a few days pre WHOI
authorA.M. Thurnherr <athurnherr@yahoo.com>
Sun, 26 Jul 2015 20:04:48 +0000
changeset 29 c1ff35103176
parent 28 b07b23485336
child 30 7fb67e771d85
a few days pre WHOI
--- a/LADCP_VKE	Mon Apr 20 14:04:04 2015 +0000
+++ b/LADCP_VKE	Sun Jul 26 20:04:48 2015 +0000
@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
 #                    L A D C P _ V K E 
 #                    doc: Tue Oct 14 11:05:16 2014 
-#                    dlm: Thu Apr 16 10:29:45 2015
+#                    dlm: Wed Jun 17 11:40:44 2015
 #                    (c) 2012 A.M. Thurnherr
-#                    uE-Info: 188 54 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+#                    uE-Info: 399 18 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
 $antsSummary = 'calculate VKE from LADCP-derived vertical-velocity profiles';
-$antsMinLibVersion = 6.0;
+$antsMinLibVersion = 6.1;
 #	Oct 14, 2014: - created from [LADCPfs]
@@ -18,38 +18,127 @@
 #	Nov  7, 2014: - changed parameterization constant $c to 0.0215
 #	Apr 16, 2015: - disabled output activation unless ANTS tools are available
 #				  - removed superfluous $ANTSBIN definition
-#	- requires power densities
-#	- output spectra (-s) have ADCP-related corrections applied unless -c is set
+#	May 18, 2015: - added -p)ulse <length>
+#	Jun 11, 2015: - removed w_z code (yfname param requirement)
+#	Jun 12, 2015: - adapted to &antsParam()
+#				  - BUG: %k.0 and %lambda.0 had been required erroneously (.1 are first ones to be used)
+#				  - made finescale limits optional
+#				  - renamed -b=>-l, -c=>-o, -s=>-i
+#	Jun 14, 2015: - renamed -p=>-a
+#				  - added -p
+#				  - removed weird evals
+#	Jun 15, 2015: - added plot & other mods
+#	Jun 16, 2015: - define default outputs when STDOUT is a tty
+#				  - adapted to re-added pwrdens.0 in LADCP_wspec output
+#				  - modified plot label
+#	Jun 17, 2015: - added eps.w to plot
 ($ANTSLIB) = (`which ANTSlib` =~ m{^(.*)/[^/]*$});
 $ANTS_TOOLS_AVAILABLE = (`which list` ne '');
 require "$ANTSLIB/ants.pl";
 require "$ANTSLIB/libLADCP.pl";
+require "$ANTSLIB/libGMT.pl";
+use FileHandle;
+use IPC::Open2;
 # Usage
-my($c) = 0.0215;
+my($c) = 0.0215;											# Thurnherr et al. (GRL 2015)
+		    '[poly-o)rder <n[0]> to de-mean data; -1 to disable>] [apply cosine-t)aper]',
+		    '[-d)own/-u)pcast-only] [exclude -b)ottom window]',								# LADCP_wspec options
+			'[-s)urface <layer depth to exclude[150m]>',
+            '[-g)ap <max depth layer to fill with interpolation[40m]>]',
+            '[-w)indow <power-of-two input-records[32]>]',
+			'[shortwave -c)utoff <kz or lambda[100m]>]',									# LADCP_VKE options
+			'[o-m)it spectral correction] [spectral-tilt-correction -r)ange <max[0m]>]',
+			'[-l) override ADCP bin <length>] [-a) override pulse <length>]',
+			"[-e)ps-parameterization <scale[$c]>",
+			'[output -i)ndividual spectra <basename>]',
+			'[output -p)lot <ps-file>',
+			'[file]');
+# Calculate VKE spectra with [LADCP_wspec] if input is a w_ocean file
-			'[suppress spectral -c)orrection] [tilt-correction -r)ange <max[0m]>]',
-			'[output -s)pectra <basename>]',
-			"[-e)ps-parameterization <scale[$c]>",
-			'<lambda.min> <lambda.max> [file...]');
+if (defined(fnrNoErr('dc_w'))) {							# pre-process with LADCP_wspec when handed vertical-velocity input
+	my($opts);
+	$opts .= ' -d' if ($opt_d);
+	$opts .= ' -u' if ($opt_u);
+	$opts .= ' -b' if ($opt_b);
+	$opts .= ' -t' if ($opt_t);
+	$opts .= " -s $opt_s" if defined($opt_s);
+	$opts .= " -g $opt_g" if defined($opt_g);
+	$opts .= " -w $opt_w" if defined($opt_w);
+	$opts .= " -o $opt_o" if defined($opt_o);
+	open2(\*FROMCLD,\*TOCLD,"LADCP_wspec $opts") ||			# spawn sub-process
+		croak("LADCP_wspec $opts: $!\n");
+	open(STDIN,"<&FROMCLD") || croak("dup(FROMCLD): $!\n");
+	close(FROMCLD);
+	print(TOCLD $antsOldHeaders); undef($antsOldHeaders);	# feed already gobbled header & first record to child
+	print(TOCLD $antsPeekBuffer); undef($antsPeekBuffer);
+	undef(%P);												# shouldn't matter, because we'll get the same %PARAMs back
+	undef(@antsLayout);										# shouldn't matter, because it will get overwritten
+	while (<>) { print(TOCLD $_); }							# feed remaining data
+	close(TOCLD);
+} elsif (defined(fnrNoErr('pwrdens.1'))) {
+	croak("$0: -d, -u, -b, -w, -s meaningless when $0 used with spectral input\n")
+		if ($opt_d || $opt_u || $opt_b || defined($opt_w) ||			
+		    defined($opt_s) || defined($opt_g));
+} else {
+	if ($ARGV[0]) {
+		croak("$ARGV[0]: no such file or directory\n");
+	} else {
+		croak("$0: empyt input\n");
+	}
-$lmin = &antsFloatArg();									# wavelength limits
-$lmax = &antsFloatArg();
+# Handle LADCP_VKE usage & read data
+&antsAddParams('ADCP_bin_length',$opt_l)					# override bin length
+	if defined($opt_l);
+&antsAddParams('ADCP_pulse_length',$opt_a)					# override pulse length
+	if defined($opt_a);
 &antsFloatOpt(\$opt_e,$c);									# default parameterization
+if (defined($opt_c)) {										# shortwave cutoff supplied
+	$lmin = ($opt_c < 1) ? 2*$PI/$opt_c : $opt_c;
+	&antsAddParams('LADCP_VKE::shortwave_cutoff',2*$PI/$lmin);	# ensure eps.w is calculated below
+} elsif (defined(antsParam('shortwave_cutoff'))) {			# cutoff already applied
+	$lmin = 2*$PI/antsParam('shortwave_cutoff');
+} else {													# use 100m default cutoff
+	$lmin = 100;
+	&antsAddParams('LADCP_VKE::shortwave_cutoff',2*$PI/$lmin);	# ensure eps.w is calculated below
+$lmax = 9e99;												# no longwave cutoff implemented yet
+&antsInstallBufFull(0);										# load entire file
+my($Hbuf) = $antsOldHeaders;								# save for later
+	unless defined(antsParam('ADCP_pulse_length'));
 $imin = 0;													# find frequency bin limits
-for ($nfreq=1; defined($P{"binpgrams::lambda.$nfreq"}); $nfreq++) {
-	$imin = $nfreq if ($imin==0 && $P{"binpgrams::lambda.$nfreq"}<=$lmax);
-	$imax = $nfreq if ($P{"binpgrams::lambda.$nfreq"} >= $lmin);
+for ($nfreq=1; defined(antsParam("lambda.$nfreq")); $nfreq++) {
+	$imin = $nfreq if ($imin==0 && antsParam("lambda.$nfreq")<=$lmax);
+	$imax = $nfreq if (antsParam("lambda.$nfreq") >= $lmin);
 croak("$0: <lambda.min=$lmin> < min(lambda)")
 	unless defined($imax);
@@ -58,26 +147,49 @@
 $fs_fmin = $pg_fmin + $imin;								# first power field in finescale range
 $fs_fmax = $pg_fmin + $imax;								# last power field in finescale range
+$widxf = fnr('widx');
 $mindf = fnr('depth.min');
 $maxdf = fnr('depth.max');
-# Calculate Finescale Quantities (depending on input quantity)
+# Redirect STDOUT & create plot if STDOUT is a tty
-sub integrate_fs_power($)																# integrate fs spectrum (always done)
+if (-t STDOUT) {
+	my($id) = &antsRequireParam('profile_id');
+	$opt_p = sprintf('%03d_VKE.ps',$id)
+		unless defined($opt_p);
+	$outfile = sprintf('%03d.VKE',$id);
+	open(STDOUT,">$outfile") || die("$outfile: $!\n");
+# Library
+sub integrate_fs_power($)									# integrate fs spectrum
 	my($r) = @_;
 	$ants_[$r][$fspwrf] = 0;
 	for (my($f)=$fs_fmin; $f<=$fs_fmax; $f++) {
-		$ants_[$r][$fspwrf] += $ants_[0][$f];
+		$ants_[$r][$fspwrf] += $ants_[$r][$f];
-	$ants_[$r][$fspwrf] *= $P{'binpgrams::resolution_bandwidth'};
+	$ants_[$r][$fspwrf] *= antsParam('resolution_bandwidth');
-sub fit_universal_w_spec($)																# vertical velocity => p0
+sub normalize_spectral_power($)								# scale pwrdens by p0
+	my($r) = @_;
+	for (my($f)=$fs_fmin; $f<=$fs_fmax; $f++) {
+		$ants_[$r][$f] /= $ants_[$r][$p0f];
+	}
+sub fit_universal_w_spec($)									# vertical velocity => p0
 	my($r) = @_;
 	my($nsamp) = $fs_fmax - $fs_fmin + 1;
@@ -86,27 +198,27 @@
 	# fit slope-2 line in log-log space (main estimator)
-	if ($nsamp >= 2) {																	# require min 2 wavenumber samples
+	if ($nsamp >= 2) {										# require min 2 wavenumber samples
 		my($sumd,$sumx,$sumy) = (0,0,0);
-		for (my($f)=$fs_fmin; $f<=$fs_fmax; $f++) {										# loop over wavenumbers
+		for (my($f)=$fs_fmin; $f<=$fs_fmax; $f++) {			# loop over wavenumbers
 			my($i) = $f - $pg_fmin;
-			$sumd += log10($ants_[$r][$f]) + 2*log10($P{"binpgrams::k.$i"});
-			$sumx += log10($P{"binpgrams::k.$i"});
+			$sumd += log10($ants_[$r][$f]) + 2*log10(antsRequireParam("k.$i"));
+			$sumx += log10(antsParam("k.$i"));
 			$sumy += log10($ants_[$r][$f]);
 		my($p0) = $sumd/$nsamp;
 		$ants_[$r][$p0f] = 10**$p0;
-		my($avgx) = $sumx/$nsamp;													# avg for r calc
+		my($avgx) = $sumx/$nsamp;							# avg for r calc
 		my($avgy) = $sumy/$nsamp;
-		my($sumsq,$sxx,$syy,$sxy) = (0,0,0,0);										# calc rms misfit & correlation coeff
+		my($sumsq,$sxx,$syy,$sxy) = (0,0,0,0);				# calc rms misfit & correlation coeff
 		for (my($f)=$fs_fmin; $f<=$fs_fmax; $f++) {								
 			my($i) = $f - $pg_fmin;
-			my($xt) = log10($P{"binpgrams::k.$i"}) - $avgx;
+			my($xt) = log10(antsParam("k.$i")) - $avgx;
             my($yt) = log10($ants_[$r][$f]) - $avgy;
-			$sumsq += ($p0 - 2*log10($P{"binpgrams::k.$i"}) - log10($ants_[$r][$f]))**2;
+			$sumsq += ($p0 - 2*log10(antsParam("k.$i")) - log10($ants_[$r][$f]))**2;
 			$sxx += $xt * $xt; $syy += $yt * $yt; $sxy += $xt * $yt;
         $ants_[$r][$rmsf] = sqrt($sumsq/$nsamp);
@@ -124,14 +236,11 @@
 $fspwrf = &antsNewField('fs_pwr');							# derived fields
-if ($P{binpgrams::yfname} eq 'dc_w' ||						# w-finestructure parameterization
-	$P{binpgrams::yfname} eq 'uc_w') {
-	$p0f	 = &antsNewField('p0');
-	$rmsf	 = &antsNewField('p0fit.rms');
-	$sampf	 = &antsNewField('p0fit.nsamp');
-	$rf      = &antsNewField('p0fit.r');
-	$wepsf   = &antsNewField('eps.w');
+$p0f	 = &antsNewField('p0');								# VKE parameterization
+$rmsf	 = &antsNewField('p0fit.rms');
+$sampf	 = &antsNewField('p0fit.nsamp');
+$rf      = &antsNewField('p0fit.r');
+$wepsf   = &antsNewField('eps.w');
 my(@outLayout) = @antsNewLayout;							# save for later
 for ($f=0; $f<@outLayout; $f++) {							# determine last spectral field in input
@@ -140,11 +249,24 @@
 croak("$0: cannot find fields 'pwr.tot' or 'pwr.tot.nsamp' in input\n")
 	unless defined($totf) || defined($tnsf);
-$lsf = defined($tnsf) ? $tnsf : $totf;	
+$lsf = defined($tnsf) ? $tnsf : $totf;
-&antsInstallBufFull(0);										# load entire file
-my($Hbuf) = $antsOldHeaders;								# save for later
+if ($opt_p) {												# begin plot
+	$xmin = (&antsParam('output_depth_resolution')>=350) ? 0.012 : 0.018;
+	$xmax = 0.2; $ymin = 1; $ymax = 1e4;
+	$plotsize = 13;
+	GMT_begin($opt_p,"-JX${plotsize}l","-R$xmin/$xmax/$ymin/$ymax",'-X6 -Y4');	# init plot
+	GMT_psxy('-G25/255/25 -L');
+	printf(GMT "%f %f\n",$xmin,$xmin**(-2)*sqrt(2));
+	printf(GMT "%f %f\n",$xmax,$xmax**(-2)*sqrt(2));
+	printf(GMT "%f %f\n",$xmax,$xmax**(-2)/sqrt(2));
+	printf(GMT "%f %f\n",$xmin,$xmin**(-2)/sqrt(2));
+my($min_depth) =  9e99;
+my($max_depth) = -9e99;
 for (my($r)=0; $r<@ants_; $r++) {							# loop over all windows
@@ -152,17 +274,12 @@
 	# apply spectral correction
-	unless ($opt_c) {
+	unless ($opt_m) {
 		for (my($i)=0; $i<$nfreq; $i++) {										# loop over wavenumbers
-			if ($P{binpgrams::yfname} eq 'dc_w' ||	 							# vertical velocity
-				$P{binpgrams::yfname} eq 'uc_w') {
-				$ants_[$r][$i+$pg_fmin] *= T_w($P{"binpgrams::k.$i"},$P{ADCP_bin_length},$P{binpgrams::depth_resolution},$opt_r);
-			} elsif ($P{binpgrams::yfname} eq 'dc_w_depth'||	 				# dw/dz
-					 $P{binpgrams::yfname} eq 'uc_w_depth') {
-				$ants_[$r][$i+$pg_fmin] *= T_w_z($P{"binpgrams::k.$i"},$P{ADCP_bin_length},$P{binpgrams::depth_resolution},$opt_r);
-			} else {
-				croak("$0: cannot calculate finescale $P{'binpgrams::yfname'} spectra (implementation restriction)\n");
-			}
+			$ants_[$r][$i+$pg_fmin] *=
+				T_w(antsParam("k.$i"),antsParam('ADCP_bin_length'),
+				    antsParam('ADCP_pulse_length'),antsParam('input_depth_resolution'),
+					$opt_r);
@@ -170,19 +287,54 @@
 	# calculate fs quantities
-	integrate_fs_power($r);														# always integrate spectra
-	fit_universal_w_spec($r)
-		if (($P{binpgrams::yfname} eq 'dc_w') || ($P{binpgrams::yfname} eq 'uc_w'));
-	$ants_[$r][$wepsf] = ($ants_[$r][$p0f] / $opt_e)**2;
+	integrate_fs_power($r);														# calculate total finescale power
+	fit_universal_w_spec($r);													# fit kz^-2 spectrum
+#	normalize_spectral_power($r);												# normalize by p0 (even w/o shortwave cutoff)
+	$ants_[$r][$wepsf] = $ants_[$r][$rmsf] <= 0.4 ?								# do not calc eps unless good fit
+					   			($ants_[$r][$p0f] / $opt_e)**2 : nan;
+	if (numberp($ants_[$r][$p0f])) {											# update min/max depth
+		$min_depth = $ants_[$r][$mindf] if ($ants_[$r][$mindf] < $min_depth);
+		$max_depth = $ants_[$r][$maxdf] if ($ants_[$r][$maxdf] > $max_depth);
+	}
 	# produce output
-	if (defined($opt_s)) {														# output individual spectra
+	if (defined($opt_p)) {														# plot current spectrum on -p & calc mean
+		my($R) = 0;																# RGB map
+		my($G) = int(200*(1-$r/@ants_));
+		my($B) = ($r < @ants_/2) ? 150 : int(100+100*(1-$r/@ants_));
+		GMT_psxy("-W8,$R/$G/$B");
+		for (my($f)=$pg_fmin+1; $f<$pg_fmin+$nfreq; $f++) {						# avg & plot high-quality spectra only
+			next unless numberp($ants_[$r][$f]) && numberp($ants_[$r][$p0f]);	#	- omit zero wavenumber ($pg_fmin)
+			next if ($ants_[$r][$rmsf] > 0.4);
+			my($k) = antsParam(sprintf("k.%d",$f-$pg_fmin));
+			printf(GMT "$k %g\n",$ants_[$r][$f]/$ants_[$r][$p0f]);
+			$nGoodPwr[$f]++;
+			$sumGoodPwr[$f] += $ants_[$r][$f]/$ants_[$r][$p0f];
+		}
+		GMT_psxy("-W4,$R/$G/$B,.");												# avg & plot all spectra with dots
+		for (my($f)=$pg_fmin+1; $f<$pg_fmin+$nfreq; $f++) {
+			next unless numberp($ants_[$r][$f]) && numberp($ants_[$r][$p0f]);
+			my($k) = antsParam(sprintf("k.%d",$f-$pg_fmin));
+			printf(GMT "$k %g\n",$ants_[$r][$f]/$ants_[$r][$p0f]);
+			$nPwr[$f]++;
+			$sumPwr[$f] += $ants_[$r][$f]/$ants_[$r][$p0f];
+		}
+	}
+	if (defined($opt_i)) {														# output current spectrum on -i
 		open(STDOUT_DUP,">&",STDOUT) || croak("$0: cannot dup STDOUT\n");
 		@antsNewLayout = ('k','lambda','pwrdens','finescale','pwrdens_fit');
-		$ofname = sprintf("${opt_s}_%02d.wspec",$r+1);
+		if ($ants_[$r][$widxf] > 0) {
+			$ofname = sprintf("${opt_i}_%02d.wspec",$r+1);
+		} else {
+			$ofname = sprintf("${opt_i}_btm.wspec");
+		}
 		open(STDOUT,">$ofname") || croak("$ofname: $!\n");
 		&antsActivateOut() if ($ANTS_TOOLS_AVAILABLE);
@@ -194,9 +346,9 @@
-		for (my($f)=$pg_fmin; $f<$pg_fmin+$nfreq; $f++) {
-			my($k) = eval(sprintf('$P{"binpgrams::k.%d"}',$f-$pg_fmin));
-			my($l) = eval(sprintf('$P{"binpgrams::lambda.%d"}',$f-$pg_fmin));
+		for (my($f)=$pg_fmin+1; $f<$pg_fmin+$nfreq; $f++) {
+			my($k) = antsParam(sprintf("k.%d",$f-$pg_fmin));
+			my($l) = antsParam(sprintf("lambda.%d",$f-$pg_fmin));
 					 ($f>=$fs_fmin && $f<=$fs_fmax),
 					 numberp($ants_[$r][$p0f]) ? $ants_[$r][$p0f] * $k**(-2) : nan);
@@ -209,6 +361,59 @@
+if (defined($opt_p)) {															# complete plot
+	if (@nPwr) {
+		GMT_psxy('-W10,255/100/100,.');											# plot mean spectrum; dotted; entire range
