authorA.M. Thurnherr <athurnherr@yahoo.com>
Sat, 04 Apr 2015 07:22:55 +0000
changeset 18 8818acdcd587
parent 17 fc83e436a800
child 19 1d49806c9f75
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/LADCP_VKE	Sat Apr 04 07:22:55 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+#                    L A D C P _ V K E 
+#                    doc: Tue Oct 14 11:05:16 2014 
+#                    dlm: Fri Nov  7 13:54:06 2014
+#                    (c) 2012 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 33 15 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+$antsSummary = 'calculate VKE from LADCP-derived vertical-velocity profiles';
+$antsMinLibVersion = 6.0;
+#	Oct 14, 2014: - created from [LADCPfs]
+#	Oct 15, 2014: - added parameterization output
+#	Oct 17, 2014: - changed parameterization constant $c to 0.021
+#	Nov  6, 2014: - restored from backup and adapted to ANTS V6.0
+#	Nov  7, 2014: - changed parameterization constant $c to 0.0215
+#	- requires power densities
+#	- output spectra (-s) have ADCP-related corrections applied unless -c is set
+($ANTSBIN) = ($0 =~ m{^(.*)/[^/]*$});
+($ANTSLIB) = (`which ANTSlib` =~ m{^(.*)/[^/]*$});
+require "$ANTSLIB/ants.pl";
+require "$ANTSLIB/libLADCP.pl";
+# Usage
+my($c) = 0.0215;
+			'[suppress spectral -c)orrection] [tilt-correction -r)ange <max[0m]>]',
+			'[output -s)pectra <basename>]',
+			"[-e)ps-parameterization <scale[$c]>",
+			'<lambda.min> <lambda.max> [file...]');
+$lmin = &antsFloatArg();									# wavelength limits
+$lmax = &antsFloatArg();
+&antsFloatOpt(\$opt_e,$c);									# default parameterization
+$imin = 0;													# find frequency bin limits
+for ($nfreq=1; defined($P{"binpgrams::lambda.$nfreq"}); $nfreq++) {
+	$imin = $nfreq if ($imin==0 && $P{"binpgrams::lambda.$nfreq"}<=$lmax);
+	$imax = $nfreq if ($P{"binpgrams::lambda.$nfreq"} >= $lmin);
+croak("$0: <lambda.min=$lmin> < min(lambda)")
+	unless defined($imax);
+$pg_fmin = fnr('pwrdens.0');								# first power field in spectra
+$fs_fmin = $pg_fmin + $imin;								# first power field in finescale range
+$fs_fmax = $pg_fmin + $imax;								# last power field in finescale range
+$mindf = fnr('depth.min');
+$maxdf = fnr('depth.max');
+# Calculate Finescale Quantities (depending on input quantity)
+sub integrate_fs_power($)																# integrate fs spectrum (always done)
+	my($r) = @_;
+	$ants_[$r][$fspwrf] = 0;
+	for (my($f)=$fs_fmin; $f<=$fs_fmax; $f++) {
+		$ants_[$r][$fspwrf] += $ants_[0][$f];
+	}
+	$ants_[$r][$fspwrf] *= $P{'binpgrams::resolution_bandwidth'};
+sub fit_universal_w_spec($)																# vertical velocity => p0
+	my($r) = @_;
+	my($nsamp) = $fs_fmax - $fs_fmin + 1;
+	#---------------------------------------------------
+	# fit slope-2 line in log-log space (main estimator)
+	#---------------------------------------------------
+	if ($nsamp >= 2) {																	# require min 2 wavenumber samples
+		my($sumd,$sumx,$sumy) = (0,0,0);
+		for (my($f)=$fs_fmin; $f<=$fs_fmax; $f++) {										# loop over wavenumbers
+			my($i) = $f - $pg_fmin;
+			$sumd += log10($ants_[$r][$f]) + 2*log10($P{"binpgrams::k.$i"});
+			$sumx += log10($P{"binpgrams::k.$i"});
+			$sumy += log10($ants_[$r][$f]);
+		}
+		my($p0) = $sumd/$nsamp;
+		$ants_[$r][$p0f] = 10**$p0;
+		my($avgx) = $sumx/$nsamp;													# avg for r calc
+		my($avgy) = $sumy/$nsamp;
+		my($sumsq,$sxx,$syy,$sxy) = (0,0,0,0);										# calc rms misfit & correlation coeff
+		for (my($f)=$fs_fmin; $f<=$fs_fmax; $f++) {								
+			my($i) = $f - $pg_fmin;
+			my($xt) = log10($P{"binpgrams::k.$i"}) - $avgx;
+            my($yt) = log10($ants_[$r][$f]) - $avgy;
+			$sumsq += ($p0 - 2*log10($P{"binpgrams::k.$i"}) - log10($ants_[$r][$f]))**2;
+			$sxx += $xt * $xt; $syy += $yt * $yt; $sxy += $xt * $yt;
+        }
+        $ants_[$r][$rmsf] = sqrt($sumsq/$nsamp);
+        $ants_[$r][$rf] = $sxy/(sqrt($sxx * $syy) + $SMALL_AMOUNT);
+	} else {
+		&antsInfo("WARNING: no fit --- need min 2 samples");
+	}
+	$ants_[$r][$sampf] = $nsamp;
+# Process File
+$fspwrf = &antsNewField('fs_pwr');							# derived fields
+if ($P{binpgrams::yfname} eq 'dc_w' ||						# w-finestructure parameterization
+	$P{binpgrams::yfname} eq 'uc_w') {
+	$p0f	 = &antsNewField('p0');
+	$rmsf	 = &antsNewField('p0fit.rms');
+	$sampf	 = &antsNewField('p0fit.nsamp');
+	$rf      = &antsNewField('p0fit.r');
+	$wepsf   = &antsNewField('eps.w');
+my(@outLayout) = @antsNewLayout;							# save for later
+for ($f=0; $f<@outLayout; $f++) {							# determine last spectral field in input
