authorA.M. Thurnherr <athurnherr@yahoo.com>
Sun, 02 Dec 2012 10:54:39 +0000
changeset 3 55a8c407d38e
parent 2 75410953a4d5
child 4 ff72b00b4342
new file mode 100755
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INDEX
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+                    I N D E X 
+                    doc: Wed Jun 18 09:46:58 1997
+                    dlm: Tue Oct 16 09:12:43 2012
+                    (c) 1997 Andreas Thurnherr
+                    uE-Info: 122 0 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+	- for documentation see [doc/INDEX]
+	- utilities not in ubtest are marked with !!!
+[ARGOSfloatdrift]	split ARGOS float track into subsurface/surface portions
+[CMrecavg]			record-average velocity & stderr
+[CTD_w]				calculate w from isopycnal displacement
+[dist]				distance on Earth's surface
+[distn]				station distance / mid point btw 2 profiles
+[distcircle]		calc geographic coords a given distance from point
+[distfrom]			calculate distance to particular station
+[dreckon]			dead reckoning (calc geo coords from length displacement)
+[dynmodes]!!!		calculate dynamical modes
+[expandtrack]		build interpolate track between stations
+[gamma_n]			calculate neutral densities
+[gvel]				calculate geostrophic velocities
+[interpstn]			interpolate between 2 stations
+[isopycnal_TS]		calc TS props on isopycnal
+[LADCPfs]!!!		calculate LADCP finestructure from [binpgrams] output
+[N]!!!				calculate buoyancy frequency
+[NMEA2latlon]		extract lat/lon info from NMEA strings
+[NODCsplit]!!!		split NODC_SD2 file into components
+[repeatstations]!!!	find repeat stations
+[Ri]!!!				calculate Richardson number
+[Rrho]!!!			stability ratio profile
+[thorpe77]!!!		calc Thorpe fluctuations
+[tidalphasediff]	calc M2 & K1 phase differences between two profiles
+[trackdist]			calculate distance for track-files
+[tracksplit]		split data set into linear tracks
+[veldiff]			compare velocity profiles
+	[.interp.linear]		linear interpolation
+	[.interp.poly]			polygonal interpolation
+	[.interp.spline]		spline interpolation
+	[.interp.nnbr]			nearest-neighbor
+	[.interp.ADCP]			RDI ADCP velocity sampling (triangular instrument response)
+[waterdepth]!!!		get water depth from Smith and Sandwell topography	
+[xover]				get crossover stations
+[xpgrams]!!!		extract pgrams from [binpgrams] [LADCPfs] output for plotting
+[yoyo]				splits yoyo file into individual casts
+-Model Fitting-
+[lfit]				linear least squares
+[match]!!!			match two data sets --- UNFINISHED
+	[.interp.linear]		linear interpolation
+	[.interp.poly]			polygonal interpolation
+	[.interp.spline]		spline interpolation
+	[.interp.nnbr]			nearest-neighbor
+[mfit]!!!			robust linear regression
+[lmfit]				non-linear least-squares (Levenberg-Marquardt)
+	[.lmfit.poly]		fit polynomial
+	[.lmfit.gauss]		fit Gaussian
+	[.lmfit.exp]		fit exponential
+[lsfit]				generalized linear least-squares
+	[.lsfit.poly]		fit polynomial
+	[.lsfit.bilin]		bi-linear fit
+[avg]				avg/stddev/stderr/ndata/outliers/mean-sq amp/absolute mag/rms/gaussian avg
+[avgr]				avg correlation coefficient
+[bootstrap]			calc bootstrap confidence interval
+[Hist]				histogram
+[histeq]			histogram equalization
+[max]				maximum
+[median]			median
+[min]				minimum
+[Minmax]			min/max combo
+[abc]				PERL floating point replacement for expr(1)/bc(1)
+[count]				as in 1, 2, 3, ...
+[fdiff]				first differencing
+[fillgaps]			general interpolation of missing data
+	[.nminterp.linear]
+	[.nminterp.spline]
+[integrate]			integrate data
+[sum]				calc sum of field
+!!![wdiff]			window differencing
+[fftfilt]			simplistic frequency domain digital filter
+[fgauss]!!!			running Gaussian filter
+[fmean]!!!			running mean filter
+[fmedian]!!!		median filter (OBSOLETE)
+[rfilt]!!!			general running filter (mean, median, min, max, ...)