+		for (my($f)=$fs_fmin; $f<=$fs_fmax; $f++) {
+			my($k) = antsParam(sprintf("k.%d",$f-$pg_fmin));
+			printf(GMT "$k %g\n",$sumPwr[$f]/$nPwr[$f]);
+		}
+	}
+	if (@nGoodPwr) {
+		GMT_psxy('-W4/255/100/100');											# plot mean spectrum; entire range
+		for (my($f)=$pg_fmin+1; $f<$pg_fmin+$nfreq; $f++) {
+			my($k) = antsParam(sprintf("k.%d",$f-$pg_fmin));
+			printf(GMT "$k %g\n",$sumGoodPwr[$f]/$nGoodPwr[$f]);
+		}
+		GMT_psxy('-W16/255/100/100');											# plot mean fs spectrum (heavy)
+		for (my($f)=$fs_fmin; $f<=$fs_fmax; $f++) {
+			my($k) = antsParam(sprintf("k.%d",$f-$pg_fmin));
+			printf(GMT "$k %g\n",$sumGoodPwr[$f]/$nGoodPwr[$f]);
+	    }
+	}
+	GMT_psbasemap('-Bf3a2:"Vertical Wavenumber [rad/m]":/' .					# annotate axes
+				  'f3a1:"VKE/p@-0@- [m@+3@+s@+-1/2@+/(rad m@+-1@+)]":WeS');
+	GMT_setJ("-JX-${plotsize}l");
+	GMT_setR(sprintf('-R%f/%f/%f/%f',2*$PI/$xmax,2*$PI/$xmin,$ymin,$ymax));
+	GMT_psbasemap('-B3:"Vertical Wavelength [m]:N"');
+	GMT_unitcoords();															# print profile number 
+	GMT_pstext();
+	if (defined($outfile)) { printf(GMT "0.98 0.98 14 0 0 TR $outfile %s\n",antsParam('input_data')); }
+	else { printf(GMT "0.98 0.98 14 0 0 TR %03d %s\n",antsParam('profile_id'),antsParam('input_data')); }
+	GMT_set('ANNOT_FONT_SIZE_PRIMARY 10','ANNOT_OFFSET_PRIMARY 0.01c',			# eps profile inset
+	$min_depth = 400 if ($min_depth > 1e4);
+	$max_depth = 1500 if ($max_depth < 0);
+	GMT_setR(sprintf("-R5e-12/1e-7/%d/%d",round($min_depth-250,500),round($max_depth+250,500))); 
+	GMT_setJ(sprintf('-JX%fl/-%f',$plotsize/2.2,$plotsize/2.2));
+	GMT_psbasemap('-X0.3 -Y0.3 -Bg1a1f3p:"@~e@~@-VKE@- [W kg@+-1@+]":/g1000a500f100:"Depth [m]":wEsN');
+	GMT_psxy('-M');
+	for (my($r)=0; $r<@ants_; $r++) {
+		next unless numberp($ants_[$r][$wepsf]);
+		my($R) = 0; my($G) = int(200*(1-$r/@ants_));
+		my($B) = ($r < @ants_/2) ? 150 : int(100+100*(1-$r/@ants_));
+		print(GMT "> -W12,$R/$G/$B\n");
+		print(GMT "$ants_[$r][$wepsf] $ants_[$r][$mindf]\n");
+		print(GMT "$ants_[$r][$wepsf] $ants_[$r][$maxdf]\n");
+	}
+	GMT_end();																	# finish plot
 @antsNewLayout = @outLayout;
 $antsOldHeaders = $Hbuf;
 $antsHeadersPrinted = 0;
--- a/LADCP_w	Mon Apr 20 14:04:04 2015 +0000
+++ b/LADCP_w	Sun Jul 26 20:04:48 2015 +0000
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
 #                    L A D C P _ W 
 #                    doc: Fri Dec 17 18:11:13 2010
-#                    dlm: Mon Apr 20 14:01:10 2015
+#                    dlm: Sun Jul 26 17:11:01 2015
 #                    (c) 2010 A.M. Thurnherr
-#                    uE-Info: 167 78 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+#                    uE-Info: 1465 90 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
 # TODO:
@@ -166,6 +166,20 @@
 #	Apr 20, 2015: - improved comments
 #				  - improved diagnostic messages (warning on missing CTD temp)
 #				  - added support for empirical backscatter correction
+#	Apr 21, 2015: - improved screen log output
+#	Apr 22, 2015: - BUG: $realLastGoodEns could be undefined, breaking plotting routines
+#	Apr 24, 2015: - removed @ARGS
+#				  - added %profile_id
+#	May 13, 2015: - loosened "insufficient valid velocities" test for short casts
+#	May 15, 2015: - added $min_valid_vels
+#				  - BUG: LADCP_atbottom could be less than firstGoodEns
+#	May 18, 2015: - added %LADCP_pulse_length, %dnXX
+#	May 20, 2015: - added $PROF as newer alternative to $STN
+#				  - replaced "require ProcessingParams" by "do ProcessingParams"
+#	Jun 15, 2015: - clarified warning message
+#	Jul 26, 2015: - added %output_grid_dz %output_grid_minsamp for use by [LADCP_w_regrid]
+# 				  - began work on support for [libGMT.pl]
+#				  - -v usage message had wrong default
 #	- elapsed		elapsed seconds; see note below
@@ -251,11 +265,11 @@
 # Usage
-@ARGS = @ARGV;														# save opts & arguments
+#@ARGS = @ARGV;														# save opts & arguments
 $antsParseHeader = 0;
-	'[-v)erbosity <level[2]>]',
+	'[-v)erbosity <level[1]>]',
 	'[-q)uick (no single-ping denoising)]',
     '[require -4)-beam solutions] [apply beamvel-m)ask <file> if it exists]',
 	'[valid LADCP -b)ins <bin[2],bin[*]>',
@@ -269,17 +283,17 @@
 	'[pressure-sensor -a)cceleration correction <residual/CTD_w_tt>]',
 	'[-o)utput bin <resolution[10m]>] [-k) require <min[20]> samples]',
 	'[e-x)ecute <perl-expr>]',
-	'<station-id> [run-label]');
+	'<profile-id> [run-label]');
 &antsUsageError() if ($opt_u && !defined($opt_i));
-&antsCardOpt(\$opt_s,0);											# skip # initial ensembles
-$opt_p = '+' unless defined($opt_p);								# separate uc/dc time lagging
+&antsCardOpt(\$opt_s,0);												# skip # initial ensembles
+$opt_p = '+' unless defined($opt_p);									# separate uc/dc time lagging
-&antsFloatOpt(\$opt_a,1);											# pressure acceleration correction
+&antsFloatOpt(\$opt_a,1);												# pressure acceleration correction
-$STN = &antsCardArg();												# station id
-if (@ARGV) {														# run label
+$PROF = $STN = &antsCardArg();											# station id ($STN for compatibility)
+if (@ARGV) {															# run label
 	$RUN = $ARGV[0];
 } else {
@@ -291,7 +305,7 @@
 require "$WCALC/defaults.pl";											# load default/option parameters
-require "$processing_param_file";										# load processing parameters
+do "$processing_param_file";											# load processing parameters
 eval($opt_x) if defined($opt_x);										# eval cmd-line expression to override anything
 $RDI_Coords::minValidVels = 4 if ($opt_4);								# decode cmd-line arguments
@@ -310,7 +324,7 @@
 croak("$0: \$out_basename undefined\n")									# all plotting routines use this
 	unless defined($out_basename);
 # Screen Logging
@@ -333,8 +347,7 @@
 sub info(@)
 	print(LOGF "\t"),printf(LOGF @_) if defined($out_log);
-	print(STDERR ($opt_v > 1) ? "\t" : "$LADCP_file: ");
-	printf(STDERR @_)  if ($opt_v > 0);
+	printf(STDERR @_)  if ($opt_v > 1);
 sub warning(@)
@@ -342,15 +355,20 @@
 	my($lvl,@msg) = @_;
 	if (defined($out_log)) {
-		print(LOGF "\nWARNING (level $lvl): ");
+		print(LOGF "\nWARNING (L$lvl): ");
 		printf(LOGF @msg);
 		print(LOGF "\n");
 	return if ($opt_v == 0);
-	print(STDERR "\n") if ($opt_v > 1);
-	print(STDERR "WARNING (level $lvl): ");
-	printf(STDERR @msg);
-	print(STDERR "\n") if ($opt_v > 1);
+	if ($opt_v == 1) {
+		print(STDERR "$LADCP_file: WARNING (L$lvl): ");
+		printf(STDERR @msg);
+	} else {
+		print(STDERR "\n-------------\nWARNING (L$lvl): ");
+		printf(STDERR @msg);
+		print(STDERR "-------------\n\n")
+	}
 sub error($)
@@ -398,6 +416,7 @@
 	if ($LADCP{BLANKING_DISTANCE}<$LADCP{BIN_LENGTH} && $refLr_firstBin==1);
@@ -534,7 +553,7 @@
 	progress("\t$nvw valid velocities in bins $LADCP_firstBin-$LADCP_lastBin\n");
-error("$LADCP_file: insufficient valid velocities\n") unless ($nvw > 1000);
+error("$LADCP_file: insufficient valid velocities\n") unless ($nvw >= $min_valid_vels);
 # STEP: Edit earth-coordinate -velocity data
@@ -567,14 +586,17 @@
 ($firstGoodEns,$lastGoodEns,$LADCP_atbottom,$LADCP_w_gap_time) =
-error("$LADCP_file: no good ensembles\n")
-	unless defined($firstGoodEns) && ($lastGoodEns-$firstGoodEns > 0);
+error("$LADCP_file: insufficient valid data\n")
+	unless defined($firstGoodEns) && ($lastGoodEns>$firstGoodEns) && ($LADCP_atbottom>=$firstGoodEns);
 my($cast_duration) = $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$lastGoodEns]->{ELAPSED} -
 error("$0: implausibly short cast ($cast_duration seconds)\n")
 	unless ($cast_duration > 600);
+my($year) = $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$firstGoodEns]->{YEAR} % 100;
 $LADCP{MEAN_DT} = $cast_duration / ($lastGoodEns-$firstGoodEns-1);
 progress("\tStart of cast     : %s (#%5d)\n",
@@ -658,7 +680,7 @@
 ($CTD_elapsed,$CTD_depth,$CTD_svel,$CTD_w) = &fnr('elapsed','depth','ss','w');
 $CTD_temp = &fnrNoErr('temp');
-warning(2,"no CTD temperature --- using ADCP temperature instead => Sv degraded!\n",$s)
+warning(0,"no CTD temperature --- using ADCP temperature instead => Sv degraded!\n",$s)
    unless defined($CTD_temp);
 $CTD_maxdepth = -1;
@@ -792,9 +814,10 @@
 	while (@splits > 1) {
+		debugmsg("lag($splits[0],$splits[1]) = ");
 		my($lag) = calc_lag($number_of_timelag_windows[1],$length_of_timelag_windows[1],
-		debugmsg("lag($splits[0],$splits[1]) = $lag\n");									
+		debugmsg("$lag\n");									
 		if (defined($lag)) {
 			progress("\tcast-piece: elapsed(CTD) = elapsed(LADCP) + %.2fs\n",$lag);
@@ -896,12 +919,10 @@
 	progress("\t%.2f cm/s rms reference-layer w_ocean, %.2f cm/s away from boundaries\n",
 	if (sqrt($sumWsqI/$nWsqI) > 0.05) {
-		warning(1,"%.2f cm/s reference-layer w_ocean away from boundaries\n",100*sqrt($sumWsqI/$nWsqI));
+		warning(1,"%.2f cm/s (large) reference-layer w_ocean away from boundaries\n",100*sqrt($sumWsqI/$nWsqI));
 	} elsif (sqrt($sumWsqI/$nWsqI) > 0.1) {
-		warning(2,"%.2f cm/s reference-layer w_ocean away from boundaries\n",100*sqrt($sumWsqI/$nWsqI));
+		warning(2,"%.2f cm/s (very large) reference-layer w_ocean away from boundaries\n",100*sqrt($sumWsqI/$nWsqI));
-#	error("$0: rms reference-layer w_ocean is too large\n")
-#		unless (sqrt($sumWsqI/$nWsqI) < 0.07);
 } elsif ($nWsq > 0) {
 	progress("\t%.2f cm/s rms reference-layer w_ocean\n",100*sqrt($sumWsq/$nWsq));
@@ -1066,9 +1087,11 @@
 progress("Creating binned profiles at ${opt_o}m resolution...\n");
+&antsAddParams('output_grid_dz',$opt_o,'output_grid_minsamp',$opt_k);			# will be used by LADCP_w_regrid
 my($min_depth) = 9e99;
 my($max_depth) = 0;
 for ($ens=$firstGoodEns; $ens<$LADCP_atbottom; $ens++) {						# downcast
@@ -1076,6 +1099,7 @@
 		$firstGoodEns++ if ($ens == $firstGoodEns);								# start has been edited away
+	$realLastGoodEns = $ens;
 	my(@bindepth) = calc_binDepths($ens);
 	for ($bin=$LADCP_firstBin-1; $bin<=$LADCP_lastBin-1; $bin++) {
 		next unless numberp($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{W}[$bin]);
@@ -1125,7 +1149,6 @@
 progress("\tupcast...\n");														# upcast
 for ($ens=$LADCP_atbottom; $ens<=$lastGoodEns; $ens++) {		
 	next unless numberp($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{CTD_DEPTH});
 	$realLastGoodEns = $ens;
@@ -1438,7 +1461,15 @@
 	foreach my $of (@out_profile) {
 	    progress("<$of> ");
-	    $of = ">$of" unless ($of =~ /^$|^\s*\|/);
+		my($plot,$out) = ($of =~ /^([^\(]+)\(([^\)]+)\)$/);						# plot_sub(out_file)
+		if (defined($out)) {
+			require "$WCALC/${plot}.pl";
+			&{$plot}($out);
+			next;
+		}
+	    $of = ">$of" unless ($of =~ /^$|^\s*\|/);								# pipe or file output
 		open(STDOUT,$of) || error("$of: $!\n");
 		undef($antsActiveHeader) unless ($ANTS_TOOLS_AVAILABLE);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/LADCP_w_CTD	Sun Jul 26 20:04:48 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,520 @@
+#                    L A D C P _ W _ C T D 
+#                    doc: Mon Nov  3 17:34:19 2014
+#                    dlm: Mon Jul 20 09:28:16 2015
+#                    (c) 2014 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 38 25 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+$antsSummary = 'pre-process SBE 9plus CTD data for LADCP_w';
+$antsMinLibVersion = 6.0;
+#	Nov  3, 2014: - created
+#	Nov  4, 2014: - improved
+#	Nov  6, 2014: - BUG: sound speed was not calculated correctly
+#				  - added -a
+#				  - added conductivity & temperature editing
+#	Nov  7, 2014: - loosened outlier editing
+#				  - added no-valid-data error message
+#				  - modified binning criterion to allow any sampling
+#					frequency (not just divisors of 24)
+#	Apr 17, 2015: - added in-situ temperature to output
+#	Apr 23, 2015: - had to losen unrealistic-soundspeed criterion
+#					because of DUK2#45
+#	May 13, 2015: - BUG: did not work with casts beginning at depth
+#				  - added errors when editing edits too much
+#	May 14, 2015: - BUG: depth was wrong for partial-depth casts
+#				  - BUG: $badval had not been handled correctly
+#				  - BUG: editing errors were too tight
+#	Jun 16, 2015: - added STDOUT redirection (default output file) on tty stdout
+#				  - added -p)lot option
+#	Jun 17, 2015: - added cond to std output
+#				  - added conductivity spike filter (different from pressure)
+#	Jun 18, 2015: - renamed from SBE_w
+#	Jun 19, 2015: - added press & salin to make output suitable for u/v processing
+#				  - removed a couple of data assertions
+#	Jul 20, 2015: - allow for non-numeric -i
+($ANTS) = (`which ANTSlib`   =~ m{^(.*)/[^/]*$});
+require "$ANTS/ants.pl";
+require "$ANTS/fft.pl";
+require "$ANTS/libGMT.pl";
+require "$ANTS/libSBE.pl";
+require "$ANTS/libEOS83.pl";
+$antsParseHeader = 0;											# usage
+	'[-v)erbosity <level[0]>]',
+	'[use -a)lternate sensor pair]',
+	'[-r)etain all data (no editing)]',
+	'[-s)ampling <rate[6Hz]>]',
+	'[-l)owpass w <cutoff[2s]>]',
+	'[profile -i)d <id>]',
+	'[-p)lot_basenames <[%03d_wpkg.ps],[%03d_sspd.ps]>]',
+	'<SBE CNV file>');
+&antsFloatOpt(\$opt_l,2);										# defaults
+$CNVfile = $ARGV[0];											# open CNV file
+&antsActivateOut();												# activate ANTS file
+# Read Data
+print(STDERR "Reading $CNVfile...") if ($opt_v);
+($nfields,$nscans,$sampint,$badval,$ftype,$lat,$lon) =			# decode SBE header	
+    SBE_parseHeader(F,0,0);										# SBE field names, no time check
+croak("$CNVfile: unexpected sampling interval $sampint\n")
+	unless (abs($sampint-1/24) < 1e-5);
+croak("$CNVfile: unknown latitude\n")
+	unless numberp($lat);
+$pressF = fnr('prDM');
+if ($opt_a) {													# temp/cond alternate sensor pair
+	$tempF	= fnr('t190C');
+	$condF	= fnrNoErr('c1S/m');
+	if (defined($condF)) {
+		$condHistRes = 10;		# 0.1 bins
+	} else {
+		$condF  = fnr('c1mS/cm');
+		$condHistRes = 1;		# 1.0 bins
+	}
+} else {														# primary sensor pair
+	$tempF	= fnr('t090C');
+	$condF	= fnrNoErr('c0S/m');
+	if (defined($condF)) {
+		$condHistRes = 10;
+	} else {
+		$condF  = fnr('c0mS/cm');
+		$condHistRes = 1;
+	}
+&antsInstallBufFull(0);											# read entire CNV file
+printf(STDERR "\n\t%d scans",$nscans) if ($opt_v > 1);
+printf(STDERR "\n") if ($opt_v);
+# Redirect STDOUT to %.6Hz & create %_wpkg.ps,%_sspd.ps if STDOUT is a tty
+$id = defined($opt_i) ? $opt_i : &antsParam('station');
+croak("$CNVfile: no station information in header => -i required\n")
+	unless defined($id);
+if (-t STDOUT) {
+	if (numberp($id)) {
+		$opt_p = '%03d_wpkg.ps,%03d_sspd.ps'
+			unless defined($opt_p);
+		$outfile = sprintf('%03d.%dHz',$id,$opt_s);
+	} else {
+		$opt_p = '%s_wpkg.ps,%s_sspd.ps'
+			unless defined($opt_p);
+		$outfile = sprintf('%s.%dHz',$id,$opt_s);
+	}
+    open(STDOUT,">$outfile") || die("$outfile: $!\n");
+# Edit Data
+#	- pressure outliers & spikes
+#	- conductivity outliers & spikes
+unless ($opt_r) {
+	print(STDERR "Editing Data...") if ($opt_v);
+	#----------------------------------------
+	# trim initial records with nan pressures
+	#----------------------------------------
