Schedule, Senior Seminar

Schedule - BC/CU Senior Seminar - Spring 2020

Students can take the senior seminar in the spring/fall or fall/spring sequence. We sometimes meet with the entire class, sometimes in separate sections with the two groups. We do not meet every week, please do not miss any sessions! Class meetings are highlighted in bold face.
Date spring/fall seq. (1st sem) fall/spring seq. (2nd sem) 
Jan. 23, 4:10-6:00
530 Altschul
530: Introductions, courseworks, website, emails, announcements (MS)
805: Goals of Senior Seminar, grading policy (MP),  signup (MM), career speaker suggestions (MP), scientific writing (JK), What makes a good thesis project (MP), Advisor/mentor/student relationship (JK), Peer review process (MM)
530: Course overview, signup, grading policy (MS), Statistics/data analyses questions (MS); Career speaker suggestions (MS); Senior thesis versus scientific journal article (SM);  common issues with proposals (MS)
Jan. 30, no class
Individual meetings with advisors and mentors to discuss thesis topic, no class
Individual meetings with advisors and mentors discussion of thesis proposal, no class
Feb. 6, no class

Individual meetings with advisors and mentors to discuss thesis topic, no class Individual meetings  with advisors and mentors  discussion of thesis, no class
Feb. 13, 4:10-6:00
805 & 530 Altschul
805: Outline (MS), Discussion of assigned thesis proposal,  IRB (JK),  Plagiarism (SM),  How to write an introduction (EC), Peer review groups (MS), Concept maps (LB)
Individual meetings with advisors and mentors to discuss thesis topic
Due: Read assigned thesis proposal
530: Statistics and Data Analysis Salon (optional)  (MP,RC)
Individual meetings with advisors and mentors discussion of thesis
Feb. 20, 4:10-6:00
530 & 805 Altschul
530: Methods of library research, ISI Web of Science (SM), Discussion of concept maps (EC)
Individual meetings
with advisors and mentors to discuss thesis topic
Due: Concept map of your introduction
805: Statistics and Data Analysis Salon, R (optional)  (RC)
Individual meetings
with advisors and mentors discussion of thesis
Feb. 27, 4:10-6:00
405 Milbank
Careers, Funding opportunities for senior thesis work (e.g. travel) (EC, EL)
Due: Outline of thesis proposal, incl 10 references (1 copy) Due: 1st draft of thesis (1 copy)
Mar. 5, 4:10-6:00
805 & 530 Altschul
Individual meetings with advisors and mentors  discussion of thesis proposal outline, no class
530: How to make a poster (TBA)30 second slides, (TBA)
Individual meetings  with advisors and mentors  discussion of thesis draft
Mar. 12, 4:10-6:00
on-line, see announcements
805: How to give a scientific talk (SH,RC)
PPT & other tech. issues,
remote (MS), Results, figures & captions (MM), Abstract Salon (LB)
Individual meetings  with advisors and mentors
Due: Abstract draft and a figure
530: Figures and Graphs Salon (optional) (SM) Individual meetings  with advisors and mentors  discussion of thesis draft
Mar. 19, no class
Mar. 26,  4:10-6:00
on-line, see announcements
Mini-conference 1, 10min presentations plus 3min discussion (see student list for time assignment)

Mar. 26

11 Apr. 2, 4:10-6:00
on-line, see announcements
Mini-conference 2, 10min presentations plus 3min discussion (see student list for time & peer assignment)
Individual meetings  with seminar faculty and mentors, discuss poster, final thesis/proposal, look at examples of thesis proposals and theses
Due: thesis proposal draft, 2 copies, begin of peer review process Due: 2nd draft of thesis, 3 copies, begin of peer review process
Apr. 9, 4:10-6:00
on-line, see announcements
Mini-conference 3, 10min presentations plus 3min discussion (see student list for time & peer assignment)
Individual meetings  with seminar faculty and mentors, discuss poster, final thesis/proposal
Apr. 16, 4:10-6:00
on-line, see announcements
Individual meetings  with seminar faculty and mentors, discuss final thesis/proposal
You are welcome to attend the 2nd semester session today about posters
Due: copy of review sheet for your peer (Courseworks)
Presentation of 30s slide in class/discussion of poster drafts
poster drafts, 30s slide draft, discussion in class, copy of review sheet for your peer (Courseworks)

by Mo Apr 20, 12 noon
Due: upload final poster as ppt and pdf file on courseworks

by Tu Apr 21, 12 noon

Due: deposit  final narrated summary ppt slide on courseworks, submit name/title for program
Apr. 23, 4:30pm-7pm
on-line, see announcements
Poster session
Due: upload final poster as ppt and pdf file on courseworks(2nd semester students only)
Apr 30,  4:10-5:30
on-line, see announcements
Careers: How to get ahead in Professional organizational environments (S. Cohen?)
Mo May 4, midnight EDT, on-line; no class Due: Final thesis/proposal (electronic copy on courseworks)


Draft/outline due means you should hand in:
Peer review
Final thesis/proposal due means you should hand in: Presentations about your thesis/proposal Individual meetings with advisors (seminar faculty), mentors, peers Present 30 second summary slides in class/discussion of poster drafts
Poster session
Where to find help with data analysis