+-Spectral Methods-
+[binpgrams]!!!		calc peridograms in (possibly overlapping) bins
+[lagcorr]			(lag) correlation / autocorrelation
+[pgram]				calc periodograms (power spectra)
+-Data Selection/Handling-
+[ANTS2mat]			Matlab export
+[bindata]			bin data & calc stats
+[binmerge]!!!		merge data into binned file (e.g. from [binpgrams])
+[Cat]				ants version of cat(1) 
+[crossings]!!!		get records when specific field val is crossed
+[data]!				get info about data
+[ded]				data editor
+[distfromtrack]!!!	calculate minimum perpendicular distance to piece-wise linear track
+[Echo]				ants versions of echo(1)
+[fileavg]!!!		avg, stddev files record-by-record
+[filediff]!			calc difference between files record-by-record
+[filestats]!!!		calc arbitrary stats of files record-by-record
+[fnr]				extracts field# from header or from Layout file
+[gextrema]			select extrema
+[glist]				select records from list
+[glmax]!!!			find local maxima
+[gmonot]!!!			select monotonic records (remove spurious inversions)
+[gpoly]				select points inside a polygon
+[how]!!!			extract command sequence from ANTS header
+[importCNV]			read ASCII and binary SeaBird CNV files
+[importfixed]		import fixed-size records
+[list]				list data and metadata
+[listNC]			list netcdf(1) data and metadata
+[merge]				merge files by matching numeric values
+[NCode]				encode ANTS to netcdf
+[resample]			resample data
+	[.interp.linear]		linear interpolation
+	[.interp.poly]			polygonal interpolation
+	[.interp.spline]		spline interpolation
+	[.interp.nnbr]			nearest-neighbor
+	[.interp.fillnan]		fill with nans
+[reverse]			reverse order of records in file
+[scantext]			extract numbers from free-format text files
+[Sort]				sort data
+[Split]				split data file according to field value
+[splitCNV]			split ASCII SeaBird CNV file
+[splitNC]			extract multiple ANTS files from single netCDF
+[stackplots]		plot multiple files with offsets
+[subsample]			nearest-neighbors; does not need monotonic x field
+[varbindata]		bin data in variable-sized bins
+[fixfmt]!!!			fix path in ANTS header & nan format
+[tile]!!!			tile eps-files by 8
+[tabulate]!!!		make visually pleasing table from data
+[argtest]			test argument typechecking stuff
+=ANTS Libraries=
+[ants.pl]			common stuff
+	[antsio.pl]		input/output handling
+	[antsusage.pl]	usage handling
+	[antsutils.pl]	miscellaneous
+[antsfilters.pl]	library for data filtering
+[antsintegrate.pl]	integrator
+=Libraries (for -L)=
+[libCPT.pl]			GMT cpt file parsing
+[libEOS83.pl]		equation of state
+[libfuns.pl]		chapter 6 from NR: special functions; own stuff
+[libgamma.pl]		Jacket + McDougall gamma_n
+[libGHP.pl]			Gregg-Henyey-Polzin parameterization
+[libGM.pl]			Garrett & Munk spectrum
+[libLADCP.pl]		LADCP-related funs
+[libNODC.pl]!!!		NODC SD2 conversions
+[libPOSIX.pl]		POSIX functions
+[libstats.pl]		significance tests
+[libubtest.pl]		testing stuff
+[libvec.pl]			vector stuff, including distance on globe
+[libWOCE.pl]		WOCE conversions
+[libconv.pl]		conversions
+=Numerical Recipes Routines=
+[covsrt.pl]			for [lmfit]
+[fft.pl]			FFT
+[gaussj.pl]			Gaussian eliminiation
+[lfit.pl]			linear least squares
+[mrqcof.pl]			for [lmfit]
+[mrqmin.pl]			for [lmfit]
+[nrutil.pl]			aux utilities (vector/matrix/macros)
+[pearsn.pl]			for [corr]
+[polint.pl]			for [.interp.poly]
+[pythag.pl]			pythagoras
+=GMT Utilities=
+[adjustROI]!!!		make ROI compatible with grd file
+[CPTcolor]!!!		extract colour from cpt-file
+[CPTcontours]!!!	extract contour-levels from cpt-file
+[grdjoin]!!!		join multiple compatible grd files
+[lmcont]!!!			linear contouring of (quasi-)monotonic data
+[mkCPT]				makecpt(l) replacement
+[rectangulate]!!!	construct GMT multiseg rectangles from x/y/z/width info
+[psbath]!!!			build bathymetric map; similar to pscoast
+[psROI]!!!			psxy frontent to plot regions of interest
+[psSamp]!!!			generate GMT-compatible PS output for pie-wedge (repeat-)station data
--- a/ants.pl
+++ b/ants.pl
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
 #                    A N T S . P L 
 #                    doc: Fri Jun 19 14:01:06 1998
-#                    dlm: Wed Jul  5 15:37:12 2006
+#                    dlm: Mon Sep 24 12:41:50 2012
 #                    (c) 1998 A.M. Thurnherr
-#                    uE-Info: 18 0 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+#                    uE-Info: 25 76 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
@@ -12,15 +12,24 @@
 #  Jul  3, 2006: - added support for ANTS_PERL
 #  Jul  5, 2006: - removed `basename`
 #  Jul 19, 2006: - added error if exec($ANTS_PERL) fails
+#  Sep 24, 2012: - added support for $ANTSLIB
 exec($ENV{ANTS_PERL},$0,@ARGV),die("$ENV{ANTS_PERL}: $!")