+	my($trimmed) = 0;												# trim leading nan pressures
+	shift(@ants_),$trimmed++
+		until numberp($ants_[0][$pressF]) && numberp($ants_[0][$condF]);
+	printf(STDERR "\n\t%d initial records with nan pressure and/or conductivity trimmed",$trimmed) if ($opt_v > 1);
+	my($lvp) = $ants_[0][$pressF];
+	my($lvc) = $ants_[0][$condF];
+	#------------------------------------------------
+	# edit pressure outliers outside contiguous range
+	#------------------------------------------------
+	my($outliers) = 0; my($min) = 9e99; my($max);
+	for (my($s)=0; $s<$nscans; $s++) {
+		next unless ($ants_[$s][$pressF]>=-100 && $ants_[$s][$pressF]<=6500);
+		$phist[$ants_[$s][$pressF]+1000]++;
+		$min = $ants_[$s][$pressF] if ($ants_[$s][$pressF] < $min);
+	}
+	for ($max=$min+25; $phist[$max+1000]||$phist[$max+1001]; $max++) {}	# outliers after 2 gaps
+	for ($min=$max;    $phist[$min+1000]||$phist[$min+ 999]; $min--) {}
+	for (my($s)=0; $s<$nscans; $s++) {
+		if ($ants_[$s][$pressF] > $max) { $outliers++; $ants_[$s][$pressF] = nan; }
+		if ($ants_[$s][$pressF] < $min) { $outliers++; $ants_[$s][$pressF] = nan; }
+	}
+	&antsAddParams("pressure_outliers",sprintf("%d",$outliers));
+	printf(STDERR "\n\tcontinuous pressure range: %d..%d dbar (%d outliers removed)",$min,$max,$outliers) if ($opt_v > 1);
+	croak("$CNVfile: pressure editing removed too many 'outliers'\n")
+		unless ($outliers < 100);
+	#----------------------------------------------------
+	# edit conductivity outliers outside contiguous range
+	#----------------------------------------------------
+	$outliers = 0;
+	my($modeSamp)=0;
+	undef(@phist);
+	for (my($s)=0; $s<$nscans; $s++) {
+		next unless ($ants_[$s][$condF] > 0);
+		my($b) = $ants_[$s][$condF]*$condHistRes;					# 1/10 S/m histogram resolution (1 mS/cm)
+		$phist[$b]++;
+		next unless ($phist[$b] > $modeSamp);
+		$modeSamp = $phist[$b]; $modeBin = $b;
+	}
+	for ($max=$modeBin; $phist[$max]||$phist[$max+1]; $max++) {}	# outliers after 2 gaps
+	for ($min=$modeBin; $phist[$min]||$phist[$min-1]; $min--) {}
+	$max /= $condHistRes; $min /= $condHistRes;
+	for (my($s)=0; $s<$nscans; $s++) {
+		if ($ants_[$s][$condF] > $max) { $outliers++; $ants_[$s][$condF] = nan; }
+		if ($ants_[$s][$condF] < $min) { $outliers++; $ants_[$s][$condF] = nan; }
+	}
+	&antsAddParams("conductivity_outliers",sprintf("%d",$outliers));
+	printf(STDERR "\n\tcontinuous conductivity range: %.1f..%.1f S/m (%d outliers removed)",$min,$max,$outliers) if ($opt_v > 1);
+	croak("$CNVfile: conductivity editing removed too many 'outliers'\n")
+		unless ($outliers/$nscans < 0.4);
+	#----------------------------------------------------
+	# edit temperature outliers outside contiguous range
+	#----------------------------------------------------
+	$outliers = 0;
+	my($modeSamp)=0;
+	undef(@phist);
+	for (my($s)=0; $s<$nscans; $s++) {
+		next unless ($ants_[$s][$tempF] > 0);
+		my($b) = $ants_[$s][$tempF]*10;								# 10th of a degree histogram resolution
+		$phist[$b]++;
+		next unless ($phist[$b] > $modeSamp);
+		$modeSamp = $phist[$b]; $modeBin = $b;
+	}
+	for ($max=$modeBin; $phist[$max]||$phist[$max+1]; $max++) {}	# outliers after 2 gaps
+	for ($min=$modeBin; $phist[$min]||$phist[$min-1]; $min--) {}
+	$max /= 10; $min /= 10;
+	for (my($s)=0; $s<$nscans; $s++) {
+		if ($ants_[$s][$tempF] > $max) { $outliers++; $ants_[$s][$tempF] = nan; }
+		if ($ants_[$s][$tempF] < $min) { $outliers++; $ants_[$s][$tempF] = nan; }
+	}
+	&antsAddParams("temperature_outliers",sprintf("%d",$outliers));
+	printf(STDERR "\n\tcontinuous temperature range: %.1f..%.1f degC (%d outliers removed)",$min,$max,$outliers) if ($opt_v > 1);
+	croak("$CNVfile: temperature editing removed too many 'outliers'\n")
+		unless ($outliers/$nscans < 0.4);
+	#----------------------------------------
+	# edit pressure spikes based on gradients
+	#----------------------------------------
+	for (my($s)=1; $s<$nscans; $s++) {								# calculate pressure gradients (across gaps)
+		if (numberp($ants_[$s][$pressF])) {
+			$dp[$s-1] = $ants_[$s][$pressF] - $lvp;
+			$lvp = $ants_[$s][$pressF];
+		} else {
+			$dp[$s-1] = nan;
+		}
+	}
+	my($ns1,$ns2) = (0,0);
+	for (my($s)=0; $s<$nscans-2; $s++) {							# consecutive large pressure gradients of opposite sign
+		if (($dp[$s]*$dp[$s+1] < 0) &&								# tests return false if either of the dps is not defined
+			(abs($dp[$s]) > 10) &&
+			(abs($dp[$s+1]) > 10)) {
+				$ants_[$s+1][$pressF] = nan;
+				$dp[$s] = $dp[$s+1] = undef;
+				$ns1++;
+		}
+	}
+	for (my($s)=0; $s<$nscans-3; $s++) {							# 3 consecutive large pressure gradients of opposite sign
+		if (($dp[$s]>2	&& $dp[$s+1]<-4 && $dp[$s+2]>2) ||
+			($dp[$s]<-2 && $dp[$s+1]>4	&& $dp[$s+2]<-2)) {
+				$ants_[$s+1][$pressF] = $ants_[$s+2][$pressF] = nan;
+				$dp[$s] = $dp[$s+1] = $dp[$s+2] = undef;
+				$ns2+=2;
+		}
+	}
+	&antsAddParams("pressure_spikes_removed",sprintf("%d+%d",$ns1,$ns2));
+	printf(STDERR "\n\t%d+%d pressure spikes removed",$ns1,$ns2) if ($opt_v > 1);
+	#--------------------------------------------------
+	# edit conductivity spikes based on large gradients
+	#	- $lvc = $ants_[0] is guaranteed numeric here
+	#--------------------------------------------------
+	my($nv) = my($ns) = my($last_dcond) = my($lvcs) = 0;
+	my($run_start) = my($run_dcond) = 0;
+	for (my($s)=1; $s<$nscans; $s++) {								# calculate conductivity gradients (across gaps)
+		next unless numberp($ants_[$s][$condF]);
+		my($dcond) = $ants_[$s][$condF] - $lvc;						# integrate gradient across runs
+#		print(STDERR "ldc/dc/rdc: $last_dcond/$dcond/$run_dcond\n");
+		if ($last_dcond*$dcond >= 0) {								# run is continuing (gradient does not change sign)
+			$run_dcond += $dcond;
+		} else {													# run has ended
+#			print(STDERR "new run at $lvcs (run_dcond = $last_dcond)\n");
+			$run_start = $lvcs;
+			$run_dcond = $dcond;
+		}
+		if (abs($run_dcond) <= 0.02) {								# small integrated gradient => okay
+			$lvc = $ants_[$s][$condF];								# update stored previous values
+			$lvcs = $s;
+			$last_dcond = $dcond;
+			next;													# process next scan
+		}
+#		print(STDERR "large gradient ($ants_[$run_start][$condF]-$ants_[$s][$condF], $run_dcond) run $run_start-$s\n");
+		my($i);
+		my($max_spike_length) = 24;
+		for ($i=$s; $i<=$run_start+$max_spike_length && $i<$nscans-1; $i++) {	# large gradient => check whether values return within 10s
+			next unless (numberp($ants_[$i][$condF]) &&
+						 numberp($ants_[$i+1][$condF]));
+			last if ((abs($ants_[$i][$condF]-$ants_[$run_start][$condF]) <= 0.005) &&	# 2 vals to avoid large gradients
+					 (abs($ants_[$i+1][$condF]-$ants_[$run_start][$condF]) <= 0.005));
+		}
+		if ($i>$run_start+$max_spike_length || $i==$nscans-1) {		# values don't return => leave data alone
+#			print(STDERR "values don't return => new run at $s\n");
+			$run_start = $s; $run_dcond = 0;
+			$lvc = $ants_[$run_start][$condF];						# start new run
+			$lvcs = $run_start;
+			$last_dcond = 0;
+			next;													# process next scan
+		}
+		$ns++;
+		for (my($j)=$run_start+1; $j<$i; $j++) {					# values return => remove bad spike
+			$ants_[$j][$condF] = nan;
+			$nv++;
+		}
+#		print(STDERR "values return at $i ($ants_[$i][$condF]) => deleted $run_start+1-$i; new run\n");
+		$run_start = $i; $run_dcond = 0;
+		$lvc = $ants_[$run_start][$condF];
+		$lvcs = $run_start;
+		$last_dcond = 0;
+	}
+	&antsAddParams("conductivity_spikes_removed",$ns);
+	printf(STDERR "\n\t%d conductivity values removed from %d spikes",$nv,$ns) if ($opt_v > 1);
+	printf(STDERR "\n") if ($opt_v);
+} # if $opt_r
+# Correcting for pressure bias
+print(STDERR "Correcting for pressure bias...") if ($opt_v);
+my($minP) = 9e99;
+for (my($s)=0; $s<$nscans; $s++) {
+	$minP = $ants_[$s][$pressF]
+		if numberp($ants_[$s][$pressF]) && ($ants_[$s][$pressF] < $minP);
+croak("$CNVfile: no valid CTD pressure data below 25dbar\n")
+	unless ($minP < 9e99);
+if ($minP < 25) {
+	&antsAddParams('pressure_bias',$minP);
+	printf(STDERR "\n\tsubtracting %.1f dbar",$minP) if ($opt_v > 1);
+	for (my($s)=0; $s<$nscans; $s++) {
+		$ants_[$s][$pressF] -= $minP
+			if numberp($ants_[$s][$pressF]);
+	}
+} else {
+	printf(STDERR "\n\tpartial-depth cast below %.1f dbar (no correction applied)",$minP) if ($opt_v > 1);
+printf(STDERR "\n") if ($opt_v);
+# Binning data
+my($sps) = round(1 / $sampint / $opt_s);
+print(STDERR "Creating ${opt_s}Hz time series ($sps samples per bin)...") if ($opt_v);
+$sp = $st = $sc = $np = $nt = $nc = 0;
+for (my($rec)=1,my($s)=0; $s<$nscans; $s++) {
+	if ($s*$sampint > $rec/$opt_s) {
+		$rec++;
+		push(@press,$np>0?$sp/$np:nan);
+		push(@temp, $nt>0?$st/$nt:nan);
+		push(@cond, $nc>0?$sc/$nc:nan);
+		$sp = $st = $sc = $np = $nt = $nc = 0;
+	}
+	$sp+=$ants_[$s][$pressF],$np++ if numberp($ants_[$s][$pressF]);
+	$st+=$ants_[$s][$tempF],$nt++ if numberp($ants_[$s][$tempF]);
+	$sc+=$ants_[$s][$condF],$nc++ if numberp($ants_[$s][$condF]);
+printf(STDERR "\n") if ($opt_v);
+# Calculating derived quantities
+print(STDERR "Calculating vertical package velocity & sound speed...") if ($opt_v);
+my($maxP) = -9e99; my($atBtm);
+my($min_sspd) = 9e99; my($max_sspd) = -9e99;
+for (my($r)=0; $r<@press; $r++) {
+	$maxP=$press[$r],$atBtm=$r if ($press[$r] > $maxP);
+	$elapsed[$r] = $r/$opt_s;
+	$depth[$r] = &depth($press[$r],$lat);
+	$salin[$r] = &salin($cond[$r],$temp[$r],$press[$r]);
+	$sspd[$r]  = &sVel($salin[$r],$temp[$r],$press[$r]);
+	$min_sspd = $sspd[$r] if ($sspd[$r] < $min_sspd);
+	$max_sspd = $sspd[$r] if ($sspd[$r] > $max_sspd);
+$w[0] = nan;
+for (my($r)=1; $r<@depth-1; $r++) {
+	$w[$r] = numbersp($depth[$r-1],$depth[$r+1])
+		   ? ($depth[$r+1] - $depth[$r-1]) * $opt_s
+		   : nan;
+printf(STDERR "\n") if ($opt_v);
+# Low-pass filter velocity data
+#	- interpolate missing vertical velocities first
+if ($opt_l > 0) {
+	print(STDERR "Low-pass filtering vertical package velocity...") if ($opt_v);
+	&antsAddParams('w_lowpass_cutoff',$opt_l);
+	my($trimmed) = 0;
+	shift(@w),shift(@depth),shift(@elapsed),shift(@sspd),$trimmed++
+		until numberp($w[0]);
+	my($interpolated) = 0;
+	for ($r=1; $r<@w; $r++) {
+		next if numberp($w[$r]);
+		my($lv) = $r-1;
+		for ($nv=$r+1; $nv<@depth && !numberp($w[$nv]); $nv++) {}
+		if ($nv < @depth) {
+			while ($r < $nv) {
+				$w[$r] = $w[$lv] + ($r-$lv)/($nv-$lv) * ($w[$nv]-$w[$lv]);
+				$interpolated++;
+				$r++;
+			}
+		} else {
+			$trimmed += @w-$r;
+			splice(@w,$r); splice(@depth,$r);
+			splice(@elapsed,$r); splice(@sspd,$r);
+		}
+	}
+	&antsAddParams('w_interpolated',$interpolated);
+	printf(STDERR "\n\t%d/%d vertical velocities trimmed/interpolated",$trimmed,$interpolated) if ($opt_v > 1);
+# Zero Pad Data
+	for ($pot=1; $pot<@w; $pot<<=1) {}									# determine power of two
+	for ($r=0; $r<@w; $r++) {											# copy data
+		$fftbuf[2*$r] = $w[$r];
+		$fftbuf[2*$r+1] = 0;
+	}
+	printf(STDERR "\n\t%d zero records added",$pot-$r) if ($opt_v > 1);
+	while ($r < $pot) { 												# pad with zeroes
+		$fftbuf[2*$r] = $fftbuf[2*$r+1] = 0;
+		$r++;
+	}
+# Low-Pass Filter
+	@fco = &FOUR1(-1,@fftbuf);											# forward FFT
+	$n = @fco/2;
+	for (my($ip)=2; $ip<=$n; $ip+=2) {									# +ve freq fco
+		my($in) = 2*$n-$ip; 											# -ve freq fco
+		my($f)	= $ip/2/$n*$opt_s; 										# frequency
+		$fco[$ip] = $fco[$ip+1] = $fco[$in] = $fco[$in+1] = 0
+			if ($f > 1/$opt_l); 										# low-pass filter
+	}
+	@w_lp = &FOUR1(1,@fco); 											# inverse FFT
+	printf(STDERR "\n") if ($opt_v);
+} else {
+	@w_lp = @w;
+if (defined($opt_p)) {
+	print(STDERR "Plotting data...\n") if ($opt_v);
+	my(@pfmt) = split(',',$opt_p);
+	croak("$0: cannot decode -p $opt_p\n")
+		unless (@pfmt == 2);
+	my($xmin) = $elapsed[0]/60;
+	my($xmax) = $elapsed[$#elapsed]/60;
+	my($ymin) = -3; my($ymax) = 3;
+	my($plotsize) = '13c';
+	GMT_begin(sprintf($pfmt[0],$id),"-JX${plotsize}","-R$xmin/$xmax/$ymin/$ymax",'-X6 -Y4');
+	GMT_psxy('-W2,255/127/80');
+	for ($r=0; $r<@w; $r++) {
+		printf(GMT "%f %f\n",$elapsed[$r]/60,$w_lp[2*$r]/@w_lp);
+		GMT_psxy('-W2,46/139/87') if ($r == $atBtm);
+	}
+	GMT_psbasemap('-Bg60a30f5:"Elapsed Time [min]":/g1a1f0.1:"Vertical Package Velocity [ms@+-1@+]":WeSn');
+	GMT_unitcoords();
+	GMT_pstext();
+	if (defined($outfile)) { printf(GMT "0.98 0.98 14 0 0 TR $outfile\n",$id); }
+	else 				   { printf(GMT "0.98 0.98 14 0 0 TR %03d\n",$id); }
+	GMT_end();	                
+	my($xmin) = round($min_sspd-3,5);
+	my($xmax) = round($max_sspd+3,5);
+	my($ymin) = 0; my($ymax) = round($depth[$atBtm]+70,100);
+	my($plotsize) = '13c';
+	GMT_begin(sprintf($pfmt[1],$id),"-JX${plotsize}/-${plotsize}","-R$xmin/$xmax/$ymin/$ymax",'-X6 -Y4');
+	GMT_psbasemap('-Bg10a10f1:"Speed of Sound [m/s]":/g1000a500f100:"Depth [m]":WeSn');
+	GMT_psxy('-W8,255/127/80');
+	for ($r=0; $r<@w; $r++) {
+		printf(GMT "%f %f\n",$sspd[$r],$depth[$r]);
+		GMT_psxy('-W6,46/139/87') if ($r == $atBtm);
+	}
+	GMT_unitcoords();
+	GMT_pstext();
+	if (defined($outfile)) { printf(GMT "0.98 0.98 14 0 0 TR $outfile\n",$id); }
+	else 				   { printf(GMT "0.98 0.98 14 0 0 TR %03d\n",$id); }
+	GMT_end();	                
+print(STDERR "Writing output...\n") if ($opt_v);
+@antsNewLayout = ('elapsed','press','temp','cond','depth','salin','sspd','w.raw','w');
+for ($r=0; $r<@w; $r++) {
+	&antsOut($elapsed[$r],$press[$r],$temp[$r],$cond[$r],$depth[$r],$salin[$r],$sspd[$r],$w[$r],$w_lp[2*$r]/@w_lp);
+exit(0);															# don't flush @ants_
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/LADCP_w_regrid	Sun Jul 26 20:04:48 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+#                    L A D C P _ W _ R E G R I D 
+#                    doc: Fri Apr 24 17:15:59 2015
+#                    dlm: Sun Jul 26 10:26:54 2015
+#                    (c) 2015 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 234 43 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+$antsSummary = 'edit and re-grid LADCP vertical-velocity samples';
+$antsMinLibVersion = 6.1;
+#	Apr 24, 2015: - created
+#	Apr 25, 2015: - maded gridding work
+#	Apr 26, 2015: - made editing work
+#	Apr 27, 2015: - added -p
+#	May  5, 2015: - modified Editfile syntax to use parens()
+#	May  7, 2015: - allow leading whitespace before Editfile labels
+#	May 17, 2015: - removed warning about missing ./Editfile
+#	May 18, 2015: - added important %PARAMs for dual-head data
+#				  - updated to libV6.1
+#	May 19, 2015: - added hab to output
+#				  - allow setting %PARAMS in Editfile
+#	May 20, 2015: - Editfile => EditParams
+#	Jun 18, 2015: - added -i
+#				  - implemented default output on -t stdout
+#				  - changed to libGMT.pl
+#				  - removed dead -d option
+#	Jul 26, 2015: - adapted for %output_grid_dz
+($ANTS) = (`which ANTSlib` =~ m{^(.*)/[^/]*$});
+die("$0: ANTSlib required but not found (bad \$PATH?)\n")
+	unless ($ANTS ne '');
+require "$ANTS/ants.pl";
+require "$ANTS/libstats.pl";
+require "$ANTS/libGMT.pl";
+	'[profile -i)d <id>]',
