+#   - if sig is a negative number, -sig is used as constant input stddev
+#   - @a, @u, @v, @w, &funcs passed as refs
+#	- chi square is returned
+require "$ANTS/nrutil.pl";
+require "$ANTS/svbksb.pl";
+require "$ANTS/svdcmp.pl";
+{ # BEGIN static scope
+my($TOL) = 1.0e-5;
+sub svdfit($$$$$$$$)
+	my($xfnr,$yfnr,$sig,$aR,$uR,$vR,$wR,$funcsR) = @_;
+	my($j,$i);										# int
+	my($chisq,$wmax,$tmp,$thresh,$sum);					# float
+	my(@b,@afunc);									# float[]
+	&vector(\@b,1,$#ants_);
+	&vector(\@afunc,1,$#{$aR});
+	for ($i=0; $i<=$#ants_; $i++) {
+		next if ($antsFlagged[$i]);
+		&$funcsR($ants_[$i][$xfnr],\@afunc);
+		$tmp = 1.0 / (($sig > 0) ? $ants_[$i][$sig] : -$sig);
+		for ($j=1; $j<=$#{$aR}; $j++) {
+			$uR->[$i][$j] = $afunc[$j]*$tmp;
+		}
+		$b[$i] = $ants_[$i][$yfnr]*$tmp;
+	}
+	&svdcmp($uR,$wR,$vR);
+	for ($j=1; $j<=$#{$aR}; $j++) {
+		$wmax = $wR->[$j] if ($wR->[$j] > $wmax);
+	}
+	$thresh = $TOL*$wmax;
+	for ($j=1; $j<=$#{$aR}; $j++) {
+		$wR->[$j] = 0 if ($wR->[$j] < $thresh);
+	}
+	&svbksb($uR,$wR,$vR,\@b,$aR);
+	for ($i=0; $i<=$#ants_; $i++) {
+		next if ($antsFlagged[$i]);
+		&$funcsR($ants_[$i][$xfnr],\@afunc);
+		for ($j=1; $j<=$#{$aR}; $j++) {
+			$sum += $aR->[$j]*$afunc[$j];
+		}
+		$tmp = ($ants_[$i][$yfnr] - $sum) /
+				(($sig > 0) ? $ants_[$i][$sig] : -$sig);
+		$chisq += $tmp * $tmp;
+	}
+	return $chisq;
+} # END static scope