authorA.M. Thurnherr <athurnherr@yahoo.com>
Tue, 15 May 2012 19:20:40 +0000
changeset 10 196a179304ee
parent 9 48b2d27aaebf
child 11 d0af7f7aa23b
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.hgignore
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#                    . H G R C 
+#                    doc: Tue May 15 18:38:20 2012
+#                    dlm: Tue May 15 18:38:20 2012
+#                    (c) 2012 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 3 11 NIL 0 0 72 0 2 4 NIL ofnI
+syntax: glob
deleted file mode 100755
--- a/2011_07_10/LADCP2CTDmatch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,333 +0,0 @@
-#                    L A D C P 2 C T D M A T C H 
-#                    doc: Thu Sep 23 22:01:19 2010
-#                    dlm: Tue Sep 28 21:43:29 2010
-#                    (c) 2010 A.M. Thurnherr
-#                    uE-Info: 312 33 NIL 0 0 70 10 2 4 NIL ofnI
-$antsSummary = 'match LADCP to CTD time series';
-#	Sep 23, 2010: - incepted
-($ANTS) = ($0 =~ m{^(.*)/[^/]*$});
-$PERL_TOOLS = '/Data/LADCP/Software/Thurnherr/perl-tools';
-require "$ANTS/ants.pl";
-require "$PERL_TOOLS/RDI_BB_Read.pl";
-require "$PERL_TOOLS/RDI_Coords.pl";
-require "$PERL_TOOLS/RDI_Utils.pl";
-$antsParseHeader = 0;
-	'[-d)ebug] ',
-	'[-w)indow <size[30s]>] [-n) <windows[20]]',
-	'<RDI file> <SeaBird file>');
-$LADCP_file = &antsFileArg();
-$CTD_file 	= &antsFileArg();
-@antsNewLayout = ('elapsed','CTD_w','LADCP_w');
-# Step 1: Read Data
-print(STDERR "Reading LADCP data ($LADCP_file)...");
-printf(STDERR "\n\t%d ensembles\n",scalar(@{$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}}));
-print(STDERR "Reading CTD data ($CTD_file)...");
-open(F,$CTD_file) || croak("$CTD_file: $!\n");
-while (1) {											# parse header
-	chomp($hdr = <F>);
-	$hdr =~ s/\r*$//;
-	croak("$0: unexpected EOF (format error)\n") unless defined($hdr);
-	last if ($hdr eq '*END*');
-	$CTD_nfields = $',next if ($hdr =~ /nquan = /);		# Layout
-	$CTD_nrecs = $',next if ($hdr =~ /nvalues = /);
-	$pressF = $1,next if ($hdr =~ /name (\d+) = prDM:/);
-	&antsAddParams('start_time',$1),next			# selected metadata
-		if ($hdr =~ /start_time = (.*)/);
-	&antsAddParams('station',$1),next
-		if ($hdr =~ /Station\s*:\s*(.*)/);
-	&antsAddParams('ship',$1),next
-		if ($hdr =~ /Ship\s*:\s*(.*)\s*$/);
-	&antsAddParams('cruise',$1),next
-		if ($hdr =~ /Cruise\s*:\s*(.*)\s*$/);
-	&antsAddParams('time',$1),next
-		if ($hdr =~ /Time\s*:\s*(.*)/);
-	&antsAddParams('date',$1),next
-		if ($hdr =~ /Date\s*:\s*(.*)/);
-	if ($hdr =~ /Latitude\s*[=:]\s*/) {
-		($deg,$min,$NS) = split(/ /,$');
-		$lat = $deg + $min/60;
-		$lat *= -1 if ($NS eq 'S');
-		&antsAddParams('lat',$lat);
-		next;
-	}
-	if ($hdr =~ /Longitude\s*[=:]\s*/) {
-		($deg,$min,$EW) = split(/ /,$');
-		$lon = $deg + $min/60;
-		$lon *= -1 if ($EW eq 'W');
-		&antsAddParams('lon',$lon);
-		next;
-	}
-	if ($hdr =~ /interval = seconds: /) {
-		$CTD_sampint = 1*$';
-		&antsAddParams('CTD_interval',1/$CTD_sampint);
-		next;
-	}
-	$CTD_badval = $',next
-		if ($hdr =~ /bad_flag = /);	
-	$CTD_file_type = $',next
-		if ($hdr =~ /file_type = /);	
-croak("$CTD_file: cannot determine CTD file layout\n")
-	unless ($CTD_nfields && $CTD_nrecs);
-croak("$CTD_file: cannot determine missing value\n")
-	unless defined($CTD_badval);
-croak("$CTD_file: not a CTD time series file\n")
-	unless ($CTD_sampint);
-croak("$CTD_file: no pressure field\n")
-	unless defined($pressF);
-croak("$0: unknown latitude\n") unless defined($lat);
-if ($CTD_file_type eq 'ascii') {
-	while (1) {
-		last unless (@rec = &antsFileIn(F));
-		push(@CTD_press,($rec[$pressF] == $CTD_badval) ? nan : $rec[$pressF]);
-	}
-} elsif ($CTD_file_type eq 'binary') {
-	my($fbits) = 8 * length(pack('f',0));
-	croak(sprintf("$0: incompatible native CPU float representation (%d instead of 32bits)\n",fbits))
-		unless ($fbits == 32);	
-	croak("$CTD_file: can't read binary data\n")
-		unless (read(F,$dta,4*$CTD_nfields*$CTD_nrecs) == 4*$CTD_nfields*$CTD_nrecs);
-	print(STDERR "$CTD_file: WARNING: extraneous data at EOF\n") unless eof(F);
-	$dta = pack('V*',unpack('N*',$dta))				# big-endian CPU
-		if (unpack('h*', pack('s', 1)) =~ /01/);	# c.f. perlport(1)
-	@dta = unpack("f*",$dta);
-	for ($r=0; $r<$CTD_nrecs; $r++) {
-		push(@CTD_press,($dta[$r*$CTD_nfields+$pressF] == $CTD_badval) ? nan : $dta[$r*$CTD_nfields+$pressF]);
-	}
-} else {
-	croak("$CTD_file: unknown CTD file type $CTD_file_type\n");
-printf(STDERR "\n\t%d scans\n",scalar(@CTD_press));
-# Step 2a: Pre-Process CTD Data
-printf(STDERR "Pre-processing data...");
-printf(STDERR "\n\tCTD...");
-# calculate w and find deepest record
-$CTD_maxpress = -9e99;
-for (my($r)=1; $r<$CTD_nrecs-1; $r++) {
-	print(STDERR '.') if ($r%500==0);
-	$CTD_w[$r] = 0.99*($CTD_press[$r+1] - $CTD_press[$r-1]) / (2*$CTD_sampint);
-	if ($CTD_press[$r] > $CTD_maxpress) {
-		$CTD_maxpress = $CTD_press[$r];
-		$CTD_bottom = $r;
-    }										
-# Step 2b: Pre-Process LADCP Data
-print(STDERR "\n\tLADCP...");
-# construct a depth-vs-time "profile" from the raw data
-my($LADCP_start,$LADCP_end,$LADCP_bottom,$w_gap_time,$zErr,$maxz) =
-    mk_prof(\%LADCP,0,undef,1,6,70,0.1,120);
-croak("\n$LADCP_file: no good ensembles found\n")
-    unless defined($LADCP_start);
-if ($opt_d) {
-	printf(STDERR "\n\t\tStart of cast    : %s (#%5d) at %6.1fm\n",
-	                    $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$LADCP_start]->{TIME},
-	                    $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$LADCP_start]->{NUMBER},
-	                    $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$LADCP_start]->{DEPTH});
-	printf(STDERR "\t\tBottom of cast   : %s (#%5d) at %6.1fm\n",
-	                    $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$LADCP_bottom]->{TIME},
-	                    $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$LADCP_bottom]->{NUMBER},
-	                    $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$LADCP_bottom]->{DEPTH});
-	if (defined($water_depth)) {
-	    printf(STDERR "\t\tSeabed           :                      at %6.1fm (+-%dm)\n",$water_depth,$sig_wd);
-	} else {
-	    print(STDERR "\t\tSeabed           : not found\n");
-	}
-	printf(STDERR "\t\tEnd of cast      : %s (#%5d) at %6.1fm\n",
-	                    $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$LADCP_end]->{TIME},
-	                    $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$LADCP_end]->{NUMBER},
-	                    $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$LADCP_end]->{DEPTH});
-# find 1st rec & ensemble >=80% down to max depth & make 1st guess at lag
-my($CTD_80pct_down) = 0;
-	while ($CTD_press[$CTD_80pct_down] < 0.8*$CTD_maxpress);
-my($LADCP_80pct_down) = 0;
-	while ($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$LADCP_80pct_down]->{DEPTH} < 0.8*$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$LADCP_bottom]->{DEPTH});
-my($first_guess_lag) = $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$LADCP_80pct_down]->{ELAPSED_TIME} -
-					   $CTD_80pct_down*$CTD_sampint;
-printf(STDERR "\t\t1st guess offset = %ds\n",$first_guess_lag*$CTD_sampint)
-	if ($opt_d);
-# Linearly interpolate LADCP time series onto a new grid with $CTD_sampint resolution
-#	ALSO: apply first_guess_lag to make lags small, which keeps the bestlag data
-#		  chunks large
-my($nGaps) = 0;
-sub interp_LADCP_w($$)
-	my($elapsed,$ens) = @_;
-	my($sc) = ($elapsed - $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens-1]->{ELAPSED_TIME}) /
-					$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens-1]->{ELAPSED_TIME});
-	unless (numberp($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens-1]->{W})) {
-		$nGaps++;
-		croak("$0: cannot (yet) handle double gaps --- request feature upgrade\n")
-			unless numberp($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{W});
-		return $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{W};
-	}
-	return $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens-1]->{W} +
-				$sc * ($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{W} - $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens-1]->{W});
-for (my($ens)=$LADCP_start,my($r)=0; $ens<=$LADCP_end; $ens++) {
-	while ($r*$CTD_sampint < $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{ELAPSED_TIME}) {
-		$LADCP_w[$r-$first_guess_lag] = interp_LADCP_w($r*$CTD_sampint,$ens)
-			unless ($first_guess_lag > $r);
-		$r++;
-    }
-print(STDERR "\t\t$nGaps gaps in w timeseries")
-	if ($opt_d);
-print(STDERR "\n");
-# Step 3: Calculate Lags
-printf(STDERR "Calculating $opt_n lags from %ds-long windows [s]: ",$opt_w);
-$opt_w = int($opt_w / $CTD_sampint);
-sub bestLag($)
-	my($ws) = @_;														# window start index
-	my($best);
-	my($bestmad) = 9e99;												# mean absolute deviation
-	for (my($Llag)=-int($opt_w/2); $Llag<int($opt_w/2); $Llag++) {
-		my($sad) = my($nad) = 0;
-		for (my($Ci)=0; $Ci<$opt_w; $Ci++) {
-			my($Li) = $Ci + $Llag;
-			next if ($Li<0 || $Li>=$opt_w);
-			next unless numberp($CTD_w[$ws+$Ci]) && numberp($LADCP_w[$ws+$Li]);
-			$sad += abs($CTD_w[$ws+$Ci] - $LADCP_w[$ws+$Li]);
-			$nad++;
-		}
-		next unless ($nad > 0);
-		if ($sad/$nad < $bestmad) {
-			$best = $Llag;
-			$bestmad = $sad/$nad;
-		}
-	}
-	return $best;	
-# carry out opt_n lag correlations and keep tally of the results
-for (my($window)=0; $window<$opt_n; $window++) {
-	my($ws) = $window * int(@LADCP_w/$opt_n);			# window start
-	$ws = @LADCP_w-$opt_w if ($ws+$opt_w >= @LADCP_w);
-	$bestLag = bestLag($ws);
-	if (defined($bestLag)) {
-		printf(STDERR "%d ",$bestLag*$CTD_sampint);
-		$nBest{$bestLag}++;
-	} else {
-		printf(STDERR "nan ");
-	}
-# find most popular lag
-foreach my $i (keys(%nBest)) {
-	$best_lag = $i if ($nBest{$i} > $nBest{$best_lag});
-croak("\n$0: cannot determine a valid lag\n")
-	unless ($nBest{$best_lag} > 1);
-print(STDERR "\n\n\tWARNING: only $nBest{$best_lag} of the lag estimates agree!\n")
-	if ($nBest{$best_lag} < $opt_n/2);
-if ($nBest{$best_lag} == $opt_n) {
-	printf(STDERR "\n\tunanimous lag = %ds\n",$best_lag*$CTD_sampint);
-} else {
-	printf(STDERR "\n\tmost popular lag = %ds\n",$best_lag*$CTD_sampint);
-# Step 4: associate CTD data with each LADCP ensemble & write time series
-print(STDERR "Associating CTD data with LADCP ensembles...\n");
-my($overall_dt) = $CTD_sampint * ($best_lag + $first_guess_lag);
-for (my($ens)=$LADCP_start; $ens<=$LADCP_end; $ens++) {
-	my($r) = int(($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{ELAPSED_TIME} - $overall_dt) / $CTD_sampint);
-	$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{CTD_W} = $CTD_w[$r];
-	&antsOut($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{ELAPSED_TIME},
-			 $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{CTD_W},
-			 $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{W});
deleted file mode 100755
--- a/2011_07_10/LADCPintsh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,446 +0,0 @@
-#                    L A D C P I N T S H 
-#                    doc: Thu Oct 14 21:22:50 2010
-#                    dlm: Thu Jul  7 06:30:50 2011
-#                    (c) 2010 A.M. Thurnherr & E. Firing
-#                    uE-Info: 32 28 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
-$antsSummary = 'integrate LADCP shear';
-#	- comments beginning with ## are taken from Eric's code
-#	- cubic velocity interpolation across PPI gap from Eric's code has not been implemented (yet?)