     if (defined($ENV{ANTS_PERL}) && $^X ne $ENV{ANTS_PERL});
-($ANTS) = ($0 =~ m{^(.*)/[^/]*$}) unless defined($ANTS);
-require "$ANTS/antsusage.pl";
-require "$ANTS/antsio.pl";
-require "$ANTS/antsutils.pl";
-require "$ANTS/antsexprs.pl";
+if (defined($ANTSLIB)) {							# new style (V5)
+	require "$ANTSLIB/antsusage.pl";
+	require "$ANTSLIB/antsio.pl";
+	require "$ANTSLIB/antsutils.pl";
+	require "$ANTSLIB/antsexprs.pl";
+	$ANTS = $ANTSLIB;								# backward compatibility
+} elsif (defined($ANTS)) {							# old style
+	require "$ANTS/antsusage.pl";
+	require "$ANTS/antsio.pl";
+	require "$ANTS/antsutils.pl";
+	require "$ANTS/antsexprs.pl";
+} else {
+	die("neither \$ANTS nor \$ANTSLIB defined\n");
--- a/antsio.pl
+++ b/antsio.pl
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
 #                    A N T S I O . P L 
 #                    doc: Fri Jun 19 19:22:51 1998
-#                    dlm: Thu Apr 26 09:01:50 2012
+#                    dlm: Wed Oct 10 12:36:29 2012
 #                    (c) 1998 A.M. Thurnherr
-#                    uE-Info: 200 107 NIL 0 0 70 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+#                    uE-Info: 598 0 NIL 0 0 70 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
@@ -577,23 +577,25 @@
 			$OEparamsOnly = 1;
 			for (my($if)=my($of)=0; $if<@antsOutExprs; $if++,$of++) {
-				if ($antsOutExprs[$if] =~ m{^%([\w\.]+)$}) {	# %PARAM
+#				if ($antsOutExprs[$if] =~ m{^%([\w\.]+)$}) {	# %PARAM
+				if ($antsOutExprs[$if] =~ m{^%([^=]+)$}) {		# %PARAM
 					$ofn[$of] = $1;
 					$OEparam[$of] = 1;
-				} elsif ($antsOutExprs[$if] =~ m{^[\w\.]+$}) { 	# single field
-					undef($OEparamsOnly);
-					$ofn[$of] = $antsOutExprs[$if];
-					$OEfield[$of] = &outFnr($antsOutExprs[$if]);
 	            } elsif ($antsOutExprs[$if] eq \'$@\') {		# all fields
 	            	for (my($i)=0; $i<@ofn_buf; $i++,$of++) {
 	            		$ofn[$of] = $ofn_buf[$i];
 	            		$OEfield[$of] = $i;
+#				} elsif ($antsOutExprs[$if] =~ m{^[\w\.]+$}) { 	# single field
+				} elsif ($antsOutExprs[$if] =~ m{^[^=]+$}) { 	# single field
+					undef($OEparamsOnly);
+					$ofn[$of] = $antsOutExprs[$if];
+					$OEfield[$of] = &outFnr($antsOutExprs[$if]);
 	            } else {										# expression
-	            	($ofn[$of],$expr) = ($antsOutExprs[$if] =~ m{^([\w\.]*)=(.*)$});
+	            	($ofn[$of],$expr) = ($antsOutExprs[$if] =~ m{^([^=]*)=(.*)$});
 	            	croak("$0: cannot parse -F $antsOutExprs[$if]\n")
 	            		unless defined($expr);
 	            	my(@tmp) = @antsLayout;
--- a/antsusage.pl
+++ b/antsusage.pl
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
 #                    A N T S U S A G E . P L 
 #                    doc: Fri Jun 19 13:43:05 1998
-#                    dlm: Mon Feb 13 19:57:03 2012
+#                    dlm: Mon Oct 29 12:08:54 2012
 #                    (c) 1998 A.M. Thurnherr
-#                    uE-Info: 441 0 NIL 0 0 70 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+#                    uE-Info: 153 62 NIL 0 0 70 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
@@ -150,6 +150,7 @@
 #						 resulted in always extending the layout, even when the field already
 #						 existed)
 #	Feb 13, 2012: - antsNewFieldOpt simplified by using 2nd arg to fnrNoErr
+#	Oct 29, 2012: - diabled "no file" messages on special args
 #	- ksh expands {}-arguments with commas in them!!! Use + instead
@@ -326,19 +327,19 @@
 						for (my($i)=$1; $i<=$2; $i++) {
 							my($f) = sprintf($fmt,$i);
 							if (-f $f) { push(@exp,$f); }
-							else { &antsInfo("$ARGV[$ai]: no file <$f>"); }
+#							else { &antsInfo("$ARGV[$ai]: no file <$f>"); }
 					} else {
 						for (my($i)=$1; $i>=$2; $i--) {
 							my($f) = sprintf($fmt,$i);
 							if (-f $f) { push(@exp,$f); }
-							else { &antsInfo("$ARGV[$ai]: no file <$f>"); }
+#							else { &antsInfo("$ARGV[$ai]: no file <$f>"); }
 				} else {
 					my($f) = "$pref$range$suff";