+	$totf = $f if ($outLayout[$f] eq 'pwr.tot');
+	$tnsf = $f if ($outLayout[$f] eq 'pwr.tot.nsamp');
+croak("$0: cannot find fields 'pwr.tot' or 'pwr.tot.nsamp' in input\n")
+	unless defined($totf) || defined($tnsf);
+$lsf = defined($tnsf) ? $tnsf : $totf;	
+&antsInstallBufFull(0);										# load entire file
+my($Hbuf) = $antsOldHeaders;								# save for later
+for (my($r)=0; $r<@ants_; $r++) {							# loop over all windows
+	#--------------------------
+	# apply spectral correction
+	#--------------------------
+	unless ($opt_c) {
+		for (my($i)=0; $i<$nfreq; $i++) {										# loop over wavenumbers
+			if ($P{binpgrams::yfname} eq 'dc_w' ||	 							# vertical velocity
+				$P{binpgrams::yfname} eq 'uc_w') {
+				$ants_[$r][$i+$pg_fmin] *= T_w($P{"binpgrams::k.$i"},$P{ADCP_bin_length},$P{binpgrams::depth_resolution},$opt_r);
+			} elsif ($P{binpgrams::yfname} eq 'dc_w_depth'||	 				# dw/dz
+					 $P{binpgrams::yfname} eq 'uc_w_depth') {
+				$ants_[$r][$i+$pg_fmin] *= T_w_z($P{"binpgrams::k.$i"},$P{ADCP_bin_length},$P{binpgrams::depth_resolution},$opt_r);
+			} else {
+				croak("$0: cannot calculate finescale $P{'binpgrams::yfname'} spectra (implementation restriction)\n");
+			}
+	    }
+	}
+	#------------------------
+	# calculate fs quantities
+	#------------------------
+	integrate_fs_power($r);														# always integrate spectra
+	fit_universal_w_spec($r)
+		if (($P{binpgrams::yfname} eq 'dc_w') || ($P{binpgrams::yfname} eq 'uc_w'));
+	$ants_[$r][$wepsf] = ($ants_[$r][$p0f] / $opt_e)**2;
+	#---------------
+	# produce output
+	#---------------
+	if (defined($opt_s)) {														# output individual spectra
+		open(STDOUT_DUP,">&",STDOUT) || croak("$0: cannot dup STDOUT\n");
+		@antsNewLayout = ('k','lambda','pwrdens','finescale','pwrdens_fit');
+		$ofname = sprintf("${opt_s}_%02d.wspec",$r+1);
+		open(STDOUT,">$ofname") || croak("$ofname: $!\n");
+		undef($antsOldHeaders);
+		&antsActivateOut();
+		my($saveParams) = $antsCurParams;										# add all extra input fields as %PARAMs
+		&antsAddParams('binpgrams::depth.min',$ants_[$r][$mindf],
+					   'binpgrams::depth.max',$ants_[$r][$maxdf]);
+		for (my($f)=$lsf+1; $f<@outLayout; $f++) {
+			&antsAddParams($outLayout[$f],$ants_[$r][$f]);
+        }
+		for (my($f)=$pg_fmin; $f<$pg_fmin+$nfreq; $f++) {
+			my($k) = eval(sprintf('$P{"binpgrams::k.%d"}',$f-$pg_fmin));
+			my($l) = eval(sprintf('$P{"binpgrams::lambda.%d"}',$f-$pg_fmin));
+			&antsOut($k,$l,$ants_[$r][$f],
+					 ($f>=$fs_fmin && $f<=$fs_fmax),
+					 numberp($ants_[$r][$p0f]) ? $ants_[$r][$p0f] * $k**(-2) : nan);
+	    }
+		&antsOut('EOF'); 
+		open(STDOUT,">&",STDOUT_DUP) || croak("$0: cannot restore STDOUT\n");
+		close(STDOUT_DUP);
+		$antsCurParams = $saveParams;
+	}
+@antsNewLayout = @outLayout;
+$antsOldHeaders = $Hbuf;
+$antsHeadersPrinted = 0;
+&antsFlush();																	# output record with results
--- a/LADCP_w	Mon Oct 27 13:36:21 2014 +0000
+++ b/LADCP_w	Sat Apr 04 07:22:55 2015 +0000
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
 #                    L A D C P _ W 
 #                    doc: Fri Dec 17 18:11:13 2010
-#                    dlm: Wed Oct 15 23:22:34 2014
+#                    dlm: Thu Mar 26 15:57:53 2015
 #                    (c) 2010 A.M. Thurnherr
-#                    uE-Info: 232 46 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+#                    uE-Info: 988 33 NIL 0 0 72 0 2 4 NIL ofnI
 # TODO:
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 #	? use instrument tilt in sidelobe editing?
 $antsSummary = 'calculate vertical velocities from LADCP & CTD time series';
+$antsMinLibVersion = 6.0;
 #	Dec 17, 2010: - created from [mergeCTD+LADCP]
@@ -145,14 +146,28 @@
 #				  - BUG: soundspeed profile extrapolation code could bomb when seabed
 #						 is shallower than profile depth
 #				  - BUG: usage message had wrong -t default value
+#	Oct 27, 2014: - removed dc/uc averaged w from profile output
+#	Oct 30, 2014: - adapted to V6.0
+#	Oct 31, 2014: - BUG: wrong -v default in usage message
+#				  - cosmetics
+#	Nov  3, 2014: - removed unnecessary var @ARGS
+#				  - renamed CTD sound speed var to sspd
+#	Nov  4, 2014: - BUG: PPI filtering was enabled by default for 300kHz instruments
+#				  - BUG: non-existing bottom was used to do sidelobe filtering
+#	Nov  6, 2014: - added number of bins to diagnostic output
+#	Nov  7, 2014: - added consistency check to make sure sound-speed profiles is complete