-#	- Eric's ndata criteria had to be scaled by 5/8 due to the different gridding used; I decided,
-#	  conservatively, to scale only the -s criterion (n1 in Eric's code)
-#	- in Eric's [avg_sh.m] the calculation of output shear stddev incorrectly assumes that the 4th column
-#	  in the shear profile is stddev, rather than variance. However, as far as I can tell, this output
-#	  is not used anywhere in Eric's code
-#	Oct 14, 2010: - created
-#	Oct 20, 2010: - first working version
-#	Oct 23, 2010: - added support for -b)
-#	Oct 24, 2010: - fix spuriously small variances that can occur for BT velocities based on very small
-#					samples (i.e. primarily when chosing a small -r)
-#	Dec  9, 2010: - allowed for empty BT file
-#	Feb 16, 2011: - BUG: gaps in shear data were not handled correctly in baroclinic solution
-#	Jul  7, 2011: - added -m
-($ANTS) = (`which list` =~ m{^(.*)/[^/]*$});
-require "$ANTS/ants.pl";
-require "$ANTS/libstats.pl";
-	'[-d)ebug]',
-	'[reference with -b)ottom-track <file> [-m)in BT samp[10]]]',
-	'[-u)plooker <file>]',
-	'[min -r)aw <shear samp[10]>] [min -s)moothed <shear samp[20]>]',
-	'[-w)eighted avg <below[1200]>]',
-	'[LADCP shear file]');
-croak("$0: -m requires -b\n")
-	if defined($opt_m) && !defined($opt_b);
-&antsCardOpt(\$opt_r,10);	## minimum number of samples for shear
-&antsCardOpt(\$opt_m,10);	# minimum number of samples for BT data
-&antsCardOpt(\$opt_s,20);	## minimum number of samples for smoothed shear
-&antsCardOpt(\$opt_w,1200);	## probably 1200 for midlatitude-equatorial, 2400 for high lat
-&antsFileOpt($opt_b);		# BT file
-&antsFileOpt($opt_u);		# UL shear file
-open(ULF,$opt_u) || croak("$opt_u: $!\n")
-	if defined($opt_u);
-# Step 1: Read and Average Shear Data
-#	- depth bins with less than $opt_r values are blanked out
-$depthF = fnr('depth');				# layout of [LADCPproc] output
-$dc_nshF = fnr('dc_nshear');
-$dc_uzF  = fnr('dc_u_z');
-$dc_uzsF = fnrNoErr('dc_u_z.sig');
-$dc_uzsF = fnr('dc_u_z_sig')
-	unless defined($dc_uzsF);
-$dc_vzF  = fnr('dc_v_z');
-$dc_vzsF = fnrNoErr('dc_v_z.sig');
-$dc_vzsF = fnr('dc_v_z_sig')
-	unless defined($dc_vzsF);
-$dc_wzF  = fnr('dc_w_z');
-$dc_wzsF = fnrNoErr('dc_w_z.sig');
-$dc_wzsF = fnr('dc_w_z_sig')
-	unless defined($dc_wzsF);
-$uc_nshF = fnr('uc_nshear');
-$uc_uzF  = fnr('uc_u_z');
-$uc_uzsF = fnrNoErr('uc_u_z.sig');
-$uc_uzsF = fnr('uc_u_z_sig')
-	unless defined($uc_uzsF);
-$uc_vzF  = fnr('uc_v_z');
-$uc_vzsF = fnrNoErr('uc_v_z.sig');
-$uc_vzsF = fnr('uc_v_z_sig')
-	unless defined($uc_vzsF);
-$uc_wzF  = fnr('uc_w_z');
-$uc_wzsF = fnrNoErr('uc_w_z.sig');
-$uc_wzsF = fnr('uc_w_z_sig')
-	unless defined($uc_wzsF);
-my(@gaps); my($curGap) = 0;
-for (my($r)=0; &antsIn(); $r++) {
-	my(@UL_);
-	if (defined($opt_u)) {
-		@UL_ = &antsFileIn(ULF);						# read UL shear data
-		undef($opt_u) unless (@UL_);					# cheap trick
-	}
-	$depth[$r] = $ants_[0][$depthF];						## depth grid values
-	croak("$opt_u: inconsistent depth (DL: $depth[$r]; UL: $UL_[$depthF])\n")
-		if defined($opt_u) && ($UL_[$depthF] != $depth[$r]);
-	$dc_ndata = $ants_[0][$dc_nshF];						# number of shear samples
-	$uc_ndata = $ants_[0][$uc_nshF];
-	if (defined($opt_u)) {
-		$dc_ndata += $UL_[$dc_nshF];
-		$uc_ndata += $UL_[$uc_nshF];
-	}
-	$ndata[$r] = $dc_ndata + $uc_ndata;
-	if (defined($opt_u)) {
-		if ($dc_ndata > 0) {								# downcast shear
-			my($DLf) = $ants_[0][$dc_nshF] / $dc_ndata;
-			my($ULf) =      $UL_[$dc_nshF] / $dc_ndata;
-			if ($DLf>0 && $Ulf>0) {
-				$dc_uz[$r] = $DLf*$ants_[0][$dc_uzF] + $ULf*$UL_[$dc_uzF];
-				$dc_vz[$r] = $DLf*$ants_[0][$dc_vzF] + $ULf*$UL_[$dc_vzF];
-	            $dc_wz[$r] = $DLf*$ants_[0][$dc_wzF] + $ULf*$UL_[$dc_wzF];
-	        } elsif ($DLf > 0) {
-				$dc_uz[$r] = $ants_[0][$dc_uzF];
-				$dc_vz[$r] = $ants_[0][$dc_vzF];
-				$dc_wz[$r] = $ants_[0][$dc_wzF];
-	        } else {
-				$dc_uz[$r] = $UL_[$dc_uzF];
-				$dc_vz[$r] = $UL_[$dc_vzF];
-				$dc_wz[$r] = $UL_[$dc_wzF];
-	        }
-		} else {
-			$dc_uz[$r] = $dc_vz[$r] = $dc_wz[$r] = nan;
-	    }
-		if ($uc_ndata > 0) {								# upcast shear
-			my($DLf) = $ants_[0][$uc_nshF] / $uc_ndata;
-			my($ULf) =      $UL_[$uc_nshF] / $uc_ndata;
-			if ($DLf>0 && $Ulf>0) {
-				$uc_uz[$r] = $DLf*$ants_[0][$uc_uzF] + $ULf*$UL_[$uc_uzF];
-				$uc_vz[$r] = $DLf*$ants_[0][$uc_vzF] + $ULf*$UL_[$uc_vzF];
-				$uc_wz[$r] = $DLf*$ants_[0][$uc_wzF] + $ULf*$UL_[$uc_wzF];
-	        } elsif ($DLf > 0) {
-				$uc_uz[$r] = $ants_[0][$uc_uzF];
-				$uc_vz[$r] = $ants_[0][$uc_vzF];
-				$uc_wz[$r] = $ants_[0][$uc_wzF];
-	        } else {
-				$uc_uz[$r] = $UL_[$uc_uzF];
-				$uc_vz[$r] = $UL_[$uc_vzF];
-				$uc_wz[$r] = $UL_[$uc_wzF];
-	        }
-		} else {
-			$uc_uz[$r] = $uc_vz[$r] = $uc_wz[$r] = nan;
-	    }
-	} else {
-		if ($dc_ndata >= $opt_r) {							# downcast shear
-			$dc_uz[$r] = $ants_[0][$dc_uzF];
-			$dc_vz[$r] = $ants_[0][$dc_vzF];
-			$dc_wz[$r] = $ants_[0][$dc_wzF];
-		} else {
-			$dc_uz[$r] = $dc_vz[$r] = $dc_wz[$r] = nan;
-	    }
-		if ($uc_ndata >= $opt_r) {							# upcast shear
-			$uc_uz[$r] = $ants_[0][$uc_uzF];
-			$uc_vz[$r] = $ants_[0][$uc_vzF];
-			$uc_wz[$r] = $ants_[0][$uc_wzF];
-		} else {
-			$uc_uz[$r] = $uc_vz[$r] = $uc_wz[$r] = nan;
-	    }
-    }
-	if ($depth[$r] < $opt_w) {			## use average of up and down casts at top of profile
-		if ($dc_ndata>0 && $uc_ndata>0 && $ndata[$r]>=$opt_r) {
-			$uz[$r] = $dc_uz[$r]/2 + $uc_uz[$r]/2;
-			$vz[$r] = $dc_vz[$r]/2 + $uc_vz[$r]/2;
-			$wz[$r] = $dc_wz[$r]/2 + $uc_wz[$r]/2;
-		} elsif ($dc_ndata >= $opt_r) {
-			$uz[$r] = $dc_uz[$r];
-			$vz[$r] = $dc_vz[$r];
-			$wz[$r] = $dc_wz[$r];
-		} elsif ($uc_ndata >= $opt_r) {
-			$uz[$r] = $uc_uz[$r];
-			$vz[$r] = $uc_vz[$r];
-			$wz[$r] = $uc_wz[$r];
-		} else {
-			$uz[$r] = $vz[$r] = $wz[$r] = nan;
-		}
-	} else {							## use weighted average of up and down cast data at bottom of profile
-		if ($ndata[$r] >= $opt_r) {
-			my($dcf) = $dc_ndata / $ndata[$r];
-			my($ucf) = $uc_ndata / $ndata[$r];
-			if ($dcf>0 && $ucf>0) {
-				$uz[$r] = $dcf*$dc_uz[$r] + $ucf*$uc_uz[$r];
-				$vz[$r] = $dcf*$dc_vz[$r] + $ucf*$uc_vz[$r];
-	            $wz[$r] = $dcf*$dc_wz[$r] + $ucf*$uc_wz[$r];
-	        } elsif ($dcf > 0) {
-				$uz[$r] = $dc_uz[$r];
-				$vz[$r] = $dc_vz[$r];
-				$wz[$r] = $dc_wz[$r];
-	        } else {
-				$uz[$r] = $uc_uz[$r];
-				$vz[$r] = $uc_vz[$r];
-				$wz[$r] = $uc_wz[$r];
-	        }
-		} else {
-			$uz[$r] = $vz[$r] = $wz[$r] = nan;
-		}
-	}
-	if (numberp($uz[$r]) && $curGap>0) {						# end of gap
-		push(@gaps,$curGap)	unless ($r == $curGap);				# do not report "gap" at beginning of profile
-#		print(STDERR "$curGap-gap at $depth[$r]m\n");
-		$curGap = 0;
-    } elsif (!numberp($uz[$r])) {								# currently in gap
-#    	print(STDERR "in gap at $depth[$r]m (ndata = $ndata[$r], $dc_ndata,$uc_ndata)\n");
-		$curGap++;
-    }
-	if ($ndata[$r] >= $opt_r) {									## back to sum of squares
-		if (defined($opt_u)) {
-			$uzsig[$r] = sqrt(($ants_[0][$dc_nshF] * $ants_[0][$dc_uzsF]**2 +
-							        $UL_[$dc_nshF] *      $UL_[$dc_uzsF]**2 +
-							   $ants_[0][$uc_nshF] * $ants_[0][$uc_uzsF]**2 +
-							        $UL_[$uc_nshF] *      $UL_[$uc_uzsF]**2) / $ndata[$r]);
-			$vzsig[$r] = sqrt(($ants_[0][$dc_nshF] * $ants_[0][$dc_vzsF]**2 +
-							        $UL_[$dc_nshF] *      $UL_[$dc_vzsF]**2   +
-							   $ants_[0][$uc_nshF] * $ants_[0][$uc_vzsF]**2 +
-							        $UL_[$uc_nshF] *      $UL_[$uc_vzsF]**2) / $ndata[$r]);
-			$wzsig[$r] = sqrt(($ants_[0][$dc_nshF] * $ants_[0][$dc_wzsF]**2 +
-							        $UL_[$dc_nshF] *      $UL_[$dc_wzsF]**2   +
-							   $ants_[0][$uc_nshF] * $ants_[0][$uc_wzsF]**2 +
-							        $UL_[$uc_nshF] *      $UL_[$uc_wzsF]**2) / $ndata[$r]);
-		} else {
-			$uzsig[$r] = sqrt(($ants_[0][$dc_nshF] * $ants_[0][$dc_uzsF]**2 +
-							   $ants_[0][$uc_nshF] * $ants_[0][$uc_uzsF]**2) / $ndata[$r]);
-			$vzsig[$r] = sqrt(($ants_[0][$dc_nshF] * $ants_[0][$dc_vzsF]**2 +
-							   $ants_[0][$uc_nshF] * $ants_[0][$uc_vzsF]**2) / $ndata[$r]);
-			$wzsig[$r] = sqrt(($ants_[0][$dc_nshF] * $ants_[0][$dc_wzsF]**2 +
-	                           $ants_[0][$uc_nshF] * $ants_[0][$uc_wzsF]**2) / $ndata[$r]);
-	    }
-	} else {
-		$uzsig[$r] = $vzsig[$r] = $wzsig[$r] = nan;
-	}
-if (@gaps) {
-	&antsAddParams('shear_gaps',"@gaps");
-	print(STDERR "shear gaps: @gaps\n");
-} else {
-	&antsAddParams('shear_gaps',0);
-# Step 2: Low-Pass filter high-quality shear data; not yet implemented
-for (my($r)=0; $r<@depth; $r++) {					# create high-quality shear profile
-	if ($ndata[$r] >= $opt_s) {
-		$hq_uz[$r] = $uz[$r]; $hq_vz[$r] = $vz[$r]; $hq_wz[$r] = $wz[$r];
-	} else {
-		$hq_uz[$r] = $hq_vz[$r] = $hq_wz[$r] = nan;
-	}
-#@antsNewLayout = ('depth','u_z','hq_u_z','v_z','hq_v_z','w_z','hq_w_z');
-#for (my($r)=0; $r<@depth; $r++) {
-#	&antsOut($depth[$r],$uz[$r],$hq_uz[$r],$vz[$r],$hq_vz[$r],$wz[$r],$hq_wz[$r]);
-# Step 3: Integrate Shear
-#	- z(vel) = z(sh) + DZ/2
-my($DZ) = $depth[1] - $depth[0];
-for (my($r)=my($u)=my($v)=my($w)=my($dc_u)=my($dc_v)=my($dc_w)=my($uc_u)=my($uc_v)=my($uc_w)=0;
-	 $r<@depth; $r++) {
-	$u = $u[$r] = $u + $DZ*$uz[$r] if numberp($uz[$r]);
-	$v = $v[$r] = $v + $DZ*$vz[$r] if numberp($vz[$r]);
-	$w = $w[$r] = $w + $DZ*$wz[$r] if numberp($wz[$r]);
-	$dc_u = $dc_u[$r] = $dc_u + $DZ*$dc_uz[$r] if numberp($dc_uz[$r]);
-	$dc_v = $dc_v[$r] = $dc_v + $DZ*$dc_vz[$r] if numberp($dc_vz[$r]);
-	$dc_w = $dc_w[$r] = $dc_w + $DZ*$dc_wz[$r] if numberp($dc_wz[$r]);
-	$uc_u = $uc_u[$r] = $uc_u + $DZ*$uc_uz[$r] if numberp($uc_uz[$r]);
-	$uc_v = $uc_v[$r] = $uc_v + $DZ*$uc_vz[$r] if numberp($uc_vz[$r]);
-	$uc_w = $uc_w[$r] = $uc_w + $DZ*$uc_wz[$r] if numberp($uc_wz[$r]);
-# Step 4: Reference Velocities
-if (defined($opt_b)) {											# reference to bottom-track profile
-	print(STDERR "Loading BT data from $opt_b...\n")
-		if ($opt_d);
-	open(BTF,$opt_b) || croak("$opt_b: $!\n");
-	my(@BTL) = &antsFileLayout(BTF);
-	my($BTdF,$BTndF,$BTuF,$BTvF,$BTwF,$BTusF,$BTvsF,$BTwsF);
-	for (my($f)=0; $f<@BTL; $f++) {
-		$BTdF = $f if ($BTL[$f] eq 'depth');
-		$BTuF = $f if ($BTL[$f] eq 'u');
-		$BTvF = $f if ($BTL[$f] eq 'v');
-		$BTwF = $f if ($BTL[$f] eq 'w');
-		$BTusF = $f if ($BTL[$f] eq 'u.sig');
-		$BTvsF = $f if ($BTL[$f] eq 'v.sig');
-		$BTwsF = $f if ($BTL[$f] eq 'w.sig');
-		$BTndF = $f if ($BTL[$f] eq 'ndata');
-	}
-	croak("$opt_b: not a valid BT file\n")
-		unless defined($BTdF) && defined($BTuF) && defined($BTvF) && defined($BTwF) &&
-			   defined($BTusF) && defined($BTvsF) && defined($BTwsF) && defined($BTndF);
-	while (my(@BTr) = &antsFileIn(BTF)) {
-		my($gi) = int($BTr[$BTdF] / $DZ);
-		next unless ($BTr[$BTndF] >= $opt_m);
-		$BT_nsamp[$gi] = $BTr[$BTndF];
-		$BT_u[$gi] = $BTr[$BTuF];
-		$BT_v[$gi] = $BTr[$BTvF];
-		$BT_w[$gi] = $BTr[$BTwF];
-		$BT_u_var[$gi] = $BTr[$BTusF]**2;
-		$BT_v_var[$gi] = $BTr[$BTvsF]**2;
-		$BT_w_var[$gi] = $BTr[$BTwsF]**2;
-	}
-	&fixLowSampStat(\@BT_u_var,@BT_nsamp);					# remove spurious small variances
-	&fixLowSampStat(\@BT_v_var,@BT_nsamp);
-	&fixLowSampStat(\@BT_w_var,@BT_nsamp);
-	my($sumU,$sumV,$sumW,$dc_sumU,$dc_sumV,$dc_sumW,		# average integrated-shear velocities
-	   $uc_sumU,$uc_sumV,$uc_sumW);
-	my($nSumVel,$dc_nSumVel,$uc_nSumVel);
-	my($wSumBTu,$wSumBTv,$wSumBTw);							# weighted sums of BT-ref'd velocities
-	my($dc_wSumBTu,$dc_wSumBTv,$dc_wSumBTw);
-	my($uc_wSumBTu,$uc_wSumBTv,$uc_wSumBTw);
-	my($sumVarBTu,$sumVarBTv,$sumVarBTw);					# sum of variances of BT-ref'd vels
-	my($dc_sumVarBTu,$dc_sumVarBTv,$dc_sumVarBTw);
-	my($uc_sumVarBTu,$uc_sumVarBTv,$uc_sumVarBTw);
-	for (my($r)=0; $r<@depth; $r++) {
-		if (numberp($BT_u[$r]) && numberp($u[$r])) {
-			$nSumVel++;
-			$sumU += $u[$r]; $sumV += $v[$r]; $sumW += $w[$r];
-			$wSumBTu += $BT_u[$r] / $BT_u_var[$r]; $sumVarBTu += 1/$BT_u_var[$r];
-#			printf(STDERR "v = $BT_v[$r] (w = %.1f)\n",1/$BT_v_var[$r]);
-			$wSumBTv += $BT_v[$r] / $BT_v_var[$r]; $sumVarBTv += 1/$BT_v_var[$r];
-			$wSumBTw += $BT_w[$r] / $BT_w_var[$r]; $sumVarBTw += 1/$BT_w_var[$r];
-		}
-		if (numberp($BT_u[$r]) && numberp($dc_u[$r])) {
-			$dc_nSumVel++;
-			$dc_sumU += $dc_u[$r]; $dc_sumV += $dc_v[$r]; $dc_sumW += $dc_w[$r];
-			$dc_wSumBTu += $BT_u[$r] / $BT_u_var[$r]; $dc_sumVarBTu += 1/$BT_u_var[$r];
-			$dc_wSumBTv += $BT_v[$r] / $BT_v_var[$r]; $dc_sumVarBTv += 1/$BT_v_var[$r];
-			$dc_wSumBTw += $BT_w[$r] / $BT_w_var[$r]; $dc_sumVarBTw += 1/$BT_w_var[$r];
-		}
-		if (numberp($BT_u[$r]) && numberp($uc_u[$r])) {
-			$uc_nSumVel++;
-			$uc_sumU += $uc_u[$r]; $uc_sumV += $uc_v[$r]; $uc_sumW += $uc_w[$r];
-			$uc_wSumBTu += $BT_u[$r] / $BT_u_var[$r]; $uc_sumVarBTu += 1/$BT_u_var[$r];
-			$uc_wSumBTv += $BT_v[$r] / $BT_v_var[$r]; $uc_sumVarBTv += 1/$BT_v_var[$r];
-			$uc_wSumBTw += $BT_w[$r] / $BT_w_var[$r]; $uc_sumVarBTw += 1/$BT_w_var[$r];
-		}
-	}
-	if ($nSumVel > 0) {
-		$refU = $sumU/$nSumVel - $wSumBTu/$sumVarBTu;