 					if (-f $f) { push(@exp,$f); }
-					else { &antsInfo("$ARGV[$ai]: no file <$f>"); }
+#					else { &antsInfo("$ARGV[$ai]: no file <$f>"); }
 				@exp = ($ARGV[$ai])						# make sure it *was* special arg
 					unless (@exp);
--- a/antsutils.pl
+++ b/antsutils.pl
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
 #                    A N T S U T I L S . P L 
 #                    doc: Fri Jun 19 23:25:50 1998
-#                    dlm: Thu May 31 09:13:03 2012
+#                    dlm: Wed Oct 24 09:56:52 2012
 #                    (c) 1998 A.M. Thurnherr
-#                    uE-Info: 157 9 NIL 0 0 70 10 2 4 NIL ofnI
+#                    uE-Info: 259 43 NIL 0 0 70 10 2 4 NIL ofnI
 # Miscellaneous auxillary functions
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
 #				  - BUG: fnrNoErr disregarded exact flag for external layouts
 #	May 16, 2012: - adapted to V5.0
 #	May 31, 2012: - changed ismember() semantics for use in psSamp
+#	Jun 12, 2012: - added &compactList()
 # fnr notes:
 #	- matches field names starting with the string given, i.e. "sig" is
@@ -255,7 +256,7 @@
     return $num;
-sub log10 { my $n = shift; return log($n)/log(10); }	# c.v. perlfunc(1)
+sub log10 { my $n = shift; return ($n>0) ? log($n)/log(10) : nan; }	# c.v. perlfunc(1)
@@ -463,6 +464,43 @@
+# deal with lists of numbers
+sub compactList(@)
+	my(@out);
+	my($seqStart);
+	my($lv) = -9e99;
+	foreach my $v (@_) {
+		if (numberp($v)) {
+			if ($v == $lv+1) {						# we're in a sequence
+				$seqStart = $lv						# record beginning value
+					unless defined($seqStart);
+			} elsif (defined($seqStart)) {			# we've just completed a sequence
+				pop(@out);
+				push(@out,"$seqStart-$lv");
+				push(@out,$v);
+				undef($seqStart);
+			} else {								# not in a sequence
+				push(@out,$v);
+			}
+			$lv = $v;
+		} else {
+			push(@out,$v);
+			$lv = -9e99;
+		}
+	}
+	if (defined($seqStart)) {						# list ends with a sequence
+		pop(@out);
+		push(@out,"$seqStart-$lv");					
+	}
+	return @out;
 # Misc funs
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libGHP.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+#                    L I B G H P . P L 
+#                    doc: Fri Sep  7 09:56:08 2012
+#                    dlm: Mon Oct 22 13:10:47 2012
+#                    (c) 2012 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 11 0 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+#	Sep  7, 2012: - created
+#	Oct 22, 2012: - cosmetics
+require "$ANTS/libfuns.pl";		# arccosh
+require "$ANTS/libGM.pl";		# GM_N0
+# h(R_omega)	correction factor for different shear/strain (R_omega) ratios
+#	- this version from Kunze et al. (2006)
+#	- R_omega:
+#		= (N^2-omega^2)/N^2 (omega^2+f^2)/(omega^2-f^2)	Polzin et al. 1995
+#		= (omega^2+f^2)/(omega^2-f^2)					Kunze et al. 2006
+#		- the Kunze et al formulation is presumably an approximation valid for
+#		  omega<<N
+sub h1($)
+	my($R_omega) = @_;
+	return 3*($R_omega+1) / (2*sqrt(2)*$R_omega*sqrt($R_omega-1));
+# j(f,N)	correction factor for latitude
+#	- this version from Kunze et al. (2006)
+sub j(@)
+	my($f,$N) = @_;
+	return 0 if ($f == 0);
+	$N = $GM_N0 unless defined($N);
+	my($f30) = &f(30);
+	return $f*acosh($N/$f) / ($f30*acosh($GM_N0/$f30));
--- a/libGM.pl
+++ b/libGM.pl
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 #                    L I B G M . P L 
 #                    doc: Sun Feb 20 14:43:47 2011
-#                    dlm: Sun Apr  1 11:29:53 2012
+#                    dlm: Fri Sep 14 12:35:40 2012
 #                    (c) 2011 A.M. Thurnherr
-#                    uE-Info: 53 1 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+#                    uE-Info: 61 0 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
@@ -15,12 +15,23 @@
 #					affects only long wavelengths
 #				  - return nan for omega outside internal-wave band
 #	Mar 29, 2012: - re-wrote using definition of B(omega) from Munk (1981)
+#	Aug 23, 2012: - cosmetics?