+#				  - BUG: soundspeed extrapolation to surface was not executed
+#	Mar 19, 2015: - added %start_time from CTD params
+#	Mar 26, 2015: - BUG: debug die() statement left in place
 #	- elapsed		elapsed seconds; see note below
 #	- depth
-#	- ss			sound speed
+#	- sspd			sound speed
 #	- w				ddepth/dt
 #	- temp			OPTIONAL; used for backscatter calculation (i.e. not very important)
 #	- %lat/%lon		OPTIONAL
+#	- %start_time	OPTIONAL
 #	- for beam-coordinate data, two separate two-beam solutions (w12 & w34) are calculated
@@ -161,7 +176,7 @@
 #	- the first option in the list cannot be numerical!
-#	- if need be, use -v 1 as a dummy option
+#	- if need be, use -v 2 as a dummy option
 #	- there are 2 different elapsed times used in this program:
@@ -221,11 +236,9 @@
 # Usage
-@ARGS = @ARGV;														# save opts & arguments
 $antsParseHeader = 0;
-	'[-v)erbosity <level[1]>]',
+	'[-v)erbosity <level[2]>]',
 	'[-q)uick (no single-ping denoising)]',
     '[require -4)-beam solutions] [apply beamvel-m)ask <file> if it exists]',
 	'[valid LADCP -b)ins <bin[2],bin[*]>',
@@ -239,7 +252,7 @@
 	'[pressure-sensor -a)cceleration correction <residual/CTD_w_tt>]',
 	'[-o)utput bin <resolution[10m]>] [-k) require <min[20]> samples]',
 	'[e-x)ecute <perl-expr>]',
-	'<station-id> [run-label]');
+	'<profile id> [run-label]');
 &antsUsageError() if ($opt_u && !defined($opt_i));
@@ -341,7 +354,7 @@
 progress("Reading LADCP data from <$LADCP_file>...\n");
-progress("\t%d ensembles\n",scalar(@{$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}}));
+progress("\t%d ensembles with %d bins each\n",scalar(@{$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}}),$LADCP{N_BINS});
 croak("$LADCP_file: not enough LADCP bins ($LADCP{N_BINS}) for choice of -r\n")
 	unless ($LADCP{N_BINS} >= $refLr_lastBin);
@@ -616,10 +629,15 @@
 open(STDIN,$CTD_file) || croak("$CTD_file: $!\n");
 croak("$CTD_file: no data\n") unless (&antsIn());
-($CTD_elapsed,$CTD_depth,$CTD_svel,$CTD_w) = &fnr('elapsed','depth','ss','w');
+($CTD_elapsed,$CTD_depth,$CTD_w) = &fnr('elapsed','depth','w');				# required fields
+$CTD_svel = &fnrNoErr('sspd');												# optional fields
+$CTD_svel = &fnr('ss') unless defined($CTD_svel);							# backward compatibility
 $CTD_temp = &fnrNoErr('temp');
-&antsAddParams('lat',$P{lat}) if defined($P{lat});
+&antsAddParams('lat',$P{lat}) if defined($P{lat});							# optional %PARAMs
 &antsAddParams('lon',$P{lon}) if defined($P{lon});
+&antsAddParams('start_time',$P{start_time}) if defined($P{start_time});
 $CTD_maxdepth = -1;
@@ -674,7 +692,7 @@
 my($min_depth) = 9e99;
 for (my($s)=0; $s<=$CTD_atbottom; $s+=$scans_per_sec) {
 	next unless ($CTD{DEPTH}[$s] >= 0 && numberp($CTD{SVEL}[$s]));
-	$min_depth = $s if ($s < $min_depth);
+	$min_depth = $CTD{DEPTH}[$s] if ($CTD{DEPTH}[$s] < $min_depth);
 	$sVelProf[int($CTD{DEPTH}[$s])] = $CTD{SVEL}[$s];
 while ($min_depth > 0) {													# fill surface gap
@@ -685,8 +703,15 @@
 	$sVelProf[$d] = $sVelProf[$d-1]
 		unless defined($sVelProf[$d]);
+if (abs($#sVelProf - $CTD_maxdepth) > 10) {
+	croak(sprintf("$0: max CTD depth = %d m, bottom of sound-speed profile = %d m\n",
+		$CTD_maxdepth,$#sVelProf));
+} elsif (abs($#sVelProf - $CTD_maxdepth) > 1) {
+	warning(2,sprintf("max CTD depth = %d m, bottom of sound-speed profile = %d m",
+		$CTD_maxdepth,$#sVelProf));
 # Determine time lag
@@ -896,6 +921,8 @@
 			my($dd) = abs($water_depth_BT - $water_depth);
 			warning(2,sprintf("Large RDI vs. own water-depth difference (%.1fm)\n",$dd))
 				if ($dd > 5);
+		} else {
+			$water_depth = $sig_water_depth = undef;
@@ -915,7 +942,7 @@
 		($nvrm,$nerm) = editSideLobes($firstGoodEns,$lastGoodEns,$water_depth);
 		progress("\t$nvrm velocities from $nerm ensembles removed\n");
-		if ($PPI_editing) {
+		if (eval($PPI_editing_required)) {
 			progress("Editing data to remove PPI from seabed...\n");
 			progress("\tConstructing depth-average soundspeed profile...\n");
 			my($dz) = $water_depth - $#sVelProf;							# $#sVelProf = max_depth(profile) in meters
@@ -958,7 +985,7 @@
 # Data Editing after LADCP and CTD data have been merged
 #	1) surface layer editing
-#	2) user-supplied $edit_data_hook
+#	2) user-supplied $post_merge_hook
 progress("Removing data from instrument at surface...\n");
@@ -1279,6 +1306,7 @@
 if (defined($out_w)) {
 	progress("Writing vertical-velocity data to $out_w...\n");
+	@k = keys(%P);
 	@antsNewLayout = ('ensemble','bin','elapsed','depth','CTD_depth','downcast',
@@ -1367,36 +1395,27 @@
 	@antsNewLayout = ('depth','dc_depth','dc_elapsed','dc_w','dc_w.mad','dc_w.nsamp','dc_w12','dc_w34',
-							  'elapsed','w','w.mad','w.nsamp',
-	                          'BT_w','BT_w.mad','BT_w.nsamp');
+							  'BT_w','BT_w.mad','BT_w.nsamp');
 	open(STDOUT,"$out_profile") || croak("$out_profile: $!\n");
 	for (my($bi)=0; $bi<=max($#{$DNCAST{ENSEMBLE}},$#{$UPCAST{ENSEMBLE}},$#{$BT{NSAMP}}); $bi++) {
-		&antsOut(($bi+0.5)*$opt_o,					# nominal depth
-				 $DNCAST{N_SAMP}[$bi]>=$opt_k?$DNCAST{MEDIAN_W}[$bi]:nan,
-				 $DNCAST{MAD_W}[$bi],$DNCAST{N_SAMP}[$bi],
-				 $DNCAST{N_SAMP}[$bi]>=$opt_k?$DNCAST{MEDIAN_W12}[$bi]:nan,
-				 $DNCAST{N_SAMP}[$bi]>=$opt_k?$DNCAST{MEDIAN_W34}[$bi]:nan,
-				 $UPCAST{N_SAMP}[$bi]>=$opt_k?$UPCAST{MEDIAN_W}[$bi]:nan,
-				 $UPCAST{MAD_W}[$bi],$UPCAST{N_SAMP}[$bi],
-				 $UPCAST{N_SAMP}[$bi]>=$opt_k?$UPCAST{MEDIAN_W12}[$bi]:nan,
-				 $UPCAST{N_SAMP}[$bi]>=$opt_k?$UPCAST{MEDIAN_W34}[$bi]:nan,
-				 $DNCAST{N_SAMP}[$bi]+$UPCAST{N_SAMP}[$bi]>=$opt_k ?
-					($DNCAST{MEDIAN_W}[$bi]*$DNCAST{N_SAMP}[$bi]+$UPCAST{MEDIAN_W}[$bi]*$UPCAST{N_SAMP}[$bi]) / ($DNCAST{N_SAMP}[$bi]+$UPCAST{N_SAMP}[$bi]) :
-					nan,
-				 $DNCAST{N_SAMP}[$bi]+$UPCAST{N_SAMP}[$bi]>=$opt_k ?
