author A.M. Thurnherr <>
Sat, 04 Apr 2015 07:22:55 +0000
changeset 18 8818acdcd587
child 26 b89d4b01fcc5
permissions -rwxr-xr-x

#                    S B E _ W 
#                    doc: Mon Nov  3 17:34:19 2014
#                    dlm: Fri Nov  7 15:52:27 2014
#                    (c) 2014 A.M. Thurnherr
#                    uE-Info: 22 0 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI

$antsSummary = 'pre-process SBE 9plus CTD data for LADCP_w';
$antsMinLibVersion = 6.0;

#	Nov  3, 2014: - created
#	Nov  4, 2014: - improved
#	Nov  6, 2014: - BUG: sound speed was not calculated correctly
#				  - added -a
#				  - added conductivity & temperature editing
#	Nov  7, 2014: - loosened outlier editing
#				  - added no-valid-data error message
#				  - modified binning criterion to allow any sampling
#					frequency (not just divisors of 24)

($ANTS) = (`which ANTSlib`   =~ m{^(.*)/[^/]*$});

require "$ANTS/";
require "$ANTS/";
require "$ANTS/";
require "$ANTS/";

$antsParseHeader = 0;											# usage
	'[-v)erbosity <level[0]>]',
	'[use -a)lternate sensor pair]',
	'[-r)etain all data (no editing)]',
	'[-s)ampling <rate[6Hz]>]',
	'[-l)owpass w <cutoff[2s]>]',
	'<SBE CNV file>');

&antsFloatOpt(\$opt_l,2);										# defaults

$CNVfile = $ARGV[0];											# open CNV file
&antsActivateOut();												# activate ANTS file

# Read Data

print(STDERR "Reading $CNVfile...") if ($opt_v);

($nfields,$nscans,$sampint,$badval,$ftype,$lat,$lon) =			# decode SBE header	
    SBE_parseHeader(F,0,0);										# SBE field names, no time check

croak("$CNVfile: unexpected sampling interval $sampint\n")
	unless (abs($sampint-1/24) < 1e-5);
croak("$CNVfile: unknown latitude\n")
	unless numberp($lat);

$pressF = fnr('prDM');

if ($opt_a) {													# temp/cond alternate sensor pair
	$tempF	= fnr('t190C');
	$condF	= fnrNoErr('c1S/m');
	if (defined($condF)) {
		$condHistRes = 10;		# 0.1 bins
	} else {
		$condF  = fnr('c1mS/cm');
		$condHistRes = 1;		# 1.0 bins
} else {														# primary sensor pair
	$tempF	= fnr('t090C');
	$condF	= fnrNoErr('c0S/m');
	if (defined($condF)) {
		$condHistRes = 10;
	} else {
		$condF  = fnr('c0mS/cm');
		$condHistRes = 1;

&antsInstallBufFull(0);											# read entire CNV file

printf(STDERR "\n\t%d scans",$nscans) if ($opt_v > 1);
printf(STDERR "\n") if ($opt_v);

# Edit Data
#	- pressure outliers & spikes
#	- conductivity outliers & spikes

unless ($opt_r) {
	print(STDERR "Editing Data...") if ($opt_v);

	# trim initial records with nan pressures
	my($trimmed) = 0;												# trim leading nan pressures
		until numberp($ants_[0][$pressF]);
	printf(STDERR "\n\t%d initial records with nan pressure and/or conductivity trimmed",$trimmed) if ($opt_v > 1);
	my($lvp) = $ants_[0][$pressF];
	# edit pressure outliers outside contiguous range
	my($outliers) = 0; my($min,$max);
	for (my($s)=0; $s<$nscans; $s++) {
			if ($ants_[$s][$pressF]>=-100 && $ants_[$s][$pressF]<=6500);
	for ($max=25; 	$phist[$max+1000]||$phist[$max+1001]; $max++) {}	# outliers after 2 gaps
	for ($min=$max; $phist[$min+1000]||$phist[$min+ 999]; $min--) {}
	for (my($s)=0; $s<$nscans; $s++) {
		if ($ants_[$s][$pressF] > $max) { $outliers++; $ants_[$s][$pressF] = nan; }
		if ($ants_[$s][$pressF] < $min) { $outliers++; $ants_[$s][$pressF] = nan; }
	printf(STDERR "\n\tcontinuous pressure range: %d..%d dbar (%d outliers removed)",$min,$max,$outliers) if ($opt_v > 1);
	# edit conductivity outliers outside contiguous range
	$outliers = 0;
	for (my($s)=0; $s<$nscans; $s++) {
		next unless ($ants_[$s][$condF] > 0);
		my($b) = $ants_[$s][$condF]*$condHistRes;					# 1/10 S/m histogram resolution (1 mS/cm)
		next unless ($phist[$b] > $modeSamp);
		$modeSamp = $phist[$b]; $modeBin = $b;
	for ($max=$modeBin; $phist[$max]||$phist[$max+1]; $max++) {}	# outliers after 2 gaps
	for ($min=$modeBin; $phist[$min]||$phist[$min-1]; $min--) {}
	$max /= $condHistRes; $min /= $condHistRes;
	for (my($s)=0; $s<$nscans; $s++) {
		if ($ants_[$s][$condF] > $max) { $outliers++; $ants_[$s][$condF] = nan; }
		if ($ants_[$s][$condF] < $min) { $outliers++; $ants_[$s][$condF] = nan; }
	printf(STDERR "\n\tcontinuous conductivity range: %.1f..%.1f S/m (%d outliers removed)",$min,$max,$outliers) if ($opt_v > 1);

