Publications in peer-reviewed journals

in review

GIA imaging of 3D mantle viscosity based on paleo sea-level observations - Part I: Sensitivity kernels for an Earth with laterally varying viscosity
A.J. Lloyd, O. Crawford, D. Al-Attar, J. Austermann, M.J. Hoggard, F.D. Richards, F. Syvret, in review GJI.

Effects of Using the Consistent Boundary Flux Method on Dynamic Topography Estimates
Williams, K., J. Austermann, D. S. Stamps, S. King, E. Njinju, in review GJI.

Global mean sea level higher than present during the Holocene
Creel, R., J. Austermann, R.E. Kopp, N.S. Khan, T. Albrecht, J. Kingslake, in review Nature Communications.

Glacial Isostatic Adjustment reduces past and future Arctic subsea permafrost
Creel, R., F. Miesner, S. Wilkenskjeld , J. Austermann, P. P. Overduin, in review Nature Communications.

Imprint of relative sea-level histories on Last Interglacial coral preservation
R. Cleveland Stout, T. Pico, P. Huybers, J.X. Mitrovica, J. Austermann, in review QSR.


Geodynamically corrected Pliocene shoreline elevations in Australia consistent with mid-range projections of Antarctic ice loss
Richards, F., S. L. Coulson, M. J. Hoggard, J. Austermann, B. Dyer, J. X. Mitrovica, in press. Science Advances.

The influence of reef isostasy, dynamic topography, and glacial isostatic adjustment on the Last Interglacial sea-level record of Northeastern Australia
A. Rovere, T. Pico, F. Richards, M.J. O'Leary, J.X. Mitrovica, I.D. Goodwin, J. Austermann, K. Latychev, in press Communications Earth and Environment.

Last interglacial global mean sea level from high-precision series ages of Bahamian fossil coral reefs
O.A. Dumitru, B. Dyer, J. Austermann, M.R. Sandstrom, S.L. Goldstein, W.J. D'Andrea, M. Cashman, R. Creel, L. Bolge, M.E. Raymo. in press QSR.

Constraining the contribution of the Antarctic Ice Sheet to the Last Interglacial sea-level highstand
R.L. Barnett*, J. Austermann*, B. Dyer, M.W. Telfer, N.L.M Barlow, S.J. Boulton, A.S. Carr, R.C. Creel (2023). Science Advances 9, eadf0198. DOI:10.1126/sciadv.adf0198. *these two authors contributed equally

New dating and elevations of a fossil reef in Lembetabe, southwest Madagascar: eustatic and tectonic implications
J. Weil-Accardo, P. Boyden, A. Rovere, N. Godeau, N. Jaosedy, A. Guihou, M. Humblet, M. N. Rajaonarivelo, J. Austermann, P. Deschamps (2023). Quaternary Science Reviews 313,

Inference of the timescale-dependent apparent viscosity structure in the upper mantle beneath Greenland
G.J.G. Paxman**, H.C.P. Lau, J. Austermann, B. Holtzman, C. Havlin (2023). AGU Advances, **This work was highlighted in EOS

A revised estimate of early Pliocene global mean sea level using geodynamic models of the Patagonian slab window
A. Hollyday, J. Austermann, A. Lloyd, M. Hoggard, F. Richards, A. Rovere (2023). Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems,


Glacial isostatic adjustment shapes proglacial lakes over glacial cycles
J. Austermann, A.D. Wickert, T. Pico, J. Kingslake, K.L. Callaghan, R.C. Creel (2022). Geophysical Research Letters.

Probabilistic investigation of global mean sea level during MIS 5a based on observations from Cave Hill, Barbados
K. Tawil-Morsink, J. Austermann, B. Dyer, O. Dumitru, W.F. Precht, M. Cashman, S.L. Goldstein, M.E. Raymo (2022). Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 295, 107783,

The role of gravitational body forces in the development of metamorphic core complexes
A. Bahadori, W.E. Holt, J. Austermann, L. Campbell, E.T. Rasbury, D.M. Davis, C.M. Calvelage, L.M. Flesch (2022). Nature Communications vol. 13, 5646.

