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The basal beds of the Blomidon Formation grade downward into mixed lacustrine-eolian sequence and then fluvial strata. The coarser grained rocks, such as the brown sandstones and gravels with minor beds of mudstone seen here at Paddy Island have traditionally been grouped into the Wolfville Formation. However recent work suggests that the type Wolfville is separated from these beds by an unconformity and that these beds belong in the same tectonostratigraphic sequence (i.e. TS III) as the Blomidon Formation.

Correlative beds on the north shore of the Minas basin have spectacularly developed eolian dune sandstones and are best exposed at Red Head, hence the name Red Head beds.


Reptile tracks are abundant at Paddy Island in the Red Head beds. Particularly abundant are tracks of the dinosaurian form Atreipus acadianus, which was quadrupedal (note the three toes hind foot and the dog-like fore foot). Also present on this slab is the quadrupedal track Brachychirotherium cf. B. parvum, and the small lepidosauromorph track Rhynchosauroides sp.. One beautiful skull of a the procolophonid Hypsognathus fenneri, otherwise known form Norian age strata of the Newark and Hartford basins was also found.