-		$refV = $sumV/$nSumVel - $wSumBTv/$sumVarBTv;
-		$refW = $sumW/$nSumVel - $wSumBTw/$sumVarBTw;
-		$dc_refU = $dc_sumU/$dc_nSumVel - $dc_wSumBTu/$dc_sumVarBTu;
-		$dc_refV = $dc_sUmV/$dc_nSumVel - $dc_wSumBTv/$dc_sumVarBTv;
-		$dc_refW = $dc_sumW/$dc_nSumVel - $dc_wSumBTw/$dc_sumVarBTw;
-		$uc_refU = $uc_sumU/$uc_nSumVel - $uc_wSumBTu/$uc_sumVarBTu;
-		$uc_refV = $uc_sUmV/$uc_nSumVel - $uc_wSumBTv/$uc_sumVarBTv;
-	    $uc_refW = $uc_sumW/$uc_nSumVel - $uc_wSumBTw/$uc_sumVarBTw;
-	} else {
-		&antsInfo("$opt_b: no valid BT data --- calculating baroclinic solution only");
-	}
-unless (defined($refU)) {
-	my($sumU,$sumV,$sumW,$dc_sumU,$dc_sumV,$dc_sumW,$uc_sumU,$uc_sumV,$uc_sumW);
-	my($nSumVel,$dc_nSumVel,$uc_nSumVel);
-	for (my($r)=0; $r<@depth; $r++) {
-		if (numberp($u[$r])) {
-			$nSumVel++;
-			$sumU += $u[$r]; $sumV += $v[$r]; $sumW += $w[$r];
-        }
-        if (numberp($dc_u[$r])) {
-			$dc_nSumVel++;
-			$dc_sumU += $dc_u[$r]; $dc_sumV += $dc_v[$r]; $dc_sumW += $dc_w[$r];
-		}
-        if (numberp($uc_u[$r])) {
-			$uc_nSumVel++;
-			$uc_sumU += $uc_u[$r]; $uc_sumV += $uc_v[$r]; $uc_sumW += $uc_w[$r];
-		}
-	}
-	$refU = $sumU / $nSumVel; $refV = $sumV / $nSumVel; $refW = $sumW / $nSumVel;
-	$dc_refU = $dc_sumU / $dc_nSumVel; $dc_refV = $dc_sumV / $dc_nSumVel; $dc_refW = $dc_sumW / $dc_nSumVel;
-	$uc_refU = $uc_sumU / $uc_nSumVel; $uc_refV = $uc_sumV / $uc_nSumVel; $uc_refW = $uc_sumW / $uc_nSumVel;
-for (my($r)=0; $r<@depth; $r++) {							# reference velocities
-	$u[$r] -= $refU if defined($u[$r]);
-	$v[$r] -= $refV if defined($v[$r]);
-	$w[$r] -= $refW if defined($w[$r]);
-	$dc_u[$r] -= $dc_refU if defined($dc_u[$r]);
-	$dc_v[$r] -= $dc_refV if defined($dc_v[$r]);
-	$dc_w[$r] -= $dc_refW if defined($dc_w[$r]);
-	$uc_u[$r] -= $uc_refU if defined($uc_u[$r]);
-	$uc_v[$r] -= $uc_refV if defined($uc_v[$r]);
-	$uc_w[$r] -= $uc_refW if defined($uc_w[$r]);
-# Determine X Factor
-for (my($r)=0; !defined($first_w) || !defined($last_w); $r++) {
-	$first_w = $dc_w[$r] unless defined($first_w);
-	$last_w  = $uc_w[$r] unless defined($last_w);
-my($X_Factor) = 100 * abs($last_w-$first_w) / sqrt(@depth / $DZ);
-printf(STDERR "X-Factor = %.1f\n",$X_Factor);
-# Output Velocity Profile
-@antsNewLayout = ('depth','u','v','w','dc_u','dc_v','dc_w','uc_u','uc_v','uc_w');
-for (my($r)=0; $r<@depth; $r++) {
-	&antsOut($depth[$r]+$DZ/2,$u[$r],$v[$r],$w[$r],
-							  $dc_u[$r],$dc_v[$r],$dc_w[$r],
-							  $uc_u[$r],$uc_v[$r],$uc_w[$r]);
deleted file mode 100755
--- a/2011_07_10/LADCPproc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,625 +0,0 @@
-#                    L A D C P P R O C 
-#                    doc: Thu Sep 16 20:36:10 2010
-#                    dlm: Fri Jul  8 03:33:21 2011
-#                    (c) 2010 A.M. Thurnherr & E. Firing
-#                    uE-Info: 491 0 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
-$antsSummary = 'process LADCP data to get shear, time series';
-#	- this code is based on merge.c written by Eric Firing
-#	- comments starting with ## are taken from Eric's code
-#	- for SeaBird files, CTD elapsed time is estimated from recno * CTD{sampint}
-#	- CTD{elapsed} is undefined for records before instrument is in the water
-#	- ITS-90 temp field in degC required
-#	- salin field prequired
-#	- pressure field in dbar required
-#	- -i should be set to the number that's added to LADCP_elapsed to make the two
-#	  time series overplot nicely
-#	Sep 16, 2010: - incepted
-#	Oct 13, 2010: - first working version
-#	Oct 14, 2010: - renamed from LADCPshear
-#	Oct 19, 2010: - added -a)coustic backscatter profiles
-#	Oct 20, 2010: - added -2)dary CTD sensors
-#	Oct 23, 2010: - added magnetic-declination correction
-#	Oct 26, 2010: - added tilt calculation
-#	Dec  9, 2010: - added support for ASCII CTD files
-#	Dec 10, 2010: - change -w) default to 120s
-#				  - changed nshear output to 0 from nan when there are no samples
-#	Dec 27, 2010: - changed sign of -l to accept lag output from [LADCP_w]
-#	Jan 10, 2011: - -o => -k added new -o
-#				  - added code to fill CTD sound vel gaps
-#	Jan 22, 2011: - added -g) lat,lon
-#				  - added -c)ompass corr
-#	Jun 15, 2011: - added mean backscatter profile to default output
-#	Jul  7, 2011: - added support for $BT_* processing parameters
-#				  - replaced old per-bin acoustic backscatter profile output by
-#					acoustic backscatter depth-time-series
-#				  - disabled seabed and acoustic backscatter code when not required (e.g. UL)
-#				  - made non-diagnostic output terser
-($ANTS) 	  = (`which list` =~ m{^(.*)/[^/]*$});
-($PERL_TOOLS) = (`which mkProfile` =~ m{^(.*)/[^/]*$});
-($LADCPPROC)  = ($0 =~ m{^(.*)/[^/]*$});
-require "$ANTS/ants.pl";
-require "$ANTS/libEOS83.pl";
-require "$ANTS/libstats.pl";
-require "$LADCPPROC/LADCPproc.loadCTD";
-require "$LADCPPROC/LADCPproc.bestLag";
-require "$LADCPPROC/LADCPproc.BT";
-require "$LADCPPROC/LADCPproc.backscatter";
-require "$LADCPPROC/LADCPproc.UHcode";
-require "$PERL_TOOLS/RDI_BB_Read.pl";
-require "$PERL_TOOLS/RDI_Coords.pl";
-require "$PERL_TOOLS/RDI_Utils.pl";
-$antsParseHeader = 0;
-	'[use -2)dary CTD sensor pair]',
-	'[require -4)-beam LADCP solutions]',
-	'[-s)etup <file>] [-g)ps <lat,lon>]',
-	'[-c)ompass-corr <offset,cos-fac,sin-fac>]',
-	'[enable -p)PI editing]',
-	'[-o)utput grid <resolution[5m]>]',
-	'[-i)nitial LADCP time lag <guestimate>]',
-	'[-l)ag LADCP <by>] [auto-lag -w)indow <size[120s]>] [-n) <auto-lag windows[20]]',
-	'[-d)iagnostic output]',
-	'output: [-t)ime series <file>] [-f)lag <file>] [-b)ottom-track <file>]',
-	'        [-a)coustic backscatter <depth-time-series file] [bottom-trac-k) profs]',
-	'<RDI file> <SeaBird file>');
-$RDI_Coords::minValidVels = 4 if ($opt_4);
-	# old default of -w 30 does not work if there are significant ambiguity-velocity
-	# problems, as is the case, e.g., with 2010_DIMES_US2 station 142
-	# old default of -w 60 did not work for DIMES_UK2 station 4 (DL), possibly again
-	# related to ambiguity velocity
-if (defined($opt_g)) {
-	($CTD{lat},$CTD{lon}) = split(',',$opt_g);
-	croak("$0: cannot decode -g $opt_g\n")
-		unless numberp($CTD{lat}) && numberp($CTD{lon});
-if (defined($opt_c)) {
-	($CC_offset,$CC_cos_fac,$CC_sin_fac) = split(',',$opt_c);
-	croak("$0: cannot decode -c $opt_c\n")
-		unless numberp($CC_offset) && numberp($CC_cos_fac) && numberp($CC_sin_fac);
-$LADCP_file = &antsFileArg();
-$CTD_file 	= &antsFileArg();
-# Step 1: Read LADCP Data
-print(STDERR "Reading LADCP data ($LADCP_file)...");
-printf(STDERR "\n\t%d ensembles",scalar(@{$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}})) if ($opt_d);
-print(STDERR "\n");
-# Step 2: Set Processing Parameters
-print(STDERR "Setting processing parameters...\n");
-printf(STDERR "\tloading $LADCPPROC/LADCPproc.defaults...\n");
-require "$LADCPPROC/LADCPproc.defaults";
-if (defined($opt_s)) {
-	print(STDERR "\tloading $opt_s...\n");
-	require $opt_s;
-	print(STDERR "\t\tBLANKING_DISTANCE == 0 => excluding all data from bin 1\n")
-		if ($opt_d);
-	$wbin_start = 2 unless ($wbin_start > 2);
-	$ubin_start = 2 unless ($ubin_start > 2);
-	$shbin_start = 2 unless ($shbin_start > 2);
-	$BT_bin_start = 2 unless ($BT_bin_start > 2);
-		$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[0]->{XDUCER_FACING_UP} ? 'uplooker' : 'downlooker');
-$GRID_DZ = defined($opt_o) ? $opt_o : 5;
-my($year)  = substr($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[0]->{DATE},6,4);
-my($month) = substr($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[0]->{DATE},0,2);
-my($dau  ) = substr($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[0]->{DATE},3,2);
-my($magdec,$maginc,$h_strength,$v_strength) = split('\s+',`magdec $CTD{lon} $CTD{lat} $year $month $day`);
-croak("$0: unknown magnetic declination\n")
-	unless defined($magdec);
-# Step 3: Read CTD data
-print(STDERR "Reading CTD data ($CTD_file)...");
-printf(STDERR "\n\t%d scans",scalar(@{$CTD{press}})) if ($opt_d);
-print(STDERR "\n");
-# Step 4: Pre-Process CTD & LADCP Data
-printf(STDERR "Pre-processing data...");
-printf(STDERR "\n\tCTD...") if ($opt_d);
-# clean CTD pressure data
-my($pSpikes) = 0;
-for (my($r)=1; $r<@{$CTD{press}}; $r++) {
-	$pSpikes++,$CTD{press}[$r]=nan
-		if (abs($CTD{press}[$r]-$CTD{press}[$r-1])/$CTD{sampint} > 2);
-print(STDERR "\n\t\t$pSpikes pressure spikes removed")
-	if ($pSpikes>0 && $opt_d);
-# calculate w and find deepest record
-$CTD{maxpress} = -9e99;
-for (my($r)=1; $r<@{$CTD{press}}-1; $r++) {
-	$CTD{w}[$r] = 0.99*($CTD{press}[$r+1] - $CTD{press}[$r-1]) / (2*$CTD{sampint});
-	if ($CTD{press}[$r] > $CTD{maxpress}) {
-		$CTD{maxpress} = $CTD{press}[$r];
-		$CTD{atbottom} = $r;
-    }										
-printf(STDERR "\n\t\tmax pressure [%ddbar] at scan#%d",$CTD{maxpress},$CTD{atbottom})
-	if $opt_d;
-# Step 4b: Pre-Process LADCP Data
-print(STDERR "\n\tLADCP...") if ($opt_d);
-# transform to earth coordinates if required
-$U = 0;		# velocity indices
-$V = 1;
-$W = 2;
-$E = 3;
-$LADCP{HEADING_BIAS} = -$magdec;
-	print(STDERR "\n\t\ttransforming beam to Earth coordinates...")
-		if ($opt_d);
-	for (my($ens)=0; $ens<=$#{$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}}; $ens++) {
-		$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{TILT} = &angle_from_vertical($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PITCH},$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{ROLL});
-		for (my($bin)=0; $bin<$LADCP{N_BINS}; $bin++) {
-			@{$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$bin]} =
-				velInstrumentToEarth(\%LADCP,$ens,velBeamToInstrument(\%LADCP,@{$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$bin]}));
-			@{$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PERCENT_GOOD}[$bin]} =					# fake it to fool ref_lr_w
-				(0,0,0,defined($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$bin][$W]) ? 100 : 0);
-		}
-	}
-	unless ($opt_4) {
-		print(STDERR "\n\t\t\t3-beam solutions: $RDI_Coords::threeBeam_1 $RDI_Coords::threeBeam_2 $RDI_Coords::threeBeam_3 $RDI_Coords::threeBeam_4\n")
-			if ($opt_d);
-		&antsAddParams('3_beam_solutions',"$RDI_Coords::threeBeam_1 $RDI_Coords::threeBeam_2 $RDI_Coords::threeBeam_3 $RDI_Coords::threeBeam_4");
-	}
-	if ($opt_d) {
-		if ($opt_c) {
-			printf(STDERR "\n\t\tcalculating tilt and correcting for compass error and magnetic declination of %.1f deg...\n",$magdec);
-		} else {
-			printf(STDERR "\n\t\tcalculating tilt and correcting for magnetic declination of %.1f deg...\n",$magdec);
-		}
-	}
-	for (my($ens)=0; $ens<=$#{$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}}; $ens++) {
-		$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{TILT} = &angle_from_vertical($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{PITCH},$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{ROLL});
-		my($hdg) = rad($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{HEADING});
-		$LADCP{HEADING_BIAS} = ($CC_offset + $CC_cos_fac*cos($hdg) + $CC_sin_fac*sin($hdg)) - $magdec
-			if ($opt_c);
-		for (my($bin)=0; $bin<$LADCP{N_BINS}; $bin++) {
-			@{$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$bin]} =
-				velApplyHdgBias(\%LADCP,$ens,@{$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$bin]});
-		}
-	}
-} else {
-	croak("$0: can only handle beam or earth coordinates\n")
-# construct a depth-vs-time "profile" from the raw data
-print(STDERR "\t\tconstructing profile time series...")
-	if ($opt_d);
-($LADCP_start,$LADCP_end,$LADCP_bottom,$w_gap_time,$zErr,$maxz) =
-    mk_prof(\%LADCP,0,undef,1,6,70,0.1,9999);
-croak("\n$LADCP_file: no good ensembles found\n")
-    unless defined($LADCP_start);
-if ($opt_d) {
-	printf(STDERR "\n\t\t\tStart of cast    : %s (#%5d) at %6.1fm\n",
-	                    $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$LADCP_start]->{TIME},
-	                    $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$LADCP_start]->{NUMBER},
-	                    $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$LADCP_start]->{DEPTH});
-	printf(STDERR "\t\t\tBottom of cast   : %s (#%5d) at %6.1fm\n",
-	                    $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$LADCP_bottom]->{TIME},
-	                    $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$LADCP_bottom]->{NUMBER},
-	                    $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$LADCP_bottom]->{DEPTH});
-	printf(STDERR "\t\t\tEnd of cast      : %s (#%5d) at %6.1fm",
-	                    $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$LADCP_end]->{TIME},
-	                    $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$LADCP_end]->{NUMBER},
-	                    $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$LADCP_end]->{DEPTH});
-print(STDERR "\n");
-# Step 5: Add CTD to LADCP Data & correct velocities for sound speed
-#	- {DEPTH} field is overwritten!