-					 ($DNCAST{MAD_W}[$bi]*$DNCAST{N_SAMP}[$bi]+$UPCAST{MAD_W}[$bi]*$UPCAST{N_SAMP}[$bi]) / ($DNCAST{N_SAMP}[$bi]+$UPCAST{N_SAMP}[$bi]) :
-					 nan,
-				 $DNCAST{N_SAMP}[$bi]+$UPCAST{N_SAMP}[$bi],
-				 $BT{N_SAMP}[$bi]>=$opt_k?$BT{MEDIAN_W}[$bi]:nan,
-				 $BT{MAD_W}[$bi],$BT{N_SAMP}[$bi]
+			&antsOut(($bi+0.5)*$opt_o,					# nominal depth
+			$DNCAST{N_SAMP}[$bi]>=$opt_k?$DNCAST{MEDIAN_W}[$bi]:nan,
+			$DNCAST{MAD_W}[$bi],$DNCAST{N_SAMP}[$bi],
+			$DNCAST{N_SAMP}[$bi]>=$opt_k?$DNCAST{MEDIAN_W12}[$bi]:nan,
+			$DNCAST{N_SAMP}[$bi]>=$opt_k?$DNCAST{MEDIAN_W34}[$bi]:nan,
+			$UPCAST{N_SAMP}[$bi]>=$opt_k?$UPCAST{MEDIAN_W}[$bi]:nan,
+			$UPCAST{MAD_W}[$bi],$UPCAST{N_SAMP}[$bi],
+			$UPCAST{N_SAMP}[$bi]>=$opt_k?$UPCAST{MEDIAN_W12}[$bi]:nan,
+			$UPCAST{N_SAMP}[$bi]>=$opt_k?$UPCAST{MEDIAN_W34}[$bi]:nan,
+			$BT{N_SAMP}[$bi]>=$opt_k?$BT{MEDIAN_W}[$bi]:nan,
+			$BT{MAD_W}[$bi],$BT{N_SAMP}[$bi]
 	&antsOut('EOF'); open(STDOUT,">&2");
--- a/LWplot_prof_2beam	Mon Oct 27 13:36:21 2014 +0000
+++ b/LWplot_prof_2beam	Sat Apr 04 07:22:55 2015 +0000
@@ -2,14 +2,15 @@
 #					 L W P L O T _ P R O F _ 2 B E A M 
 #                    doc: Fri Oct 14 09:42:36 2011
-#                    dlm: Thu Nov 21 10:22:15 2013
+#                    dlm: Mon Nov  3 22:01:45 2014
 #                    (c) 2011 A.M. Thurnherr
-#                    uE-Info: 82 0 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+#                    uE-Info: 13 59 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
 #	May 15, 2013: - created from [LWplot_prof]
 #	Oct 30, 2103: - got rid of non-portable echo -e
+#	Nov  3, 2014: - adapted to updated layout of .prof file
 #	- this version plots 2-beam solutions instead of final w
@@ -41,7 +42,7 @@
 set -- $fields
 [ "$1" = depth -a "$7" = dc_w12 -a "$8" = dc_w34 -a "$5" = dc_w.mad -a "$6" = dc_w.nsamp -a \
   "${14}" = uc_w12 -a "${15}" = uc_w34 -a "${12}" = uc_w.mad -a "${13}" = uc_w.nsamp -a \
-  "${20}" = BT_w  -a "${21}" = BT_w.mad -a "${22}" = BT_w.nsamp ] || {
+  "${16}" = BT_w  -a "${17}" = BT_w.mad -a "${18}" = BT_w.nsamp ] || {
 		echo "$0: file layout error" >&2
 		exit 1
@@ -85,17 +86,17 @@
 awk '{print $8, $1}' $TMPFILE | psxy -O -K -N -Mn $R $X -W4,coral,4_6:0 >> "$eps_file"
 awk '{print $14,$1}' $TMPFILE | psxy -O -K -N -Mn $R $X -W4,SeaGreen,6_2:0 >> "$eps_file"
 awk '{print $15,$1}' $TMPFILE | psxy -O -K -N -Mn $R $X -W4,SeaGreen,4_6:0 >> "$eps_file"
-awk '{print $20,$1}' $TMPFILE | psxy -O -K -N -Mn $R $X -W4,black >> "$eps_file"
+awk '{print $16,$1}' $TMPFILE | psxy -O -K -N -Mn $R $X -W4,black >> "$eps_file"
 awk '{print  $5,$1, $4}' $TMPFILE | grep -vi nan | psxy -O -K -N  $R $X -Sc0.1c -Gcoral >> "$eps_file"
 awk '{print $12,$1,$11}' $TMPFILE | grep -vi nan | psxy -O -K -N  $R $X -Sc0.1c -GSeaGreen >> "$eps_file"
-awk '{print $21,$1,$20}' $TMPFILE | grep -vi nan | psxy -O -K -N  $R $X -Sc0.1c -Gblack >> "$eps_file"
+awk '{print $17,$1,$20}' $TMPFILE | grep -vi nan | psxy -O -K -N  $R $X -Sc0.1c -Gblack >> "$eps_file"
 awk '{print  $6,$1, $4}' $TMPFILE | sed '/nan/s/.*/nan/' | psxy -O -K -N -Mn $R2 $X -W1/coral >> "$eps_file"
 awk '{print $13,$1,$11}' $TMPFILE | sed '/nan/s/.*/nan/' | psxy -O -K -N -Mn $R2 $X -W1/SeaGreen >> "$eps_file"
-awk '{print $22,$1,$20}' $TMPFILE | sed '/nan/s/.*/nan/' | psxy -O -K -N -Mn $R2 $X -W1/black >> "$eps_file"
+awk '{print $18,$1,$20}' $TMPFILE | sed '/nan/s/.*/nan/' | psxy -O -K -N -Mn $R2 $X -W1/black >> "$eps_file"
 echo 0.02 0.02 12 0 0 TL $out_basename $run_label | pstext -O -K $U $X >> "$eps_file"
--- a/PostProcess.sh	Mon Oct 27 13:36:21 2014 +0000
+++ b/PostProcess.sh	Sat Apr 04 07:22:55 2015 +0000
@@ -2,15 +2,16 @@
 #                    P O S T P R O C E S S . S H 
 #                    doc: Mon Oct 17 16:42:08 2011
-#                    dlm: Thu Oct 11 14:23:01 2012
+#                    dlm: Wed Nov  5 10:39:37 2014
 #                    (c) 2011 A.M. Thurnherr
-#                    uE-Info: 13 47 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+#                    uE-Info: 14 62 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
 #	Oct 17, 2011: - created
 #	Oct 21, 2011: - made user friendly
 #	Oct 11, 2012: - added support for TL output
+#	Nov  5, 2014: - changed extension of w samples output file
 [ $# -gt 0 ] || {
 	echo "Usage: $0 <out-basename> [<run-label> [<data-subdir> [<plot-subdir> [<log-subdir>]]]]" >&2
@@ -23,7 +24,7 @@
 [ -n "$4" ] && P_SUBDIR=$4	|| P_SUBDIR=$RUN
 [ -n "$5" ] && L_SUBDIR=$5	|| L_SUBDIR=$RUN
-chmod +x $D_SUBDIR/$OBN.prof $D_SUBDIR/$OBN.w $D_SUBDIR/$OBN.TL
+chmod +x $D_SUBDIR/$OBN.prof $D_SUBDIR/$OBN.samp $D_SUBDIR/$OBN.TL
 tile -s 1.3 -y -90 $P_SUBDIR/${OBN}_prof.eps $P_SUBDIR/${OBN}_w.eps \
 				   $P_SUBDIR/${OBN}_BR.eps $P_SUBDIR/${OBN}_residuals.eps \
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/SBE_w	Sat Apr 04 07:22:55 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+#                    S B E _ W 
+#                    doc: Mon Nov  3 17:34:19 2014
+#                    dlm: Fri Nov  7 15:52:27 2014
+#                    (c) 2014 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 22 0 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+$antsSummary = 'pre-process SBE 9plus CTD data for LADCP_w';
+$antsMinLibVersion = 6.0;
+#	Nov  3, 2014: - created