+#	Sep  7, 2012: - made N0, E0, b, jstar global
 require "$ANTS/libEOS83.pl";
 my($pi) = 3.14159265358979;
+# Global Constants
+$GM_N0 = 5.24e-3;   # rad/s			# reference stratification (from Gregg + Kunze, 1991)
+$GM_E0 = 6.3e-5;	# dimensionless # spectral level (Munk 1981)
+$GM_b  = 1300;		# m				# pycnocline e-folding scale
+$GM_jstar = 3;		# dimless		# peak mode number
 # Vertical velocity spectral density
 # Units: K.E. per frequency per wavenumber [m^2/s^2*1/s*1/m = m^3/s]
@@ -47,13 +58,9 @@
 	my($j,$N,$omega) = @_;
-	my($b) = 1300; #m                               # stratification e-folding scale (Munk 81)
-	my($N0) = 5.2e-3; #rad/s                        # extrapolated to surface value (Munk 81)
-#	print(STDERR "omega = $omega, N = $N\n");
 	return defined($omega)
-		   ? $pi / $b * sqrt(($N**2 - $omega**2) / ($N0**2 - $omega**2)) * $j
-		   : $pi * $j * $N / ($b * $N0);			# valid, except in vicinity of buoyancy turning frequency (p. 285)
+		   ? $pi / $GM_b * sqrt(($N**2 - $omega**2) / ($GM_N0**2 - $omega**2)) * $j
+		   : $pi * $j * $N / ($GM_b * $GM_N0);			# valid, except in vicinity of buoyancy turning frequency (p. 285)
 sub B($)											# structure function (omega dependence)
@@ -67,18 +74,35 @@
 sub Sw($$$$)
-	my($omega,$m,$lat,$N) = &antsFunUsage(4,'fff','<frequency[1/s]> <vertical wavenumber[1/m]> <lat[deg]> <N[rad/s]>',@_);
+	my($omega,$m,$lat,$N) = &antsFunUsage(4,'fff','<frequency[1/s]> <vertical wavenumber[rad/m]> <lat[deg]> <N[rad/s]>',@_);
 	local($f) = abs(&f($lat));
 	return nan if ($omega < $f || $omega > $N);
-	my($E0) = 6.3e-5;								# dimensionless spectral level
-	my($j_star) = 3;								# peak mode number
-	my($b) = 1300; #m								# pycnocline lengthscale
+	my($GM_b) = 1300; #m								# pycnocline lengthscale
+	my($mstar) = &m($GM_jstar,$N,$omega);
+	return $GM_E0 * $GM_b * 2 * $f**2/$omega**2/B($omega) * $GM_jstar / ($m+$mstar)**2;
+# GM76, as per Gregg and Kunze (JGR 1991)
+#	- beta is vertical wavenumber (m above)
-	my($mstar) = &m($j_star,$N,$omega);
+sub Su($$)
+	my($beta,$N) = @_;
-	return $E0 * $b * 2 * $f**2/$omega**2/B($omega) * $j_star / ($m+$mstar)**2;
+	my($beta_star) = &m($GM_jstar,$N);				# A3
+	return 3*$GM_E0*$GM_b**3*$GM_N0**2 / (2*$GM_jstar*$pi) / (1+$beta/$beta_star)**2;	# A2
+sub Su_z($$)
+	my($beta,$N) = &antsFunUsage(2,'ff','<vertical wavenumber[rad/m]> <N[rad/s]>',@_);
+	return $beta**2 * &Su($beta,$N);
--- a/libLADCP.pl
+++ b/libLADCP.pl
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 #                    L I B L A D C P . P L 
 #                    doc: Wed Jun  1 20:38:19 2011
-#                    dlm: Wed Jan 18 18:46:33 2012
+#                    dlm: Thu Oct 25 21:24:59 2012