+	'[-o)utput bin <resolution[10m]>] [-k) require <min> samples]',
+	'[-p)lot <[%03d_wprof.eps]>]',
+	'<.samp file> [.samp file]');
+$dual_head = (@ARGV==1);
+$opt_o_override = defined($opt_o);
+$opt_o = $P{output_grid_dz};
+$opt_k_override = defined($opt_k);
+$opt_k = 2 * $P{ouput_grid_minsamp}
+	if defined($P{ouput_grid_minsamp});
+# Redirect STDOUT to %.wprof & create %_wprof.ps if STDOUT is a tty
+$id = defined($opt_i) ? $opt_i : &antsParam('profile_id');
+croak("$0: no profile_id in first file => -i required\n")
+	unless defined($id);
+if (-t STDOUT) {
+	$opt_p = '%03d_wprof.ps' unless defined($opt_p);
+	$outfile = sprintf('%03d.wprof',$id);
+	open(STDOUT,">$outfile") || die("$outfile: $!\n");
+# Library
+sub discard($$$)										# define bad-data filter
+	my($fnm,$min,$max) = @_;
+	my($fnr) = fnr($fnm);
+	$dscMin[$fnr] = numberp($min) ? $min : -9e99;
+	$dscMax[$fnr] = numberp($max) ? $max :  9e99;
+	$dscDUc[$fnr] = 2;
+sub discard_dc($$$)										# define bad-data filter
+	my($fnm,$min,$max) = @_;
+	my($fnr) = fnr($fnm);
+	$dscMin[$fnr] = numberp($min) ? $min : -9e99;
+	$dscMax[$fnr] = numberp($max) ? $max :  9e99;
+	$dscDUc[$fnr] = 1;
+sub discard_uc($$$)										# define bad-data filter
+	my($fnm,$min,$max) = @_;
+	my($fnr) = fnr($fnm);
+	$dscMin[$fnr] = numberp($min) ? $min : -9e99;
+	$dscMax[$fnr] = numberp($max) ? $max :  9e99;
+	$dscDUc[$fnr] = 0;
+sub isBad()
+	for (my($f)=0; $f<$antsBufNFields; $f++) {
+		next unless defined($dscDUc[$f]);
+		next unless ($dscDUc[$f]==2 || $dscDUc[$f]==$ants_[0][$dcF]);
+		return 1 unless ($ants_[0][$f] < $dscMin[$f]) ||
+				        ($ants_[0][$f] > $dscMax[$f]);
+	}
+	return 0;
+# Edit Data
+$wF = &fnr('w');
+$eF = &fnr('elapsed');
+$dF = &fnr('depth');
+$dcF = &fnr('downcast');
+$first_label 	= &antsRequireParam('run_label');
+$bin_length 	= &antsRequireParam('ADCP_bin_length');
+$pulse_length   = &antsRequireParam('ADCP_pulse_length');
+$blanking_dist  = &antsRequireParam('ADCP_blanking_distance');
+($dayNoP,$dn) = &antsFindParam('dn\d\d');
+croak("$0: cannot determine day number\n")
+	unless defined($dayNoP);
+if ($opt_p) {												# begin plot
+	$xmin = -0.1; $x2min = -200;
+	$xmax = 0.35; $x2max =	200;
+	$ymin =  0;
+	$ymax = antsParam('water_depth');
+	$ymax = antsRequireParam('max_depth') unless defined($ymax);
+	$plotsize = 13;
+	$R	= "-R$xmin/$xmax/$ymin/$ymax";
+	$R2 = "-R$x2min/$x2max/$ymin/$ymax";
+	GMT_begin(sprintf($opt_p,$id),"-JX$plotsize/-$plotsize",$R,'-X6 -Y4');
+	GMT_psxy('-W1');
+	print(GMT "0 $ymin\n0 $ymax");
+	GMT_psxy('-L -G200');
+	print(GMT "0.07 $ymin\n0.07 $ymax\n0.18 $ymax\n0.18 $ymin\n");
+	GMT_setR($R2);
+	GMT_psxy('-M -W1');
+	print(GMT ">\n50 $ymin\n50 $ymax\n");
+	print(GMT ">\n100 $ymin\n100 $ymax\n");
+	print(GMT ">\n150 $ymin\n150 $ymax\n");
+	GMT_setR($R);
+$min_depth =  9e99;										# sentinels
+$max_depth = -9e99;
+$curF = '';												# current input file (sentinel)
+$filt = 0;
+for (my($curF),$r=0; &antsIn(); $r++) {
+	if ($P{PATHNAME} ne $curF) {						# new file
+		$curF = $P{PATHNAME};
+		&antsInfo("WARNING: inconsistent %output_grid_dz in input files")
+			if (defined($P{output_grid_dz}) && $P{output_grid_dz}!=$opt_o &&!$opt_o_override);
+		&antsInfo("WARNING: inconsistent %output_grid_minsamp in input files")
+			if (defined($P{output_grid_minsamp}) && $P{output_grid_minsamp}*2!=$opt_k &&!$opt_k_override);
+		$bin_length = sprintf('%d & %d',round($bin_length),($P{ADCP_bin_length}))
+			unless (round($bin_length) == round($P{ADCP_bin_length}));
+		$pulse_length = sprintf('%d & %d',round($pulse_length),round($P{ADCP_pulse_length}))
+			unless (round($pulse_length) == round($P{ADCP_pulse_length}));
+		$blanking_dist = sprintf('%d & %d',round($blanking_dist),($P{ADCP_blanking_distance}))
+			unless (round($blanking_dist) == round($P{ADCP_blanking_distance}));
+		$PROF = $STN = $id; $RUN = antsRequireParam('run_label');
+		undef(@dscMin); undef(@dscMax);
+		do "./EditParams";
+		if (@dcw1) {									# 2nd file in dual-head profile => plot 1st
+			GMT_psxy('-W2,255/127/80,-');
+			for (my($bi)=0; $bi<=$#dcw1; $bi++) {
+				printf(GMT "%f %f\n",median(@{$dcw1[$bi]}),($bi+0.5)*$opt_o);
+			}
+			GMT_psxy('-W2,46/139/87,-');
+			for (my($bi)=0; $bi<=$#ucw1; $bi++) {
+				printf(GMT "%f %f\n",median(@{$ucw1[$bi]}),($bi+0.5)*$opt_o);
+			}
+			undef(@dcw1); undef(@ucw1);
+		}
+	}
+	$filt++,next if &isBad();
+	$min_depth = $ants_[0][$dF] if ($ants_[0][$dF] < $min_depth);
+	$max_depth = $ants_[0][$dF] if ($ants_[0][$dF] > $max_depth);
+	my($bi) = $ants_[0][$dF]/$opt_o;
+	if ($ants_[0][$dcF]) {								# downcast
+		push(@{$dcw[$bi]},$ants_[0][$wF]);				# vertical velocity
+		push(@{$dcw1[$bi]},$ants_[0][$wF]) if ($dual_head);
+		push(@{$dce[$bi]},$ants_[0][$eF]);	 			# elapsed time
+	} else {								 			# upcast
+		push(@{$ucw[$bi]},$ants_[0][$wF]);
+		push(@{$ucw1[$bi]},$ants_[0][$wF]) if ($dual_head);
+		push(@{$uce[$bi]},$ants_[0][$eF]);
+	}
+if (@dcw1) {											# 2nd file in dual-head profile in buffer => plot it
+	GMT_psxy('-W2,255/127/80,.');
+	for (my($bi)=0; $bi<=$#dcw1; $bi++) {
+		printf(GMT "%f %f\n",median(@{$dcw1[$bi]}),($bi+0.5)*$opt_o);
+	}
+	GMT_psxy('-W2,46/139/87,.');
+	for (my($bi)=0; $bi<=$#ucw1; $bi++) {
+		printf(GMT "%f %f\n",median(@{$ucw1[$bi]}),($bi+0.5)*$opt_o);
+	}
+&antsInfo("%d measurements edited (%d%% of total)",$filt,round(100*$filt/$r))
+	if ($filt > 0);
+# Average and Output Profile, Add to Plot
+@antsNewLayout = ('depth','hab',
+				  'dc_elapsed','dc_w','dc_w.mad','dc_w.nsamp',
+				  'uc_elapsed','uc_w','uc_w.mad','uc_w.nsamp');
+if ($dual_head) {										# selected %PARAMs only
+	&antsAddParams('profile_id',$id,'lat',$P{lat},'lon',$P{lon});
+	&antsAddParams($dayNoP,$dn,'run_label',"$first_label & $P{run_label}");
+	&antsAddParams('output_grid_dz',$opt_o,'output_grid_minsamp',$opt_k);
+	&antsAddParams('ADCP_bin_length',round($bin_length),'ADCP_pulse_length',round($pulse_length))
+	&antsAddParams('ADCP_blanking_distance',round($blanking_dist));
+	&antsAddParams('min_depth',round($min_depth),'max_depth',round($max_depth));
+	&antsAddParams('water_depth',$P{water_depth},'water_depth.sig',$P{water_depth.sig});
+	undef($antsOldHeaders);
+&antsInfo("WARNING: unknown water depth (no height-above-bottom)")
+	unless numberp($P{water_depth});
+for (my($bi)=0; $bi<=max($#dcw,$#ucw); $bi++) {
+	$dcwm[$bi] = median(@{$dcw[$bi]}); 
+	$ucwm[$bi] = median(@{$ucw[$bi]});
+	$dcns[$bi] = @{$dcw[$bi]};
+	$ucns[$bi] = @{$ucw[$bi]};
+	$dcwmad[$bi] = mad2($dcwm[$bi],@{$dcw[$bi]});
+	$ucwmad[$bi] = mad2($ucwm[$bi],@{$ucw[$bi]});
+	push(@{$out[$bi]},
+			 ($bi+0.5)*$opt_o,
+			 (numberp($P{water_depth}) ? $P{water_depth}-($bi+0.5)*$opt_o : nan),
+			 avg(@{$dce[$bi]}),
+			 (($dcns[$bi]>=$opt_k)?$dcwm[$bi]:nan),(($dcns[$bi]>=$opt_k)?$dcmad[$bi]:nan),
+			 scalar(@{$dcw[$bi]}),
+			 avg(@{$uce[$bi]}),
+			 (($ucns[$bi]>=$opt_k)?$ucwm[$bi]:nan),(($ucns[$bi]>=$opt_k)?$ucmad[$bi]:nan),
+			 scalar(@{$ucw[$bi]}));
+	&antsOut(@{$out[$bi]});				 
+if ($opt_p) {																		# complete plot
+	GMT_setR($R);
+	GMT_psxy('-W4,255/127/80');														# median profiles
+	for (my($bi)=0; $bi<=$#dcw1; $bi++) {
+		printf(GMT "%f %f\n",$dcwm[$bi],($bi+0.5)*$opt_o);
+	}
+	GMT_psxy('-W4,46/139/87');
+	for (my($bi)=0; $bi<=$#ucw1; $bi++) {
+		printf(GMT "%f %f\n",$ucwm[$bi],($bi+0.5)*$opt_o);
+	}
+	GMT_psxy('-Sc0.1 -G255/127/80');												# m.a.d. profiles
+	for (my($bi)=0; $bi<=$#dcw1; $bi++) {
+		printf(GMT "%f %f\n",$dcwmad[$bi],($bi+0.5)*$opt_o);
+	}
+	GMT_psxy('-Sc0.1 -G46/139/87');
+	for (my($bi)=0; $bi<=$#ucw1; $bi++) {
+		printf(GMT "%f %f\n",$ucwmad[$bi],($bi+0.5)*$opt_o);
+	}
+	GMT_setR($R2);
+	GMT_psxy('-Mn -W1,255/127/80');
+	for (my($bi)=0; $bi<=$#dcw1; $bi++) {
+		printf(GMT "%f %f\n",$dcns[$bi],($bi+0.5)*$opt_o);
+	}
+	GMT_psxy('-Mn -W1,46/139/87');
+	for (my($bi)=0; $bi<=$#dcw1; $bi++) {
+		printf(GMT "%f %f\n",$ucns[$bi],($bi+0.5)*$opt_o);
+	}
+	GMT_psbasemap('-Bf10a1000-950:"                                     # of Samples":N');
+	GMT_psbasemap('-Ba1000-900N'); GMT_psbasemap('-Ba1000-850N');
+	$depth_tics = ($ymax-$ymin< 1000) ? 'f10a100' : 'f100a500';
+	GMT_setR($R);
+	GMT_psbasemap('-Bf0.01a10-10.05:"Vertical Velocity [m/s]                               ":/' .
+						$depth_tics . ':"Depth [m]":WeS');
+	GMT_psbasemap('-Ba10-9.95S'); GMT_psbasemap('-Ba10-9.85S');
+	GMT_setR('-R0/1/0/1');
+	GMT_pstext('-Gblue -N');
+	if (defined($outfile)) { print(GMT "0.01 -0.06 14 0 0 TL $outfile\n"); }
+	else { printf(GMT "0.01 -0.06 14 0 0 TL %03d\n",$id); }
+	GMT_pstext();
+	print(GMT '0.62 0.98 12 0 0 MR m.a.d.');
+	GMT_end();
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/LADCP_wspec	Sun Jul 26 20:04:48 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+#                    L A D C P _ W S P E C 
+#                    doc: Thu Jun 11 12:02:49 2015
+#                    dlm: Tue Jun 16 13:20:57 2015
+#                    (c) 2012 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 334 19 NIL 0 0 72 10 2 4 NIL ofnI
+$antsSummary = 'calculate VKE window spectra from LADCP profiles';
+$antsMinLibVersion = 6.1;
+#	Jun 11, 2015: - adapted from [binpgrams]
+#	Jun 12, 2015: - renamed %PARAM prefixes
+#	Jun 15, 2015: - BUG: de-meaning did not respect _gap variables
+#				  - added %output_depth_resolution
+#				  - reversed semantics of -d/-u
+#	Jun 16, 2015: - reversed semantics of -t
+#				  - re-added pwrdens.0 to make output consistent with [binpgrams]
+($ANTSBIN) = (`which list` =~ m{^(.*)/[^/]*$});
+($ANTSLIB) = (`which ANTSlib` =~ m{^(.*)/[^/]*$});
+require "$ANTSLIB/ants.pl";
+require "$ANTSLIB/antsfilters.pl";
+require "$ANTSLIB/libstats.pl";
+require "$ANTSLIB/fft.pl";
+require "$ANTSLIB/lfit.pl";
+require "$ANTSLIB/nrutil.pl";
+require "$ANTSBIN/.lsfit.poly";
+require "$ANTSBIN/.nminterp.linear";
+# Usage
+			'[poly-o)rder <n[0]> to de-mean data; -1 to disable>] [suppress cosine-t)aper]',
+			'[-d)own/-u)pcast-only] [exclude -b)ottom window]',
+			'[shortwave -c)utoff <kz or lambda>]',
+			'[-s)urface <layer depth to exclude[150m]>',
+			'[-g)ap <max depth layer to fill with interpolation[40m]>]',
+			'[-w)indow <power-of-two input-records[32]>]',
+			'[LADCP-profile(s)]');
+&antsIntOpt(\$opt_o,0);										# polynomial order to remove
+if ($opt_o >= 0) {												# init model
+	&modelUsage();
+	matrix(\@covar,1,$modelNFit,1,$modelNFit);
+	vector(\@afunc,1,$modelNFit);
+	&antsAddParams('wspec::demean_poly_order',$opt_o);
+croak("$0: cannot ignore both down- and upcast\n")
+	unless ($opt_d+$opt_u < 2);
+if ($opt_d) {
+	&antsAddParams('wspec::input_data','dc');
+} elsif ($opt_u) {
+	&antsAddParams('wspec::input_data','uc');
+} else {
+	&antsAddParams('wspec::input_data','dc/uc');
+&antsAddParams('wspec::cos_taper_applied',$opt_t ? 'no' : 'yes');
+&antsAddParams('wspec::btm_window_included',$opt_b ? 'no' : 'yes');
+if (defined($opt_c)) {											# shortwave cutoff
+	$kzlim = ($opt_c < 1) ? $opt_c : 2*$PI/$opt_c;
+	&antsAddParams('wspec::shortwave_cutoff',$kzlim);
+} else {
+	$kzlim = 9e99;
+&antsCardOpt($opt_w);											# window size
+&antsCardOpt(\$opt_g,40);										# gap length [m]
+&antsCardOpt(\$opt_s,150);      								# surface layer
+&ISUsage;														# interpolation model
+# Read Data & Define Layout
+croak("LADCP_VKE: spectral-input mode must be selected manually (-f)\n")
+	if defined(fnrNoErr('pwrdens.0')) && !defined(fnrNoErr('dc_w'));
+$zfnr = fnr('depth');											# required fields
+unless (defined(fnrNoErr('dc_w'))) {							# 
+$dcwfnr = fnr('dc_w');
+$ucwfnr = fnr('uc_w');
+$habfnr = fnrNoErr('hab');										# optional fields
+&antsInstallBufFull(0);											# read entire file
+while ($ants_[0][$zfnr] < $opt_s) {								# remove surface layer
+	shift(@ants_);
+for ($trimmed=0; !numberp($ants_[$#ants_][$dcwfnr]) && !numberp($ants_[$#ants_][$ucwfnr]); $trimmed++) {
+	pop(@ants_);
+&antsInfo("$trimmed trailing non-numeric records trimmed")
+	if ($trimmed);
+$dz = &antsXCheck($zfnr,0,$#ants_,1.01);						# calc dT; 1% jitter
+$opt_g = int(($opt_g - 1) / $dz);								# [m] -> [records]
+unless (defined($opt_w)) {										# window size
+	for ($opt_w=32; $opt_w*$dz>600; $opt_w/=2) {}
+	&antsInfo("%d-m windows ($opt_w records)",$opt_w*$dz);
+croak(sprintf("$0: insufficient data (%d records found, %d required)\n",scalar(@ants_),$opt_w))
+	unless (@ants_ >= $opt_w);
+$zrange = $opt_w * $dz;											# NB: not equal to max-min!!!
+$resolution_bandwidth = 1 / $zrange;
+$resolution_bandwidth *= 2*$PI;
+for (my($i)=0; $i<$opt_w/2+1; $i++) {
+	my($kz) = 2*$PI*$i/$zrange;
+	last if ($kz > $kzlim);
+	&antsAddParams(sprintf('wspec::k.%d',$i),$kz);
+	&antsAddParams(sprintf('wspec::lambda.%d',$i),$i ? $zrange/$i : inf);
+	push(@antsNewLayout,sprintf('pwrdens.%d',$i));
+# interpolate short gaps
+for (my($r)=0; $r<=$#ants_; $r++) {
+	if (numberp($ants_[$r][$dcwfnr])) {								# number => no interp.
+		$dcLastValid = $r;
+	} elsif (defined($dcLastValid)) {
+		$ants_[$r][$dcwfnr] = &interpolate($zfnr,$opt_g,$dcwfnr,$dcLastValid,$r);
+		$interp++ if numberp($ants_[$r][$dcwfnr]);
+	}
+	if (numberp($ants_[$r][$ucwfnr])) {								# number => no interp.
+		$ucLastValid = $r;
+	} elsif (defined($ucLastValid)) {
+		$ants_[$r][$ucwfnr] = &interpolate($zfnr,$opt_g,$ucwfnr,$ucLastValid,$r);
+		$interp++ if numberp($ants_[$r][$ucwfnr]);
+	}
+&antsInfo("$interp non-numeric values interpolated")
+	if ($interp);
+# loop over windows
+sub avgF($$)														# average field over window
+	my($f,$r) = @_;
+	my(@vals);
+	push(@vals,$ants_[$r++][$f])
+		while (@vals < $opt_w);
+	return avg(@vals);
+unless ($opt_t) {													# compile taper function only if needed
+	sub cosTaperWeight($)
+	{
+		my($z) = $_[0] - $ants_[$fromR][$zfnr];						# elapsed time
+		return ($z<0.1*$zrange || $z>0.9*$zrange) ?
+					0.5*(1+cos(10*$PI*$z/$zrange-$PI)) : 1;
+	}
+WINDOW: for (my($widx)=1; 1; $widx++) {
+	undef(@out);
+	$out[0] = $widx;
+	local($fromR) = round(($widx-1)*($opt_w/2));					# local, cuz it's used in cosTaperWeight
+	#----------------------
+	# partial bottom window
+	#----------------------
+	if ($fromR+$opt_w-1 > $#ants_) {
+		last if ($opt_b);
+		$out[0] = -1;
+		$fromR = @ants_ - $opt_w;
+		$opt_b = 1;
+	}
+	#-----------------------------------
+	# output nan on non-numeric y values
+	#-----------------------------------
+	my($dc_gap) = $opt_u;											# exclude dc with -d, uc with -u
+	my($uc_gap) = $opt_d;
+	for (my($r)=$fromR; $r<$fromR+$opt_w; $r++) {
+		$dc_gap |= !numberp($ants_[$r][$dcwfnr]);
+		$uc_gap |= !numberp($ants_[$r][$ucwfnr]);
+	}
+	if ($dc_gap && $uc_gap) {
+		push(@out,$ants_[$fromR+$opt_w/2][$zfnr]);		
+		if ($ants_[0][$zfnr] > $ants_[1][$zfnr]) {		
+			push(@out,$ants_[$fromR+$opt_w-1][$zfnr]);	
+			push(@out,$ants_[$fromR][$zfnr]); 			
+		} else {										
+			push(@out,$ants_[$fromR][$zfnr]);			
+			push(@out,$ants_[$fromR+$opt_w-1][$zfnr]);	
+	    }
+	    push(@out,defined($habfnr) ?					