-print(STDERR "Matching CTD to LADCP time series...");
-$opt_l = defined($opt_l) ? -$opt_l : &lagLADCP2CTD();
-print(STDERR "Associating CTD data with LADCP ensembles...");
-for (my($min_depth)=9e99,my($ens)=$LADCP_start; $ens<=$LADCP_end; $ens++) {
-	my($lastSvel); 
-	my($r) = int(($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{ELAPSED_TIME} - $opt_l) / $CTD{sampint});
-	if ($r < 0 && $ens == $LADCP_start) {
-		$r = int(($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[++$ens]->{ELAPSED_TIME} - $opt_l) / $CTD{sampint})
-			while ($r < 0);
-		printf(STDERR "\n\tCTD data begin with instrument already in water => skipping %ds of LADCP data",
-		$LADCP_start = $ens;
-	}
-	if ($r > $#{$CTD{press}}) {
-		printf(STDERR "\n\tCTD data end while instrument is still in water => truncating %ds of LADCP data",
-				if ($opt_d);
-		$LADCP_end = $ens - 1;
-		last;
-	}
-	my($dr);
-	for ($dr=0; !numberp($CTD{press}[$r+$dr]); $dr--) {}
-	$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{DEPTH} = depth($CTD{press}[$r+$dr],$CTD{lat});
-	if ($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{DEPTH} < $min_depth) {
-		$min_depth = $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{DEPTH};
-		$LADCP_top = $ens;
-	}
-	$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{CTD_W} = $CTD{w}[$r];
-	$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{CTD_TEMP} = $CTD{temp}[$r];
-	$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{CTD_SVEL} = sVel($CTD{salin}[$r],$CTD{temp}[$r],$CTD{press}[$r+$dr]);
-	if (numberp($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{CTD_SVEL})) {
-		$lastSvel = $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{CTD_SVEL};
-	} else {
-		$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{CTD_SVEL} = $lastSvel;
-	}
-	my($sscorr) = $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{CTD_SVEL} / $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{SPEED_OF_SOUND};
-	for (my($bin)=0; $bin<$LADCP{N_BINS}; $bin++) {
-		next unless defined($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$bin][$W]);
-		$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$bin][$U] *= $sscorr;
-		$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$bin][$V] *= $sscorr;
-		$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$bin][$W] *= $sscorr;
-    }
-			   'bottom_depth',round($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$LADCP_bottom]->{DEPTH}),
-			   'start_date',$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$LADCP_start]->{DATE},
-			   'start_time',$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$LADCP_start]->{TIME},
-			   'bottom_date',$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$LADCP_bottom]->{DATE},
-			   'bottom_time',$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$LADCP_bottom]->{TIME},
-			   'end_date',$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$LADCP_end]->{DATE},
-			   'end_time',$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$LADCP_end]->{TIME});
-print(STDERR "\n");
-# Step 6: Calculate Acoustic Backscatter Profile
-print(STDERR "Calculating acoustic backscatter profiles...");
-print(STDERR "\n");
-# Step 7: Find Seabed
-	print(STDERR "Finding seabed...");
-	print(STDERR "\n\tin acoustic backscatter profiles...") if ($opt_d);
-	($water_depth,$sig_water_depth) =
-		find_backscatter_seabed($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$LADCP_bottom]->{DEPTH});
-	$min_hab = $water_depth - $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$LADCP_bottom]->{DEPTH};
-	printf(STDERR "\n\twater depth      = %d(+-%.1f)m",$water_depth,$sig_water_depth);
-	printf(STDERR "\n\tclosest approach = %dmab",$min_hab);
-	print(STDERR "\n\tin RDI BT data...") if ($opt_d);
-	($BT_water_depth,$sig_BT_water_depth) = 
-		find_seabed(\%LADCP,$LADCP_bottom,$LADCP{BEAM_COORDINATES});
-	if (defined($BT_water_depth)) {
-		$min_hab = $BT_water_depth - $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$LADCP_bottom]->{DEPTH};
-		printf(STDERR "\n\twater depth      = %d(+-%.1f)m",$BT_water_depth,$sig_BT_water_depth);
-		printf(STDERR "\n\tclosest approach = %dmab",$min_hab);
-#		$water_depth = $BT_water_depth; 							# assume BT data are better
-#		$sig_water_depth = $sig_BT_water_depth; 					# (at least they are higher vertical resolution)
-	}
-	unless (defined($water_depth)) {
-		print(STDERR "\n\tno seabed found\n");
-		print(STDERR "\n\tunknown water depth => PPI editing disabled\n")
-			if ($opt_d);
-		$clip_margin = 0;
-	}
-	print(STDERR "\n");
-} else { # UPLOOKER
-	$water_depth = $sig_water_depth = $min_hab = nan;
-	print(STDERR "Uplooker data => PPI editing disabled\n")
-		if ($opt_d);
-# Step 8: Edit Data
-print(STDERR "Calculating shear profiles...");
-$LADCP_start = 1 if ($LADCP_start == 0);							# ensure that there is previous ensemble
-print(STDERR "\n\tdowncast...") if ($opt_d);
-edit_velocity($LADCP_start,$LADCP_bottom);							# downcast
-calc_shear($LADCP_start,$LADCP_bottom,$SHEAR_PREGRID_DZ,0);			# pre-grid shear @SHEAR_PREGRID_DZm resolution
-calc_shear($LADCP_start,$LADCP_bottom,$GRID_DZ,1);					# calculate final gridded shear profile
-@dc_sh_n = @sh_n;													# save downcast results
-@dc_ush_mu = @ush_mu; @dc_ush_sig = @ush_sig;
-@dc_vsh_mu = @vsh_mu; @dc_vsh_sig = @vsh_sig;
-@dc_wsh_mu = @wsh_mu; @dc_wsh_sig = @wsh_sig;
-print(STDERR "\n\tupcast...") if ($opt_d);
-edit_velocity($LADCP_end,$LADCP_bottom);							# upcast
-@uc_sh_n = @sh_n;													# save upcast results
-@uc_ush_mu = @ush_mu; @uc_ush_sig = @ush_sig;
-@uc_vsh_mu = @vsh_mu; @uc_vsh_sig = @vsh_sig;
-@uc_wsh_mu = @wsh_mu; @uc_wsh_sig = @wsh_sig;
-print(STDERR "\n\tcombined...") if ($opt_d);
-for (my($gi)=0; $gi<@dc_ush_mu; $gi++) {
-	if ($dc_sh_n[$gi]>0 && $uc_sh_n[$gi]>0) {
-		$sh_n[$gi] = $dc_sh_n[$gi] + $uc_sh_n[$gi];
-		$ush_mu[$gi] = ($dc_sh_n[$gi]*$dc_ush_mu[$gi] + $uc_sh_n[$gi]*$uc_ush_mu[$gi]) / $sh_n[$gi];
-		$vsh_mu[$gi] = ($dc_sh_n[$gi]*$dc_vsh_mu[$gi] + $uc_sh_n[$gi]*$uc_vsh_mu[$gi]) / $sh_n[$gi];
-		$wsh_mu[$gi] = ($dc_sh_n[$gi]*$dc_wsh_mu[$gi] + $uc_sh_n[$gi]*$uc_wsh_mu[$gi]) / $sh_n[$gi];
-		$ush_sig[$gi] = sqrt(($dc_sh_n[$gi]*$dc_ush_sig[$gi]**2 + $uc_sh_n[$gi]*$uc_ush_sig[$gi]**2) / $sh_n[$gi]);
-		$vsh_sig[$gi] = sqrt(($dc_sh_n[$gi]*$dc_vsh_sig[$gi]**2 + $uc_sh_n[$gi]*$uc_vsh_sig[$gi]**2) / $sh_n[$gi]);
-		$wsh_sig[$gi] = sqrt(($dc_sh_n[$gi]*$dc_wsh_sig[$gi]**2 + $uc_sh_n[$gi]*$uc_wsh_sig[$gi]**2) / $sh_n[$gi]);
-	} elsif ($dc_sh_n[$gi] > 0) {
-		$sh_n[$gi] = $dc_sh_n[$gi];
-		$ush_mu[$gi]  = $dc_ush_mu[$gi];  $vsh_mu[$gi]  = $dc_vsh_mu[$gi];  $wsh_mu[$gi]  = $dc_wsh_mu[$gi];
-		$ush_sig[$gi] = $dc_ush_sig[$gi]; $vsh_sig[$gi] = $dc_vsh_sig[$gi]; $wsh_sig[$gi] = $dc_wsh_sig[$gi];
-	} elsif ($uc_sh_n[$gi] > 0) {
-		$sh_n[$gi] = $uc_sh_n[$gi];
-		$ush_mu[$gi]  = $uc_ush_mu[$gi];  $vsh_mu[$gi]  = $uc_vsh_mu[$gi];  $wsh_mu[$gi]  = $uc_wsh_mu[$gi];
-		$ush_sig[$gi] = $uc_ush_sig[$gi]; $vsh_sig[$gi] = $uc_vsh_sig[$gi]; $wsh_sig[$gi] = $uc_wsh_sig[$gi];
-	} else {
-		$sh_n[$gi] = 0;
-		$ush_mu[$gi]  = $vsh_mu[$gi]  = $wsh_mu[$gi]  = nan;
-		$ush_sig[$gi] = $vsh_sig[$gi] = $wsh_sig[$gi] = nan;
-	}
-print(STDERR "\n");
-# Step 9: Get bottom track profile
-	print(STDERR "Getting BT profile...");
-	getBTprof($LADCP_start,$LADCP_end);
-	print(STDERR "\n");
-# Step 10: Write Output Files
-print(STDERR "Writing shear profiles...");
-@antsNewLayout = ('depth','dc_nshear','dc_u_z','dc_u_z.sig','dc_v_z','dc_v_z.sig','dc_w_z','dc_w_z.sig',
-						  'uc_nshear','uc_u_z','uc_u_z.sig','uc_v_z','uc_v_z.sig','uc_w_z','uc_w_z.sig',
-						  'nshear','u_z','u_z.sig','v_z','v_z.sig','w_z','w_z.sig','Sv','Sv.n');
-$commonParams = $antsCurParams;
-&antsAddParams('ubin_start',$ubin_start,'ubin_end',$ubin_end,		# record processing params
-			   'wbin_start',$wbin_start,'wbin_end',$wbin_end,
-			   'shbin_start',$shbin_start,'shbin_end',$shbin_end,
-			   'w_ref_bin',$w_ref_bin,'w_dif',$w_dif,
-			   'wake_hd_dif',$wake_hd_dif,'wake_ang_min',$wake_ang_min,
-			   'min_wake_w',$min_wake_w,'n_wake_bins',$n_wake_bins,
-			   'e_max',$e_max,'min_cor',$min_cor,
-			   'max_shdev',$max_shdev,'max_shdev_sum',$max_shdev_sum,
-			   'water_depth',round($water_depth),'water_depth.sig',round($sig_water_depth),
-			   'min_hab',round($min_hab),
-			   'clip_margin',$clip_margin,'first_clip_bin',$first_clip_bin,
-			   'Svbin_start',$Svbin_start,'Svbin_end',$Svbin_end,
-			   'BT_bin_start',$BT_bin_start,'BT_bin_search_above',$BT_bin_search_above,
-			   'BT_max_bin_spread',$BT_max_bin_spread,'BT_max_w_difference',$BT_max_w_difference,
-if (defined($BT_min_depth)) {
-	&antsAddParams('BT_min_depth',$BT_min_depth,'BT_max_depth',$BT_max_depth);
-} else {
-	&antsAddParams('BT_max_depth_error',$BT_max_depth_error);
-for (my($gi)=0; $gi<@ush_mu; $gi++) {
-	&antsOut(depthOfGI($gi),										# depth in center of bin
-			 numberp($dc_sh_n[$gi])?$dc_sh_n[$gi]:0,				# downcast
-			 $dc_ush_mu[$gi],$dc_ush_sig[$gi],
-			 $dc_vsh_mu[$gi],$dc_vsh_sig[$gi],
-			 $dc_wsh_mu[$gi],$dc_wsh_sig[$gi],
-			 numberp($uc_sh_n[$gi])?$uc_sh_n[$gi]:0,				# upcast
-			 $uc_ush_mu[$gi],$uc_ush_sig[$gi],
-			 $uc_vsh_mu[$gi],$uc_vsh_sig[$gi],
-			 $uc_wsh_mu[$gi],$uc_wsh_sig[$gi],
-			 $sh_n[$gi],											# combined
-			 $ush_mu[$gi],$ush_sig[$gi],
-			 $vsh_mu[$gi],$vsh_sig[$gi],
-			 $wsh_mu[$gi],$wsh_sig[$gi],
-			 $nSv_prof[$gi]?$sSv_prof[$gi]/$nSv_prof[$gi]:nan,
-			 $nSv_prof[$gi],
-	);
-print(STDERR "\n");
-# Acoustic backscatter depth-time-series
-if (defined($opt_a)) {
-	print(STDERR "Writing acoustic backscatter depth-time-series to <$opt_a>...");
-	@antsNewLayout = ('ens','elapsed','CTD_depth','depth','bin','downcast',
-					  'Sv_beam1','Sv_beam2','Sv_beam3','Sv_beam4','Sv.median');
-	&antsOut('EOF');
-    close(STDOUT);
-	open(STDOUT,">$opt_a") || croak("$opt_a: $!\n");
-	$antsCurParams = $commonParams;
-	&antsAddParams('min_elapsed',$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$LADCP_start]->{ELAPSED_TIME},
-				   'max_elapsed',$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$LADCP_end]->{ELAPSED_TIME},
-				   'min_depth',$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$LADCP_top]->{XDUCER_FACING_UP} ?
-	   					&depthOfBin($LADCP_top,$LADCP{N_BINS}-1) : $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$LADCP_top]->{DEPTH},
-				   'max_depth',$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$LADCP_bottom]->{XDUCER_FACING_UP} ?
-	   					$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$LADCP_bottom]->{DEPTH} : &depthOfBin($LADCP_bottom,$LADCP{N_BINS}-1)
-	);
-	for (my($ens)=$LADCP_start; $ens<=$LADCP_end; $ens++) {
-		for (my($bin)=0; $bin<$LADCP{N_BINS}; $bin++) {
-			&antsOut($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{NUMBER},
-					 $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{DEPTH},
-					 &depthOfBin($ens,$bin),$bin,
-					 ($ens <= $LADCP_bottom) ? 1 : 0,
-					 @{$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{SV}[$bin]},
-					 median(@{$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{SV}[$bin]})
-			);
-		}	 
-	}
-	print(STDERR "\n");
-if (defined($opt_t)) {
-	print(STDERR "Writing time series to <$opt_t>...");
-	@antsNewLayout = ('ens','elapsed','depth','CTD_w','LADCP_w');
-	&antsOut('EOF');
-	$antsCurParams = $commonParams;
-	close(STDOUT);
-	open(STDOUT,">$opt_t") || croak("$opt_t: $!\n");
-	for (my($ens)=$LADCP_start; $ens<=$LADCP_end; $ens++) {
-		&antsOut($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{NUMBER},
-				 $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{DEPTH},
-				 $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{CTD_W},
-				 $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{W});
-	}
-	print(STDERR "\n");
-if (defined($opt_b)) {
-	print(STDERR "Writing bottom-track data to <$opt_b>...");
-	@antsNewLayout = ('depth','u','v','w','u.sig','v.sig','w.sig','ndata');
-	&antsOut('EOF');
-	$antsCurParams = $commonParams;
-	close(STDOUT);
-	open(STDOUT,">$opt_b") || croak("$opt_b: $!\n");
-	my($skipped);
-	for (my($gi)=0; $gi<@BT_nsamp; $gi++) {
-		$skipped = 1 if ($BT_nsamp[$gi] > 0);
-		next unless ($skipped);
-		&antsOut(depthOfGI($gi),$BTu[$gi],$BTv[$gi],$BTw[$gi],$BTu_sig[$gi],$BTv_sig[$gi],$BTw_sig[$gi],$BT_nsamp[$gi]);
-	}
-	print(STDERR "\n");
-if (defined($opt_f)) {
-	print(STDERR "Writing data flags to <$opt_f>...");
-	@antsNewLayout = ('ens');
-	for (my($i)=1; $i<=$LADCP{N_BINS}; $i++) {
-		$antsNewLayout[$i] = "bin$i";
-	}
-	&antsOut('EOF');
-	$antsCurParams = $commonParams;
-	close(STDOUT);
-	open(STDOUT,">$opt_f") || croak("$opt_f: $!\n");
-	&antsPrintHeaders(STDOUT,@antsNewLayout);
-	for (my($ens)=$LADCP_start; $ens<=$LADCP_end; $ens++) {
-		printf('%4d  ',$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{NUMBER});
-		for (my($bin)=0; $bin<$LADCP{N_BINS}; $bin++) {
-			printf("%02x ",$edit_flags[$ens][$bin]);
-		}
-		print($opt_R);
-	}
-	print(STDERR "\n");
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/2011_07_10/LADCPproc.BT
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
-#                    L A D C P P R O C . B T 
-#                    doc: Wed Oct 20 21:05:37 2010
-#                    dlm: Fri Jul  8 03:24:56 2011
-#                    (c) 2010 A.M. Thurnherr
-#                    uE-Info: 148 69 NIL 0 0 72 10 2 4 NIL ofnI
-#	Oct 20, 2010: - created
-#	Jan 10, 2010: - -o => -k
-#	Jul  7, 2010: - added $DEBUG
-#				  - added BTrangeFlag
-#				  - added $BT processing parameters
-#				  - changed from echo amplitude to Sv
-my($BEAM1) = 0;
-my($BEAM2) = 1;
-my($BEAM3) = 2;
-my($BEAM4) = 3;
-my($nBTfound,$nBTrangeFlag,$nBTdepthFlag,$nBTvalidVelFlag,$nBTwFlag) = (0,0,0,0,0);
-my($DEBUG) = 0;
-sub binBTprof($)
-	my($ens) = @_;
-	my(@Sv_max) = (-9e99,-9e99,-9e99,-9e99); my(@Sv_max_bin) = (nan,nan,nan,nan);
-	for (my($bin)=$BT_bin_start-1; $bin<$LADCP{N_BINS}; $bin++) {
-		if (defined($BT_min_depth)) {								# manually supplied bottom depth range
-			my($dob) = &depthOfBin($ens,$bin);
-			next unless ($dob >= $BT_min_depth && $dob <= $BT_max_depth);
-		}
-		$Sv_max[$BEAM1] = $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{SV}[$bin][$BEAM1],
-		$Sv_max_bin[$BEAM1] = $bin
-			if ($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{SV}[$bin][$BEAM1] > $Sv_max[$BEAM1]);
-		$Sv_max[$BEAM2] = $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{SV}[$bin][$BEAM2],
-		$Sv_max_bin[$BEAM2] = $bin
-			if ($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{SV}[$bin][$BEAM2] > $Sv_max[$BEAM2]);
-		$Sv_max[$BEAM3] = $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{SV}[$bin][$BEAM3],
-		$Sv_max_bin[$BEAM3] = $bin
-			if ($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{SV}[$bin][$BEAM3] > $Sv_max[$BEAM3]);
-		$Sv_max[$BEAM4] = $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{SV}[$bin][$BEAM4],
-		$Sv_max_bin[$BEAM4] = $bin
-			if ($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{SV}[$bin][$BEAM4] > $Sv_max[$BEAM4]);
-	}
-	print(STDERR "@Sv_max | @Sv_max_bin\n") if ($DEBUG);
-	$nBTfound++;
-	$nBTrangeFlag++,return											# inconsistent range (&, impliclity, large tilt)
-		unless (max(@Sv_max_bin)-min(@Sv_max_bin) <= $BT_max_bin_spread);
-	my($range_bin) = round(avg(@Sv_max_bin));
-	printf(STDERR "water_depth = $water_depth; BT peak depth = %d in bin $range_bin\n",depthOfBin($ens,$range_bin))
-		if ($DEBUG);
-	$nBTdepthFlag++,return											# BT range inconsistent with water depth
-		unless defined($BT_min_depth) ||
-			   (abs($water_depth-depthOfBin($ens,$range_bin)) < $sig_water_depth + $BT_max_depth_error);
-	# try bin of max plus one above and below
-	# this does not really work because, often, only one of the bins has valid velocities
-	my($w1) = $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$range_bin-1][$W];
-	my($w2) = $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$range_bin][$W];
-	my($w3) = $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$range_bin+1][$W];
-	printf(STDERR "w123 = %.1f,%.1f,%.1f\n",$w1,$w2,$w3)
-		if ($DEBUG);
-	$w1 = 9e99 unless numberp($w1);									# no valid velocities
-	$w2 = 9e99 unless numberp($w1);
-	$w3 = 9e99 unless numberp($w1);
-	my($CTD_u,$CTD_v,$CTD_w);
-	if (abs($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{W}-$w1) < abs($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{W}-$w2) &&
-		abs($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{W}-$w1) < abs($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{W}-$w3)) {
-			$CTD_u = $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$range_bin-1][$U];
-			$CTD_v = $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$range_bin-1][$V];
-			$CTD_w = $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$range_bin-1][$W];
-	} elsif (abs($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{W}-$w1) < abs($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{W}-$w2)) {