 #                    (c) 2011 A.M. Thurnherr
-#                    uE-Info: 103 19 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+#                    uE-Info: 22 41 NIL 0 0 70 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
@@ -16,101 +16,170 @@
 #	Jan  5, 2012: - removed S(), which is just pwrdens/N^2 (rather than
 #				    pwrdens/N^2/(2pi) as I erroneously thought)
 #	Jan 18, 2012: - added T_VI_alt() to allow assessment of tilt correction extrema
+#	Aug 22, 2012: - added documentation
+#				  - added T_w()
+#	Sep 24, 2012: - made "k" argument default in T_w()
+#	Oct 25, 2012: - renamed T_SM to T_ASM
 require "$ANTS/libvec.pl";
 require "$ANTS/libfuns.pl";
+# Spectral corrections for LADCP data
+#	- see Polzin et al. (JAOT 2002), Thurnherr (JAOT 2012)
+#	- to correct, multiply power densities (or power, I think) with corrections
+#	- apply to down-/up-cast data only
-# Polzin et al., JAOT 2002 LADCP shear corrections
+# 1. Corrections for individual data acquisition and processing steps
-#	- apply to downcast data only
-# individual corrections
-# NB: Dzb = (Dzt == Dzr) assumed
+# T_ravg(k,blen)
+#	- correct for range averaging due to finite pulse and finite receive window
+# 	- this version assumes bin-length == pulse-length
 sub T_ravg($$)
-    my($kz,$Dzb) =
+    my($k,$blen) =
         &antsFunUsage(2,'ff','<vertical wavenumber[rad/s]> <pulse/bin-length[m]>',@_);
-    return 1 / sinc($kz*$Dzb/2/$PI)**4;
+    return 1 / sinc($k*$blen/2/$PI)**4;
+# T_fdiff(k,dz)
+#	- correct for first differencing on a grid with dz spacing
 sub T_fdiff($$)
-    my($kz,$Dzd) =
+    my($k,$dz) =
         &antsFunUsage(2,'ff','<vertical wavenumber[rad/s]> <differencing interval[m]>',@_);
-    return 1 / sinc($kz*$Dzd/2/$PI)**2;
+    return 1 / sinc($k*$dz/2/$PI)**2;
+# T_interp(k,blen,dz)
+#	- correct for CODAS gridding-with-interpolation algorithm
 sub T_interp($$$)
-    my($kz,$Dzb,$Dzg) =
+    my($k,$blen,$dz) =
         &antsFunUsage(3,'fff','<vertical wavenumber[rad/s]> <bin length[m]> <grid resolution[m]>',@_);
-    return 1 / sinc($kz*$Dzb/2/$PI)**4 / sinc($kz*$Dzg/2/$PI)**2;
+    return 1 / sinc($k*$blen/2/$PI)**4 / sinc($k*$dz/2/$PI)**2;
+# T_binavg(k,dz)
+#	- correct for simple bin averaging
+#	- Polzin et al. suggest to use blen instead of dz; this must be a typo
-# NB: Polzin et al claim that Dz should be ADCP bin size, which does not seem to make sense
 sub T_binavg($$)
-    my($kz,$Dzg) =
+    my($k,$dz) =
         &antsFunUsage(2,'ff','<vertical wavenumber[rad/s]> <grid resolution[m]>',@_);
-    return 1 / sinc($kz*$Dzg/2/$PI)**2;
+    return 1 / sinc($k*$dz/2/$PI)**2;
+# T_tilt(k,d')
+#	- d' is a length scale that depends on tilt stats and range max
+#	- on d' == 0, T_tilt() == 1, i.e. the correction is disabled
+#	- d' = dprime(range_max)
+#			- is from a quadratic fit to three data points given by Polzin et al.