+#	Nov  4, 2014: - improved
+#	Nov  6, 2014: - BUG: sound speed was not calculated correctly
+#				  - added -a
+#				  - added conductivity & temperature editing
+#	Nov  7, 2014: - loosened outlier editing
+#				  - added no-valid-data error message
+#				  - modified binning criterion to allow any sampling
+#					frequency (not just divisors of 24)
+($ANTS) = (`which ANTSlib`   =~ m{^(.*)/[^/]*$});
+require "$ANTS/ants.pl";
+require "$ANTS/fft.pl";
+require "$ANTS/libSBE.pl";
+require "$ANTS/libEOS83.pl";
+$antsParseHeader = 0;											# usage
+	'[-v)erbosity <level[0]>]',
+	'[use -a)lternate sensor pair]',
+	'[-r)etain all data (no editing)]',
+	'[-s)ampling <rate[6Hz]>]',
+	'[-l)owpass w <cutoff[2s]>]',
+	'<SBE CNV file>');
+&antsFloatOpt(\$opt_l,2);										# defaults
+$CNVfile = $ARGV[0];											# open CNV file
+&antsActivateOut();												# activate ANTS file
+# Read Data
+print(STDERR "Reading $CNVfile...") if ($opt_v);
+($nfields,$nscans,$sampint,$badval,$ftype,$lat,$lon) =			# decode SBE header	
+    SBE_parseHeader(F,0,0);										# SBE field names, no time check
+croak("$CNVfile: unexpected sampling interval $sampint\n")
+	unless (abs($sampint-1/24) < 1e-5);
+croak("$CNVfile: unknown latitude\n")
+	unless numberp($lat);
+$pressF = fnr('prDM');
+if ($opt_a) {													# temp/cond alternate sensor pair
+	$tempF	= fnr('t190C');
+	$condF	= fnrNoErr('c1S/m');
+	if (defined($condF)) {
+		$condHistRes = 10;		# 0.1 bins
+	} else {
+		$condF  = fnr('c1mS/cm');
+		$condHistRes = 1;		# 1.0 bins
+	}
+} else {														# primary sensor pair
+	$tempF	= fnr('t090C');
+	$condF	= fnrNoErr('c0S/m');
+	if (defined($condF)) {
+		$condHistRes = 10;
+	} else {
+		$condF  = fnr('c0mS/cm');
+		$condHistRes = 1;
+	}
+&antsInstallBufFull(0);											# read entire CNV file
+printf(STDERR "\n\t%d scans",$nscans) if ($opt_v > 1);
+printf(STDERR "\n") if ($opt_v);
+# Edit Data
+#	- pressure outliers & spikes
+#	- conductivity outliers & spikes
+unless ($opt_r) {
+	print(STDERR "Editing Data...") if ($opt_v);
+	#----------------------------------------
+	# trim initial records with nan pressures
+	#----------------------------------------
+	my($trimmed) = 0;												# trim leading nan pressures
+	shift(@ants_),$trimmed++
+		until numberp($ants_[0][$pressF]);
+	printf(STDERR "\n\t%d initial records with nan pressure and/or conductivity trimmed",$trimmed) if ($opt_v > 1);
+	my($lvp) = $ants_[0][$pressF];
+	#------------------------------------------------
+	# edit pressure outliers outside contiguous range
+	#------------------------------------------------
+	my($outliers) = 0; my($min,$max);
+	for (my($s)=0; $s<$nscans; $s++) {
+		$phist[$ants_[$s][$pressF]+1000]++
+			if ($ants_[$s][$pressF]>=-100 && $ants_[$s][$pressF]<=6500);
+	}
+	for ($max=25; 	$phist[$max+1000]||$phist[$max+1001]; $max++) {}	# outliers after 2 gaps
+	for ($min=$max; $phist[$min+1000]||$phist[$min+ 999]; $min--) {}
+	for (my($s)=0; $s<$nscans; $s++) {
+		if ($ants_[$s][$pressF] > $max) { $outliers++; $ants_[$s][$pressF] = nan; }
+		if ($ants_[$s][$pressF] < $min) { $outliers++; $ants_[$s][$pressF] = nan; }
+	}
+	&antsAddParams("pressure_outliers",sprintf("%d",$outliers));
+	printf(STDERR "\n\tcontinuous pressure range: %d..%d dbar (%d outliers removed)",$min,$max,$outliers) if ($opt_v > 1);
+	#----------------------------------------------------
+	# edit conductivity outliers outside contiguous range
+	#----------------------------------------------------
+	$outliers = 0;
+	my($modeSamp)=0;
+	undef(@phist);
+	for (my($s)=0; $s<$nscans; $s++) {
+		next unless ($ants_[$s][$condF] > 0);
+		my($b) = $ants_[$s][$condF]*$condHistRes;					# 1/10 S/m histogram resolution (1 mS/cm)
+		$phist[$b]++;
+		next unless ($phist[$b] > $modeSamp);
+		$modeSamp = $phist[$b]; $modeBin = $b;
+	}
+	for ($max=$modeBin; $phist[$max]||$phist[$max+1]; $max++) {}	# outliers after 2 gaps
+	for ($min=$modeBin; $phist[$min]||$phist[$min-1]; $min--) {}
+	$max /= $condHistRes; $min /= $condHistRes;
+	for (my($s)=0; $s<$nscans; $s++) {
+		if ($ants_[$s][$condF] > $max) { $outliers++; $ants_[$s][$condF] = nan; }
+		if ($ants_[$s][$condF] < $min) { $outliers++; $ants_[$s][$condF] = nan; }
+	}
+	&antsAddParams("conductivity_outliers",sprintf("%d",$outliers));
+	printf(STDERR "\n\tcontinuous conductivity range: %.1f..%.1f S/m (%d outliers removed)",$min,$max,$outliers) if ($opt_v > 1);
+	#----------------------------------------------------
+	# edit temperature outliers outside contiguous range
+	#----------------------------------------------------
+	$outliers = 0;
+	my($modeSamp)=0;
+	undef(@phist);
+	for (my($s)=0; $s<$nscans; $s++) {
+		next unless ($ants_[$s][$tempF] > 0);
+		my($b) = $ants_[$s][$tempF]*10;								# 10th of a degree histogram resolution
+		$phist[$b]++;
+		next unless ($phist[$b] > $modeSamp);
+		$modeSamp = $phist[$b]; $modeBin = $b;
+	}
+	for ($max=$modeBin; $phist[$max]||$phist[$max+1]; $max++) {}	# outliers after 2 gaps
+	for ($min=$modeBin; $phist[$min]||$phist[$min-1]; $min--) {}
+	$max /= 10; $min /= 10;
+	for (my($s)=0; $s<$nscans; $s++) {
+		if ($ants_[$s][$tempF] > $max) { $outliers++; $ants_[$s][$tempF] = nan; }
+		if ($ants_[$s][$tempF] < $min) { $outliers++; $ants_[$s][$tempF] = nan; }
+	}