-			$CTD_u = $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$range_bin+1][$U];
-			$CTD_v = $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$range_bin+1][$V];
-			$CTD_w = $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$range_bin+1][$W];
-	} else {
-			$nBTvalidVelFlag++,return if ($w2 == 9e99);				# none of 3 bins has valid velocity
-			$CTD_u = $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$range_bin][$U];
-			$CTD_v = $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$range_bin][$V];
-			$CTD_w = $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$range_bin][$W];
-	}
-	$nBTwFlag++,return if (abs($CTD_w-$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{W}) > $BT_max_w_difference);
-	printf(STDERR "good BT [%5.2f %5.2f %5.2f] found at ens $ens\n",$CTD_u,$CTD_v,$CTD_w)
-		if ($DEBUG);
-	if ($opt_k) {
-		for (my($bin)=$BT_bin_start-1; $bin<$LADCP{N_BINS}; $bin++) {
-			next if ($edit_flags[$ens][$bin]);
-			printf(BTF "%d %d %d %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f\n",
-				$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{NUMBER},
-				depthOfBin($ens,$bin),$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{DEPTH},
-				$CTD_u,$CTD_v,$CTD_w,
-				$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$bin][$U],
-				$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$bin][$V],
-				$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$bin][$W],
-				$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$bin][$U]-$CTD_u,
-				$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$bin][$V]-$CTD_v,
-				$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$bin][$W]-$CTD_w);
-		}
-	    print(BTF "nan nan nan nan\n");
-	}
-	for (my($bin)=$BT_bin_start-1; $bin<$LADCP{N_BINS}; $bin++) {
-		next if ($edit_flags[$ens][$bin]);
-		my($gi) = depthOfBin($ens,$bin) / $GRID_DZ;
-		push(@{$BTu_vals[$gi]},$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$bin][$U]-$CTD_u);
-		push(@{$BTv_vals[$gi]},$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$bin][$V]-$CTD_v);
-		push(@{$BTw_vals[$gi]},$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$bin][$W]-$CTD_w);
-	}
-sub getBTprof($$)
-	my($LADCP_start,$LADCP_end) = @_;
-	if ($opt_k) {
-		open(BTF,">BT.profs");
-	    print(BTF "#ANTS#FIELDS# {ens} {depth} {CTD_depth} {pitch} {roll} {CTD_u} {CTD_v} {CTD_w} {u} {v} {w} {BT_u} {BT_v} {BT_w}\n");
-	}
-	for (my($ens)=$LADCP_start; $ens<=$LADCP_end; $ens++) {
-		next unless ($water_depth-$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{DEPTH} < $BT_begin_search_above);
-		binBTprof($ens);
-	}
-	if ($opt_d) {
-		print(STDERR "\n\t$nBTfound BT ensembles found\n");
-	    print(STDERR "\t\t$nBTrangeFlag flagged bad because of inconsistent range to seabed\n");
-	    print(STDERR "\t\t$nBTdepthFlag flagged bad because of wrong bottom depth\n");
-	    print(STDERR "\t\t$nBTvalidVelFlag flagged bad because of lack of valid velocities\n");
-	    print(STDERR "\t\t$nBTwFlag flagged bad because of incorrect vertical velocities");
-	    printf(STDERR "\n\t=> %d velocities from %d BT ensembles used",
-	    				scalar(@BTu_vals),
-						$nBTfound-$nBTrangeFlag-$nBTdepthFlag-$nBTvalidVelFlag-$nBTwFlag);
-	}
-	@BTu  = @BTv  = @BTw  = ();
-	@BTu_sig = @BTv_sig = @BTw_sig = ();
-	@BT_nsamp = ();
-	for (my($gi)=0; $gi<@BTu_vals; $gi++) {								# calc grid means & stddev
-		my($sum_u,$sum_v,$sum_w);
-		$BT_nsamp[$gi] = @{$BTu_vals[$gi]};
-		for (my($vi)=0; $vi<$BT_nsamp[$gi]; $vi++) {
-			$sum_u += $BTu_vals[$gi][$vi];
-			$sum_v += $BTv_vals[$gi][$vi];
-			$sum_w += $BTw_vals[$gi][$vi];
-		}
-		$BTu[$gi] = $BT_nsamp[$gi] ? $sum_u/$BT_nsamp[$gi] : nan;
-		$BTv[$gi] = $BT_nsamp[$gi] ? $sum_v/$BT_nsamp[$gi] : nan;
-		$BTw[$gi] = $BT_nsamp[$gi] ? $sum_w/$BT_nsamp[$gi] : nan;
-	}
-	for (my($gi)=0; $gi<@BTu_vals; $gi++) {								# calc & grid stddevs
-		my($sumsq_u,$sumsq_v,$sumsq_w);
-		for (my($vi)=0; $vi<$BT_nsamp[$gi]; $vi++) {
-			$sumsq_u += ($BTu_vals[$gi][$vi] - $BTu[$gi])**2;
-			$sumsq_v += ($BTv_vals[$gi][$vi] - $BTv[$gi])**2;
-			$sumsq_w += ($BTw_vals[$gi][$vi] - $BTw[$gi])**2;
-		}
-		$BTu_sig[$gi] = $BT_nsamp[$gi]>1 ? sqrt($sumsq_u/($BT_nsamp[$gi]-1)) : nan;
-		$BTv_sig[$gi] = $BT_nsamp[$gi]>1 ? sqrt($sumsq_v/($BT_nsamp[$gi]-1)) : nan;
-		$BTw_sig[$gi] = $BT_nsamp[$gi]>1 ? sqrt($sumsq_w/($BT_nsamp[$gi]-1)) : nan;
-	}
-	close(BTF) if ($opt_k);
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/2011_07_10/LADCPproc.UHcode
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-#                    L A D C P P R O C . U H C O D E 
-#                    doc: Fri Sep 17 20:27:53 2010
-#                    dlm: Mon Jan 10 13:23:13 2011
-#                    (c) 2010 A.M. Thurnherr & E. Firing
-#                    uE-Info: 295 0 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
-# PERLified functions from Eric's [merge.c]; with mods
-#	- velocity integration removed
-#	- percent-good flag removed (no point for single-ping ensembles)
-#	- need the following per-ensemble fields from previous steps:
-#	- negative depths are not allowed (should not happen given CTD_DEPTH)
-#	- w reference layer in set_misc_flags is calculated without taking
-#	  the ref layer bins into account
-#	- u,v ref lr vels in set_wake_flag use w ref layer bins
-#	- distance to bin 1 center is not sound-speed corrected [CORRECTED]
-#	- $tilt calculation is wrong
-#	Sep 17, 2010: - created
-#	Oct 13, 2010: - first working version
-#	Oct 14, 2010: - renamed from LADCPshear.UHcode
-#	Oct 15, 2010: - added support for -pPI edit suppresion
-#	Oct 19, 2010: - reversed semantics of -p
-#	Oct 25, 2010: - added W_CTD_BIT, renamed W_BIT to W_OUTLIER_BIT
-#	Oct 26, 2010: - added TILT_BIT
-#	Dec 10, 2010: - modified assertion to allow processing of UL data
-my($BADVEL_BIT)  	= 0x01;
-my($ERRVEL_BIT)  	= 0x02;
-my($CORREL_BIT)		= 0x04;
-my($W_OUTLIER_BIT) 	= 0x08;
-my($SHEAR_BIT) 		= 0x10;
-my($SIDELOBE_BIT)	= 0x20;
-my($WAKE_BIT)		= 0x40;
-my($PPI_BIT)		= 0x80;
-my($W_CTD_BIT)		= 0x100;
-my($TILT_BIT)		= 0x200;
-my($DELTA_TILT_BIT)	= 0x400;
-# apparently, in Eric's code, DISTANCE_TO_BIN1_CENTER is not sound-speed corrected
-sub dzToBin($$)
-	my($ens,$bin) = @_;
-	my($sscorr) = $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{CTD_SVEL} / $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{SPEED_OF_SOUND};
-	return $sscorr * ($LADCP{DISTANCE_TO_BIN1_CENTER} + $bin*$LADCP{BIN_LENGTH});
-sub depthOfBin($$)
-	my($ens,$bin) = @_;
-		   $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{DEPTH} - &dzToBin($ens,$bin) :
-		   $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{DEPTH} + &dzToBin($ens,$bin);
-sub set_wake_flag($$)
-	my($ens,$De) = @_;
-	my($n) = 0;
-	my($uref) = my($vref) = my($wref) = 0;
-	for (my($bin)=$wbin_start-1; $bin<$wbin_end; $bin++) {		# calc crude ref lr vel from all data
-		next if ($edit_flags[$ens][$bin]);
-		$uref += $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$bin][$U];
-		$vref += $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$bin][$V];
-		$wref += $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$bin][$W];
-		$n++;
-	}
-	return if ($n==0);
-	$uref /= $n;
-	$vref /= $n;
-	$wref /= $n;
-	## if upward (=negative) velocity greater than minimum, calculate wake
-	## 		heading and inclination
-	if ($wref < -$min_wake_w) {
-		my($wake_hd) = 180 / 3.14159265358979 * atan2($uref,$vref);
-		my($speed) 	 = sqrt($uref*$uref + $vref*$vref);
-		my($wake_ang)= abs(180 / 3.14159265358979 * atan($speed/$wref));
-		$wake_hd += 360
-			if ($wake_hd < 0);
-		$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{HEADING} += 360
-			if ($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{HEADING} < 0);
-		my($wake_mod) = $wake_hd % 90;		# % returns integer part of remainder, but that's sufficient
-		my($adcp_mod) = $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{HEADING} % 90;
-		if (((abs($wake_mod - $adcp_mod) < $wake_hd_dif) ||
-             (abs($wake_mod - $adcp_mod) > (90 - $wake_hd_dif))) &&
-			 ($wake_ang > $wake_ang_min)) {
-			for (my($bin)=0; $bin<$n_wake_bins; $bin++) {
-				$flag_count{$WAKE_BIT}[$bin]++;
-				$edit_flags[$ens][$bin] |= $WAKE_BIT;
-			}
-		}
-	} ## if ($wref < -min_wake_w)
-	## This does not make a lot of sense, because it trims points
-	## on only one side of the wake error, and that side depends
-	## on whether the integration is forward or backward.
-	if (($edit_flags[$ens+$De][0]&$WAKE_BIT) &&
-		($edit_flags[$ens][0]&$WAKE_BIT == 0)) {
-		for (my($bin)=0; $bin<$n_wake_bins; $bin++) {
-			$flag_count{$WAKE_BIT}[$bin]++;
-			$edit_flags[$ens][$bin] |= $WAKE_BIT;
-		}
-	}
-sub set_misc_flags($$)
-	my($ens,$De) = @_;
-	my($ww) = my($n) = 0;
-	my($SLIfac) = 1 - cos(rad($LADCP{BEAM_ANGLE}));
-	for (my($bin)=0; $bin<$w_ref_bin; $bin++) {				# ref-lr w
-   		if (!$edit_flags[$ens][$bin]) {
-   			$ww += $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$bin][$W];
-			$n++;
-		}
-	}
-	$ww /= $n if ($n > 0);
-	for (my($bin)=0; $bin<$LADCP{N_BINS}; $bin++) {
-		next if ($edit_flags[$ens][$bin]);
-		## We use the standard criterion for bottom interference; e.g. for
-		## 30-degree beams, the last 15% of the profile is contaminated
-		## by the sidelobe bounce.	1.5 bin length is added to allow for
-		## the length of the bin and pulse, that is, contamination of part of a
-		## bin.  Profiler tilt does not require a more stringent criterion.
-			if (numberp($water_depth) &&
-				$water_depth - &depthOfBin($ens,$bin) <=
-					$SLIfac * ($water_depth - $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{DEPTH})
-						+ 1.5 * $LADCP{BIN_LENGTH}) {
-				$edit_flags[$ens][$bin] |= $SIDELOBE_BIT;
-				$flag_count{$SIDELOBE_BIT}++;
-			}
-		} else { ## upward-looking
-			if (&depthOfBin($ens,$bin) <=
-				$SLIfac * $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{DEPTH}
-					+ 1.5 * $LADCP{BIN_LENGTH}) {
-				$edit_flags[$ens][$bin] |= $SIDELOBE_BIT;
-				$flag_count{$SIDELOBE_BIT}++;
-			}
-		}
-		if ($ww != 0 &&
-			abs($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$bin][$W] - $ww) > $w_dif) {
-			$flag_count{$W_OUTLIER_BIT}++;
-			$edit_flags[$ens][$bin] |= $W_OUTLIER_BIT;
-		}
-		if (abs($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$bin][$E]) > $e_max) {
-			$flag_count{$ERRVEL_BIT}++;
-			$edit_flags[$ens][$bin] |= $ERRVEL_BIT;
-		}
-		for (my($beam)=0; $beam<=3; $beam++) {
-			if ($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{CORRELATION}[$bin][$beam] < $min_cor) {
-				$flag_count{$CORREL_BIT}++;
-				$edit_flags[$ens][$bin] |= $CORREL_BIT;
-			}
-		}
-		if ($bin < $shbin_start-1 || $bin >= $shbin_end) {
-			$edit_flags[$ens][$bin] |= $BADVEL_BIT;
-			$flag_count{$BADVEL_BIT}++;
-		}
-	} # for ($bin=0...
-## The following is for editing out the second bottom bounce.
-sub set_PPI_flags($$)
-	my($ens,$De) = @_;
-	my($dt_ping) = $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{UNIX_TIME} - $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens-1]->{UNIX_TIME};
-		if (numberp($water_depth)) {
-			$clip_z1 = $water_depth
-						- $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{CTD_SVEL}/2 * $dt_ping
-							* cos(rad($LADCP{BEAM_ANGLE} + $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{TILT}))
-						+ $clip_margin;
-			$clip_z0 = $water_depth
-						- $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{CTD_SVEL}/2 * $dt_ping
-							* cos(rad($LADCP{BEAM_ANGLE} - $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{TILT}))
-	                    - $clip_margin;
-	    }
-	} else { # upward-looking
-		$clip_z1 = $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{CTD_SVEL}/2 * $dt_ping
-						* cos(rad($LADCP{BEAM_ANGLE} - $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{TILT}))
-					+ $clip_margin;
-		$clip_z0 = $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{CTD_SVEL}/2 * $dt_ping
-						* cos(rad($LADCP{BEAM_ANGLE} + $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{TILT}))
-					- $clip_margin;
-	}
-	for (my($bin)=$first_clip_bin-1; $bin<$LADCP{N_BINS}; $bin++) {
-		next if ($edit_flags[$ens][$bin]);
-		my($dob) = depthOfBin($ens,$bin);
-		if ($dob >= $clip_z0 && $dob <= $clip_z1) {
-			$edit_flags[$ens][$bin] |= $PPI_BIT;
-			$flag_count{$PPI_BIT}++;
-		}
-	}
-sub edit_velocity($$)
-	my($start,$end) = @_;												# ensemble indices
-	my($De) = $start<$end ? 1 : -1;										# downcast: De = 1; upcast: De = -1
-	$flag_count{$WAKE_BIT} = $flag_count{$W_OUTLIER_BIT} = $flag_count{$ERRVEL_BIT} =
-	$flag_count{$CORREL_BIT} = $flag_count{$SHEAR_BIT} = $flag_count{$BADVEL_BIT} =
-	$flag_count{$SIDELOBE_BIT} = $flag_count{$PPI_BIT} = $flag_count{$W_CTD_BIT} =
-	$flag_count{$TILT_BIT} = $flag_count{$DELTA_TILT_BIT} = 0;
-	for (my($ens)=$start; $ens!=$end+$De; $ens+=$De) {					# loop over all ens from start to end
-		if (abs($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{CTD_W}-$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{W}) > $w_max_err) {	# get rid of aliased vels (ambiguity)
-			for (my($bin)=0; $bin<$LADCP{N_BINS}; $bin++) {
-				$edit_flags[$ens][$bin] |= $W_CTD_BIT;
-				$flag_count{$W_CTD_BIT}++;
-			}
-			next;
-		}
-		if ($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{TILT} > $max_tilt) {				# get rid ensembles with large tilt
-			for (my($bin)=0; $bin<$LADCP{N_BINS}; $bin++) {
-				$edit_flags[$ens][$bin] |= $TILT_BIT;
-				$flag_count{$TILT_BIT}++;
-			}
-			next;
-		}																# get rid ensembles after large rotation
-		if (abs($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{TILT}-$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens-$De]->{TILT}) > $max_delta_tilt) {
-			for (my($bin)=0; $bin<$LADCP{N_BINS}; $bin++) {
-				$edit_flags[$ens][$bin] |= $DELTA_TILT_BIT;
-				$flag_count{$DELTA_TILT_BIT}++;
-			}
-			next;
-		}
-		for (my($bin)=$shbin_start-1; $bin<$shbin_end; $bin++) {		# flag bad velocities
-			$edit_flags[$ens][$bin] |= $BADVEL_BIT,$flag_count{$BADVEL_BIT}++
-   				unless defined($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$bin][$W]);
-		}
-		set_wake_flag($ens,$De);
-		set_misc_flags($ens,$De);
-		set_PPI_flags($ens,$De)
-			if $opt_p && ($clip_margin > 0);							# PPI editing is off by default
-    }
-#	- output in @ush_mu,@vsh_mu,@wsh_mu,@ush_sig,@vsh_sig,@wsh_sig
-# 	- @sh_i0, @sh_i1, @dsh, @ush, @vsh, @wsh are defined "local" in calc_shear
-sub uv_to_shear($)
-	my($ens) = @_;
-	my($nvel) = 0;
-	@sh_i0 = @sh_i1 = ();
-	for (my($bin)=0; $bin<$LADCP{N_BINS}; $bin++) { 
-		next if ($edit_flags[$ens][$bin]);
-		$nvel++;
-		push(@sh_i1,$bin) if (@sh_i0);
-		push(@sh_i0,$bin) if ($bin < $LADCP{N_BINS}-1);
-    }
-	@dsh = ();
-	for (my($i)=0; $i<@sh_i1; $i++) {								# calc and bin shears
-		my($d0) = &depthOfBin($ens,$sh_i0[$i]);
-		my($d1) = &depthOfBin($ens,$sh_i1[$i]);
-		die("$0: assertion failed (ens=$ens i=$i depth=$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{DEPTH} sh_i0[$i]=$sh_i0[$i] sh_i1[$i]=$sh_i1[$i] d0=$d0 d1=$d1)")
-			unless ($d0>=0 && $d1>=0);
-		die("$0: assertion failed (ens=$ens i=$i sh_i0[$i]=$sh_i0[$i] sh_i1[$i]=$sh_i1[$i] d0=$d0 d1=$d1)")
-			unless (($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{XDUCER_FACING_DOWN} && $d1-$d0>0) ||
-					($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{XDUCER_FACING_UP}   && $d1-$d0<0));
-		$dsh[$i] = ($d1 + $d0) / 2;
-		$ush[$i] = ($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$sh_i1[$i]][$U] -
-					$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$sh_i0[$i]][$U]) / ($d1-$d0);
-		$vsh[$i] = ($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$sh_i1[$i]][$V] -
-					$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$sh_i0[$i]][$V]) / ($d1-$d0);
-		$wsh[$i] = ($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$sh_i1[$i]][$W] -
-					$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{VELOCITY}[$sh_i0[$i]][$W]) / ($d1-$d0);
-	}
-	return $nvel;
-# here ush_mu, sh_n, etc are still set from the pre-gridding pass
-sub set_shear_flag($)
-	my($ens) = @_;
-	my(@ibad,@ush_dev,@vsh_dev);
-	for (my($i)=0; $i<@dsh; $i++) {
-		die("$0: assertion failed") unless numberp($dsh[$i]);
-		my($bsgi) = int($dsh[$i] / $SHEAR_PREGRID_DZ);
-		$ush_dev[$i] = $ush[$i] - $ush_mu[$bsgi];
-		$vsh_dev[$i] = $vsh[$i] - $vsh_mu[$bsgi];
-		push(@ibad,$i) if ($ush_sig[$i] > 0 &&
-							(abs($ush_dev[$i]/$ush_sig[$bsgi]) > $max_shdev ||
-               				 abs($vsh_dev[$i]/$vsh_sig[$bsgi]) > $max_shdev));
-	} ## end of loop through shears
-	## Look for internal glitches: a positive shear followed
-	## immediately by a compensating negative shear, for
-	## example.  When one is found, flag the common velocity
-	## sample, and untag the two shears by setting each ibad
-	## to -1.