+#			- see Thurnherr (J. Tech. 2012) for notes
+#			- on range_max == 0, d' == 0, i.e. the correction is disabled
 sub T_tilt($$)
-    my($kz,$dprime) =
+    my($k,$dprime) =
         &antsFunUsage(2,'ff','<vertical wavenumber[rad/s]> <d-prime[m]>',@_);
-    return 1 / sinc($kz*$dprime/2/$PI)**2;
+    return $dprime ? 1 / sinc($k*$dprime/2/$PI)**2 : 1;
+sub dprime($)
+	return $_[0] ? -1.2 + 0.0857 * $_[0] - 0.000136 * $_[0]**2 : 0;
+# 2. Processing-Specific Corrections
+# T_UH(k,blen,dz,range_max)
+#	- UH implementation of the shear method (WOCE standard)
+#	- range_max == 0 disables tilt correction
+sub T_UH($$$$)
+	my($k,$blen,$dz,$range_max) =
+        &antsFunUsage(4,'ffff','<vertical wavenumber[rad/s]> <ADCP bin size[m]> <shear grid resolution[m]> <range max[m]>',@_);
+    return T_ravg($k,$blen) * T_fdiff($k,$blen) * T_interp($k,$blen,$dz) * T_tilt($k,dprime($range_max));
-# convenient combinations
+# T_ASM(k,blen,dz,range_max)
+#	- re-implemented shear method with simple depth binning
+#	- range_max == 0 disables tilt correction
-sub LADCP_tilt_dprime($)
+sub T_ASM($$$$)
-	return -1.2 + 0.0857 * $_[0] - 0.000136 * $_[0]**2;
-sub T_UH($$$$)
-	my($kz,$blen,$grez,$maxrange) =
-        &antsFunUsage(4,'ffff','<vertical wavenumber[rad/s]> <ADCP bin size[m]> <shear grid resolution[m]> <max range[m]>',@_);
-    return T_ravg($kz,$blen) * T_fdiff($kz,$blen) * T_interp($kz,$blen,$grez) * T_tilt($kz,LADCP_tilt_dprime($maxrange));
+	my($k,$blen,$dz,$range_max) =
+        &antsFunUsage(4,'ffff','<vertical wavenumber[rad/s]> <ADCP bin size[m]> <shear grid resolution[m]> <range max[m]>',@_);
+    return T_ravg($k,$blen) * T_fdiff($k,$blen) * T_binavg($k,$dz) * T_tilt($k,dprime($range_max));
-sub T_SM($$$$)
-	my($kz,$blen,$grez,$maxrange) =
-        &antsFunUsage(4,'ffff','<vertical wavenumber[rad/s]> <ADCP bin size[m]> <shear grid resolution[m]> <max range[m]>',@_);
-    return T_ravg($kz,$blen) * T_fdiff($kz,$blen) * T_binavg($kz,$grez) * T_tilt($kz,LADCP_tilt_dprime($maxrange));
+# T_VI(k,blen,preavg_dz,grid_dz,range_max)
+# T_VI_alt(k,blen,preavg_dz,grid_dz,dprime)
+#	- velocity inversion method of Visbeck (J. Tech., 2002)
+#	- only valid if pre-averaging into superensembles is used
+#	- range_max == 0 disables tilt correction
 sub T_VI($$$$$)
-	my($kz,$blen,$sel,$grez,$maxrange) =
-        &antsFunUsage(5,'ff.ff','<vertical wavenumber[rad/s]> <ADCP bin size[m]> <superensemble size[m]|nan> <shear grid resolution[m]> <max range[m]>',@_);
-	return T_VI_alt($kz,$blen,$sel,$grez,LADCP_tilt_dprime($maxrange));        
+	my($k,$blen,$sel,$dz,$range_max) =
+        &antsFunUsage(5,'ff.ff','<vertical wavenumber[rad/s]> <ADCP bin size[m]> <superensemble size[m]|nan> <shear grid resolution[m]> <range max[m]>',@_);
+	return T_VI_alt($k,$blen,$sel,$dz,dprime($range_max));        
 sub T_VI_alt($$$$$)
-	my($kz,$blen,$sel,$grez,$dprime) =
+	my($k,$blen,$sel,$dz,$dprime) =
         &antsFunUsage(5,'ff.ff','<vertical wavenumber[rad/s]> <ADCP bin size[m]> <superensemble size[m]|nan> <shear grid resolution[m]> <tilt d-prime[m]>',@_);
 	croak("$0: tilt-dprime outside range [0..$blen]\n")
 		unless ($dprime>=0 && $dprime<=$blen);
-    return ($sel>0) ? T_ravg($kz,$blen) * T_binavg($kz,$sel) * T_binavg($kz,$grez) * T_tilt($kz,$dprime)
-    				: T_ravg($kz,$blen) * T_binavg($kz,$grez) * T_tilt($kz,$dprime);
+    return ($sel>0) ? T_ravg($k,$blen) * T_binavg($k,$sel) * T_binavg($k,$dz) * T_tilt($k,$dprime)
+    				: T_ravg($k,$blen) * T_binavg($k,$dz) * T_tilt($k,$dprime);
+# T_w(k,blen,dz,range_max)
+#	- vertical-velocity method of Thurnherr (IEEE 2011)
+#	- range_max == 0 disables tilt correction
+{ my(@fc);
+	sub T_w(@)
+	{
+		my($k,$blen,$dz,$range_max) =
+			&antsFunUsage(4,'ffff',
+				'[vertical wavenumber[rad/s]] <ADCP bin size[m]> <output grid resolution[m]> <range max[m]>',