	# edit temperature outliers outside contiguous range
	$outliers = 0;
	for (my($s)=0; $s<$nscans; $s++) {
		next unless ($ants_[$s][$tempF] > 0);
		my($b) = $ants_[$s][$tempF]*10;								# 10th of a degree histogram resolution
		next unless ($phist[$b] > $modeSamp);
		$modeSamp = $phist[$b]; $modeBin = $b;
	for ($max=$modeBin; $phist[$max]||$phist[$max+1]; $max++) {}	# outliers after 2 gaps
	for ($min=$modeBin; $phist[$min]||$phist[$min-1]; $min--) {}
	$max /= 10; $min /= 10;
	for (my($s)=0; $s<$nscans; $s++) {
		if ($ants_[$s][$tempF] > $max) { $outliers++; $ants_[$s][$tempF] = nan; }
		if ($ants_[$s][$tempF] < $min) { $outliers++; $ants_[$s][$tempF] = nan; }
	printf(STDERR "\n\tcontinuous temperature range: %.1f..%.1f degC (%d outliers removed)",$min,$max,$outliers) if ($opt_v > 1);

	# edit pressure spikes based on gradients
	for (my($s)=1; $s<$nscans; $s++) {								# calculated pressure gradients (across gaps)
		if (numberp($ants_[$s][$pressF])) {
			$dp[$s-1] = $ants_[$s][$pressF] - $lvp;
			$lvp = $ants_[$s][$pressF];
		} else {
			$dp[$s-1] = nan;

	my($ns1,$ns2) = (0,0);
	for (my($s)=0; $s<$nscans-2; $s++) {							# consecutive large pressure gradients of opposite sign
		if (($dp[$s]*$dp[$s+1] < 0) &&								# tests return false if either of the dps is not defined
			(abs($dp[$s]) > 10) &&
			(abs($dp[$s+1]) > 10)) {
				$ants_[$s+1][$pressF] = nan;
				$dp[$s] = $dp[$s+1] = undef;
	for (my($s)=0; $s<$nscans-3; $s++) {							# 3 consecutive large pressure gradients of opposite sign
		if (($dp[$s]>2	&& $dp[$s+1]<-4 && $dp[$s+2]>2) ||
			($dp[$s]<-2 && $dp[$s+1]>4	&& $dp[$s+2]<-2)) {
				$ants_[$s+1][$pressF] = $ants_[$s+2][$pressF] = nan;
				$dp[$s] = $dp[$s+1] = $dp[$s+2] = undef;
	printf(STDERR "\n\t%d+%d pressure spikes removed",$ns1,$ns2) if ($opt_v > 1);

	printf(STDERR "\n") if ($opt_v);

} # if $opt_r

# Correcting for pressure bias

print(STDERR "Correcting for pressure bias...") if ($opt_v);

my($minP) = 9e99;
for (my($s)=0; $s<$nscans; $s++) {
	$minP = $ants_[$s][$pressF]
		if numberp($ants_[$s][$pressF]) && ($ants_[$s][$pressF] < $minP);
croak("$CNVfile: no valid CTD pressure data below 25dbar\n")
	unless ($minP < 9e99);
printf(STDERR "\n\tsubtracting %.1f dbar",$minP) if ($opt_v > 1);
for (my($s)=0; $s<$nscans; $s++) {
	$ants_[$s][$pressF] -= $minP
		if numberp($ants_[$s][$pressF]);
printf(STDERR "\n") if ($opt_v);