Coupled influence of tectonics, climate, and surface processes on landscape evolution in southwestern North America
A. Bahadori, W.E. Holt, R. Feng, J. Austermann, K. Loughney, T. Salles, L. Moresi, R. Beucher, N. Lu, L. Flesch, C. Calvelage, T. Rasbury, D. Davis, A. Potochnik, W. Ward, K. Hatton, S. Haq, T. Smiley, K. Wooton, C. Badgley (2022). Nature Communications vol. 13, 4437.

The influence of lateral Earth structure on inferences of global ice volume during the Last Glacial Maximum
L. Pan, G.A. Milne, K. Latychev, S.L. Goldberg, J. Austermann, M.J. Hoggard, J.X. Mitrovica (2022). Quaternary Science Reviews, 290 (107644).

Total Rebound: solid Earth isostatic response to the complete unloading of the Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets
G.J.G. Paxman, J. Austermann, A. Hollyday (2022). Scientific Reports 12, 11399.

Postglacial relative sea level in Norway
R.C. Creel, J. Austermann, N.S. Khan, W.J. D'Andrea, N. Balascio, B. Dyer, E. Ashe, W. Menke (2022).Quaternary Science Reviews, 282 (107422).


Neogene uplift and landscape evolution in northern Greenland recorded by subglacial valley morphology
G.J.G. Paxman, K.J. Tinto, J. Austermann (2021). Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface (Vol. 126, Issue 12).

The Impact of 3-D Earth Structure on Far-Field Sea Level Following Interglacial West Antarctic Ice Sheet Collapse
E. Powell, L. Pan, M. Hoggard, K. Latychev, N. Gomez, J. Austermann, J.X. Mitrovica (2021). Quaternary Science Reviews (Vol. 273, p. 107256).

Frequency Dependent Mantle Viscoelasticity via the Complex Viscosity: cases from Antarctica
H.C.P. Lau, J. Austermann, B.K. Holtzman, C. Book, C. Havlin, A.J. Lloyd, E. Hopper (2021). Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth (Vol. 126, Issue 11).

Long-term Earth-Moon evolution with high-level orbit and ocean tide models
H. Daher, B.K. Arbic, J.G. Williams, J.K. Ansong, D.H. Boggs, M. Mueller, M. Schindelegger, J. Austermann, B.D. Cornuelle, E.B. Crawford, O.B. Fringer, H.C.P. Lau, S.J. Lock, A.C. Maloof, D. Menemenlis, J.X. Mitrovica, J.A.M Green, M. Huber (2021). Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets.

The effect of lateral variations in Earth structure on last interglacial sea level
J. Austermann, M. Hoggard, K. Latychev, F. Richards, J.X. Mitrovica, Geophysical Journal International. (2021).

Sea level trends across the Bahamas constrain peak Last Interglacial ice melt
B. Dyer, J. Austermann, W.J. D’Andrea, R.C. Creel, M. R. Sandstrom, M. Cashman, A. Rovere, M.E. Raymo, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(33), e2026839118. (2021).

Observational Estimates of Dynamic Topography Through Space and Time
M. Hoggard, J. Austermann, C. Randel, S. Stephenson, In Mantle Convection and Surface Expressions (pp. 371–411). Wiley. (2021).

Neogene and Quaternary sea-level snapshots from the Western Mediterranean
O. Dumitru, J. Austermann, V.J. Polyak, J.J. Fornos, Y. Asmerom, J. Gines, A. Gines, B.P. Onac, Scientific Reports 11, 261 (2021).

A fault-bounded palaeo-lake basin preserved beneath the Greenland Ice Sheet
G.J.G Paxman, J. Austermann, K.J. Tinto, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 553, 116647. (2021).