+	&antsAddParams("temperature_outliers",sprintf("%d",$outliers));
+	printf(STDERR "\n\tcontinuous temperature range: %.1f..%.1f degC (%d outliers removed)",$min,$max,$outliers) if ($opt_v > 1);
+	#----------------------------------------
+	# edit pressure spikes based on gradients
+	#----------------------------------------
+	for (my($s)=1; $s<$nscans; $s++) {								# calculated pressure gradients (across gaps)
+		if (numberp($ants_[$s][$pressF])) {
+			$dp[$s-1] = $ants_[$s][$pressF] - $lvp;
+			$lvp = $ants_[$s][$pressF];
+		} else {
+			$dp[$s-1] = nan;
+		}
+	}
+	my($ns1,$ns2) = (0,0);
+	for (my($s)=0; $s<$nscans-2; $s++) {							# consecutive large pressure gradients of opposite sign
+		if (($dp[$s]*$dp[$s+1] < 0) &&								# tests return false if either of the dps is not defined
+			(abs($dp[$s]) > 10) &&
+			(abs($dp[$s+1]) > 10)) {
+				$ants_[$s+1][$pressF] = nan;
+				$dp[$s] = $dp[$s+1] = undef;
+				$ns1++;
+		}
+	}
+	for (my($s)=0; $s<$nscans-3; $s++) {							# 3 consecutive large pressure gradients of opposite sign
+		if (($dp[$s]>2	&& $dp[$s+1]<-4 && $dp[$s+2]>2) ||
+			($dp[$s]<-2 && $dp[$s+1]>4	&& $dp[$s+2]<-2)) {
+				$ants_[$s+1][$pressF] = $ants_[$s+2][$pressF] = nan;
+				$dp[$s] = $dp[$s+1] = $dp[$s+2] = undef;
+				$ns2+=2;
+		}
+	}
+	&antsAddParams("pressure_spikes_removed",sprintf("%d+%d",$ns1,$ns2));
+	printf(STDERR "\n\t%d+%d pressure spikes removed",$ns1,$ns2) if ($opt_v > 1);
+	printf(STDERR "\n") if ($opt_v);
+} # if $opt_r
+# Correcting for pressure bias
+print(STDERR "Correcting for pressure bias...") if ($opt_v);
+my($minP) = 9e99;
+for (my($s)=0; $s<$nscans; $s++) {
+	$minP = $ants_[$s][$pressF]
+		if numberp($ants_[$s][$pressF]) && ($ants_[$s][$pressF] < $minP);
+croak("$CNVfile: no valid CTD pressure data below 25dbar\n")
+	unless ($minP < 9e99);
+printf(STDERR "\n\tsubtracting %.1f dbar",$minP) if ($opt_v > 1);
+for (my($s)=0; $s<$nscans; $s++) {
+	$ants_[$s][$pressF] -= $minP
+		if numberp($ants_[$s][$pressF]);
+printf(STDERR "\n") if ($opt_v);
+# Binning data
+my($sps) = round(1 / $sampint / $opt_s);
+print(STDERR "Creating ${opt_s}Hz time series ($sps samples per bin)...") if ($opt_v);
+$sp = $st = $sc = $np = $nt = $nc = 0;
+for (my($rec)=1,my($s)=0; $s<$nscans; $s++) {
+	if ($s*$sampint > $rec/$opt_s) {
+		$rec++;
+		push(@press,$np>0?$sp/$np:nan);
+		push(@temp, $nt>0?$st/$nt:nan);
+		push(@cond, $nc>0?$sc/$nc:nan);
+		$sp = $st = $sc = $np = $nt = $nc = 0;
+	}
+	$sp+=$ants_[$s][$pressF],$np++ if numberp($ants_[$s][$pressF]);
+	$st+=$ants_[$s][$tempF],$nt++ if numberp($ants_[$s][$tempF]);
+	$sc+=$ants_[$s][$condF],$nc++ if numberp($ants_[$s][$condF]);
+printf(STDERR "\n") if ($opt_v);
+# Calculating derived quantities
+print(STDERR "Calculating vertical package velocity & sound speed...") if ($opt_v);
+for (my($r)=0; $r<@press; $r++) {
+	$elapsed[$r] = $r/$opt_s;
+	$depth[$r] = &depth($press[$r],$lat);
+	croak(sprintf("$CNVfile: unrealistic depth %d m at elapsed=%.1f s (r=$r)\n",
+		$depth[$r],$elapsed[$r]))
+			if numberp($depth[$r]) && ($depth[$r]<0 || $depth[$r]>6100);
+	$sspd[$r]  = &sVel(&salin($cond[$r],$temp[$r],$press[$r]),$temp[$r],$press[$r]);
+	croak(sprintf("$CNVfile: unrealistic soundspeed %dm/s at elapsed=%.1fs & depth=%.1fm ($cond[$r],$temp[$r],$press[$r])\n",
+		$sspd[$r],$elapsed[$r],$depth[$r]))
+			if numberp($sspd[$r]) && ($sspd[$r]<1400 || $sspd[$r]>1600);
+$w[0] = nan;
+for (my($r)=1; $r<@depth-1; $r++) {
+	$w[$r] = numbersp($depth[$r-1],$depth[$r+1])
+		   ? ($depth[$r+1] - $depth[$r-1]) * $opt_s
+		   : nan;
+printf(STDERR "\n") if ($opt_v);
+# Low-pass filter velocity data
+#	- interpolate missing vertical velocities first
+if ($opt_l > 0) {
+	print(STDERR "Low-pass filtering vertical package velocity...") if ($opt_v);
+	&antsAddParams('w_lowpass_cutoff',$opt_l);
+	my($trimmed) = 0;
+	shift(@w),shift(@depth),shift(@elapsed),shift(@sspd),$trimmed++
+		until numberp($w[0]);
+	my($interpolated) = 0;
+	for ($r=1; $r<@w; $r++) {
+		next if numberp($w[$r]);
+		my($lv) = $r-1;
+		for ($nv=$r+1; $nv<@depth && !numberp($w[$nv]); $nv++) {}
+		if ($nv < @depth) {
+			while ($r < $nv) {
+				$w[$r] = $w[$lv] + ($r-$lv)/($nv-$lv) * ($w[$nv]-$w[$lv]);
+				$interpolated++;
+				$r++;
+			}
+		} else {
+			$trimmed += @w-$r;
+			splice(@w,$r); splice(@depth,$r);
+			splice(@elapsed,$r); splice(@sspd,$r);
+		}
+	}
+	&antsAddParams('w_interpolated',$interpolated);
+	printf(STDERR "\n\t%d/%d vertical velocities trimmed/interpolated",$trimmed,$interpolated) if ($opt_v > 1);
+# Zero Pad Data
+	for ($pot=1; $pot<@w; $pot<<=1) {}									# determine power of two
+	for ($r=0; $r<@w; $r++) {											# copy data
+		$fftbuf[2*$r] = $w[$r];
+		$fftbuf[2*$r+1] = 0;
+	}
+	printf(STDERR "\n\t%d zero records added",$pot-$r) if ($opt_v > 1);
+	while ($r < $pot) { 												# pad with zeroes
+		$fftbuf[2*$r] = $fftbuf[2*$r+1] = 0;
+		$r++;
+	}
+# Low-Pass Filter
+	@fco = &FOUR1(-1,@fftbuf);											# forward FFT
+	$n = @fco/2;
+	for (my($ip)=2; $ip<=$n; $ip+=2) {									# +ve freq fco
+		my($in) = 2*$n-$ip; 											# -ve freq fco
+		my($f)	= $ip/2/$n*$opt_s; 										# frequency
+		$fco[$ip] = $fco[$ip+1] = $fco[$in] = $fco[$in+1] = 0
+			if ($f > 1/$opt_l); 										# low-pass filter
+	}
+	@w_lp = &FOUR1(1,@fco); 											# inverse FFT
+	printf(STDERR "\n") if ($opt_v);