# Binning data

my($sps) = round(1 / $sampint / $opt_s);
print(STDERR "Creating ${opt_s}Hz time series ($sps samples per bin)...") if ($opt_v);


$sp = $st = $sc = $np = $nt = $nc = 0;
for (my($rec)=1,my($s)=0; $s<$nscans; $s++) {
	if ($s*$sampint > $rec/$opt_s) {
		push(@temp, $nt>0?$st/$nt:nan);
		push(@cond, $nc>0?$sc/$nc:nan);
		$sp = $st = $sc = $np = $nt = $nc = 0;
	$sp+=$ants_[$s][$pressF],$np++ if numberp($ants_[$s][$pressF]);
	$st+=$ants_[$s][$tempF],$nt++ if numberp($ants_[$s][$tempF]);
	$sc+=$ants_[$s][$condF],$nc++ if numberp($ants_[$s][$condF]);

printf(STDERR "\n") if ($opt_v);

# Calculating derived quantities

print(STDERR "Calculating vertical package velocity & sound speed...") if ($opt_v);

for (my($r)=0; $r<@press; $r++) {
	$elapsed[$r] = $r/$opt_s;
	$depth[$r] = &depth($press[$r],$lat);
	croak(sprintf("$CNVfile: unrealistic depth %d m at elapsed=%.1f s (r=$r)\n",
			if numberp($depth[$r]) && ($depth[$r]<0 || $depth[$r]>6100);
	$sspd[$r]  = &sVel(&salin($cond[$r],$temp[$r],$press[$r]),$temp[$r],$press[$r]);
	croak(sprintf("$CNVfile: unrealistic soundspeed %dm/s at elapsed=%.1fs & depth=%.1fm ($cond[$r],$temp[$r],$press[$r])\n",
			if numberp($sspd[$r]) && ($sspd[$r]<1400 || $sspd[$r]>1600);

$w[0] = nan;
for (my($r)=1; $r<@depth-1; $r++) {
	$w[$r] = numbersp($depth[$r-1],$depth[$r+1])
		   ? ($depth[$r+1] - $depth[$r-1]) * $opt_s
		   : nan;

printf(STDERR "\n") if ($opt_v);

# Low-pass filter velocity data
#	- interpolate missing vertical velocities first

if ($opt_l > 0) {
	print(STDERR "Low-pass filtering vertical package velocity...") if ($opt_v);
	my($trimmed) = 0;
		until numberp($w[0]);
	my($interpolated) = 0;
	for ($r=1; $r<@w; $r++) {
		next if numberp($w[$r]);
		my($lv) = $r-1;
		for ($nv=$r+1; $nv<@depth && !numberp($w[$nv]); $nv++) {}
		if ($nv < @depth) {
			while ($r < $nv) {
				$w[$r] = $w[$lv] + ($r-$lv)/($nv-$lv) * ($w[$nv]-$w[$lv]);
		} else {
			$trimmed += @w-$r;
			splice(@w,$r); splice(@depth,$r);
			splice(@elapsed,$r); splice(@sspd,$r);
	printf(STDERR "\n\t%d/%d vertical velocities trimmed/interpolated",$trimmed,$interpolated) if ($opt_v > 1);

# Zero Pad Data
	for ($pot=1; $pot<@w; $pot<<=1) {}									# determine power of two
	for ($r=0; $r<@w; $r++) {											# copy data
		$fftbuf[2*$r] = $w[$r];
		$fftbuf[2*$r+1] = 0;
	printf(STDERR "\n\t%d zero records added",$pot-$r) if ($opt_v > 1);
	while ($r < $pot) { 												# pad with zeroes
		$fftbuf[2*$r] = $fftbuf[2*$r+1] = 0;
# Low-Pass Filter
	@fco = &FOUR1(-1,@fftbuf);											# forward FFT
	$n = @fco/2;
	for (my($ip)=2; $ip<=$n; $ip+=2) {									# +ve freq fco
		my($in) = 2*$n-$ip; 											# -ve freq fco
		my($f)	= $ip/2/$n*$opt_s; 										# frequency
		$fco[$ip] = $fco[$ip+1] = $fco[$in] = $fco[$in+1] = 0
			if ($f > 1/$opt_l); 										# low-pass filter
	@w_lp = &FOUR1(1,@fco); 											# inverse FFT
	printf(STDERR "\n") if ($opt_v);
} else {
	@w_lp = @w;


print(STDERR "Writing output...\n") if ($opt_v);

@antsNewLayout = ('elapsed','depth','sspd','w.raw','w');
for ($r=0; $r<@w; $r++) {

exit(0);															# don't flush @ants_