+						avgF($habfnr,$fromR) : nan);
+		push(@out,nan);								
+		for ($i=0; $i<=$opt_w/2; $i++) {			
+			push(@out,nan);
+		}
+		&antsOut(@out);												# output nan record and go to next window
+		next WINDOW;
+	}
+	#--------------------
+	# save current values
+	#--------------------
+	for (my($i)=0; $i<$opt_w; $i++) {
+		$dcwbuf[$i] = $ants_[$fromR+$i][$dcwfnr];
+		$ucwbuf[$i] = $ants_[$fromR+$i][$ucwfnr];
+	}
+	#------------------------
+	# polynomial de-"mean"ing
+	#------------------------
+	if ($opt_o >= 0) {
+		my($calc);
+		unless ($dc_gap) {
+			&modelInit();												# dc
+			for (my($a)=1; $a<=$modelNFit; $a++) { $iA[$a] = 1; }
+			&lfit($zfnr,$dcwfnr,-1,\@A,\@iA,\@covar,\&modelEvaluate,$fromR,$fromR+$opt_w-1);
+			&modelCleanup();
+			for (my($i)=0; $i<$opt_w; $i++) {
+				modelEvaluate($i,$zfnr,\@afunc);
+				for ($calc=0,my($p)=1; $p<=$modelNFit; $p++) {
+					$calc += $A[$p] * $afunc[$p];
+				}
+				$ants_[$fromR+$i][$dcwfnr] -= $calc;
+	        }
+	    }
+	    unless ($uc_gap) {
+			&modelInit();												# uc
+			for (my($a)=1; $a<=$modelNFit; $a++) { $iA[$a] = 1; }
+			&lfit($zfnr,$ucwfnr,-1,\@A,\@iA,\@covar,\&modelEvaluate,$fromR,$fromR+$opt_w-1);
+			&modelCleanup();
+			for (my($i)=0; $i<$opt_w; $i++) {
+				modelEvaluate($i,$zfnr,\@afunc);
+				for ($calc=0,my($p)=1; $p<=$modelNFit; $p++) {
+					$calc += $A[$p] * $afunc[$p];
+				}
+				$ants_[$fromR+$i][$ucwfnr] -= $calc;
+	        }
+	    }
+	}
+	#-----------
+	# taper data
+	#-----------
+	unless ($opt_t) {
+		for (my($i)=0; $i<$opt_w; $i++) {
+			$ants_[$fromR+$i][$dcwfnr] *= &cosTaperWeight($ants_[$fromR+$i][$zfnr]);
+			$ants_[$fromR+$i][$ucwfnr] *= &cosTaperWeight($ants_[$fromR+$i][$zfnr]);
+		}
+		$taper_correction = 1/0.875;
+	} else {
+		$taper_correction = 1;
+	}
+	#-------------
+	# PSD Estimate
+	#-------------
+#	for (my($r)=0; $r<$opt_w; $r++) {
+#		print(STDERR "$ants_[$fromR+$r][$dcwfnr], $ants_[$fromR+$r][$ucwfnr]\n");
+#	}
+	@dc_coeff = &cFFT($dcwfnr,nan,$opt_w,$fromR)				# FFT
+		unless ($dc_gap);
+	@uc_coeff = &cFFT($ucwfnr,nan,$opt_w,$fromR)
+		unless ($uc_gap);
+	croak("$0: -n $opt_w not a power-of-two\n")
+		unless (@dc_coeff/2==$opt_w || @uc_coeff/2==$opt_w);
+	@dc_pwr = &pgram_onesided($opt_w,@dc_coeff)					# total power
+		unless ($dc_gap);
+	@uc_pwr = &pgram_onesided($opt_w,@uc_coeff)
+		unless ($uc_gap);
+	push(@out,$ants_[$fromR+$opt_w/2][$zfnr]);					# middle z
+	if ($ants_[0][$zfnr] > $ants_[1][$zfnr]) {					# input descending
+		push(@out,$ants_[$fromR+$opt_w-1][$zfnr]);				# z.min
+		push(@out,$ants_[$fromR][$zfnr]); 						# z.max
+	} else {													# input ascending
+		push(@out,$ants_[$fromR][$zfnr]);						# z.min
+		push(@out,$ants_[$fromR+$opt_w-1][$zfnr]);				# z.max
+    }
+    push(@out,defined($habfnr) ?								# hab
+					avgF($habfnr,$fromR) : nan);
+	my($nsamp) = !$dc_gap + !$uc_gap;							# nsamp
+	push(@out,$nsamp);
+	my($totP) = 0;												# power
+	my($i);
+	for ($i=0; $i<$opt_w/2+1; $i++) {				
+		my($sumP) = 0;
+		$sumP += $dc_pwr[$i] * $taper_correction unless ($dc_gap);
+		$sumP += $uc_pwr[$i] * $taper_correction unless ($uc_gap);
+		push(@out,$sumP/$nsamp/$resolution_bandwidth)
+			unless (antsParam("k.$i") > $kzlim);
+		$totP += $sumP;
+	}
+	push(@out,$totP);											# total power
+	&antsOut(@out);
+	#--------------------------------
+	# undo tapering and/or de-meaning
+	#--------------------------------
+	for ($i=0; $i<$opt_w; $i++) {
+		$ants_[$fromR+$i][$dcwfnr] = $dcwbuf[$i];
+		$ants_[$fromR+$i][$ucwfnr] = $ucwbuf[$i];
+    }	
+&antsInfo("$skipped windows with non-numeric values skipped")
+	if ($skipped);
--- a/LWplot_BR	Mon Apr 20 14:04:04 2015 +0000
+++ b/LWplot_BR	Sun Jul 26 20:04:48 2015 +0000
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
 #					 L W P L O T _ B R 
 #                    doc: Mon Oct 17 10:57:12 2011
-#                    dlm: Thu Apr 16 10:40:35 2015
+#                    dlm: Wed May 20 20:43:04 2015
 #                    (c) 2011 A.M. Thurnherr
-#                    uE-Info: 19 0 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+#                    uE-Info: 20 0 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 #	Apr  5, 2015: - made fixbb optional
 #	Apr 16, 2015: - removed copy of input on stdout
 #				  - changed shell from /bin/ksh to /bin/sh
+#   May 20, 2015: - made it quit on EOF
 # Usage
@@ -30,13 +31,14 @@
 # Read Header Data
-while [ -z "$fields" ]
+read line
+while [ -z "$fields" -a -n "$line" ]
-	read line
 	[ -z "$out_basename" ] && out_basename=`expr -- "$line" : '#ANTS#PARAMS#.*out_basename{\([^}]*\)}`
 	[ -z "$run_label" ] && run_label=`expr -- "$line" : '#ANTS#PARAMS#.*run_label{\([^}]*\)}`
 	[ -z "$max_bin" ] && max_bin=`expr -- "$line" : '#ANTS#PARAMS#.*max_bin{\([^}]*\)}`
 	[ -z "$fields" ] && fields=`expr -- "$line" : '#ANTS#FIELDS# \(.*\)' | sed -e s/{//g -e s/}//g`
+	read line
 set -- $fields
--- a/LWplot_CAE	Mon Apr 20 14:04:04 2015 +0000
+++ b/LWplot_CAE	Sun Jul 26 20:04:48 2015 +0000
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
 #                    L W P L O T _ C A E 
 #                    doc: Wed May 15 19:35:58 2013
-#                    dlm: Thu Apr 16 10:40:42 2015
+#                    dlm: Wed May 20 20:43:33 2015
 #                    (c) 2013 A.M. Thurnherr
-#                    uE-Info: 18 0 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+#                    uE-Info: 40 0 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
 #	Apr  5, 2015: - made fixbb optional
 #   Apr 16, 2015: - removed copy of input on stdout
 #				  - changed shell from /bin/ksh to /bin/sh
+#   May 20, 2015: - made it quit on EOF
 # Usage
@@ -29,12 +30,13 @@
 # Read Header Data
-while [ -z "$fields" ]
+read line
+while [ -z "$fields" -a -n "$line" ]
-	read line
 	[ -z "$out_basename" ] && out_basename=`expr -- "$line" : '#ANTS#PARAMS#.*out_basename{\([^}]*\)}`
 	[ -z "$run_label" ] && run_label=`expr -- "$line" : '#ANTS#PARAMS#.*run_label{\([^}]*\)}`
 	[ -z "$fields" ] && fields=`expr -- "$line" : '#ANTS#FIELDS# \(.*\)' | sed -e s/{//g -e s/}//g`
+	read line
 set -- $fields
--- a/LWplot_Sv	Mon Apr 20 14:04:04 2015 +0000
+++ b/LWplot_Sv	Sun Jul 26 20:04:48 2015 +0000
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
 #					 L W P L O T _ S V 
 #                    doc: Sat Oct 15 13:42:50 2011
-#                    dlm: Thu Apr 16 11:18:10 2015
+#                    dlm: Wed May 20 20:43:55 2015
 #                    (c) 2011 A.M. Thurnherr
-#                    uE-Info: 93 0 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+#                    uE-Info: 52 0 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
 #   Apr 16, 2015: - removed copy of input on stdout
 #				  - changed shell from /bin/ksh to /bin/sh
 #				  - added seabed if available
+#	Apr 20, 2015: - removed _skel dependence
+#   May 20, 2015: - made it quit on EOF
 # Usage
@@ -34,9 +36,9 @@
 # Read Header Data
-while [ -z "$fields" ]
+read line
+while [ -z "$fields" -a -n "$line" ]
-	read line
 	[ -z "$out_basename" ] && out_basename=`expr -- "$line" : '#ANTS#PARAMS#.*out_basename{\([^}]*\)}`
 	[ -z "$run_label" ] && run_label=`expr -- "$line" : '#ANTS#PARAMS#.*run_label{\([^}]*\)}`
 	[ -z "$min_depth" ] && min_depth=`expr -- "$line" : '#ANTS#PARAMS#.*min_depth{\([^}]*\)}`
@@ -46,6 +48,7 @@
 	[ -z "$max_ens" ] && max_ens=`expr -- "$line" : '#ANTS#PARAMS#.*max_ens{\([^}]*\)}`
 	[ -z "$ADCP_bin_length" ] && ADCP_bin_length=`expr -- "$line" : '#ANTS#PARAMS#.*ADCP_bin_length{\([^}]*\)}`
 	[ -z "$fields" ] && fields=`expr -- "$line" : '#ANTS#FIELDS# \(.*\)' | sed -e s/{//g -e s/}//g`
+	read line
 set -- $fields
@@ -102,9 +105,10 @@
-cat `which LWplot_Sv | sed 's@LWplot_Sv$@Sv_scale.skel@'` >> "$eps_file"
+psbasemap -O -K $R $X -B$ens_tics:"Ensemble":/$depth_tics:"Depth [m]":WeSn >> "$eps_file"
-psbasemap -O $R $X -B$ens_tics:"Ensemble":/$depth_tics:"Depth [m]":WeSn >> "$eps_file"
+psscale -O -E -D8/2/3/0.4 $C -B/:S@-v@-: >> "$eps_file"
 [ -n "`which fixbb`" ] && fixbb "$eps_file"
--- a/LWplot_TL	Mon Apr 20 14:04:04 2015 +0000
+++ b/LWplot_TL	Sun Jul 26 20:04:48 2015 +0000
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
 #                    L W P L O T _ T L 
 #                    doc: Thu Oct 13 10:51:49 2011
-#                    dlm: Thu Apr 16 10:40:56 2015
+#                    dlm: Wed May 20 20:44:17 2015
 #                    (c) 2011 A.M. Thurnherr
-#                    uE-Info: 27 0 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+#                    uE-Info: 46 0 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
@@ -24,15 +24,16 @@
 #				  - BUG: ps file had not been closed properly (fixbb took care of that)
 #   Apr 16, 2015: - removed copy of input on stdout
 #				  - changed shell from /bin/ksh to /bin/sh
+#   May 20, 2015: - made it quit on EOF
 USAGE="Usage: $0 <eps-file> [in-file]"
 	[ $# -eq 2 ] && exec <"$2" "$0" "$1"
 	[ $# -ne 1 ] && { echo $USAGE >&2; exit 1; }
-while [ -z "$fields" ]
+read line
+while [ -z "$fields" -a -n "$line" ]
-	read line
 	[ -z "$out_basename" ] && out_basename=`expr -- "$line" : '#ANTS#PARAMS#.*out_basename{\([^}]*\)}`
 	[ -z "$run_label" ] && run_label=`expr -- "$line" : '#ANTS#PARAMS#.*run_label{\([^}]*\)}`
 	[ -z "$min_elapsed" ] && min_elapsed=`expr -- "$line" : '#ANTS#PARAMS#.*elapsed.min{\([^}]*\)}`
@@ -41,6 +42,7 @@
 	[ -z "$best_scan_offsets" ] && best_scan_offsets=`expr -- "$line" : '#ANTS#PARAMS#.*best_scan_offsets{\([^}]*\)}`
 	[ -z "$to_elapsed_limits" ] && to_elapsed_limits=`expr -- "$line" : '#ANTS#PARAMS#.*to_elapsed_limits{\([^}]*\)}`
 	[ -z "$fields" ] && fields=`expr -- "$line" : '#ANTS#FIELDS# \(.*\)' | sed -e s/{//g -e s/}//g`
+	read line
 set -- $fields
--- a/LWplot_corr	Mon Apr 20 14:04:04 2015 +0000
+++ b/LWplot_corr	Sun Jul 26 20:04:48 2015 +0000
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
 #					 L W P L O T _ C O R R 
 #                    doc: Sat Oct 15 13:42:50 2011
-#                    dlm: Thu Apr 16 10:41:02 2015
+#                    dlm: Wed May 20 20:44:44 2015
 #                    (c) 2011 A.M. Thurnherr
-#                    uE-Info: 20 0 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+#                    uE-Info: 48 0 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
 #	Apr  5, 2015: - made fixbb optional
 #   Apr 16, 2015: - removed copy of input on stdout
 #				  - changed shell from /bin/ksh to /bin/sh
+#   Apr 20, 2015: - removed _skel dependence
+#   May 20, 2015: - made it quit on EOF
 # Usage
@@ -31,9 +33,9 @@
 # Read Header Data
-while [ -z "$fields" ]
+read line
+while [ -z "$fields" -a -n "$line" ]
-	read line
 	[ -z "$out_basename" ] && out_basename=`expr -- "$line" : '#ANTS#PARAMS#.*out_basename{\([^}]*\)}`
 	[ -z "$run_label" ] && run_label=`expr -- "$line" : '#ANTS#PARAMS#.*run_label{\([^}]*\)}`
 	[ -z "$min_depth" ] && min_depth=`expr -- "$line" : '#ANTS#PARAMS#.*min_depth{\([^}]*\)}`
@@ -42,6 +44,7 @@
 	[ -z "$max_ens" ] && max_ens=`expr -- "$line" : '#ANTS#PARAMS#.*max_ens{\([^}]*\)}`
 	[ -z "$ADCP_bin_length" ] && ADCP_bin_length=`expr -- "$line" : '#ANTS#PARAMS#.*ADCP_bin_length{\([^}]*\)}`
 	[ -z "$fields" ] && fields=`expr -- "$line" : '#ANTS#FIELDS# \(.*\)' | sed -e s/{//g -e s/}//g`
+	read line
 set -- $fields
@@ -90,9 +93,10 @@
-cat `which LWplot_corr | sed 's@LWplot_corr$@corr_scale.skel@'` >> "$eps_file"
+psbasemap -O -K $R $X -B$ens_tics:"Ensemble":/$depth_tics:"Depth [m]":WeSn >> "$eps_file"
-psbasemap -O $R $X -B$ens_tics:"Ensemble":/$depth_tics:"Depth [m]":WeSn >> "$eps_file"
+psscale -O -E -D8/2/3/0.4 $C -B/:corr: >> "$eps_file"
 [ -n "`which fixbb`" ] && fixbb "$eps_file"
--- a/LWplot_prof	Mon Apr 20 14:04:04 2015 +0000
+++ b/LWplot_prof	Sun Jul 26 20:04:48 2015 +0000
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
 #					 L W P L O T _ P R O F 
 #                    doc: Fri Oct 14 09:42:36 2011
-#                    dlm: Thu Apr 16 10:41:09 2015
+#                    dlm: Wed May 20 20:45:55 2015
 #                    (c) 2011 A.M. Thurnherr
-#                    uE-Info: 24 0 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+#                    uE-Info: 56 0 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
@@ -21,6 +21,12 @@
 #	Apr  5, 2015: - made fixbb optional
 #   Apr 16, 2015: - removed copy of input on stdout
 #				  - changed shell from /bin/ksh to /bin/sh
+#	Apr 26, 2015: - adapted to LADCP_w_regrid output
+#				  - removed -N
+#				  - moved run_label above plot area
+#	May 19, 2015: - adapted to new layout (hab)
+#				  - BUG: erroneously let .VKE profiles pass
+#   May 20, 2015: - made it quit on EOF
 # Usage
@@ -35,21 +41,24 @@
 # Read Header Data
-while [ -z "$fields" ]
+read line
+while [ -z "$done" -a -n "$line" ]
-	read line
 	[ -z "$out_basename" ] && out_basename=`expr -- "$line" : '#ANTS#PARAMS#.*out_basename{\([^}]*\)}`
 	[ -z "$run_label" ] && run_label=`expr -- "$line" : '#ANTS#PARAMS#.*run_label{\([^}]*\)}`
 	[ -z "$min_depth" ] && min_depth=`expr -- "$line" : '#ANTS#PARAMS#.*min_depth{\([^}]*\)}`
 	[ -z "$max_depth" ] && max_depth=`expr -- "$line" : '#ANTS#PARAMS#.*max_depth{\([^}]*\)}`
-	[ -z "$fields" ] && fields=`expr -- "$line" : '#ANTS#FIELDS# \(.*\)' | sed -e s/{//g -e s/}//g`
+	[ -z "$water_depth" ] && water_depth=`expr -- "$line" : '#ANTS#PARAMS#.*water_depth{\([^}]*\)}`
+	newfields=`expr -- "$line" : '#ANTS#FIELDS# \(.*\)' | sed -e s/{//g -e s/}//g`
+	[ -z "$newfields" ] || fields=$newfields
+	done=`expr -- "$line" : '^[^#]\(.*\)'`
+	read line
 set -- $fields
 [ "$1" = depth -a "$4" = dc_w -a "$5" = dc_w.mad -a "$6" = dc_w.nsamp -a \
-  "${11}" = uc_w  -a "${12}" = uc_w.mad -a "${13}" = uc_w.nsamp -a \
-  "${20}" = BT_w  -a "${21}" = BT_w.mad -a "${22}" = BT_w.nsamp ] || {
-		echo "$0: file layout error" >&2
+  "$8" = uc_w  -a "$9" = uc_w.mad -a "${10}" = uc_w.nsamp ] || {
+		echo "$0: file layout error ($1, $4, $5, $6, $8, $9, ${10})" >&2
 		exit 1
@@ -62,7 +71,10 @@
 cd /tmp/$$
-cat > $TMPFILE
+	echo $line
+	sed s/#.*//
 [ -f .gmtdefaults4 ] ||
 	gmtset	PAPER_MEDIA letter+ \
@@ -70,8 +82,16 @@
 			WANT_EURO_FONT true \
 	        PLOT_DEGREE_FORMAT ddd:mm:ssF
+[ -n "$water_depth" ] && blim=`echo "scale=0;$water_depth/1+25"|bc` \
+				      || blim=`echo "scale=0;$max_depth/1+25"|bc`
+XTICS="-0.05 0.05 0.15"
+[ -r ./.LWplot_prof ] && . ./.LWplot_prof
@@ -83,22 +103,27 @@
 { echo 150 $min_depth; echo 150 $max_depth; } | psxy -O -K $R2 $X >> "$eps_file"
-awk '{print $4, $1}' $TMPFILE | psxy -O -K -N -Mn $R $X -W4/coral >> "$eps_file"
-awk '{print $11,$1}' $TMPFILE | psxy -O -K -N -Mn $R $X -W4/SeaGreen >> "$eps_file"
-awk '{print $20,$1}' $TMPFILE | psxy -O -K -N -Mn $R $X -W4/black >> "$eps_file"
+awk '{print $4,$1}' $TMPFILE | psxy -O -K  -Mn $R $X -W4/coral >> "$eps_file"
+awk '{print $8,$1}' $TMPFILE | psxy -O -K  -Mn $R $X -W4/SeaGreen >> "$eps_file"
-awk '{print  $5,$1, $4}' $TMPFILE | grep -vi nan | psxy -O -K -N  $R $X -Sc0.1c -Gcoral >> "$eps_file"
-awk '{print $12,$1,$11}' $TMPFILE | grep -vi nan | psxy -O -K -N  $R $X -Sc0.1c -GSeaGreen >> "$eps_file"
-awk '{print $21,$1,$20}' $TMPFILE | grep -vi nan | psxy -O -K -N  $R $X -Sc0.1c -Gblack >> "$eps_file"
+awk '{print $5,$1,$4}' $TMPFILE | grep -vi nan | psxy -O -K   $R $X -Sc0.1c -Gcoral >> "$eps_file"
+awk '{print $9,$1,$8}' $TMPFILE | grep -vi nan | psxy -O -K   $R $X -Sc0.1c -GSeaGreen >> "$eps_file"
+awk '{print $6,$1,$5}' $TMPFILE | sed '/nan/s/.*/nan/' | psxy -O -K  -Mn $R2 $X -W1/coral >> "$eps_file"
+awk '{print $10,$1,$9}' $TMPFILE | sed '/nan/s/.*/nan/' | psxy -O -K  -Mn $R2 $X -W1/SeaGreen >> "$eps_file"
-awk '{print  $6,$1, $4}' $TMPFILE | sed '/nan/s/.*/nan/' | psxy -O -K -N -Mn $R2 $X -W1/coral >> "$eps_file"
-awk '{print $13,$1,$11}' $TMPFILE | sed '/nan/s/.*/nan/' | psxy -O -K -N -Mn $R2 $X -W1/SeaGreen >> "$eps_file"
-awk '{print $22,$1,$20}' $TMPFILE | sed '/nan/s/.*/nan/' | psxy -O -K -N -Mn $R2 $X -W1/black >> "$eps_file"
+[ -n "$water_depth" ] && {
+	echo $XMIN $blim;
+	echo 0.35 $blim;
+	echo 0.35 $water_depth;
+	echo $XMIN $water_depth;
+} | psxy -O -K $R $X -G204/153/102 >> "$eps_file"
-echo 0.02 0.02 12 0 0 TL $out_basename $run_label | pstext -O -K $U $X >> "$eps_file"
+echo 0.02 -0.05 10 0 0 TL $out_basename $run_label | pstext -O -K -Gblue -N $U $X >> "$eps_file"
 echo 0.6 0.98 12 0 0 BR m.a.d. | pstext -O -K $U $X >> "$eps_file"
 if [ 0 -eq `echo "($max_depth-$min_depth)>1000"|bc` ]
--- a/LWplot_prof_2beam	Mon Apr 20 14:04:04 2015 +0000
+++ b/LWplot_prof_2beam	Sun Jul 26 20:04:48 2015 +0000
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
 #					 L W P L O T _ P R O F _ 2 B E A M 
 #                    doc: Fri Oct 14 09:42:36 2011
-#                    dlm: Thu Apr 16 13:59:55 2015
+#                    dlm: Wed May 20 20:42:08 2015
 #                    (c) 2011 A.M. Thurnherr
-#                    uE-Info: 1 9 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+#                    uE-Info: 21 39 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
@@ -16,6 +16,16 @@
 #				  - changed shell from /bin/ksh to /bin/sh
 #				  - slightly increased w range
 #				  - added seabed if available
+#	Apr 23, 2015: - added support for .LWplot_prof_2beam
+#				  - removed all -N
+#	May 20, 2015: - made it quit on EOF
+#	- In order to extend the x-axis range, create a file
+#	  called [.LWplot_prof_2beam] in the processing directory and
+#	  add something like the following lines:
+#		XMIN=-0.27
+#		XTICS="-0.25 -0.15 -0.05 0.05"
 # Usage
@@ -30,15 +40,16 @@
 # Read Header Data
-while [ -z "$fields" ]
+read line
+while [ -z "$fields" -a -n "$line" ]
-	read line
 	[ -z "$out_basename" ] && out_basename=`expr -- "$line" : '#ANTS#PARAMS#.*out_basename{\([^}]*\)}`
 	[ -z "$run_label" ] && run_label=`expr -- "$line" : '#ANTS#PARAMS#.*run_label{\([^}]*\)}`
 	[ -z "$min_depth" ] && min_depth=`expr -- "$line" : '#ANTS#PARAMS#.*min_depth{\([^}]*\)}`
 	[ -z "$max_depth" ] && max_depth=`expr -- "$line" : '#ANTS#PARAMS#.*max_depth{\([^}]*\)}`
 	[ -z "$water_depth" ] && water_depth=`expr -- "$line" : '#ANTS#PARAMS#.*water_depth{\([^}]*\)}`
 	[ -z "$fields" ] && fields=`expr -- "$line" : '#ANTS#FIELDS# \(.*\)' | sed -e s/{//g -e s/}//g`
+	read line
 set -- $fields
@@ -53,6 +64,19 @@
 # Plot Data
+[ -n "$water_depth" ] && blim=`echo "scale=0;$water_depth/1+25"|bc` \
+				      || blim=`echo "scale=0;$max_depth/1+25"|bc`
+XTICS="-0.05 0.05 0.15"
+[ -r ./.LWplot_prof_2beam ] && . ./.LWplot_prof_2beam
 eps_file="$PWD/$eps_file"	# make outfile name absolute (hopefully, it is not already...)