Higher than present global mean sea level recorded by an Early Pliocene intertidal unit in Patagonia (Argentina)
A. Rovere, M. Pappalardo, S. Richiano, M. Aguirre, R.M. Sandstrom, J. Austermann, I. Castellanos, P.J. Hearty, M.E.Raymo, Nature Communications Earth & Environment, 1(1). (2020).

Dynamics Topography and Ice Age Paleoclimate
J.X. Mitrovica, J. Austermann, S. Coulson, J.R. Creveling, M.J. Hoggard, G.T. Jarvis, F.D. Richards, Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Vol. 48:585-621, doi:10.1146/annurev-earth-082517-010225 (2020).

Constraints on mantle viscosity and Laurentide ice sheet evolution from pluvial paleolake shorelines in the western United States
J. Austermann, C. Y. Chen, H. C. P. Lau, A. Maloof, K. Latychev, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 116006, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2019.116006 (2020).


Uplift of Trail Ridge (Florida) by Karst Dissolution, Glacial Isostatic Adjustment, and Dynamic Topography
J. R. Creveling, J. Austermann, A. Dutton, JRG Solid Earth, doi:10.1029/2019JB018489 (2019).

Constraints on global mean sea level during Pliocene warmth
O. Dumitru*, J. Austermann*, V. J. Polyak, J. J. Fornós, Y. Asmerom, J. Ginés, A. Ginés, B. P. Onac, Nature, doi:10.1038/s41586-019-1543-2 (2019). *these two authors contributed equally

The Role of Isostatic and Gravitational Effects in the Dynamics of the Messinian Salinity Crisis
S. Coulson, T. Pico, J. Austermann, R. Moucha, J. X. Mitrovica, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 525, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2019.115760 (2019).

Challenges and research priorities to understand interactions between climate, ice sheets and global mean sea level during past interglacials
E. Capron, A. Rovere, J. Austermann, Y. Axford, N.L.M. Barlow, A.E. Carlson, A. de Vernal, A. Dutton, R.E. Kopp, J.F. McManus, L. Menviel, B.L. Otto-Bliesner, A. Robinson, J.D. Shakun, P.C. Tzedakis, E.W. Wolff, Quaternary Science Reviews, 219, p. 308-311 (2019). (Not peer-reviewed)

The importance of dynamic topography for understanding past sea level changes
J. Austermann, A. Forte, Past Global Changes Magazine, 27(1), doi:10.22498/pages.27.1.18 (2019). (Not peer-reviewed)


Inferences of mantle viscosity based on ice age data sets:
 The effect of geographically sparse data on radial viscosity profiles
H. C. P. Lau, J. Austermann, J. X. Mitrovica,
O. Crawford, D. Al-Attar, K. Latychev, Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth 123 (9), p. 7237-7252 (2018).

Paleoclimate constraints on a future warmer world
H. Fischer, K. J. Meissner, A. C. Mix, et al., Nature Geoscience, doi:10.1038/s41561-018-0146-0 (2018).

The sea-level fingerprint of Late Ordovician ice-sheet collapse
A. Pohl, J. Austermann, Geology, doi:10.1130/G40189.1 (2018).

Quantifying the sensitivity of post-glacial sea level change to laterally varying viscosity
O. Crawford, D. Al-Attar, J. Tromp, J. X. Mitrovica, J. Austermann, H. C. P. Lau, Geophysical Journal International, doi:10.1093/gji/ggy184 (2018).

Water storage in marine sediment: Implications for modeling sea-level change, paleo-ice volume, and the global seawater budget
K. Ferrier, Q. Li, T. Pico, J. Austermann, Geophysical Research Letters, doi:10.1002/2017GL076592 (2018).


Coupled Re-Os and U-Pb geochronology of the Tonian Chuar Group, Grand Canyon
A. D. Rooney, J. Austermann, E. F. Smith, Y. Li, D. Selby, C. M. Dehler, M. D. Schmitz, K. E. Karlstrom, F. A. Macdonald, GSA Bulletin, doi:10.1130/B31768.1 (2017).