-	for (my($bi)=0; $bi<@ibad-1; $bi++) {
-		next unless ($ibad[$bi]+1 == $ibad[$bi+1]);
-		my($i) = $ibad[$bi];
-		my($bsgi) = int($dsh[$i] / $SHEAR_PREGRID_DZ);
-		if ($ush_sig[$bsgi] > 0 && $vsh_sig[$bsgi] > 0 && 
-			sqrt(($ush_dev[$i]+$ush_dev[$i+1])**2/$ush_sig[$bsgi]**2) < $max_shdev_sum &&
-			sqrt(($vsh_dev[$i]+$vsh_dev[$i+1])**2/$vsh_sig[$bsgi]**2) < $max_shdev_sum) {
-				$flag_count{$SHEAR_BIT}++;
-				$edit_flags[$ens][$sh_i1[$i]] |= $SHEAR_BIT;
-				$ibad[$bi] = $ibad[$bi+1] = -1;
-		}
-	} ## end of first loop through bad shears
-	## Now flag all remaining velocities involved in the shears
-	## listed by ibad.
-	for (my($bi)=0; $bi<@ibad; $bi++) {
-		next if ($ibad[$bi] < 0);
-		$flag_count{$SHEAR_BIT} += 2;
-		$edit_flags[$ens][$sh_i0[$ibad[$bi]]] |= $SHEAR_BIT;
-		$edit_flags[$ens][$sh_i1[$ibad[$bi]]] |= $SHEAR_BIT;
-	}
-sub calc_shear($$$$)
-	my($start,$end,$grid_dz,$edit_shear) = @_;
-	my($De) = $start<$end ? 1 : -1;										# downcast: De = 1; upcast: De = -1
-	my(@ush_vals,@vsh_vals,@wsh_vals);
-	my($nvel,$nsh) = (0,0);
-	for (my($ens)=$start; $ens!=$end+$De; $ens+=$De) {					# loop over all ens from start to end
-		local(@sh_i0,@sh_i1);
-		local(@dsh,@ush,@vsh,@wsh);
-		uv_to_shear($ens);
-		if ($edit_shear) {
-			set_shear_flag($ens);
-			$nvel += uv_to_shear($ens);
-			$nsh += @dsh;
-		}
-		for (my($i)=0; $i<@dsh; $i++) {									# save shears for binning calculations
-			my($gi) = int($dsh[$i] / $grid_dz);
-			push(@{$ush_vals[$gi]},$ush[$i]);
-			push(@{$vsh_vals[$gi]},$vsh[$i]);
-			push(@{$wsh_vals[$gi]},$wsh[$i]);
-        }			
-	} # $ens loop
-	@ush_mu  = @vsh_mu  = @wsh_mu  = ();
-	@ush_sig = @vsh_sig = @wsh_sig = ();
-	for (my($gi)=0; $gi<@ush_vals; $gi++) {								# calc grid means & stddev
-		my($sum_ush,$sum_vsh,$sum_wsh);
-		$sh_n[$gi] = @{$ush_vals[$gi]};
-		for (my($vi)=0; $vi<$sh_n[$gi]; $vi++) {
-			$sum_ush += $ush_vals[$gi][$vi];
-			$sum_vsh += $vsh_vals[$gi][$vi];
-			$sum_wsh += $wsh_vals[$gi][$vi];
-		}
-		$ush_mu[$gi] = $sh_n[$gi] ? $sum_ush/$sh_n[$gi] : nan;
-		$vsh_mu[$gi] = $sh_n[$gi] ? $sum_vsh/$sh_n[$gi] : nan;
-		$wsh_mu[$gi] = $sh_n[$gi] ? $sum_wsh/$sh_n[$gi] : nan;
-	}
-	for (my($gi)=0; $gi<@ush_vals; $gi++) {								# calc & grid stddevs
-		my($sumsq_ush,$sumsq_vsh,$sumsq_wsh);
-		for (my($vi)=0; $vi<$sh_n[$gi]; $vi++) {
-			$sumsq_ush += ($ush_vals[$gi][$vi] - $ush_mu[$gi])**2;
-			$sumsq_vsh += ($vsh_vals[$gi][$vi] - $vsh_mu[$gi])**2;
-			$sumsq_wsh += ($wsh_vals[$gi][$vi] - $wsh_mu[$gi])**2;
-		}
-		$ush_sig[$gi] = $sh_n[$gi]>1 ? sqrt($sumsq_ush/($sh_n[$gi]-1)) : nan;
-		$vsh_sig[$gi] = $sh_n[$gi]>1 ? sqrt($sumsq_vsh/($sh_n[$gi]-1)) : nan;
-		$wsh_sig[$gi] = $sh_n[$gi]>1 ? sqrt($sumsq_wsh/($sh_n[$gi]-1)) : nan;
-	}
-	if ($edit_shear && $opt_d) {
-		print(STDERR "\n\t\t$nvel valid velocities");
-		print(STDERR "\n\t\t$nsh valid shears");
-		print(STDERR "\n\t\tflag counts:");
-		print(STDERR "\n\t\t\tBADVEL_BIT     = $flag_count{$BADVEL_BIT}");
-		print(STDERR "\n\t\t\tERRVEL_BIT     = $flag_count{$ERRVEL_BIT}");
-		print(STDERR "\n\t\t\tCORREL_BIT     = $flag_count{$CORREL_BIT}");
-		print(STDERR "\n\t\t\tW_OUTLIER_BIT  = $flag_count{$W_OUTLIER_BIT}");
-		print(STDERR "\n\t\t\tSHEAR_BIT      = $flag_count{$SHEAR_BIT}");
-	    print(STDERR "\n\t\t\tSIDELOBE_BIT   = $flag_count{$SIDELOBE_BIT}");
-		print(STDERR "\n\t\t\tWAKE_BIT       = $flag_count{$WAKE_BIT}");
-	    print(STDERR "\n\t\t\tPPI_BIT        = $flag_count{$PPI_BIT}");
-	    printf(STDERR "\n\t\t\tW_CTD_BIT      = $flag_count{$W_CTD_BIT} (%d ensembles)",
-														$flag_count{$W_CTD_BIT}/$LADCP{N_BINS});
-	    printf(STDERR "\n\t\t\tTILT_BIT       = $flag_count{$TILT_BIT} (%d ensembles)",
-														$flag_count{$TILT_BIT}/$LADCP{N_BINS});
-	    printf(STDERR "\n\t\t\tDELTA_TILT_BIT = $flag_count{$DELTA_TILT_BIT} (%d ensembles)",
-														$flag_count{$DELTA_TILT_BIT}/$LADCP{N_BINS});
-	}
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/2011_07_10/LADCPproc.backscatter
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-#                    L A D C P P R O C . B A C K S C A T T E R 
-#                    doc: Wed Oct 20 13:02:27 2010
-#                    dlm: Thu Jul  7 08:55:45 2011
-#                    (c) 2010 A.M. Thurnherr
-#                    uE-Info: 96 0 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
-#	Oct 20, 2010: - created
-#	Dec 10, 2010: - BUG: backscatter above sea surface made code bomb
-#						 when run with uplooker data
-#	Jun 15, 2011: - added calculation of backscatter profiles from
-#				    subset of bins
-#	Jul  7, 2011: - use $BEAM? vars to clarify code
-#				  - save SV values to use in BT code
-my($BEAM1) = 0;
-my($BEAM2) = 1;
-my($BEAM3) = 2;
-my($BEAM4) = 3;
-# Volume Scattering Coefficient, following Deines (IEEE 1999)
-#	- instrument specific! (300kHz Workhorse)
-#   - no sound-speed correction applied
-#   - R in bin center, instead of last quarter
-#   - transmit power assumes 33V batteries
-# NB:
-#	- correction seems to work for a subset of bins (~bins 3-9 for 
-#	  2010 P403 station 46) 
-#	- this may imply that noise level depends on bin
-# 	- far bins are important for seabed detection, i.e. cannot simply
-#	  be discarded at this stage
-sub log10 {
-    my $n = shift;
-    return log($n)/log(10);
-sub Sv($$$$$)
-    my($temp,$PL,$Er,$R,$EA) = @_;
-    my($C)      = -143;                 # RDI Workhorse monitor
-    my($Ldbm)   = 10 * log10($PL);
-    my($PdbW)   = 14.0;
-    my($alpha)  = 0.069;
-    my($Kc)     = 0.45;
-    return $C + 10*log10(($temp+273)*$R**2) - $Ldbm - $PdbW
-              + 2*$alpha*$R + $Kc*($EA-$Er);
-sub mk_backscatter_profs($$)
-	my($LADCP_start,$LADCP_end) = @_;
-	my(@Er) = (1e99,1e99,1e99,1e99);						# echo intensity reference level
-	for (my($ens)=$LADCP_start; $ens<=$LADCP_end; $ens++) {
-			if ($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{ECHO_AMPLITUDE}[$LADCP{N_BINS}-1][$BEAM1] < $Er[$BEAM1]);
-			if ($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{ECHO_AMPLITUDE}[$LADCP{N_BINS}-1][$BEAM2] < $Er[$BEAM2]);
-			if ($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{ECHO_AMPLITUDE}[$LADCP{N_BINS}-1][$BEAM3] < $Er[$BEAM3]);
-			if ($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{ECHO_AMPLITUDE}[$LADCP{N_BINS}-1][$BEAM4] < $Er[$BEAM4]);
-    }
-	print(STDERR "\n\t\@per-beam noise levels = @Er") if ($opt_d);
-	for (my($ens)=$LADCP_start; $ens<=$LADCP_end; $ens++) {
-		for (my($bin)=0; $bin<$LADCP{N_BINS}; $bin++) {
-			my($gi) = int(&depthOfBin($ens,$bin) / $GRID_DZ);
-			next if ($gi < 0);
-			my($range_to_bin) = &dzToBin($ens,$bin) / cos(rad($LADCP{BEAM_ANGLE}));
-			$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{SV}[$bin][$BEAM1] = Sv($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{CTD_TEMP},
-														    $Er[$BEAM1],$range_to_bin,
-							            			        $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{ECHO_AMPLITUDE}[$bin][$BEAM1]);
-			$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{SV}[$bin][$BEAM2] = Sv($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{CTD_TEMP},
-														    $Er[$BEAM2],$range_to_bin,
-							            			        $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{ECHO_AMPLITUDE}[$bin][$BEAM2]);
-			$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{SV}[$bin][$BEAM3] = Sv($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{CTD_TEMP},
-														    $Er[$BEAM3],$range_to_bin,
-							            			        $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{ECHO_AMPLITUDE}[$bin][$BEAM3]);
-			$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{SV}[$bin][$BEAM4] = Sv($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{CTD_TEMP},
-														    $Er[$BEAM4],$range_to_bin,
-							            			        $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{ECHO_AMPLITUDE}[$bin][$BEAM4]);
-			my($Sv) = avg(@{$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{SV}[$bin]});
-			$sSv[$gi][$bin] += $Sv;
-			$nSv[$gi][$bin]++;
-			if ($bin>=$Svbin_start && $bin<=$Svbin_end) {
-				$sSv_prof[$gi] += $Sv;
-				$nSv_prof[$gi]++;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-sub depthOfGI($) { return $_[0]*$GRID_DZ + $GRID_DZ/2; }		# depth corresponding to particular grid index
-sub find_backscatter_seabed($)
-	my($search_below) = @_;
-	my($mdgi) = int($search_below/$GRID_DZ);					# grid index to begin search
-	my(@wdepth_gi);												# water_depth indices
-	print(STDERR "\n\tseabed-max grid indices:") if ($opt_d);
-	for (my($bin)=0; $bin<$LADCP{N_BINS}; $bin++) { 			# find backscatter min/max below $search_below in each bin
-		my($min,$max,$gimax,$lastvalid) = (1e99,-1e99,-1,-1);
-		for (my($gi)=$mdgi; $gi<@nSv; $gi++) {
-			next unless ($nSv[$gi][$bin] > 0);
-			my($avg) = $sSv[$gi][$bin] / $nSv[$gi][$bin];
-			$lastvalid = $gi;
-			$min = $avg if ($avg < $min);
-			$max = $avg, $gimax = $gi if ($avg > $max);
-		}
-		if ($max-$min>10 && $gimax!=$lastvalid) { 				# ignore boundary maxima & scatter
-			printf(STDERR " %d",$gimax-$mdgi) if ($opt_d);
-			push(@wdepth_gi,$gimax);
-		}
-	}
-	return (depthOfGI(avg(@wdepth_gi)),stddev(@wdepth_gi)*$GRID_DZ);
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/2011_07_10/LADCPproc.bestLag
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
-#                    L A D C P P R O C . B E S T L A G 
-#                    doc: Tue Sep 28 21:58:48 2010
-#                    dlm: Fri Jul  8 02:54:29 2011
-#                    (c) 2010 A.M. Thurnherr
-#                    uE-Info: 55 101 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
-# TODO:
-#	- first lag is always(?) nan unless CTD is turned on with LADCP in water
-#	Sep 28, 2010: - created
-#	Dec  9, 2010: - adapted to %CTD
-#	Dec 10, 2010: - hardened bestlag failure test to require 1/3 agreeing lags
-#	Jan  5, 2011: - changed first guess from 80% down to 10% down
-#				  - added LADCP time lag to %PARAMs
-#				  - added support of -i
-#	Jul  7, 2011: - added code to remove window-mean of w before lagging to
-#				    make it work in regions of crazy ocean w (IWISE 16007)
-sub interp_LADCP_w($$)
-	my($elapsed,$ens) = @_;
-	my($sc) = ($elapsed - $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens-1]->{ELAPSED_TIME}) /
-					$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens-1]->{ELAPSED_TIME});
-	unless (numberp($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens-1]->{W})) {
-		$nGaps++;
-		return $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{W};
-	}
-	return $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens-1]->{W} +
-				$sc * ($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{W} - $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens-1]->{W});
-sub bestLag($)
-	my($ws) = @_;														# window start index
-	my($best);
-	my($bestmad) = 9e99;												# mean absolute deviation
-	for (my($Llag)=-int($opt_w/2); $Llag<int($opt_w/2); $Llag++) {
-		my($mCw,$mLw,$nw) = (0,0,0);									# first calc means
-		for (my($Ci)=0; $Ci<$opt_w; $Ci++) {
-			my($Li) = $Ci + $Llag;
-			next if ($Li<0 || $Li>=$opt_w);
-			next unless numberp($CTD{w}[$ws+$Ci]) && numberp($LADCP_w[$ws+$Li]);
-			$mCw += $CTD{w}[$ws+$Ci];
-			$mLw += $LADCP_w[$ws+$Li];
-			$nw++;
-		}
-		next unless ($nw > 0);
-		$mCw /= $nw; $mLw /= $nw;
-		my($sad) = my($nad) = 0;										# calc mad with means removed
-		for (my($Ci)=0; $Ci<$opt_w; $Ci++) {
-			my($Li) = $Ci + $Llag;
-			next if ($Li<0 || $Li>=$opt_w);
-			next unless numberp($CTD{w}[$ws+$Ci]) && numberp($LADCP_w[$ws+$Li]);
-			$sad += abs($CTD{w}[$ws+$Ci]-$mCw - ($LADCP_w[$ws+$Li]-$mLw));
-			$nad++;
-		}
-		if ($sad/$nad < $bestmad) {
-			$best = $Llag;
-			$bestmad = $sad/$nad;
-		}
-	}
-	return $best;	
-sub lagLADCP2CTD()
-	#------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	# find 1st rec & ensemble >=10% down to max depth & make 1st guess at lag
-	#------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	my($first_guess_lag);											# in units of CTD records
-	if (defined($opt_i)) {
-		$first_guess_lag = -$opt_i / $CTD{sampint};
-	} else {
-		my($CTD_10pct_down) = 0;
-		$CTD_10pct_down++											# "until" formulation allows for missing pressures
-			until ($CTD{press}[$CTD_10pct_down]-$CTD{press}[0] >= 0.1*($CTD{maxpress}-$CTD{press}[0]));
-		my($LADCP_10pct_down) = 0;
-		$LADCP_10pct_down++
-			while ($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$LADCP_10pct_down]->{DEPTH} < 0.1*$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$LADCP_bottom]->{DEPTH});
-		$first_guess_lag = ($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$LADCP_10pct_down]->{ELAPSED_TIME} -
-							   $CTD_10pct_down*$CTD{sampint}) / $CTD{sampint};
-		printf(STDERR "\n\t1st guess offset [CTD pressure, LADCP estimated depth] = %ds [%ddbar, %dm]\n",
-				$first_guess_lag*$CTD{sampint},$CTD{press}[$CTD_10pct_down],$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$LADCP_10pct_down]->{DEPTH})
-					if ($opt_d);
-		croak("\n$0: cannot determine valid 1st guess offset ($LADCP_10pct_down,$CTD_10pct_down,$CTD{press}[$CTD_10pct_down])\n")
-	        if ($first_guess_lag*$CTD{sampint} > 1200);
-	}
-	#------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	# Linearly interpolate LADCP time series onto a new grid with $CTD{sampint} resolution
-	#	ALSO: apply first_guess_lag to make lags small, which keeps the bestlag data
-	#		  chunks large
-	#------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	$nGaps = 0;
-	for (my($ens)=$LADCP_start,my($r)=0; $ens<=$LADCP_end; $ens++) {
-		while ($r*$CTD{sampint} < $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{ELAPSED_TIME}) {
-			$LADCP_w[$r-$first_guess_lag] = interp_LADCP_w($r*$CTD{sampint},$ens)
-				unless ($first_guess_lag > $r);
-			$r++;
-		}
-	}
-	print(STDERR "\t$nGaps gaps in w timeseries")