+} else {
+	@w_lp = @w;
+print(STDERR "Writing output...\n") if ($opt_v);
+@antsNewLayout = ('elapsed','depth','sspd','w.raw','w');
+for ($r=0; $r<@w; $r++) {
+	&antsOut($elapsed[$r],$depth[$r],$sspd[$r],$w[$r],$w_lp[2*$r]/@w_lp);
+exit(0);															# don't flush @ants_
--- a/Utilities/README	Mon Oct 27 13:36:21 2014 +0000
+++ b/Utilities/README	Sat Apr 04 07:22:55 2015 +0000
@@ -1,13 +1,21 @@
                     R E A D M E 
                     doc: Wed Oct 17 11:57:40 2012
-                    dlm: Wed Oct 17 11:57:40 2012
+                    dlm: Thu Mar 26 16:01:54 2015
                     (c) 2012 A.M. Thurnherr
-                    uE-Info: 5 38 NIL 0 0 72 0 2 4 NIL ofnI
+                    uE-Info: 21 63 NIL 0 0 72 0 2 4 NIL ofnI
 In oder to use the utilities in this directory, include something like this:
 	require "$WCALC/Utilities/post_merge_TL_check.pl";
 in the relevant ProcessingParams file.
+=List of Utilities=
+[post_merge_TL_check.pl]	check time lagging (creates .TLcheck files)
+[post_merge_dwdz_filt.pl]	filter ensembles with large |dw/dz|
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Utilities/post_merge_dwdz_filt.pl	Sat Apr 04 07:22:55 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+#                    P O S T _ M E R G E _ D W D Z _ F I L T . P L 
+#                    doc: Thu Mar 26 16:02:09 2015
+#                    dlm: Thu Mar 26 17:11:24 2015
+#                    (c) 2015 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 10 25 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+# Try to improve 2010 GoM data set by filtering ensembles with large dwdz
+#	- no apparent benefit
+#	Mar 26, 2015: - created
+$post_merge_hook = sub {							# arguments: firstGoodEns, lastGoodEns
+	my($fe,$le) = @_;
+	progress("\tediting ensembles with large dw/dz...\n");
+	my($nedt) = 0;
+	@antsNewLayout = ('ensemble','dwdz');
+	open(STDOUT,">$data_subdir/$out_basename.dwdz")
+		|| croak("$data_subdir/$out_basename.dwdz: $!\n");
+	for (my($ens)=$fe; $ens<=$le; $ens++) {
+		next unless numberp($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{CTD_DEPTH});					# skip non-valid
+		my($w1,$w2,$w3,$w4);
+		my($b1,$b2,$b3,$b4);
+		for (my($bin)=$LADCP_firstBin-1; $bin<=$LADCP_lastBin-1; $bin++) {
+			next unless numberp($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{W}[$bin]);
+			if (defined($w1) && defined($w2)) {										# find last two
+				$w3 = $w4; $b3 = $b4;
+				$w4 = $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{W}[$bin]; $b4 = $bin;
+			} else {																# find first two
+				if (defined($w1)) { $w2 = $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{W}[$bin]; $b2 = $bin; }
+				else 			  { $w1 = $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{W}[$bin]; $b1 = $bin; }
+			}
+		}
+		$nedt++,undef($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{CTD_DEPTH}),next						# require at least 4 samples
+			unless defined($w1) && defined($w2) && defined($w3) && defined($w4);
+		my($dwdz) = (($w1+$w2)/2 - ($w3+$w4)/2) / (($b1+$b2)/2 - ($b3+$b4)/2)*$LADCP{BIN_LENGTH};
+		&antsOut($ens,$dwdz);
+		if (abs($dwdz) > 0.05) {		# TWEAKABLE PARAMETER
+			undef($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{CTD_DEPTH});
+			$nedt++,
+			next;
+		}
+	}
+	&antsOut('EOF'); open(STDOUT,'>&2');
+	progress("\t\t$nedt ensembles removed (%d%% of total)...\n",100*$nedt/($le-$fe+1));
--- a/acoustic_backscatter.pl	Mon Oct 27 13:36:21 2014 +0000
+++ b/acoustic_backscatter.pl	Sat Apr 04 07:22:55 2015 +0000
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 #                    A C O U S T I C _ B A C K S C A T T E R . P L 
 #                    doc: Wed Oct 20 13:02:27 2010
-#                    dlm: Thu Apr 17 08:49:21 2014
+#                    dlm: Fri Nov  7 14:45:44 2014
 #                    (c) 2010 A.M. Thurnherr
-#                    uE-Info: 19 34 NIL 0 0 72 0 2 4 NIL ofnI
+#                    uE-Info: 80 0 NIL 0 0 72 0 2 4 NIL ofnI
@@ -16,7 +16,8 @@
 #				  - SV now saved in ensemble
 #	Oct 21, 2011: - BUG: made code work for uplooker again
 #	Mar  4, 2014: - added support for missing PITCH/ROLL (TILT)
-#	Apr 17, 2017: - BUG: missing ;
+#	Apr 17, 2014: - BUG: missing ;
+#	Nov  7, 2014: - BUG: calc_binDepths() was called without valid CTD depth
 # Volume Scattering Coefficient, following Deines (IEEE 1999)
@@ -75,6 +76,7 @@
 	my($cosBeamAngle) = cos(rad($LADCP{BEAM_ANGLE}));
 	for (my($ens)=$LADCP_start; $ens<=$LADCP_end; $ens++) {
+		next unless numberp($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{CTD_DEPTH});
 		my(@bd) = calc_binDepths($ens);
 		for (my($bin)=$LADCP_firstBin-1; $bin<=$LADCP_lastBin-1; $bin++) {
 			my($depth) = int($bd[$bin]);
--- a/defaults.pl	Mon Oct 27 13:36:21 2014 +0000
+++ b/defaults.pl	Sat Apr 04 07:22:55 2015 +0000
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 #                    D E F A U L T S . P L 
 #                    doc: Tue Oct 11 17:11:21 2011
-#                    dlm: Wed Oct 15 23:21:48 2014
+#                    dlm: Tue Nov  4 10:35:07 2014
 #                    (c) 2011 A.M. Thurnherr
-#                    uE-Info: 39 68 NIL 0 0 72 0 2 4 NIL ofnI
+#                    uE-Info: 44 63 NIL 0 0 72 0 2 4 NIL ofnI
@@ -37,27 +37,16 @@