 mkdir /tmp/$$				# GMT makes tmpfiles and is not reentrant
 cd /tmp/$$
@@ -66,13 +90,6 @@
 			WANT_EURO_FONT true \
 	        PLOT_DEGREE_FORMAT ddd:mm:ssF
-[ -n "$water_depth" ] && blim=`echo "scale=0;$water_depth/1+25"|bc` \
-				      || blim=`echo "scale=0;$max_depth/1+25"|bc`
 { echo 0 0; echo 0 $blim; } | psxy -P -K $R $X > "$eps_file"
 { echo 0.07 0; echo 0.07 $blim; echo 0.18 $blim; echo 0.18 0; } | psxy -O -K $R $X -L -G200 >> "$eps_file"
@@ -81,28 +98,28 @@
 { echo 150 0; echo 150 $blim; } | psxy -O -K $R2 $X >> "$eps_file"
-awk '{print $7, $1}' $TMPFILE | psxy -O -K -N -Mn $R $X -W4,coral,6_2:0 >> "$eps_file"
-awk '{print $8, $1}' $TMPFILE | psxy -O -K -N -Mn $R $X -W4,coral,4_6:0 >> "$eps_file"
-awk '{print $14,$1}' $TMPFILE | psxy -O -K -N -Mn $R $X -W4,SeaGreen,6_2:0 >> "$eps_file"
-awk '{print $15,$1}' $TMPFILE | psxy -O -K -N -Mn $R $X -W4,SeaGreen,4_6:0 >> "$eps_file"
-awk '{print $16,$1}' $TMPFILE | psxy -O -K -N -Mn $R $X -W4,black >> "$eps_file"
+awk '{print $7, $1}' $TMPFILE | psxy -O -K -Mn $R $X -W4,coral,6_2:0 >> "$eps_file"
+awk '{print $8, $1}' $TMPFILE | psxy -O -K -Mn $R $X -W4,coral,4_6:0 >> "$eps_file"
+awk '{print $14,$1}' $TMPFILE | psxy -O -K -Mn $R $X -W4,SeaGreen,6_2:0 >> "$eps_file"
+awk '{print $15,$1}' $TMPFILE | psxy -O -K -Mn $R $X -W4,SeaGreen,4_6:0 >> "$eps_file"
+awk '{print $16,$1}' $TMPFILE | psxy -O -K -Mn $R $X -W4,black >> "$eps_file"
-awk '{print  $5,$1, $4}' $TMPFILE | grep -vi nan | psxy -O -K -N  $R $X -Sc0.1c -Gcoral >> "$eps_file"
-awk '{print $12,$1,$11}' $TMPFILE | grep -vi nan | psxy -O -K -N  $R $X -Sc0.1c -GSeaGreen >> "$eps_file"
-awk '{print $17,$1,$20}' $TMPFILE | grep -vi nan | psxy -O -K -N  $R $X -Sc0.1c -Gblack >> "$eps_file"
+awk '{print  $5,$1, $4}' $TMPFILE | grep -vi nan | psxy -O -K $R $X -Sc0.1c -Gcoral >> "$eps_file"
+awk '{print $12,$1,$11}' $TMPFILE | grep -vi nan | psxy -O -K $R $X -Sc0.1c -GSeaGreen >> "$eps_file"
+awk '{print $17,$1,$20}' $TMPFILE | grep -vi nan | psxy -O -K $R $X -Sc0.1c -Gblack >> "$eps_file"
-awk '{print  $6,$1, $4}' $TMPFILE | sed '/nan/s/.*/nan/' | psxy -O -K -N -Mn $R2 $X -W1/coral >> "$eps_file"
-awk '{print $13,$1,$11}' $TMPFILE | sed '/nan/s/.*/nan/' | psxy -O -K -N -Mn $R2 $X -W1/SeaGreen >> "$eps_file"
-awk '{print $18,$1,$20}' $TMPFILE | sed '/nan/s/.*/nan/' | psxy -O -K -N -Mn $R2 $X -W1/black >> "$eps_file"
+awk '{print  $6,$1, $4}' $TMPFILE | sed '/nan/s/.*/nan/' | psxy -O -K -Mn $R2 $X -W1/coral >> "$eps_file"
+awk '{print $13,$1,$11}' $TMPFILE | sed '/nan/s/.*/nan/' | psxy -O -K -Mn $R2 $X -W1/SeaGreen >> "$eps_file"
+awk '{print $18,$1,$20}' $TMPFILE | sed '/nan/s/.*/nan/' | psxy -O -K -Mn $R2 $X -W1/black >> "$eps_file"
 [ -n "$water_depth" ] && {
-	echo -0.1 $blim;
+	echo $XMIN $blim;
 	echo 0.35 $blim;
 	echo 0.35 $water_depth;
-	echo -0.1 $water_depth;
+	echo $XMIN $water_depth;
 } | psxy -O -K $R $X -G204/153/102 >> "$eps_file"
@@ -113,9 +130,11 @@
 [ $blim -lt 1000 ] && depth_tics=f10a100\
 				   || depth_tics=f100a500
-psbasemap -O -K $R $X -Bf0.01a10-10.05:"Vertical Velocity [m/s]                               ":/$depth_tics:"Depth [m]":WeS >> "$eps_file"
-psbasemap -O -K $R $X -Ba10-9.95S >> "$eps_file"
-psbasemap -O -K $R $X -Ba10-9.85S >> "$eps_file"
+psbasemap -O -K $R $X -Bf0.01:"Vertical Velocity [m/s]                               ":/$depth_tics:"Depth [m]":WeS >> "$eps_file"
+for t in $XTICS
+	psbasemap -O -K $R $X -Ba10-`echo "10-($t)"|bc`S >> "$eps_file"
 psbasemap -O -K $R2 $X -Bf10a1000-950:"                                     # of Samples":N >> "$eps_file"
 psbasemap -O -K $R2 $X -Ba1000-900N >> "$eps_file"
--- a/LWplot_residuals	Mon Apr 20 14:04:04 2015 +0000
+++ b/LWplot_residuals	Sun Jul 26 20:04:48 2015 +0000
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
 #					 L W P L O T _ R E S I D U A L S 
 #                    doc: Sat Oct 15 13:42:50 2011
-#                    dlm: Thu Apr 16 11:20:19 2015
+#                    dlm: Wed May 20 20:46:41 2015
 #                    (c) 2011 A.M. Thurnherr
-#                    uE-Info: 91 0 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+#                    uE-Info: 50 0 NIL 0 0 72 0 2 4 NIL ofnI
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 #   Apr 16, 2015: - removed copy of input on stdout
 #				  - changed shell from /bin/ksh to /bin/sh
 #				  - added seabed if available
+#   May 20, 2015: - made it quit on EOF
 # Usage
@@ -33,9 +34,9 @@
 # Read Header Data
-while [ -z "$fields" ]
+read line
+while [ -z "$fields" -a -n "$line" ]
-	read line
 	[ -z "$out_basename" ] && out_basename=`expr -- "$line" : '#ANTS#PARAMS#.*out_basename{\([^}]*\)}`
 	[ -z "$run_label" ] && run_label=`expr -- "$line" : '#ANTS#PARAMS#.*run_label{\([^}]*\)}`
 	[ -z "$min_depth" ] && min_depth=`expr -- "$line" : '#ANTS#PARAMS#.*min_depth{\([^}]*\)}`
@@ -45,6 +46,7 @@
 	[ -z "$max_ens" ] && max_ens=`expr -- "$line" : '#ANTS#PARAMS#.*max_ens{\([^}]*\)}`
 	[ -z "$ADCP_bin_length" ] && ADCP_bin_length=`expr -- "$line" : '#ANTS#PARAMS#.*ADCP_bin_length{\([^}]*\)}`
 	[ -z "$fields" ] && fields=`expr -- "$line" : '#ANTS#FIELDS# \(.*\)' | sed -e s/{//g -e s/}//g`
+	read line
 set -- $fields
@@ -100,9 +102,10 @@
-cat `which LWplot_residuals | sed 's@LWplot_residuals$@residuals_scale.skel@'` >> "$eps_file"
+psbasemap -O -K $R $X -B$ens_tics:"Ensemble":/$depth_tics:"Depth [m]":WeSn >> "$eps_file"
-psbasemap -O $R $X -B$ens_tics:"Ensemble":/$depth_tics:"Depth [m]":WeSn >> "$eps_file"
+psscale -O -E -D8/2/3/0.4 $C -B/:residuals: >> "$eps_file"
 [ -n "`which fixbb`" ] && fixbb "$eps_file"
--- a/LWplot_spec	Mon Apr 20 14:04:04 2015 +0000
+++ b/LWplot_spec	Sun Jul 26 20:04:48 2015 +0000
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
 #					 L W P L O T _ S P E C 
 #                    doc: Thu Sep  5 18:23:41 2013
-#                    dlm: Thu Apr 16 10:41:27 2015
+#                    dlm: Wed May 20 20:47:00 2015
 #                    (c) 2013 A.M. Thurnherr
-#                    uE-Info: 20 0 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+#                    uE-Info: 44 0 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
 #	Apr  5, 2015: - made fixbb optional
 #   Apr 16, 2015: - removed copy of input on stdout
 #				  - changed shell from /bin/ksh to /bin/sh
+#   May 20, 2015: - made it quit on EOF
 # Usage
@@ -31,14 +32,15 @@
 # Read Header Data
-while [ -z "$fields" ]
+read line
+while [ -z "$fields" -a -n "$line" ]
-	read line
 	[ -z "$out_basename" ] && out_basename=`expr -- "$line" : '#ANTS#PARAMS#.*out_basename{\([^}]*\)}`
 	[ -z "$run_label" ] && run_label=`expr -- "$line" : '#ANTS#PARAMS#.*run_label{\([^}]*\)}`
 	[ -z "$min_depth" ] && min_depth=`expr -- "$line" : '#ANTS#PARAMS#.*min_depth{\([^}]*\)}`
 	[ -z "$max_depth" ] && max_depth=`expr -- "$line" : '#ANTS#PARAMS#.*max_depth{\([^}]*\)}`
 	[ -z "$fields" ] && fields=`expr -- "$line" : '#ANTS#FIELDS# \(.*\)' | sed -e s/{//g -e s/}//g`
+	read line
 set -- $fields
--- a/LWplot_w	Mon Apr 20 14:04:04 2015 +0000
+++ b/LWplot_w	Sun Jul 26 20:04:48 2015 +0000
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
 #					 L W P L O T _ W 
 #                    doc: Sat Oct 15 13:42:50 2011
-#                    dlm: Thu Apr 16 11:17:23 2015
+#                    dlm: Wed May 20 20:47:23 2015
 #                    (c) 2011 A.M. Thurnherr
-#                    uE-Info: 76 0 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+#                    uE-Info: 52 0 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
 #   Apr 16, 2015: - removed copy of input on stdout
 #				  - changed shell from /bin/ksh to /bin/sh
 #				  - added seabed if available
+#   Apr 20, 2015: - removed _skel dependence
+#   May 20, 2015: - made it quit on EOF
 # Usage
@@ -34,9 +36,9 @@
 # Read Header Data
-while [ -z "$fields" ]
+read line
+while [ -z "$fields" -a -n "$line" ]
-	read line
 	[ -z "$out_basename" ] && out_basename=`expr -- "$line" : '#ANTS#PARAMS#.*out_basename{\([^}]*\)}`
 	[ -z "$run_label" ] && run_label=`expr -- "$line" : '#ANTS#PARAMS#.*run_label{\([^}]*\)}`
 	[ -z "$min_depth" ] && min_depth=`expr -- "$line" : '#ANTS#PARAMS#.*min_depth{\([^}]*\)}`
@@ -46,6 +48,7 @@
 	[ -z "$max_ens" ] && max_ens=`expr -- "$line" : '#ANTS#PARAMS#.*max_ens{\([^}]*\)}`
 	[ -z "$ADCP_bin_length" ] && ADCP_bin_length=`expr -- "$line" : '#ANTS#PARAMS#.*ADCP_bin_length{\([^}]*\)}`
 	[ -z "$fields" ] && fields=`expr -- "$line" : '#ANTS#FIELDS# \(.*\)' | sed -e s/{//g -e s/}//g`
+	read line
 set -- $fields
@@ -77,12 +80,13 @@
+C=-C`which LWplot_w | sed 's@LWplot_w$@w.cpt@'`
 ens_width=`echo "scale=5;10/($max_ens-$min_ens+1)"|bc`
 bin_length=`echo "scale=5;10*$ADCP_bin_length/($max_depth-$min_depth+$ADCP_bin_length)"|bc`
 awk "{print \$1, \$4, \$7, $ens_width, $bin_length}" $TMPFILE \
-	| psxy -P -K $R $X -C`which LWplot_w | sed 's@LWplot_w$@w.cpt@'` -Sr > "$eps_file"
+	| psxy -P -K $R $X $C -Sr > "$eps_file"
 [ -n "$water_depth" ] && {
 	echo $min_ens $blim;
 	echo $max_ens $blim;
@@ -101,9 +105,10 @@
-cat `which LWplot_w | sed 's@LWplot_w$@w_scale.skel@'` >> "$eps_file"
+psbasemap -O -K $R $X -B$ens_tics:"Ensemble":/$depth_tics:"Depth [m]":WeSn >> "$eps_file"
-psbasemap -O $R $X -B$ens_tics:"Ensemble":/$depth_tics:"Depth [m]":WeSn >> "$eps_file"
+psscale -O -E -D8/2/3/0.4 $C -B/:w: >> "$eps_file"
 [ -n "`which fixbb`" ] && fixbb "$eps_file"
--- a/Makefile	Mon Apr 20 14:04:04 2015 +0000
+++ b/Makefile	Sun Jul 26 20:04:48 2015 +0000
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 #                    M A K E F I L E 
 #                    doc: Mon Oct 17 13:29:27 2011
-#                    dlm: Fri Apr 17 11:26:13 2015
+#                    dlm: Tue Apr 21 20:55:33 2015
 #                    (c) 2011 A.M. Thurnherr
-#                    uE-Info: 20 36 NIL 0 0 72 0 2 4 NIL ofnI
+#                    uE-Info: 19 0 NIL 0 0 72 0 2 4 NIL ofnI
 MAKE_DIR = /Data/Makefiles
@@ -16,12 +16,8 @@
 	mkCPT -oc polar -- -0.03 -0.02 -0.01 -0.005 0.005 0.01 0.02 0.03 > $@
-#	mkCPT -m255/255/255 -o -- \#-90--60:2 > $@
-	mkCPT -m255/255/255 -o -- \#-100--60:2 > $@
+	mkCPT -m255/255/255 -o -- \#-90--60:2 > $@
+#	mkCPT -m255/255/255 -o -- \#-100--60:2 > $@
 	mkCPT -no -- \#70-120:5 \#120-130:0.5 > $@
-%_scale.skel: %.cpt
-	psscale -O -K -E -D8/2/3/0.4 -C$< -B/:"`echo $@ | sed s/_scale.skel//`": > $@
--- a/SBE_w	Mon Apr 20 14:04:04 2015 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,365 +0,0 @@
-#                    S B E _ W 
-#                    doc: Mon Nov  3 17:34:19 2014
-#                    dlm: Fri Apr 17 10:06:21 2015
-#                    (c) 2014 A.M. Thurnherr
-#                    uE-Info: 23 55 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
-$antsSummary = 'pre-process SBE 9plus CTD data for LADCP_w';
-$antsMinLibVersion = 6.0;
-#	Nov  3, 2014: - created
-#	Nov  4, 2014: - improved
-#	Nov  6, 2014: - BUG: sound speed was not calculated correctly
-#				  - added -a
-#				  - added conductivity & temperature editing
-#	Nov  7, 2014: - loosened outlier editing
-#				  - added no-valid-data error message
-#				  - modified binning criterion to allow any sampling
-#					frequency (not just divisors of 24)
-#	Apr 17, 2015: - added in-situ temperature to output
-($ANTS) = (`which ANTSlib`   =~ m{^(.*)/[^/]*$});
-require "$ANTS/ants.pl";
-require "$ANTS/fft.pl";
-require "$ANTS/libSBE.pl";
-require "$ANTS/libEOS83.pl";
-$antsParseHeader = 0;											# usage
-	'[-v)erbosity <level[0]>]',
-	'[use -a)lternate sensor pair]',
-	'[-r)etain all data (no editing)]',
-	'[-s)ampling <rate[6Hz]>]',
-	'[-l)owpass w <cutoff[2s]>]',
-	'<SBE CNV file>');
-&antsFloatOpt(\$opt_l,2);										# defaults
-$CNVfile = $ARGV[0];											# open CNV file
-&antsActivateOut();												# activate ANTS file
-# Read Data
-print(STDERR "Reading $CNVfile...") if ($opt_v);
-($nfields,$nscans,$sampint,$badval,$ftype,$lat,$lon) =			# decode SBE header	
-    SBE_parseHeader(F,0,0);										# SBE field names, no time check
-croak("$CNVfile: unexpected sampling interval $sampint\n")
-	unless (abs($sampint-1/24) < 1e-5);
-croak("$CNVfile: unknown latitude\n")
-	unless numberp($lat);
-$pressF = fnr('prDM');
-if ($opt_a) {													# temp/cond alternate sensor pair
-	$tempF	= fnr('t190C');
-	$condF	= fnrNoErr('c1S/m');
-	if (defined($condF)) {
-		$condHistRes = 10;		# 0.1 bins
-	} else {
-		$condF  = fnr('c1mS/cm');
-		$condHistRes = 1;		# 1.0 bins
-	}
-} else {														# primary sensor pair
-	$tempF	= fnr('t090C');
-	$condF	= fnrNoErr('c0S/m');
-	if (defined($condF)) {
-		$condHistRes = 10;
-	} else {
-		$condF  = fnr('c0mS/cm');
-		$condHistRes = 1;
-	}
-&antsInstallBufFull(0);											# read entire CNV file
-printf(STDERR "\n\t%d scans",$nscans) if ($opt_v > 1);
-printf(STDERR "\n") if ($opt_v);
-# Edit Data
-#	- pressure outliers & spikes
-#	- conductivity outliers & spikes
-unless ($opt_r) {
-	print(STDERR "Editing Data...") if ($opt_v);
-	#----------------------------------------
-	# trim initial records with nan pressures
-	#----------------------------------------
-	my($trimmed) = 0;												# trim leading nan pressures
-	shift(@ants_),$trimmed++
-		until numberp($ants_[0][$pressF]);
-	printf(STDERR "\n\t%d initial records with nan pressure and/or conductivity trimmed",$trimmed) if ($opt_v > 1);
-	my($lvp) = $ants_[0][$pressF];
-	#------------------------------------------------
-	# edit pressure outliers outside contiguous range
-	#------------------------------------------------
-	my($outliers) = 0; my($min,$max);
-	for (my($s)=0; $s<$nscans; $s++) {
-		$phist[$ants_[$s][$pressF]+1000]++
-			if ($ants_[$s][$pressF]>=-100 && $ants_[$s][$pressF]<=6500);
-	}
-	for ($max=25; 	$phist[$max+1000]||$phist[$max+1001]; $max++) {}	# outliers after 2 gaps
-	for ($min=$max; $phist[$min+1000]||$phist[$min+ 999]; $min--) {}
-	for (my($s)=0; $s<$nscans; $s++) {
-		if ($ants_[$s][$pressF] > $max) { $outliers++; $ants_[$s][$pressF] = nan; }
-		if ($ants_[$s][$pressF] < $min) { $outliers++; $ants_[$s][$pressF] = nan; }
-	}
-	&antsAddParams("pressure_outliers",sprintf("%d",$outliers));
-	printf(STDERR "\n\tcontinuous pressure range: %d..%d dbar (%d outliers removed)",$min,$max,$outliers) if ($opt_v > 1);
-	#----------------------------------------------------
-	# edit conductivity outliers outside contiguous range
-	#----------------------------------------------------
-	$outliers = 0;
-	my($modeSamp)=0;
-	undef(@phist);
-	for (my($s)=0; $s<$nscans; $s++) {
-		next unless ($ants_[$s][$condF] > 0);
-		my($b) = $ants_[$s][$condF]*$condHistRes;					# 1/10 S/m histogram resolution (1 mS/cm)
-		$phist[$b]++;
-		next unless ($phist[$b] > $modeSamp);
-		$modeSamp = $phist[$b]; $modeBin = $b;
-	}
-	for ($max=$modeBin; $phist[$max]||$phist[$max+1]; $max++) {}	# outliers after 2 gaps
-	for ($min=$modeBin; $phist[$min]||$phist[$min-1]; $min--) {}
-	$max /= $condHistRes; $min /= $condHistRes;
-	for (my($s)=0; $s<$nscans; $s++) {
-		if ($ants_[$s][$condF] > $max) { $outliers++; $ants_[$s][$condF] = nan; }
-		if ($ants_[$s][$condF] < $min) { $outliers++; $ants_[$s][$condF] = nan; }
-	}
-	&antsAddParams("conductivity_outliers",sprintf("%d",$outliers));
-	printf(STDERR "\n\tcontinuous conductivity range: %.1f..%.1f S/m (%d outliers removed)",$min,$max,$outliers) if ($opt_v > 1);
-	#----------------------------------------------------
-	# edit temperature outliers outside contiguous range
-	#----------------------------------------------------
-	$outliers = 0;
-	my($modeSamp)=0;
-	undef(@phist);
-	for (my($s)=0; $s<$nscans; $s++) {
-		next unless ($ants_[$s][$tempF] > 0);
-		my($b) = $ants_[$s][$tempF]*10;								# 10th of a degree histogram resolution
-		$phist[$b]++;
-		next unless ($phist[$b] > $modeSamp);
-		$modeSamp = $phist[$b]; $modeBin = $b;
-	}
-	for ($max=$modeBin; $phist[$max]||$phist[$max+1]; $max++) {}	# outliers after 2 gaps
-	for ($min=$modeBin; $phist[$min]||$phist[$min-1]; $min--) {}
-	$max /= 10; $min /= 10;
-	for (my($s)=0; $s<$nscans; $s++) {
-		if ($ants_[$s][$tempF] > $max) { $outliers++; $ants_[$s][$tempF] = nan; }
-		if ($ants_[$s][$tempF] < $min) { $outliers++; $ants_[$s][$tempF] = nan; }
-	}
-	&antsAddParams("temperature_outliers",sprintf("%d",$outliers));
-	printf(STDERR "\n\tcontinuous temperature range: %.1f..%.1f degC (%d outliers removed)",$min,$max,$outliers) if ($opt_v > 1);
-	#----------------------------------------
-	# edit pressure spikes based on gradients
-	#----------------------------------------
-	for (my($s)=1; $s<$nscans; $s++) {								# calculated pressure gradients (across gaps)
-		if (numberp($ants_[$s][$pressF])) {
-			$dp[$s-1] = $ants_[$s][$pressF] - $lvp;
-			$lvp = $ants_[$s][$pressF];
-		} else {
-			$dp[$s-1] = nan;
-		}
-	}
-	my($ns1,$ns2) = (0,0);
-	for (my($s)=0; $s<$nscans-2; $s++) {							# consecutive large pressure gradients of opposite sign
-		if (($dp[$s]*$dp[$s+1] < 0) &&								# tests return false if either of the dps is not defined
-			(abs($dp[$s]) > 10) &&
-			(abs($dp[$s+1]) > 10)) {
-				$ants_[$s+1][$pressF] = nan;
-				$dp[$s] = $dp[$s+1] = undef;
-				$ns1++;
-		}
-	}
-	for (my($s)=0; $s<$nscans-3; $s++) {							# 3 consecutive large pressure gradients of opposite sign
-		if (($dp[$s]>2	&& $dp[$s+1]<-4 && $dp[$s+2]>2) ||
-			($dp[$s]<-2 && $dp[$s+1]>4	&& $dp[$s+2]<-2)) {
-				$ants_[$s+1][$pressF] = $ants_[$s+2][$pressF] = nan;
-				$dp[$s] = $dp[$s+1] = $dp[$s+2] = undef;
-				$ns2+=2;
-		}
-	}
-	&antsAddParams("pressure_spikes_removed",sprintf("%d+%d",$ns1,$ns2));
-	printf(STDERR "\n\t%d+%d pressure spikes removed",$ns1,$ns2) if ($opt_v > 1);
-	printf(STDERR "\n") if ($opt_v);
-} # if $opt_r
-# Correcting for pressure bias
-print(STDERR "Correcting for pressure bias...") if ($opt_v);
-my($minP) = 9e99;
-for (my($s)=0; $s<$nscans; $s++) {
-	$minP = $ants_[$s][$pressF]
-		if numberp($ants_[$s][$pressF]) && ($ants_[$s][$pressF] < $minP);
-croak("$CNVfile: no valid CTD pressure data below 25dbar\n")
-	unless ($minP < 9e99);
-printf(STDERR "\n\tsubtracting %.1f dbar",$minP) if ($opt_v > 1);
-for (my($s)=0; $s<$nscans; $s++) {
-	$ants_[$s][$pressF] -= $minP
-		if numberp($ants_[$s][$pressF]);
-printf(STDERR "\n") if ($opt_v);
-# Binning data
-my($sps) = round(1 / $sampint / $opt_s);
-print(STDERR "Creating ${opt_s}Hz time series ($sps samples per bin)...") if ($opt_v);
-$sp = $st = $sc = $np = $nt = $nc = 0;
-for (my($rec)=1,my($s)=0; $s<$nscans; $s++) {
-	if ($s*$sampint > $rec/$opt_s) {
-		$rec++;
-		push(@press,$np>0?$sp/$np:nan);
-		push(@temp, $nt>0?$st/$nt:nan);
-		push(@cond, $nc>0?$sc/$nc:nan);
-		$sp = $st = $sc = $np = $nt = $nc = 0;
-	}
-	$sp+=$ants_[$s][$pressF],$np++ if numberp($ants_[$s][$pressF]);
-	$st+=$ants_[$s][$tempF],$nt++ if numberp($ants_[$s][$tempF]);
-	$sc+=$ants_[$s][$condF],$nc++ if numberp($ants_[$s][$condF]);
-printf(STDERR "\n") if ($opt_v);
-# Calculating derived quantities
-print(STDERR "Calculating vertical package velocity & sound speed...") if ($opt_v);
-for (my($r)=0; $r<@press; $r++) {
-	$elapsed[$r] = $r/$opt_s;
-	$depth[$r] = &depth($press[$r],$lat);
-	croak(sprintf("$CNVfile: unrealistic depth %d m at elapsed=%.1f s (r=$r)\n",
-		$depth[$r],$elapsed[$r]))
-			if numberp($depth[$r]) && ($depth[$r]<0 || $depth[$r]>6100);
-	$sspd[$r]  = &sVel(&salin($cond[$r],$temp[$r],$press[$r]),$temp[$r],$press[$r]);
-	croak(sprintf("$CNVfile: unrealistic soundspeed %dm/s at elapsed=%.1fs & depth=%.1fm ($cond[$r],$temp[$r],$press[$r])\n",
-		$sspd[$r],$elapsed[$r],$depth[$r]))
-			if numberp($sspd[$r]) && ($sspd[$r]<1400 || $sspd[$r]>1600);
-$w[0] = nan;
-for (my($r)=1; $r<@depth-1; $r++) {
-	$w[$r] = numbersp($depth[$r-1],$depth[$r+1])
-		   ? ($depth[$r+1] - $depth[$r-1]) * $opt_s
-		   : nan;
-printf(STDERR "\n") if ($opt_v);
-# Low-pass filter velocity data
-#	- interpolate missing vertical velocities first
-if ($opt_l > 0) {
-	print(STDERR "Low-pass filtering vertical package velocity...") if ($opt_v);
-	&antsAddParams('w_lowpass_cutoff',$opt_l);
-	my($trimmed) = 0;
-	shift(@w),shift(@depth),shift(@elapsed),shift(@sspd),$trimmed++
-		until numberp($w[0]);
-	my($interpolated) = 0;
-	for ($r=1; $r<@w; $r++) {
-		next if numberp($w[$r]);
-		my($lv) = $r-1;
-		for ($nv=$r+1; $nv<@depth && !numberp($w[$nv]); $nv++) {}
-		if ($nv < @depth) {
-			while ($r < $nv) {
-				$w[$r] = $w[$lv] + ($r-$lv)/($nv-$lv) * ($w[$nv]-$w[$lv]);
-				$interpolated++;
-				$r++;
-			}
-		} else {
-			$trimmed += @w-$r;
-			splice(@w,$r); splice(@depth,$r);
-			splice(@elapsed,$r); splice(@sspd,$r);
-		}
-	}
-	&antsAddParams('w_interpolated',$interpolated);
-	printf(STDERR "\n\t%d/%d vertical velocities trimmed/interpolated",$trimmed,$interpolated) if ($opt_v > 1);
-# Zero Pad Data
-	for ($pot=1; $pot<@w; $pot<<=1) {}									# determine power of two
-	for ($r=0; $r<@w; $r++) {											# copy data
-		$fftbuf[2*$r] = $w[$r];
-		$fftbuf[2*$r+1] = 0;
-	}
-	printf(STDERR "\n\t%d zero records added",$pot-$r) if ($opt_v > 1);
-	while ($r < $pot) { 												# pad with zeroes
-		$fftbuf[2*$r] = $fftbuf[2*$r+1] = 0;
-		$r++;
-	}
-# Low-Pass Filter
-	@fco = &FOUR1(-1,@fftbuf);											# forward FFT
-	$n = @fco/2;
-	for (my($ip)=2; $ip<=$n; $ip+=2) {									# +ve freq fco
-		my($in) = 2*$n-$ip; 											# -ve freq fco
-		my($f)	= $ip/2/$n*$opt_s; 										# frequency
-		$fco[$ip] = $fco[$ip+1] = $fco[$in] = $fco[$in+1] = 0
-			if ($f > 1/$opt_l); 										# low-pass filter
-	}
-	@w_lp = &FOUR1(1,@fco); 											# inverse FFT
-	printf(STDERR "\n") if ($opt_v);
-} else {
-	@w_lp = @w;
-print(STDERR "Writing output...\n") if ($opt_v);
-@antsNewLayout = ('elapsed','depth','temp','sspd','w.raw','w');
-for ($r=0; $r<@w; $r++) {
-	&antsOut($elapsed[$r],$depth[$r],$temp[$r],$sspd[$r],$w[$r],$w_lp[2*$r]/@w_lp);
-exit(0);															# don't flush @ants_
--- a/Sv.cpt	Mon Apr 20 14:04:04 2015 +0000