-		if ($opt_d);
-	print(STDERR "\n");
-	#----------------------------------------------------------------------
-	# Calculate lags
-	#----------------------------------------------------------------------
-	printf(STDERR "\tcalculating $opt_n lags from %ds-long windows [s]:",$opt_w);
-	$opt_w = int($opt_w / $CTD{sampint});
-	#---------------------------------------------------------------
-	# carry out opt_n lag correlations and keep tally of the results
-	#---------------------------------------------------------------
-	my(%nBest);
-	my($nLags) = 0;
-	my($lags) = '';
-	my($lastLag) = 9e99; my($nSame) = 1;
-	for (my($window)=0; $window<$opt_n; $window++) {
-		my($ws) = $window * int(@LADCP_w/$opt_n);			# window start
-		$ws = @LADCP_w-$opt_w if ($ws+$opt_w >= @LADCP_w);
-		$bestLag = bestLag($ws);
-		if (defined($bestLag)) {
-			if (defined($lastLag) && $bestLag == $lastLag) {
-				$nSame++;
-			} else {
-				printf(STDERR "(x%d)",$nSame)
-					if ($nSame > 1);
-				printf(STDERR " %d",$bestLag*$CTD{sampint});
-				$nSame = 1;
-				$lastLag = $bestLag;
-			}
-			$lags .= sprintf(" %s",$bestLag*$CTD{sampint});
-			$nBest{$bestLag}++;
-			$nLags++;
-		} else {
-			if (!defined($lastLag)) {
-				$nSame++;
-			} else {
-				printf(STDERR "(x%d)",$nSame)
-					if ($nSame > 1);
-				printf(STDERR " nan");
-				$nSame = 1;
-				$lastLag = $bestLag;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	printf(STDERR "(x%d)",$nSame) if ($nSame > 1);
-    &antsAddParams('time_lags',$lags);
-	#----------------------
-	# find most popular lag
-    #----------------------
-	my($best_lag);
-	foreach my $i (keys(%nBest)) {
-		$best_lag = $i if ($nBest{$i} > $nBest{$best_lag});
-	}
-	croak("\n$0: cannot determine a valid lag\n")
-		unless ($nBest{$best_lag} > $opt_n/3);
-	print(STDERR "\n\n\t\tWARNING: only $nBest{$best_lag} of the lag estimates agree!\n")
-		if ($nBest{$best_lag} < $opt_n/2);
-	if ($nBest{$best_lag} == $nLags) {
-		printf(STDERR "\n\t\tunanimous lag = %ds\n",$best_lag*$CTD{sampint});
-	} else {
-		printf(STDERR "\n\t\tmost popular lag = %ds\n",$best_lag*$CTD{sampint});
-	}
-	&antsAddParams('LADCP_time_lag',($first_guess_lag + $best_lag) * $CTD{sampint});
-	return ($first_guess_lag + $best_lag) * $CTD{sampint};
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/2011_07_10/LADCPproc.defaults
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,276 +0,0 @@
-#                    L A D C P P R O C . D E F A U L T S 
-#                    doc: Fri Sep 17 09:44:21 2010
-#                    dlm: Fri Jul  8 00:06:07 2011
-#                    (c) 2010 A.M. Thurnherr
-#                    uE-Info: 91 16 NIL 0 0 72 0 2 4 NIL ofnI
-# default parameters for [mkShearProf]
-#	- defaults are taken:
-#		1) from my current UH processing merge control files
-#		2) from the defaults set in Eric's [merge.c]
-#	- the default version in the ANTS bin dir is always loaded
-#	- if there is a version in the current processing directory it is loaded 
-#	  afterwards
-#	- per-station parameters can be chosed based on $LADCP_file and $CTD_file
-# 	- for additional notes, see [LADCPproc]
-#	Sep 17, 2010: - created
-#	Dec  9, 2010: - added doc for ASCII CTD file support
-#	Jun 15, 2011: - added Svbin_start, Svbin_end
-#	Jul  7, 2011: - added BT processing parameters
-# ASCII CTD file support
-# By default, [LADCPproc] reads a standard seabird .cnv file. Alternatively,
-# the CTD data can be supplied in a plain ASCII file. To do so, the following
-# variables must be defined in the setup file (-s). Each variable defines 
-# the field (column) number of the corresponding data field. Fields are
-# numbered beginning with 1.
-# $CTD_ASCII_sampfreq		= 1;  ## in Hz
-# $CTD_ASCII_press_field 	= 1;
-# $CTD_ASCII_temp_field 	= 2;
-# $CTD_ASCII_salin_field	= 3;
-# $CTD_ASCII_lat_field 		= 4;
-# $CTD_ASCII_lon_field 		= 5;
-# The following variable is optional.
-# $CTD_ASCII_badval 		= 999;
-# Backscatter Profile Parameters
-# The output profile of volume-scattering coefficient is calculated 
-# from a subset of the bins only. This is based on the observation,
-# from on a single P403 profile, that the volume-scattering coefficient 
-# correction of Deines (IEEE 1999) yield similar results only for
-# bins 3-9. 
-# The seabed-finding routine, on the other hand, uses acoustic 
-# backscatter from all bins, as it is possible that the seabed is only
-# seen in the farthest bins. 
-$Svbin_start = 3;
-$Svbin_end	 = 9; 
-# Bottom Track Parameters
-# First bin to consider when looking for seabed to calculated post-
-# processed BT. NB: For consistency with EF's code, bin 1 is the 
-# first bin.
-$BT_bin_start = 1;
-# CTD depth above seabed where BT search begins
-$BT_begin_search_above = 300;
-# Maximum allowed spread of bin number where max echo is found. Large values
-# imply sloping seabed and/or large instrument tilt. The default value of
-# 3 is probably too tight. The range spread calculation should be modified
-# to take instrument tilt into consideration.
-$BT_max_bin_spread = 3;
-# For tricky BT cases, the acoustic backscatter from the seabed can be plotted
-# and the bottom range set manually. This has been found to be very powerful
-# in case of 2011_IWISE yoyo profile 160, where the bottom was around 150m 
-# from the lower turning points and where the method of Deines [1999] clearly
-# does not work.
-#$BT_min_depth = xxx;
-#$BT_max_depht = xxx;
-# Maximum difference between water depth and average distance of echo max.,
-# if $BT_min_depth and $BT_max_depth are not set. The stddev of the detected
-# water depth is added To this number.
-$BT_max_depth_error = 20;
-# Maximum allowed difference between reference-layer w and BT w. Note 
-# that this must be relaxed in regions of significant near-bottom
-# vertical velocity, e.g. due to cross-slope currents.
-$BT_max_w_difference = 0.03;
-# Shear Processing Parameters
-##   u_bin0, u_bin1, w_bin0, w_bin1: These set the first and
-##      last bin indices used when integrating horizontal and
-##      vertical velocity, respectively.  The indices start
-##      from 1 and are inclusive.  These parameters do not  
-##      affect the calculation of shear.  They should specify
-##      a good reference layer (for the calculation of the
-##      barotropic component) such as bins 1 to 4.
-$wbin_start	= 1;	## These parameters start from 1, not zero
-$wbin_end 	= 5;
-$ubin_start	= 1;
-$ubin_end	= 5;
-##   sh_bin0, sh_bin1: These are like the above except that  
-##      they affect the shear calculation only.  They can
-##      normally be left at the default range of 1 to 128  
-##      (disabled).
-$shbin_start	= 1;
-$shbin_end		= $LADCP{N_BINS};
-##   w_ref_bin, w_dif: These control one of the editing  
-##      criteria recommended by Fischer and Visbeck, or rather
-##      a modification of it.  All velocity data are rejected
-##      below the point at which the vertical velocity
-##      estimate is w_dif larger or smaller than the estimate
-##      in w_ref_bin.  I have not found this criterion
-##      helpful.  94/12/22: changed, so that only those points
-##      where w actually deviates from the mean from 0 to w_ref_bin
-##      are flagged.
-$w_ref_bin = 10;
-$w_dif	   = 0.05;
-##   wake_hd_dif, wake_ang_min, min_wake_w, n_wake_bins:  These control
-##      editing based upon the direction and inclination of the package wake,
-##      calculated from reference layer U,V, and W.  wake_hd_dif
-##      sets how close to the heading of the wake must be to
-##      the heading of any beam for interference (in degrees).
-##      wake_ang_min sets the minimum wake angle from the
-##      vertical for interference (in degrees).  min_wake_w sets
-##      the minimum package speed required for wake interference
-##      (although upward speed is measured negative, this parameter
-##      is input as a positive value).  All three criteria
-##      must be satisfied for the wake flag to be set.  n_wake_bins
-##      determines how many bins from the top are removed from a
-##      flagged profile, the default is 1 (top bin only).
-##      Additionally, if the previous ensemble met all
-##      interference criteria, the present ensemble
-##      will be flagged even if the criteria are not met.
-##      Default values are wake_hd_dif=0.0, wake_ang_min=90.0,
-##      and min_wake_w=0.1, which results in no wake editing.
-$wake_hd_dif  = 0.0;   ## set wake editing defaults so that no wake editing
-$wake_ang_min = 90.0;  ## occurs
-$min_wake_w	  = 0.1;
-$n_wake_bins  = 1;     ## wake editing default - top bin only
-##   e_max is the maximum error velocity.  An error velocity
-##         greater than e_max will flag the other velocity
-##         components.  For the BB with 2-ping ensembles, 0.01
-##         m/s looks about right for this parameter.  It
-##         knocks out the incorrect ambiguity glitches as well
-##         as some smaller but still significant glitches.
-##         Note that for the BB, the PG criteria operate on
-##         percent 4-beam solutions, so PG combined with the
-##         e_max provides a reliable filter against big
-##         glitches.
-##         For the NB with 18-ping ensembles, it is not yet
-##         clear whether there is any benefit in using e_max
-##         at all.  To be effective, the value will have to be
-##         small, something like 0.015 or 0.02.  Note also
-##         that for the NB, the pg array holds pg counting
-##         both 4-beam and 3-beam solutions, so 3-beam
-##         glitches will slip through the e_max net.
-##         Default is e_max= 10.0, which effectively disables
-##         it.
-$e_max = 0.1;
-##   min_correlation (BB only) is the minimum correlation, in
-##      counts, for each beam in a given bin.
-$min_cor = 70;
-##   Shear editing:  This requires 2 passes through the
-##      database, one using the option
-##            binned_shear_time_range:
-##      to set the time range for a pass during which the
-##      shear statistics will be calculated on a relatively
-##      coarsely grid by binning rather than interpolation,
-##      then using the usual option
-##            time_range:
-##      for the normal pass in which the results of the
-##      previous pass can be used to flag bad velocity values
-##      based on anomalous shears.  The first pass can include
-##      both up and down casts if desired, in which case it
-##      would be followed by a second pass for the up and
-##      downcasts separately.  The binned shear statistics are
-##      saved until they are explicitly recalculated with the
-##      "binned_shear_time_range:" option.
-##      The shear editing is controlled by these parameters:
-##         shear_dev_max= x.x, where x.x is a floating point
-##            number giving a threshold in standard
-##            deviations.  Any shear component deviating from
-##            the binned mean by more than this times the
-##            local standard deviation will raise a flag.
-##            Suitable values for this parameter are probably
-##            in the range 3-5.  Less than 3 is likely to
-##            start trimming too many valid samples, more than
-##            4 or 5 is likely to do nothing at all.
-##         shear_sum_dev_max= x.x gives a threshold used in
-##            detecting isolated bad velocity points.  If the
-##            sum of two successive bad shears (based on
-##            shear_dev_max), divided by the
-##            standard deviation, is LESS THAN this amount,
-##            then the common velocity point is considered to
-##            be an isolated glitch, and it alone is flagged.
-##            Otherwise, both velocity samples contributing to
-##            a flagged shear will be flagged.  A reasonable
-##            value for this parameter is probably around 1-2,
-##            but I don't yet have enough experience to be
-##            sure.
-##         Warning: don't forget to reset the first_x=,
-##         first_y=, and first_z= parameters after pass 1
-##         (with binned_shear_time_range:).  If you don't, and
-##         the depths are not in the database, then the depths
-##         will be completely wrong in pass 2 (with
-##         time_range:).  You may also want to use a different
-##         output file name for pass 1, so that the binned
-##         shear statistics file will not be overwritten
-##         during pass 2.
-$max_shdev     = 3.5;	## to disable, set to nan
-$max_shdev_sum = 1.5;
-##   previous ping bottom bounce interference editing is controlled by:
-##   clip_margin 0.0 turns off this editing; otherwise, it is the margin in
-##      meters (on each side) by which the calculated range of the
-##      interference is expanded before clipping.  A reasonable value would
-##      be something like 32 (2 depth bins).
-# 	- default value (90m) taken from comment in merge control files
-#	- clipping is disabled if water_depth cannot be determined
-$clip_margin	= 90;  			## default: no previous ping bottom bounce editing
-$first_clip_bin	= 1; 			## default: apply previous ping clipping to all bins */
-# tilt editing as in Visbeck's code
-$max_tilt 		= 22;			# max allowed angle from vertical
-$max_delta_tilt = 4;			# max allowed ping-to-ping tilt difference
-# On DIMES US2 stations in Drake Passage it was found that the ambiguity velocity had been
-# set too low. It appears, however, that aliased velocities are easy to detect because aliasing
-# causes a large positive velocity to appear as a large negative one, and vice versa.
-# The following defines the maximum allowed discrepancy between the vertical velocity from CTD
-# pressure and the LADCP reference-layer w. This parameter should probably be set to something
-# similar as the ambiguity velocity.