+				\@fc,'k',undef,undef,undef,@_);
+		return T_ravg($k,$blen) * T_binavg($k,$dz) * T_tilt($k,dprime($range_max));
+	}
--- a/libfuns.pl
+++ b/libfuns.pl
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 #                    L I B F U N S . P L 
 #                    doc: Wed Mar 24 11:49:13 1999
-#                    dlm: Fri Apr 16 15:58:47 2010
+#                    dlm: Fri Sep  7 11:11:09 2012
 #                    (c) 1999 A.M. Thurnherr
-#                    uE-Info: 269 45 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+#                    uE-Info: 286 38 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
 #	Oct 04, 1999: - added gauss(), normal()
 #	Jan 25, 2001: - added f(), sgn()
 #	Apr 16, 2010: - added sinc()
+#	Sep  7, 2012: - added acosh()
 require	"$ANTS/libvec.pl";								# rad()
@@ -276,5 +277,15 @@
+# inverse hyperbolic cosine; mathworld
+#	- requires argument >= 1
+sub acosh($)
+	return log($_[0] + sqrt($_[0]**2-1));
--- a/libstats.pl
+++ b/libstats.pl
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 #                    L I B S T A T S . P L 
 #                    doc: Wed Mar 24 13:59:27 1999
-#                    dlm: Thu Apr 26 09:49:47 2012
+#                    dlm: Mon Oct 15 10:34:21 2012
 #                    (c) 1999 A.M. Thurnherr
-#                    uE-Info: 33 64 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+#                    uE-Info: 90 30 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
 #	Mar 10, 2012: - medianF() -> medianAnts_(); mad2F() -> mad2Ants_()
 #				  - added sum()
 #	Apr 26, 2012: - BUG: std() did not allow nan as stddev input
+#	Oct 15, 2012: - added max_i(), min_i()
 require "$ANTS/libfuns.pl";
@@ -60,6 +61,17 @@
 	return $min<9e99 ? $min : nan;
+sub min_i(@)
+	my($min) = 9e99;
+	my($min_i);
+	for (my($i)=0; $i<=$#_; $i++) {
+		$min_i=$i,$min=$_[$i] if (numberp($_[$i]) && $_[$i] < $min);
+	}
+	return $min<9e99 ? $min_i : nan;
 sub max(@)
 	my($max) = -9e99;
@@ -69,6 +81,17 @@
 	return $max>-9e99 ? $max : nan;
+sub max_i(@)
+	my($max) = -9e99;
+	my($max_i);
+	for (my($i)=0; $i<=$#_; $i++) {
+		$max_i=$i,$max=$_[$i] if (numberp($_[$i]) && $_[$i] > $max);
+	}
+	return $max>-9e99 ? $max_i : nan;
 sub N(@)
 	my($N) = 0;
--- a/libvec.pl
+++ b/libvec.pl
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-#                    . . / L I B / L I B V E C . P L 
+#                    . . / A N T S L I B / L I B V E C . P L 
 #                    doc: Sat Mar 20 12:50:32 1999
-#                    dlm: Tue Jun  5 08:38:52 2012
+#                    dlm: Mon Jun 11 11:12:06 2012
 #                    (c) 1999 A.M. Thurnherr
-#                    uE-Info: 318 0 NIL 0 0 70 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+#                    uE-Info: 35 69 NIL 0 0 70 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
 #	Nov  5, 2009: - added angle(); vel_bias() => angle_diff()
 #	Apr 22, 2010: - added angle_ts()
 #	Jun  5, 2012: - added &closestPointOnStraightLine()
+#	Jun 11, 2012: - addeed $t output to &closestPointOnStraightLine()
 require "$ANTS/libPOSIX.pl";	# acos()
@@ -299,9 +300,11 @@
-# &closestPointOnStraightLine(lat,lon,lat1,lonA,lat2,lon2)
+# ($lat,$lon,$t) = &closestPointOnStraightLine(lat,lon,lat1,lonA,lat2,lon2)
 #	- determine point on line segment from <lat1,lonA> to <lat2,lon2> that
 #	  is closest to target point <lat,lon>
+#	- $t [0-1] output indicates where along the line segment the closest
+#	  point lies
 #   - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3120357/get-closest-point-to-a-line
@@ -315,7 +318,7 @@
 	my($APlon) = $lonP - $lonA; my($APlat) = $latP - $latA;
 	my($t) = ($APlon*$ABlon + $APlat*$ABlat) / ($ABlon**2 + $ABlat**2);
 	return (undef,undef) unless ($t>=0 && $t<=1);
-	return ($latA + $t*$ABlat,$lonA + $t*$ABlon);
+	return ($latA + $t*$ABlat,$lonA + $t*$ABlon, $t);