+++ b/Sv.cpt	Sun Jul 26 20:04:48 2015 +0000
@@ -1,25 +1,20 @@
-#ANTS# [04/17/15 ...vertical_velocity] mkCPT '-m255/255/255' '-o' '--' '#-100--60:2'
+#ANTS# [04/21/15 ...vertical_velocity] mkCPT '-m255/255/255' '-o' '--' '#-90--60:2'
 #ANTS#FIELDS# {from_z} {from_R} {from_G} {from_B} {to_z} {to_R} {to_G} {to_B} 
--100	194	0	255	-98	194	0	255
--98	134	0	255	-96	134	0	255
--96	73	0	255	-94	73	0	255
--94	12	0	255	-92	12	0	255
--92	0	49	255	-90	0	49	255
--90	0	109	255	-88	0	109	255
--88	0	170	255	-86	0	170	255
--86	0	231	255	-84	0	231	255
--84	0	255	219	-82	0	255	219
--82	0	255	158	-80	0	255	158
--80	0	255	97	-78	0	255	97
--78	0	255	36	-76	0	255	36
--76	24	255	0	-74	24	255	0
--74	85	255	0	-72	85	255	0
--72	146	255	0	-70	146	255	0
--70	206	255	0	-68	206	255	0
--68	255	243	0	-66	255	243	0
--66	255	182	0	-64	255	182	0
--64	255	121	0	-62	255	121	0
--62	255	61	0	-60	255	61	0
+-90	175	0	255	-88	175	0	255
+-88	96	0	255	-86	96	0	255
+-86	16	0	255	-84	16	0	255
+-84	0	64	255	-82	0	64	255
+-82	0	143	255	-80	0	143	255
+-80	0	223	255	-78	0	223	255
+-78	0	255	207	-76	0	255	207
+-76	0	255	128	-74	0	255	128
+-74	0	255	48	-72	0	255	48
+-72	32	255	0	-70	32	255	0
+-70	112	255	0	-68	112	255	0
+-68	191	255	0	-66	191	255	0
+-66	255	239	0	-64	255	239	0
+-64	255	159	0	-62	255	159	0
+-62	255	80	0	-60	255	80	0
 B	255	0	255
 F	255	0	0
 N	255	255	255
--- a/Sv_scale.skel	Mon Apr 20 14:04:04 2015 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-PSL_font_encode 0 get 0 eq {ISOLatin1+_Encoding /Helvetica /Helvetica PSL_reencode PSL_font_encode 0 1 put} if
-0 setlinecap
-0 setlinejoin
-3.32551 setmiterlimit
-944.882 59.0551 T
-%% PostScript produced by:
-%%GMT:  psscale -O -K -E -D8/2/3/0.4 -CSv.cpt -B/:Sv:
-%%PROJ: xy -100.00000000 -60.00000000 0.00000000 0.15748031 -100.000 -60.000 0.000 0.157 +xy +a=6378137.000 +b=6356752.314245
-0 A
-5 W
-47.2441 0 T 90 R
-V N 0 0 T 354 47 scale /DeviceRGB setcolorspace
-<< /ImageType 1 /Decode [0 1 0 1 0 1] /Width 20 /Height 1 /BitsPerComponent 8
-   /ImageMatrix [20 0 0 -1 0 1] /DataSource currentfile /ASCII85Decode filter /LZWDecode filter
->> image
-{1 0 1 C} FS
-0 47 M
-0 -47 D
--24 24 D
-{1 0 0 C} FS
-354 47 M
-0 -47 D
-24 24 D
-0 0 M 354 0 D S
-0 47 M 354 0 D S
-0 0 M 0 47 D S
-354 0 M 0 47 D S
-1 W
-0 0 M 0 47 D S
-18 0 M 0 47 D S
-35 0 M 0 47 D S
-53 0 M 0 47 D S
-71 0 M 0 47 D S
-89 0 M 0 47 D S
-106 0 M 0 47 D S
-124 0 M 0 47 D S
-142 0 M 0 47 D S
-159 0 M 0 47 D S
-177 0 M 0 47 D S
-195 0 M 0 47 D S
-213 0 M 0 47 D S
-230 0 M 0 47 D S
-248 0 M 0 47 D S
-266 0 M 0 47 D S
-283 0 M 0 47 D S
-301 0 M 0 47 D S
-319 0 M 0 47 D S
-337 0 M 0 47 D S
-354 0 M 0 47 D S
-2 W
-0 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (-100) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-0 -110 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (-100) Z U
-18 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (-98) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-18 -110 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (-98) Z U
-35 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (-96) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-35 -110 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (-96) Z U
-53 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (-94) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-53 -110 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (-94) Z U
-71 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (-92) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-71 -110 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (-92) Z U
-89 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (-90) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-89 -110 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (-90) Z U
-106 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (-88) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-106 -110 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (-88) Z U
-124 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (-86) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-124 -110 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (-86) Z U
-142 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (-84) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-142 -110 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (-84) Z U
-159 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (-82) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-159 -110 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (-82) Z U
-177 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (-80) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-177 -110 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (-80) Z U
-195 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (-78) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-195 -110 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (-78) Z U
-213 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (-76) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-213 -110 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (-76) Z U
-230 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (-74) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-230 -110 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (-74) Z U
-248 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (-72) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-248 -110 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (-72) Z U
-266 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (-70) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-266 -110 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (-70) Z U
-283 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (-68) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-283 -110 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (-68) Z U
-301 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (-66) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-301 -110 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (-66) Z U
-319 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (-64) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-319 -110 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (-64) Z U
-337 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (-62) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-337 -110 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (-62) Z U
-354 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (-60) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-354 -110 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (-60) Z U
-0 0 M 29 F0 (Sv) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-402 24 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w 2 div neg 0 G 29 F0 (Sv) Z U
--90 R -47.2441 0 T
--944.882 -59.0551 T 0 A
--- a/acoustic_backscatter.pl	Mon Apr 20 14:04:04 2015 +0000
+++ b/acoustic_backscatter.pl	Sun Jul 26 20:04:48 2015 +0000
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 #                    A C O U S T I C _ B A C K S C A T T E R . P L 
 #                    doc: Wed Oct 20 13:02:27 2010
-#                    dlm: Mon Apr 20 13:56:56 2015
+#                    dlm: Thu Jun 18 13:04:26 2015
 #                    (c) 2010 A.M. Thurnherr
-#                    uE-Info: 24 71 NIL 0 0 72 0 2 4 NIL ofnI
+#                    uE-Info: 27 82 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
@@ -22,6 +22,9 @@
 #	Apr 20, 2015: - added comments
 #				  - removed SS_{min,max}_allowed_range from calc_backscatter_profs()
 #				  - added correct_backscatter() & linterp() from laptop
+#	Apr 21, 2015: - added debug statements
+#	May 14, 2015: - BUG: code did not work for partial-depth casts
+#	Jun 18, 2015: - removed assertion marked by ##???, which bombed on P16N1#41 DL
 # Volume Scattering Coefficient, following Deines (IEEE 1999)
@@ -135,9 +138,6 @@
 	return $miy + ($x-$mix)/($max-$mix)*($may-$miy);
-$Sv_ref_bin = 1;  # bin 2 is slightly better than bin 5 => use closest bin as reference as originally intended
-				  # default setting choses first bin with data; do not set to values below 1
 sub correct_backscatter($$)
 	my($LADCP_start,$LADCP_end) = @_;
@@ -161,8 +161,18 @@
+	for ($i=$#refSvProf-1; $i>=0; $i--) {						# extrapolate upward to surface
+		next if ($refSvSamp[$i] > 0);
+		$refSvProf[$i] = $refSvProf[$i+1];
+		$refSvSamp[$i] = $refSvSamp[$i+1];
+	}
 	info("\tusing bin %d as reference\n",$Sv_ref_bin);
+#	for ($i=0; $i<@refSvProf; $i++) {
+#		print(STDERR "$i $refSvProf[$i] $refSvSamp[$i]\n");
+#	}
+#	die;
 	my(@dSvProf);												# create profiles for all bins
 	for ($bin=$LADCP_firstBin-1; $bin<=$LADCP_lastBin-1; $bin++) {	
@@ -171,11 +181,23 @@
 			$dSvProf[int($depth/100)][$bin] += $sSv[$depth][$bin] / $nSv[$depth][$bin];
+#		print(STDERR "dSvProf[bin$bin] = ");
 		for ($i=0; $i<@dSvSamp; $i++) {
-			next unless ($refSvSamp[$i] > 0) && ($dSvSamp[$i] > 0);
+			next unless ($dSvSamp[$i] > 0);
+			die("assertion failed (refSvSamp[$i] = $refSvSamp[$i])") unless ($refSvSamp[$i] > 0);
 			$dSvProf[$i][$bin] = $dSvProf[$i][$bin]/$dSvSamp[$i] - $refSvProf[$i];
+			$dSvProf[$i][$bin] = $dSvProf[$i-1][$bin]
+				if (abs($dSvProf[$i][$bin]) > 10);
+#			printf(STDERR "%.1f ",$dSvProf[$i][$bin]);
-		$dSvProf[$i][$bin] = $dSvProf[$i-1][$bin];				# extrapolate 100m
+		$i--;													# trim deepest, often anomalous, value
+#		print(STDERR "[delete] ");
+		while ($i <= int(scalar(@nSv)/100)+1) {
+			$dSvProf[$i][$bin] = $dSvProf[$i-1][$bin];			# extrapolate 100m
+#			printf(STDERR "[%.1f] ",$dSvProf[$i][$bin]);
+			$i++;
+		}
+#		print(STDERR "\n");
     for (my($ens)=$LADCP_start; $ens<=$LADCP_end; $ens++) {		# correct Sv data
@@ -184,9 +206,15 @@
 		for (my($bin)=$LADCP_firstBin-1; $bin<=$LADCP_lastBin-1; $bin++) {
 			next unless numberp($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{SV}[$bin]);
 			my($depth) = int($bd[$bin]);
-			$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{SV}[$bin] -= $dSvProf[int($depth/100)][$bin];
-				linterp($depth,100*int($depth/100),100*int($depth/100)+100,
-						$dSvProf[int($depth/100)][$bin],$dSvProf[int($depth/100)+1][$bin]);
+			if (numberp($dSvProf[int($depth/100)][$bin]) && numberp($dSvProf[int($depth/100)+1][$bin])) {
+#				print(STDERR "\n$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{SV}[$bin]? $dSvProf[int($depth/100)][$bin] $dSvProf[int($depth/100)+1][$bin] int($depth/100)+1[$bin]");
+				$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{SV}[$bin] -= # $dSvProf[int($depth/100)][$bin];
+					linterp($depth,100*int($depth/100),100*int($depth/100)+100,
+							$dSvProf[int($depth/100)][$bin],$dSvProf[int($depth/100)+1][$bin]);
+##???			die unless ($LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{SV}[$bin] < 0);							
+			} else {
+				$LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$ens]->{SV}[$bin] = nan;
+			}
--- a/corr_scale.skel	Mon Apr 20 14:04:04 2015 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,249 +0,0 @@
-PSL_font_encode 0 get 0 eq {ISOLatin1+_Encoding /Helvetica /Helvetica PSL_reencode PSL_font_encode 0 1 put} if
-0 setlinecap
-0 setlinejoin
-10 setmiterlimit
-944.882 59.0551 T
-%% PostScript produced by:
-%%GMT:  psscale -O -K -E -D8/2/3/0.4 -Ccorr.cpt -B/:corr:
-%%PROJ: xy 70.00000000 130.00000000 0.00000000 0.15748031 70.000 130.000 0.000 0.157 +xy +a=6378137.000 +b=6356752.314245
-0 A
-5 W
-47.2441 0 T 90 R
-{0.839 0 1 C} FS
-47 30 0 0 SB
-{0.678 0 1 C} FS
-47 29 30 0 SB
-{0.518 0 1 C} FS
-47 30 59 0 SB
-{0.353 0 1 C} FS
-47 29 89 0 SB
-{0.192 0 1 C} FS
-47 30 118 0 SB
-{0.0314 0 1 C} FS
-47 29 148 0 SB
-{0 0.129 1 C} FS
-47 30 177 0 SB
-{0 0.29 1 C} FS
-47 29 207 0 SB
-{0 0.451 1 C} FS
-47 30 236 0 SB
-{0 0.612 1 C} FS
-47 29 266 0 SB
-{0 0.773 1 C} FS
-47 3 295 0 SB
-{0 0.937 1 C} FS
-47 3 298 0 SB
-{0 1 0.902 C} FS
-47 3 301 0 SB
-{0 1 0.741 C} FS
-47 3 304 0 SB
-{0 1 0.58 C} FS
-47 3 307 0 SB
-{0 1 0.42 C} FS
-47 3 310 0 SB
-{0 1 0.259 C} FS
-47 3 313 0 SB
-{0 1 0.098 C} FS
-47 3 316 0 SB
-{0.0627 1 0 C} FS
-47 3 319 0 SB
-{0.227 1 0 C} FS
-47 3 322 0 SB
-{0.388 1 0 C} FS
-47 3 325 0 SB
-{0.549 1 0 C} FS
-47 3 328 0 SB
-{0.71 1 0 C} FS
-47 3 331 0 SB
-{0.871 1 0 C} FS
-47 3 334 0 SB
-{1 0.969 0 C} FS
-47 3 337 0 SB
-{1 0.808 0 C} FS
-47 3 340 0 SB
-{1 0.647 0 C} FS
-47 2 343 0 SB
-{1 0.482 0 C} FS
-47 3 345 0 SB
-{1 0.322 0 C} FS
-47 3 348 0 SB
-{1 0.161 0 C} FS
-47 3 351 0 SB
-{1 0 1 C} FS
-0 47 M
-0 -47 D
--24 24 D
-{1 0 0 C} FS
-354 47 M
-0 -47 D
-24 24 D
-0 0 M 354 0 D S
-0 47 M 354 0 D S
-0 0 M 0 47 D S
-354 0 M 0 47 D S
-1 W
-0 0 M 0 47 D S
-30 0 M 0 47 D S
-59 0 M 0 47 D S
-89 0 M 0 47 D S
-118 0 M 0 47 D S
-148 0 M 0 47 D S
-177 0 M 0 47 D S
-207 0 M 0 47 D S
-236 0 M 0 47 D S
-266 0 M 0 47 D S
-295 0 M 0 47 D S
-298 0 M 0 47 D S
-301 0 M 0 47 D S
-304 0 M 0 47 D S
-307 0 M 0 47 D S
-310 0 M 0 47 D S
-313 0 M 0 47 D S
-316 0 M 0 47 D S
-319 0 M 0 47 D S
-322 0 M 0 47 D S
-325 0 M 0 47 D S
-328 0 M 0 47 D S
-331 0 M 0 47 D S
-334 0 M 0 47 D S
-337 0 M 0 47 D S
-340 0 M 0 47 D S
-343 0 M 0 47 D S
-345 0 M 0 47 D S
-348 0 M 0 47 D S
-351 0 M 0 47 D S
-354 0 M 0 47 D S
-2 W
-0 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (70.0) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-0 -119 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (70.0) Z U
-30 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (75.0) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-30 -119 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (75.0) Z U
-59 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (80.0) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-59 -119 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (80.0) Z U
-89 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (85.0) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-89 -119 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (85.0) Z U
-118 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (90.0) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-118 -119 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (90.0) Z U
-148 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (95.0) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-148 -119 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (95.0) Z U
-177 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (100.0) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-177 -119 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (100.0) Z U
-207 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (105.0) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-207 -119 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (105.0) Z U
-236 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (110.0) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-236 -119 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (110.0) Z U
-266 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (115.0) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-266 -119 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (115.0) Z U
-295 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (120.0) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-295 -119 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (120.0) Z U
-298 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (120.5) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-298 -119 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (120.5) Z U
-301 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (121.0) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-301 -119 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (121.0) Z U
-304 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (121.5) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-304 -119 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (121.5) Z U
-307 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (122.0) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-307 -119 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (122.0) Z U
-310 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (122.5) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-310 -119 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (122.5) Z U
-313 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (123.0) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-313 -119 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (123.0) Z U
-316 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (123.5) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-316 -119 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (123.5) Z U
-319 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (124.0) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-319 -119 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (124.0) Z U
-322 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (124.5) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-322 -119 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (124.5) Z U
-325 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (125.0) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-325 -119 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (125.0) Z U
-328 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (125.5) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-328 -119 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (125.5) Z U
-331 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (126.0) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-331 -119 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (126.0) Z U
-334 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (126.5) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-334 -119 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (126.5) Z U
-337 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (127.0) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-337 -119 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (127.0) Z U
-340 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (127.5) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-340 -119 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (127.5) Z U
-343 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (128.0) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-343 -119 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (128.0) Z U
-345 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (128.5) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-345 -119 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (128.5) Z U
-348 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (129.0) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-348 -119 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (129.0) Z U
-351 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (129.5) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-351 -119 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (129.5) Z U
-354 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (130.0) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-354 -119 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (130.0) Z U
-0 0 M 29 F0 (corr) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-402 24 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w 2 div neg 0 G 29 F0 (corr) Z U
--90 R -47.2441 0 T
--944.882 -59.0551 T 0 A
--- a/defaults.pl	Mon Apr 20 14:04:04 2015 +0000
+++ b/defaults.pl	Sun Jul 26 20:04:48 2015 +0000
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 #                    D E F A U L T S . P L 
 #                    doc: Tue Oct 11 17:11:21 2011
-#                    dlm: Mon Apr 20 13:51:17 2015
+#                    dlm: Sun Jul 26 17:12:51 2015
 #                    (c) 2011 A.M. Thurnherr
-#                    uE-Info: 283 24 NIL 0 0 72 0 2 4 NIL ofnI
+#                    uE-Info: 379 12 NIL 0 0 72 0 2 4 NIL ofnI
@@ -46,6 +46,15 @@
 #                   plotting sub-system)
 #				  - croak -> error
 #				  - added $SS_use_BT, $SS_min_signal, $SS_min_samp
+#	Apr 20, 2015: - reduced value of $SS_min_allowed_range
+#				  - added $Sv_ref_bin
+#	Apr 21: 2015: - BUG: typo in $Sv_ref_bin
+#				  - decreased default verbosity
+#   May 15, 2015: - added $min_valid_vels
+#	May 20, 2015: - STN -> PROF
+#	Jul 23, 2015: - began adaptation to libGMT.pl
+#				  - changed .prof output .wprof
+#				  - -v docu was wrong
 # Data Input 
@@ -70,6 +79,12 @@
 $pitch_bias = $roll_bias = $heading_bias = 0;
+# minimum valid velocities to require in a LADCP file
+# 	throws an error if not enough valid vels in a file
+$min_valid_vels = 50;
 # bins to use in w calculations
 #	- set with -b
 #	- defaults to 2-last
@@ -81,13 +96,13 @@
 #	- there are 4 verbosity levels, selected by -v
-#		0:	only print errors
-#		1:	UNIX-like (warnings and info messages that are not produced for every cast)
-#		2:	(default) progress messages and useful information
+#		0 :	errors
+#		1*:	UNIX-like (warnings and info messages that are not produced for every cast; *DEFAULT)
+#		2 :	progress messages and useful information
 #		>2:	debug messges
 #	- the most useful ones of these are 1 & 2
 # output bin size in meters
@@ -102,7 +117,7 @@
 # output base name
-$out_basename = sprintf('%03d',$STN);
+$out_basename = sprintf('%03d',$PROF);
 # output subdirectories
@@ -242,9 +257,19 @@
-# Seabed Search
+# Acoustic Backscatter and Seabed Search
+# After applying the method of Deines (1999), an empirical correction
+# for Sv is applied to the data. The following variable determines which
+# bin is chosen to construct a reference profile for Sv. The bin number
+# is automatically increased if the selected bin does not contain valid
+# data, i.e. the default value of 1 ensures that the closest valid bin
+# is used to construct the reference profile.