-$w_max_err = 2.5;
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/2011_07_10/LADCPproc.loadCTD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-#                    L A D C P P R O C . L O A D C T D 
-#                    doc: Thu Dec  9 18:39:01 2010
-#                    dlm: Sat Jan 22 21:40:12 2011
-#                    (c) 2010 A.M. Thurnherr
-#                    uE-Info: 174 0 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
-#	Dec  9, 2010: - exported from LADCPproc
-#				  - added support for ASCII files
-#	Dec 16, 2010: - BUG cnv read did not work any more
-#	Jan 10, 2011: - added code to skip ANTS header
-#	Jan 22, 2011: - adapted to new -g
-sub readCTD_ASCII($$)
-	my($fn,$dtaR) = @_;
-	croak("$fn: unknown pressure field\n")    unless defined($CTD_ASCII_press_field);
-	croak("$fn: unknown temperature field\n") unless defined($CTD_ASCII_temp_field);
-	croak("$fn: unknown salinity field\n")    unless defined($CTD_ASCII_salin_field);
-	unless (numberp($dtaR->{lat})) {
-		croak("$fn: unknown latitude field\n")    unless defined($CTD_ASCII_lat_field);
-		croak("$fn: unknown longitude field\n")   unless defined($CTD_ASCII_lon_field);
-	}
-	$CTD_ASCII_badval = 9e99 unless defined($CTD_ASCII_badval);
-	open(F,$fn) || croak("$fn: $!\n");
-	my($sumLat,$sumLon); my($nPos) = 0;
-	my($ds);
-	while (chomp($ds = <F>)) {
-		next if ($ds =~ /^#/);
-		my(@rec) = split('\s+',$ds);
-		push(@{$dtaR->{press}},($rec[$CTD_ASCII_press_field-1] == $CTD_ASCII_badval) ? nan : $rec[$CTD_ASCII_press_field-1]);
-		push(@{$dtaR->{temp}}, ($rec[$CTD_ASCII_temp_field-1]  == $CTD_ASCII_badval) ? nan : $rec[$CTD_ASCII_temp_field-1]);
-		push(@{$dtaR->{salin}},($rec[$CTD_ASCII_salin_field-1] == $CTD_ASCII_badval) ? nan : $rec[$CTD_ASCII_salin_field-1]);
-		unless (!defined($CTD_ASCII_lat_field) || $rec[$CTD_ASCII_lat_field-1] == $CTD_ASCII_badval) {
-			$nPos++;
-			$sumLat += $rec[$CTD_ASCII_lat_field-1];
-			$sumLon += $rec[$CTD_ASCII_lon_field-1];
-		}
-	}
-	close(F);
-	if ($nPos > 0) {
-		$dtaR->{lat} = $sumLat / $nPos;
-		$dtaR->{lon} = $sumLon / $nPos;
-	}
-	$dtaR->{sampint} = 1 / $CTD_ASCII_sampfreq;
-sub readCTD_CNV($$)
-	my($fn,$dtaR) = @_;
-	my($CTD_nrecs,$CTD_nfields,$pressF,$tempF,$salinF);
-	my($CTD_badval,$CTD_file_type);
-	open(F,$fn) || croak("$fn: $!\n");
-	while (1) { 														# parse header
-		my($hdr);
-		chomp($hdr = <F>);
-		$hdr =~ s/\r*$//;
-		croak("$0: unexpected EOF (format error)\n") unless defined($hdr);
-		last if ($hdr eq '*END*');
-		$CTD_nfields = $',next if ($hdr =~ /nquan = /); 				# Layout
-		$CTD_nrecs = $',next if ($hdr =~ /nvalues = /);
-		$pressF = $1,next if ($hdr =~ /name (\d+) = prDM:/);
-		if ($opt_2) {
-			$tempF	= $1,next if ($hdr =~ /name (\d+) = t190C:/);
-			$salinF = $1,next if ($hdr =~ /name (\d+) = sal11:/);
-		} else {
-			$tempF	= $1,next if ($hdr =~ /name (\d+) = t090C:/);
-			$salinF = $1,next if ($hdr =~ /name (\d+) = sal00:/);
-		}
-		&antsAddParams('start_time',$1),next							# selected metadata
-			if ($hdr =~ /start_time = (.*)/);
-		&antsAddParams('station',$1),next
-			if ($hdr =~ /Station\s*:\s*(.*)/);
-		&antsAddParams('ship',$1),next
-			if ($hdr =~ /Ship\s*:\s*(.*)\s*$/);
-		&antsAddParams('cruise',$1),next
-			if ($hdr =~ /Cruise\s*:\s*(.*)\s*$/);
-		&antsAddParams('time',$1),next
-			if ($hdr =~ /Time\s*:\s*(.*)/);
-		&antsAddParams('date',$1),next
-			if ($hdr =~ /Date\s*:\s*(.*)/);
-		if ($hdr =~ /Latitude\s*[=:]\s*/) {
-			($deg,$min,$NS) = split(/ /,$');
-			$dtaR->{lat} = $deg + $min/60;
-			$dtaR->{lat} *= -1 if ($NS eq 'S');
-			next;
-		}
-		if ($hdr =~ /Longitude\s*[=:]\s*/) {
-			($deg,$min,$EW) = split(/ /,$');
-			$dtaR->{lon} = $deg + $min/60;
-			$dtaR->{lon} *= -1 if ($EW eq 'W');
-			next;
-		}
-		if ($hdr =~ /interval = seconds: /) {
-			$dtaR->{sampint} = 1*$';
-			next;
-		}
-		$CTD_badval = $',next
-			if ($hdr =~ /bad_flag = /); 
-		$CTD_file_type = $',next
-			if ($hdr =~ /file_type = /);    
-	}
-	croak("$CTD_file: cannot determine CTD file layout\n")
-		unless ($CTD_nfields && $CTD_nrecs);
-	croak("$CTD_file: cannot determine missing value\n")
-		unless defined($CTD_badval);
-	croak("$CTD_file: not a CTD time series file\n")
-		unless ($dtaR->{sampint});
-	croak("$CTD_file: no pressure field\n")
-		unless defined($pressF);
-	croak("$CTD_file: no suitable temperature field\n")
-		unless defined($tempF);
-	croak("$CTD_file: no suitable salinity field\n")
-		unless defined($salinF);
-	if ($CTD_file_type eq 'ascii') {
-		while (1) {
-			last unless (my(@rec) = &antsFileIn(F));
-			push(@{$dtaR->{press}},($rec[$pressF] == $CTD_badval) ? nan : $rec[$pressF]);
-			push(@{$dtaR->{temp}}, ($rec[$tempF]  == $CTD_badval) ? nan : $rec[$tempF]);
-			push(@{$dtaR->{salin}},($rec[$salinF] == $CTD_badval) ? nan : $rec[$salinF]);
-		}
-	} elsif ($CTD_file_type eq 'binary') {
-		my($fbits) = 8 * length(pack('f',0));
-		croak(sprintf("$0: incompatible native CPU float representation (%d instead of 32bits)\n",fbits))
-			unless ($fbits == 32);  
-		croak("$fn: can't read binary data\n")
-			unless (read(F,my($dta),4*$CTD_nfields*$CTD_nrecs) == 4*$CTD_nfields*$CTD_nrecs);
-		print(STDERR "$fn: WARNING: extraneous data at EOF\n") unless eof(F);
-		$dta = pack('V*',unpack('N*',$dta)) 			# big-endian CPU
-			if (unpack('h*', pack('s', 1)) =~ /01/);	# c.f. perlport(1)
-		my(@dta) = unpack("f*",$dta);
-		for (my($r)=0; $r<$CTD_nrecs; $r++) {
-			push(@{$dtaR->{press}},($dta[$r*$CTD_nfields+$pressF] == $CTD_badval) ? nan : $dta[$r*$CTD_nfields+$pressF]);
-			push(@{$dtaR->{temp}}, ($dta[$r*$CTD_nfields+$tempF]  == $CTD_badval) ? nan : $dta[$r*$CTD_nfields+$tempF]);
-			push(@{$dtaR->{salin}},($dta[$r*$CTD_nfields+$salinF] == $CTD_badval) ? nan : $dta[$r*$CTD_nfields+$salinF]);
-		}
-	} else {
-		croak("$fn: unknown CTD file type $CTD_file_type\n");
-	}
-	close(F);
-sub readCTD($$)
-	my($fn,$dtaR) = @_;
-	if (defined($CTD_ASCII_sampfreq)) {
-		readCTD_ASCII($fn,$dtaR);
-	} else {
-		readCTD_CNV($fn,$dtaR);
-	}
-	croak("$0: unknown latitude\n") unless defined($dtaR->{lat});
-	&antsAddParams('lat',$dtaR->{lat});
-	croak("$0: unknown longitude\n") unless defined($dtaR->{lon});
-	&antsAddParams('lon',$dtaR->{lon});
-	&antsAddParams('CTD_sampfreq',1/$dtaR->{sampint});
-	&antsAddParams('ITS',$P{ITS} = 90);
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/2011_07_10/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-                    R E A D M E 
-                    doc: Wed Oct 13 12:29:50 2010
-                    dlm: Sun Jul 10 16:29:37 2011
-                    (c) 2010 A.M. Thurnherr
-                    uE-Info: 9 68 NIL 0 0 72 0 2 4 NIL ofnI
-I froze this version before adding output for shear Visbeck diagram.
-=Differences with UH Software=
-- much simpler shear gridding
-- no PPI editing
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/2011_07_10/TODO
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-                    T O D O 
-                    doc: Thu Oct 14 09:15:02 2010
-                    dlm: Wed Jun 15 15:16:20 2011
-                    (c) 2010 A.M. Thurnherr
-                    uE-Info: 40 0 NIL 0 0 72 3 2 4 NIL ofnI
-- determine what constitutes a gap
-- look into cross-gap shear integration
-- allow setting of GRID_DZ (-o) in ProcessingParams
-- add warnings:
-	- wide band
-	- CTD_W_BIT (ambiguity velocity)
-	- bad time match
-	- seabed not found
-	- inconsistent water depth
-- add diagnostic plots
-- output shear vals to make histograms
-- try median instead of mean for shear binning
-- add pitch/roll to BT
-- check interaction between 3-beam solutions and correlation limit
-- implement TILT_BIT (others?)
-- calculate real acoustic backscatter profile
-	- currently, profiles are arbitarily calculated from bins 3-9
-- clean up LADCPproc.UHcode:
-	- remove weirdnesses
-	- avoid multiple calculation of &depthOfBin()
-	- improve "staging":
-		1) basic velocity editing (BADVEL, ERRVEL, CORREL) NB: before
-		   beam-to-Earth transformation!!!
-		2) ref-lr w (also handle W_BIT editing?)
-		3) integrate w to get z_approx
-		4) match LADCP to CTD time series
-		5) make accoustic backscatter profile
-		6) find seabed
-		7) sidelobe & PPI editing
-		8) ref-lr u,v,w
-		9) WAKE editing
-		10) SHEAR editing
-		11) ref-lr u,v,w
-- re-add time-series calculation
deleted file mode 100755
--- a/2011_07_10/splitCNV.olderVersion
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-#                    S P L I T C N V 
-#                    doc: Mon Oct 25 22:24:21 2010
-#                    dlm: Fri Oct 29 20:04:42 2010
-#                    (c) 2010 A.M. Thurnherr
-#                    uE-Info: 16 29 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
-# split SeaBird CNV file using scan values found with yoyo
-#	e.g. splitCNV P403_015_1sec.cnv `importCNV -s P403_015_1sec.cnv | yoyo -QFscan -ut`
-#	Oct 25, 2010: - created
-#	Oct 26, 2010: - BUG: *.00 file always only contained the 1st record
-#	Oct 29, 2010: - cosmetics
-# scan number must be the first field of each record
-die("Usage: $0 <CNV-file> <val> [...]\n")
-	unless (@ARGV >= 2 && -f $ARGV[0]);
-chomp($basename = `basename $ARGV[0] .cnv`);
-$state = 0;								# init finite state machine
-$next = 0;								# next extension number
-$trg = 2;								# NB: yoyo -ut includes first & last scans
-while (<IN>) {
-	if ($state == 0) {					# state 0: reading header
-		push(@HDR,$_);
-		$state = 1 if /^\*END\*/;
-		next;
-	}
-	if ($state == 1) {					# state 1: begin new file
-		close(OUT);
-		printf(STDERR "writing $basename.%02d\n",$next);
-		open(OUT,sprintf(">$basename.%02d",$next++));
-		foreach my $h (@HDR) { print(OUT $h); }
-		$state = 2;
-	}
-	if ($state == 2) {					# state 2: copy data until target scan
-		print(OUT);
-		my(@f) = split;
-		$trg++,$state=1 if ($f[0] == $ARGV[$trg]);
-	}
deleted file mode 120000
--- a/Documentation/Sv_comparison.eps
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+                    H I S T O R Y 
+                    doc: Tue May 15 18:04:39 2012
+                    dlm: Tue May 15 19:20:18 2012
+                    (c) 2012 A.M. Thurnherr
+                    uE-Info: 10 12 NIL 0 0 72 3 2 8 NIL ofnI
+May 15, 2012:
+  - V1.0beta [.hg/hgrc]
+  - began history
+  - uploaded current version to server for use with first version
+    of re-implemented shear method
--- a/LADCPproc
+++ b/LADCPproc
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
 #                    L A D C P P R O C 
 #                    doc: Thu Sep 16 20:36:10 2010
-#                    dlm: Tue Apr 17 18:14:06 2012
+#                    dlm: Wed Apr 18 05:23:48 2012
 #                    (c) 2010 A.M. Thurnherr
-#                    uE-Info: 69 93 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+#                    uE-Info: 70 45 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
 $antsSummary = 'process LADCP data to get shear, time series';
@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@
 #                 - BUG: code had assumed, but not ensured, that first CTD scan is valid
 #   Apr 13, 2012: - removed -s argument from dependencies
 #	Apr 17, 2012: - BAD BUG: magdec code call was bad and did not return correct value. ever.
+#	Apr 18, 2012: - replaced Sv.n by Sv.nsamp
 ($ANTS)       = (`which list` =~ m{^(.*)/[^/]*$});
 ($PERL_TOOLS) = (`which mkProfile` =~ m{^(.*)/[^/]*$});
@@ -593,7 +594,7 @@
 	@antsNewLayout = ('depth','dc_elapsed','dc_nsamp','dc_u_z','dc_u_z.sig','dc_v_z','dc_v_z.sig','dc_w_z','dc_w_z.sig',
-							  'elapsed','nsamp','u_z','u_z.sig','v_z','v_z.sig','w_z','w_z.sig','Sv','Sv.n');
+							  'elapsed','nsamp','u_z','u_z.sig','v_z','v_z.sig','w_z','w_z.sig','Sv','Sv.nsamp');
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#                    M A K E F I L E 
+#                    doc: Tue May 15 18:12:31 2012
+#                    dlm: Tue May 15 19:19:34 2012
+#                    (c) 2012 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 16 29 NIL 0 0 72 0 2 4 NIL ofnI
+.PHONY: version
+	@sed -n '/^description =/s/description = //p' .hg/hgrc
+.PHONY: publish
+	cd ..; \
+	scp -Cr LADCP_shearmethod miles:public_hg
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-                    R E A D M E 
-                    doc: Wed Oct 13 12:29:50 2010
-                    dlm: Wed Oct 13 12:30:04 2010
-                    (c) 2010 A.M. Thurnherr
-                    uE-Info: 13 0 NIL 0 0 72 0 2 4 NIL ofnI
-=Differences with UH Software=
-- much simpler shear gridding
-- no PPI editing
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.Install
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+                    R E A D M E . I N S T A L L 
+                    doc: Tue May 15 18:42:56 2012
+                    dlm: Tue May 15 19:15:36 2012
+                    (c) 2012 A.M. Thurnherr
+                    uE-Info: 16 37 NIL 0 0 72 3 2 4 NIL ofnI
+- requires ADCP_tools available via link from 
+  http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LADCP
+- to load output files into Matlab requires Matlab_tools available via
+  link from http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/LADCP
+- requires Eric Firing's geomag code available from
+  http://currents.soest.hawaii.edu/hg
+- runs with perl 5.12.4 or later, but older versions may work as well
+- to set up, add both ADCP_tools and the current directory to path
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.OutputFiles
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+                    R E A D M E . O U T P U T F I L E S 
+                    doc: Tue May 15 19:17:50 2012
+                    dlm: Tue May 15 19:17:50 2012
+                    (c) 2012 A.M. Thurnherr
+                    uE-Info: 2 0 NIL 0 0 72 3 2 8 NIL ofnI
+All output files are in a proprietary undocumented ASCII format. To
+load the files into Matlab, use loadANTS.m (see [README.Install]).
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.Run
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+                    R E A D M E . R U N 
+                    doc: Tue May 15 18:49:00 2012
+                    dlm: Tue May 15 19:16:34 2012
+                    (c) 2012 A.M. Thurnherr
+                    uE-Info: 52 0 NIL 0 0 72 3 2 8 NIL ofnI
+NB: DO NOT RUN FROM CURRENT DIRECTORY. (Actually, you can but will have
+    to prefix each command with a ./)
+- raw RDI BB ADCP files from a downlooker and/or an uplooker
+- SeaBird cnv file (ASCII or binary) with lat/lon info in the header and
+  with the following fields:
+	timeS, prDM, t090C and/or t190C, sal00 and/or sal11
+- arbitrary ASCII CTD files are also acceptable but there is no
+  documentation yet
+assume files:
+	001DL000.000	downlooker ADCP file
+	001UL000.000	uplooker ADCP file
+	001.cnv		CTD file
+LADCPproc -p 001DL.sh -b 001.BT 001DL000.000 001.cnv > /dev/null
+	creates two files, 001DL.sh (shear profiles) and 001.BT
+	(bottom-track data)
+LADCPproc -p 001UL.sh 001UL000.000 001.cnv > /dev/null
+	creates one file, 001UL.sh (shear profiles)
+LADCPintsh 001DL.sh > 001DL.bc
+	creates baroclinic velocity profile from DL data
+LADCPintsh -b 001.BT 001DL.sh > 001DL.vel
+	creates BT-referenced absolute velocity profile from DL data
+LADCPintsh -b 001.BT -u 001UL.sh 001DL.sh > 001.vel
+	creates BT-referenced absolute velocity profile from combined
+	DL/UL data
+- compare to LDEO solution
+- compare UL vs DL solutions, if available
+- compare dc vs uc u, v, and, in particular w profiles
deleted file mode 100755
--- a/splitCNV.olderVersion
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-#                    S P L I T C N V 
-#                    doc: Mon Oct 25 22:24:21 2010
-#                    dlm: Fri Oct 29 20:04:42 2010
-#                    (c) 2010 A.M. Thurnherr
-#                    uE-Info: 16 29 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
-# split SeaBird CNV file using scan values found with yoyo
-#	e.g. splitCNV P403_015_1sec.cnv `importCNV -s P403_015_1sec.cnv | yoyo -QFscan -ut`
-#	Oct 25, 2010: - created
-#	Oct 26, 2010: - BUG: *.00 file always only contained the 1st record
-#	Oct 29, 2010: - cosmetics
-# scan number must be the first field of each record
-die("Usage: $0 <CNV-file> <val> [...]\n")
-	unless (@ARGV >= 2 && -f $ARGV[0]);
-chomp($basename = `basename $ARGV[0] .cnv`);
-$state = 0;								# init finite state machine
-$next = 0;								# next extension number
-$trg = 2;								# NB: yoyo -ut includes first & last scans
-while (<IN>) {
-	if ($state == 0) {					# state 0: reading header
-		push(@HDR,$_);
-		$state = 1 if /^\*END\*/;
-		next;
-	}
-	if ($state == 1) {					# state 1: begin new file
-		close(OUT);
-		printf(STDERR "writing $basename.%02d\n",$next);
-		open(OUT,sprintf(">$basename.%02d",$next++));
-		foreach my $h (@HDR) { print(OUT $h); }
-		$state = 2;
-	}
-	if ($state == 2) {					# state 2: copy data until target scan
-		print(OUT);
-		my(@f) = split;
-		$trg++,$state=1 if ($f[0] == $ARGV[$trg]);
-	}