 #	May 20, 2014: - added support for $PPI_editing
 #	May 21, 2014: - added $PPI_extend_upper_limit
 #	Oct 15, 2014: - investigated, modified and documented -t default
-# Variable Names:
-#	- variables that are only used in a particular library are
-#	  prefixed with a 2-caps code
+#	Oct 27, 2014: - removed CTD-acceleration-effects and w spectral plots
+#				  - removed time-lagging stats output file by default
+#	Oct 31, 2014: - re-arranged order of things
+#				  - .w => .samp output
+#	Nov  4, 2014: - BUG: PPI_editing did not work as advertised
 # Data Input 
-# File to load cruise/cast-specific processing parameters from
-if (-r "ProcessingParams.$RUN") {
-	$processing_param_file = "ProcessingParams.$RUN";
-} elsif (-r "ProcessingParams.default") {
-	$processing_param_file = "ProcessingParams.default";
-} elsif (-r "ProcessingParams") {
-	$processing_param_file = "ProcessingParams";
-} else {
-	croak("$0: cannot find either <ProcessingParams.$RUN> or <ProcessingParams[.default]>\n");
 # CTD depth adjustment
 #	- set with -d (-a up to 2013/05/16)
 #	- value is added to CTD pressure
@@ -116,46 +105,6 @@
 $data_subdir = $plot_subdir = $log_subdir = $RUN;
-# main w output and all its plots:
-#	_w.eps			vertical velocities
-#	_residuals.eps	residual vertical velocities
-#	_Sv.eps			volume scattering coefficient after Deimes (1999)
-#	_corr.eps		correlation [DISABLED 2013/05/16]
-$out_w = "| LWplot_residuals $plot_subdir/${out_basename}_residuals.eps" .
-		 "| LWplot_Sv $plot_subdir/${out_basename}_Sv.eps" .
-#		 "| LWplot_corr $plot_subdir/${out_basename}_corr.eps" .
-		 "| LWplot_w $plot_subdir/${out_basename}_w.eps" .
-		 "> $data_subdir/$out_basename.w";
-# w profile output
-$out_profile = "| LWplot_prof_2beam $plot_subdir/${out_basename}_prof.eps" .
-			   "| LWplot_spec $plot_subdir/${out_basename}_spec.eps" .
-			   "> $data_subdir/$out_basename.prof";
-# log output
-$out_log = "$log_subdir/$out_basename.log";
-# time-series output (CTD acceleration effect)
-$out_timeseries = "| LWplot_CAE $plot_subdir/${out_basename}_CAE.eps" .
-				  "> $data_subdir/$out_basename.tis";
-# per-bin residual output (plot only)
-$out_BR		= "| LWplot_BR $plot_subdir/${out_basename}_BR.eps";
-# time-lagging output
-$out_TL 	= "| LWplot_TL $plot_subdir/${out_basename}_TL.eps" .
-			  "> $data_subdir/$out_basename.TL";
 # Data Editing
@@ -233,6 +182,8 @@
 # PPI editing as described in [edit_data.pl]
 #	- enabled by default for WH150 data
+#	- variable sets an expression, to be evaluated once the data 
+#	  have been loaded
 #	- 2014 CLIVAR P16 #47 has a slight discontinuity at 4000m; this
 #	  discontinuity is there without PPI filtering but gets slightly
 #	  worse with PPI filtering. Setting $PPI_extend_upper_limit to 
@@ -243,7 +194,7 @@
 #	  set by the shortest acoustic path between the ADCP and the 
 #	  seabed.
-$PPI_editing = ($LADCP{BEAM_FREQUENCY} < 300);
+$PPI_editing_required = '($LADCP{BEAM_FREQUENCY} < 300)';
 #$PPI_extend_upper_limit = 1.03;		# arbitrarily increase calculated max dist from seabed by 3%
@@ -337,5 +288,84 @@
 $BT_max_w_error = 0.03;
+# ProcessingParams file selection
+if (-r "ProcessingParams.$RUN") {
+	$processing_param_file = "ProcessingParams.$RUN";
+} elsif (-r "ProcessingParams.default") {
+	$processing_param_file = "ProcessingParams.default";
+} elsif (-r "ProcessingParams") {
+	$processing_param_file = "ProcessingParams";
+} else {
+	croak("$0: cannot find either <ProcessingParams.$RUN> or <ProcessingParams[.default]>\n");
+# Processing log (diagnostic messages) output
+$out_log = "$log_subdir/$out_basename.log";
+# Vertical-velocity profile output and plots:
+# Data:
+#	*.prof				vertical velocity profiles
+# Standard Plots:
+# 	*_prof.eps			vertical velocity profiles (main output plot)
+# Optional Plots:
+#	*_wspec.eps			vertical-velocity wavenumber spectra
+$out_profile = "| LWplot_prof_2beam $plot_subdir/${out_basename}_prof.eps" .
+#			   "| LWplot_spec $plot_subdir/${out_basename}_spec.eps" .
+			   "> $data_subdir/$out_basename.prof";
+# Vertical-velocity sample data output and plots:
+# Data:
+#	*.samp				w sample data
+# Standard Plots:
+#	*_w.eps				vertical velocity time-depth plot
+#	*_residuals.eps		residual vertical velocity time-depth plot
+#	*_Sv.eps			volume scattering coefficient time-depth plot
+# Optional Plots:
+#	*_corr.eps			correlation time-depth plot [REMOVED FROM DEFAULTS 2013/05/16]
+$out_w = "| LWplot_residuals $plot_subdir/${out_basename}_residuals.eps" .
+		 "| LWplot_Sv $plot_subdir/${out_basename}_Sv.eps" .
+#		 "| LWplot_corr $plot_subdir/${out_basename}_corr.eps" .
+		 "| LWplot_w $plot_subdir/${out_basename}_w.eps" .
+		 "> $data_subdir/$out_basename.samp";
+# Time-series output
+# Data:
+#	*.tis			combined CTD/LADCP time-series data, including 
+#					package- and LADCP reference layer w
+# Optional Plots:
+#	*_CAE.eps		plot of CTD acceleration effects on reference-layer w
+$out_timeseries = 
+#				  "| LWplot_CAE $plot_subdir/${out_basename}_CAE.eps" .
+				  "> $data_subdir/$out_basename.tis";
+# Per-bin vertical-velocity residuals (plot only)
+$out_BR		= "| LWplot_BR $plot_subdir/${out_basename}_BR.eps";
+# Time-lagging correlation statistics (plot only)
+$out_TL 	= "| LWplot_TL $plot_subdir/${out_basename}_TL.eps";
 1;	# return true