+$Sv_ref_bin = 1; 
 # Set to folloing variable to 1 to use ADCP BT data to detect seabed 
 # instead of default code based on Sv (echo amplitude). I do not know
 # which code is better.
@@ -349,16 +374,13 @@
 # Vertical-velocity profile output and plots:
 # Data:
-#	*.prof				vertical velocity profiles
+#	*.wprof				vertical velocity profiles
 # Standard Plots:
-# 	*_prof.eps			vertical velocity profiles (main output plot)
-# Optional Plots:
-#	*_wspec.eps			vertical-velocity wavenumber spectra
+# 	*_wprof.ps			vertical velocity profiles (main output plot)
-@out_profile = ("| LWplot_prof_2beam $plot_subdir/${out_basename}_prof.eps",
-#			    "| LWplot_spec $plot_subdir/${out_basename}_spec.eps",
-			    "$data_subdir/$out_basename.prof");
+@out_profile = ("plot_wprof($plot_subdir/${out_basename}_wprof.ps)",
+			    "$data_subdir/$out_basename.wprof");
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/plot_wprof.pl	Sun Jul 26 20:04:48 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+#                    P L O T _ W P R O F . P L 
+#                    doc: Sun Jul 26 11:08:50 2015
+#                    dlm: Sun Jul 26 18:14:54 2015
+#                    (c) 2015 A.M. Thurnherr
+#                    uE-Info: 105 49 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+#	Jul 26, 2015: - created from LWplot_prof_2beam
+# Tweakables:
+# $plot_wprof_xmin = -0.27;
+# $plot_wprof_ymax = 5000;
+# $plot_wprof_xtics = "-0.25 -0.15 -0.05 0.05";
+require "$ANTS/libGMT.pl";
+sub setR1() { GMT_setR("-R$plot_wprof_xmin/0.35/0/$plot_wprof_ymax"); }
+sub setR2() { GMT_setR("-R-200/200/0/$plot_wprof_ymax"); }
+sub plotDC($)
+	my($f) = @_;
+	for (my($bi)=0; $bi<=$#{$DNCAST{$f}}; $bi++) {
+		printf(GMT (numberp($DNCAST{$f}[$bi]) ? "%g %g\n" : "nan nan\n"),
+				    $DNCAST{$f}[$bi],($bi+0.5)*$opt_o)
+			if ($DNCAST{N_SAMP}[$bi] >= $opt_k);
+	}
+sub plotUC($)
+	my($f) = @_;
+	for (my($bi)=0; $bi<=$#{$UPCAST{$f}}; $bi++) {
+		printf(GMT (numberp($UPCAST{$f}[$bi]) ? "%g %g\n" : "nan nan\n"),
+					$UPCAST{$f}[$bi],($bi+0.5)*$opt_o)
+			if ($UPCAST{N_SAMP}[$bi] >= $opt_k);
+	}
+sub plotBT($)
+	my($f) = @_;
+	for (my($bi)=0; $bi<=$#{$BT{$f}}; $bi++) {
+		printf(GMT (numberp($BT{$f}[$bi]) ? "%g %g\n" : "nan nan\n"),
+					$BT{$f}[$bi],($bi+0.5)*$opt_o)
+			if ($BT{N_SAMP}[$bi] >= $opt_k);
+	}
+sub plot_wprof($)
+	my($pfn) = @_;
+	$plot_wprof_xmin = -0.1
+		unless defined($plot_wprof_xmin);		
+	$plot_wprof_ymax = ($P{water_depth} > 0) ?
+					   round($P{water_depth} + 25) :
+					   round($P{max_depth} 	 + 25)
+		unless defined($plot_wprof_ymax);					  	
+	$plot_wprof_xtics = "-0.05 0.05 0.15"
+		unless defined($plot_wprof_xtics);
+	GMT_begin($pfn,'-JX10/-10',"-R$plot_wprof_xmin/0.35/0/$plot_wprof_ymax",'-P');		# START PLOT
+	GMT_psxy('-G200'); 																	# MAD background
+		print(GMT "0.07 0\n 0.07 $plot_wprof_ymax\n0.18 $plot_wprof_ymax\n0.18 0\n");
+	if ($P{water_depth} > 0) {															# SEABED
+		GMT_psxy('-G204/153/102');
+		print(GMT "$plot_wprof_xmin $plot_wprof_ymax\n0.35 $plot_wprof_ymax\n0.35 $P{water_depth}\n $plot_wprof_xmin $P{water_depth}\n");
+	}
+	setR1();																			# FRAME
+	GMT_psxy('-W1');
+		print(GMT "0 0\n 0 $plot_wprof_ymax\n");
+	setR2();
+	GMT_psxy('-W1 -M');
+		print(GMT ">\n50 0\n 50 $plot_wprof_ymax\n");
+		print(GMT ">\n100 0\n 100 $plot_wprof_ymax\n");
+		print(GMT ">\n150 0\n 150 $plot_wprof_ymax\n");
+	setR1();																			# VERTICAL VELOCITIES
+	GMT_psxy('-Mn -W4,coral,6_2:0'); 		plotDC('MEDIAN_W12');
+	GMT_psxy('-Mn -W4,coral,4_6:0'); 		plotDC('MEDIAN_W34');
+	GMT_psxy('-Mn -W4,SeaGreen,6_2:0'); 	plotUC('MEDIAN_W12');
+	GMT_psxy('-Mn -W4,SeaGreen,4_6:0'); 	plotUC('MEDIAN_W34');
+	GMT_psxy('-Mn -W4,black'); 				plotBT('MEDIAN_W');
+	GMT_psxy('-Sc0.1c -Gcoral');			plotDC('MAD_W');							# MEAN ABSOLUTE DEVIATIONS
+	GMT_psxy('-Sc0.1c -GSeaGreen');			plotUC('MAD_W');	
+	GMT_psxy('-Sc0.1c -Gblack');			plotBT('MAD_W');	
+	setR2();																			# SAMPLES
+	GMT_psxy('-Mn -W1/coral');				plotDC('N_SAMP');
+	GMT_psxy('-Mn -W1/SeaGreen');			plotUC('N_SAMP');	
+	GMT_psxy('-Mn -W1/black');				plotBT('N_SAMP');	
+	GMT_unitcoords();																	# LABELS
+	GMT_pstext();
+		print(GMT "0.02 0.02 12 0 0 TL $P{out_basename} $P{run_label}\n");
+		print(GMT "0.6 0.98 12 0 0 BR m.a.d.\n");
+	my($depth_tics) = ($plot_wprof_ymax < 1000 ) ? 'f10a100' : 'f100a500';				# AXES
+	setR1();
+	GMT_psbasemap("-Bf0.01:'Vertical Velocity [m/s]                               ':/$depth_tics:'Depth [m]':WeS");
+	foreach my $t (split('\s+',$plot_wprof_xtics)) {
+		GMT_psbasemap(sprintf('-Ba10-%fS',10-$t));
+	}
+	setR2();
+	GMT_psbasemap('-Bf10a1000-950:"                                     # of Samples":N');
+	GMT_psbasemap('-Ba1000-900N');
+	GMT_psbasemap('-Ba1000-850N');
+	GMT_end();																			# FINISH PLOT
+1; # return true on require
--- a/residuals_scale.skel	Mon Apr 20 14:04:04 2015 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-PSL_font_encode 0 get 0 eq {ISOLatin1+_Encoding /Helvetica /Helvetica PSL_reencode PSL_font_encode 0 1 put} if
-0 setlinecap
-0 setlinejoin
-10 setmiterlimit
-944.882 59.0551 T
-%% PostScript produced by:
-%%GMT:  psscale -O -K -E -D8/2/3/0.4 -Cresiduals.cpt -B/:residuals:
-%%PROJ: xy -0.03000000 0.03000000 0.00000000 0.15748031 -0.030 0.030 0.000 0.157 +xy +a=6378137.000 +b=6356752.314245
-0 A
-5 W
-47.2441 0 T 90 R
-{0.286 0.286 1 C} FS
-47 59 0 0 SB
-{0.573 0.573 1 C} FS
-47 59 59 0 SB
-{0.784 0.784 1 C} FS
-47 30 118 0 SB
-{1 A} FS
-47 59 148 0 SB
-{1 0.784 0.784 C} FS
-47 29 207 0 SB
-{1 0.573 0.573 C} FS
-47 59 236 0 SB
-{1 0.286 0.286 C} FS
-47 59 295 0 SB
-{0 0 1 C} FS
-0 47 M
-0 -47 D
--24 24 D
-{1 0 0 C} FS
-354 47 M
-0 -47 D
-24 24 D
-0 0 M 354 0 D S
-0 47 M 354 0 D S
-0 0 M 0 47 D S
-354 0 M 0 47 D S
-1 W
-0 0 M 0 47 D S
-59 0 M 0 47 D S
-118 0 M 0 47 D S
-148 0 M 0 47 D S
-207 0 M 0 47 D S
-236 0 M 0 47 D S
-295 0 M 0 47 D S
-354 0 M 0 47 D S
-2 W
-0 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (-0.030) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-0 -135 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (-0.030) Z U
-59 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (-0.020) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-59 -135 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (-0.020) Z U
-118 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (-0.010) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-118 -135 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (-0.010) Z U
-148 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (-0.005) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-148 -135 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (-0.005) Z U
-207 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (0.005) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-207 -135 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (0.005) Z U
-236 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (0.010) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-236 -135 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (0.010) Z U
-295 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (0.020) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-295 -135 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (0.020) Z U
-354 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (0.030) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-354 -135 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (0.030) Z U
-0 0 M 29 F0 (residuals) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-402 24 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w 2 div neg 0 G 29 F0 (residuals) Z U
--90 R -47.2441 0 T
--944.882 -59.0551 T 0 A
--- a/time_lag.pl	Mon Apr 20 14:04:04 2015 +0000
+++ b/time_lag.pl	Sun Jul 26 20:04:48 2015 +0000
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 #                    T I M E _ L A G . P L 
 #                    doc: Fri Dec 17 21:59:07 2010
-#                    dlm: Thu Apr 16 12:13:25 2015
+#                    dlm: Fri Jun 19 07:23:38 2015
 #                    (c) 2010 A.M. Thurnherr
-#                    uE-Info: 276 41 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
+#                    uE-Info: 61 10 NIL 0 0 72 2 2 4 NIL ofnI
@@ -57,6 +57,8 @@
 #				  - BUG: executable flag was not set on file output
 #				  - disabled active output when ANTS are not available
 #				  - croak -> error
+#	May 15, 2015: - fiddled with assertions
+#	Jun 19, 2015: - disabled L2 warning on partial-depth time-lagging failures
 #	NBP0901#131		this requires the search-radius doubling heuristic
@@ -106,9 +108,6 @@
 sub bestLag($$$$)								# find best lag in window
 	my($fe,$le,$ww,$soi) = @_;					# first/last LADCP ens, window width, scan-offset increment
-	die("assertion failed\n\tfe = $fe, le = $le, firstGoodEns = $firstGoodEns, lastGoodEns = $lastGoodEns")
-		unless ($fe>=$firstGoodEns && $le<=$lastGoodEns);
 	my($bestso) = 0;							# error at first-guess offset
 	my($bestmad) = mad_w($fe,$le,0);
@@ -159,13 +158,15 @@
 	my($n_valid_windows) = 0;
 	$first_ens = $approx_joint_profile_start_ens
-		if ($first_ens < $approx_joint_profile_start_ens); 
+		if ($first_ens < $approx_joint_profile_start_ens);
 	my($last_lag_piece) = ($last_ens == $lastGoodEns);							# none is following
 	$last_ens = $approx_joint_profile_end_ens
 		if ($last_ens > $approx_joint_profile_end_ens);
 	for (my($wi)=0; $wi<$n_windows; $wi++) {
 		my($fe) = $first_ens + int(($last_ens-$first_ens-$window_ens)*$wi/($n_windows-1)+0.5);
+		die("assertion failed\n\tfe = $fe, first_ens = $first_ens, last_ens = $last_ens, window_ens = $window_ens, firstGoodEns = $firstGoodEns, lastGoodEns = $lastGoodEns")
+			unless ($fe>=$firstGoodEns && $fe+$window_ens<=$lastGoodEns);
 		my($so,$mad) = bestLag($fe,$fe+$window_ens,$search_radius,$scan_increment);
 		$elapsed[$wi] = $LADCP{ENSEMBLE}[$fe+int($w_size/2/$LADCP{MEAN_DT}+0.5)]->{ELAPSED};
 		die("assertion failed\nfe=$fe, lastGoodEns=$lastGoodEns, w_size=$w_size") unless ($elapsed[$wi]);
@@ -215,7 +216,8 @@
 	unless ($nBest{$best_lag[0]}+$nBest{$best_lag[1]}+$nBest{$best_lag[2]} >= $opt_3*$n_valid_windows) {
 		if (max(@best_lag)-min(@best_lag) > $TL_max_allowed_three_lag_spread) {
 			warning(2,"$0: cannot determine a valid $ctmsg lag; top 3 tags account for %d%% of total (use -3 to relax criterion)\n",
-				int(100*($nBest{$best_lag[0]}+$nBest{$best_lag[1]}+$nBest{$best_lag[2]})/$n_valid_windows+0.5));
+				int(100*($nBest{$best_lag[0]}+$nBest{$best_lag[1]}+$nBest{$best_lag[2]})/$n_valid_windows+0.5))
+					unless ($ctmsg == 'partial-cast');
 			$failed = 1;				
 		} else {
 			warning(1,"top 3 tags account for only %d%% of total\n",
--- a/w_scale.skel	Mon Apr 20 14:04:04 2015 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-PSL_font_encode 0 get 0 eq {ISOLatin1+_Encoding /Helvetica /Helvetica PSL_reencode PSL_font_encode 0 1 put} if
-0 setlinecap
-0 setlinejoin
-10 setmiterlimit
-944.882 59.0551 T
-%% PostScript produced by:
-%%GMT:  psscale -O -K -E -D8/2/3/0.4 -Cw.cpt -B/:w:
-%%PROJ: xy -0.07000000 0.07000000 0.00000000 0.15748031 -0.070 0.070 0.000 0.157 +xy +a=6378137.000 +b=6356752.314245
-0 A
-5 W
-47.2441 0 T 90 R
-{0.251 0.251 1 C} FS
-47 51 0 0 SB
-{0.439 0.439 1 C} FS
-47 25 51 0 SB
-{0.561 0.561 1 C} FS
-47 25 76 0 SB
-{0.686 0.686 1 C} FS
-47 26 101 0 SB
-{0.812 0.812 1 C} FS
-47 25 127 0 SB
-{1 A} FS
-47 50 152 0 SB
-{1 0.812 0.812 C} FS
-47 26 202 0 SB
-{1 0.686 0.686 C} FS
-47 25 228 0 SB
-{1 0.561 0.561 C} FS
-47 25 253 0 SB
-{1 0.439 0.439 C} FS
-47 26 278 0 SB
-{1 0.251 0.251 C} FS
-47 50 304 0 SB
-{0 0 1 C} FS
-0 47 M
-0 -47 D
--24 24 D
-{1 0 0 C} FS
-354 47 M
-0 -47 D
-24 24 D
-0 0 M 354 0 D S
-0 47 M 354 0 D S
-0 0 M 0 47 D S
-354 0 M 0 47 D S
-1 W
-0 0 M 0 47 D S
-51 0 M 0 47 D S
-76 0 M 0 47 D S
-101 0 M 0 47 D S
-127 0 M 0 47 D S
-152 0 M 0 47 D S
-202 0 M 0 47 D S
-228 0 M 0 47 D S
-253 0 M 0 47 D S
-278 0 M 0 47 D S
-304 0 M 0 47 D S
-354 0 M 0 47 D S
-2 W
-0 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (-0.07) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-0 -119 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (-0.07) Z U
-51 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (-0.05) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-51 -119 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (-0.05) Z U
-76 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (-0.04) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-76 -119 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (-0.04) Z U
-101 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (-0.03) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-101 -119 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (-0.03) Z U
-127 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (-0.02) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-127 -119 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (-0.02) Z U
-152 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (-0.01) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-152 -119 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (-0.01) Z U
-202 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (0.01) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-202 -119 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (0.01) Z U
-228 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (0.02) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-228 -119 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (0.02) Z U
-253 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (0.03) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-253 -119 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (0.03) Z U
-278 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (0.04) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-278 -119 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (0.04) Z U
-304 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (0.05) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-304 -119 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (0.05) Z U
-354 0 M
-0 -24 D S
-0 0 M 29 F0 (0.07) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-354 -119 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w neg PSL_dim_h 2 div neg G 29 F0 (0.07) Z U
-0 0 M 29 F0 (w) E /PSL_dim_w exch def FP pathbbox N /PSL_dim_h exch def pop /PSL_dim_d exch def pop
-402 24 M V -90 R PSL_dim_w 2 div neg 0 G 29 F0 (w) Z U
--90 R -47.2441 0 T
--944.882 -59.0551 T 0 A