Incorporating sediment compaction into a gravitationally self-consistent model for ice age sea-level change
K. Ferrier, J. Austermann, J.X. Mitrovica, T. Pico, Geophysical Journal International, doi:10.1093/gji/ggx293 (2017).

Sensitivity of Last Interglacial Sea Level High Stands to Ice Sheet Configuration During Marine Isotope Stage 6
S. Dendy, J. Austermann, J. Creveling, J.X. Mitrovica, Quaternary Science Reviews 171, p. 234-244 (2017).

Detection of a Dynamic Topography Signal in Last Interglacial Sea Level Records
J. Austermann, J.X. Mitrovica, P. Huybers, A. Rovere, Science Advances 3(7), doi:10.1126/sciadv.1700457 (2017).

The Influence of True Polar Wander on Glacial Inception in North America
A. Daradich, P. Huybers, J.X. Mitrovica, N.-H. Chan, J. Austermann, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 461, p. 96-104 (2017).

Sea-level fingerprints in a region of complex Earth structure: The case of WAIS
C. Hay, H.C.P. Lau, N. Gomez, J. Austermann, E. Powell, J.X. Mitrovica, K. Latychev, D. Wiens, Journal of Climate, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0388.1 (2017).


Inferences of Mantle Viscosity Based on Ice Age Datasets: I. Radial Structure
H.C.P. Lau, J.X. Mitrovica, J. Austermann, O. Crawford, D. Al-Attar, K. Latychev, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, doi:10.1002/2016JB013043 (2016).

Lost foraging opportunities for East Asian hunter-gatherers due to rising sea level since the last glacial maximum.
J. D'Alpoim Guedes, J. Austermann, J.X. Mitrovica, Geoarcheology, doi: 10.1002/gea.21542 (2016).


Calculating gravitationally self-consistent sea level changes driven by dynamic topography.
J. Austermann, J.X. Mitrovica, Geophysical Journal International, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggv371 (2015).

The impact of dynamic topography change on Antarctic Ice Sheet stability during the Mid-Pliocene Warm Period
J. Austermann, D. Pollard, J.X. Mitrovica, R. Moucha, A.M. Forte, R.M. DeConto, D.B. Rowley, M.E. Raymo, Geology 43 (10), p. 927-930, doi:10.1130/G36988.1 (2015).

Mid-Pliocene shorelines of the US Atlantic coastal plain – an improved elevation database with comparison to Earth model predictions
A. Rovere, P.J. Hearty, J. Austermann, J.X. Mitrovica, J. Gale, R. Moucha, A. Forte, M.E. Raymo, Earth Science Reviews 145, 117-131 (2015).

Revisiting Tectonic Corrections Applied to Pleistocene Sea-Level Highstands
J.R. Creveling, J.X. Mitrovica, C.C. Hay, J. Austermann, R.E. Kopp, Quaternary Science Reviews 111, 72-80 (2015).


A statistical analysis of the correlation between Large Igneous Provinces and Lower Mantle Seismic Structure
J. Austermann, B.T. Kaye, J.X. Mitrovica, P. Huybers, Geophysical Journal International, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggt500 (2014).

The Sea-Level Fingerprints of Ice-Sheet Collapse During Interglacial Periods
C. Hay, J.X. Mitrovica, N. Gomez, J.R. Creveling, J. Austermann, R. Kopp, Quaternary Science Review 87, 60-69 (2014).


Barbados-based estimate of ice volume at Last Glacial Maximum affected by subducted plate
J. Austermann, J.X. Mitrovica, K. Latychev, G.A. Milne, Nature Geoscience 6, 553-557 (2013).

The role of the Zagros orogeny in slowing down Arabia-Eurasia convergence since ~5 Ma
J. Austermann, G. Iaffaldano, Tectonics, DOI: 10.1002/tect.20027 (2013).
EOS Research Spotlight on the article.

before 2013

Quantifying the forces needed for the rapid change of Pacific plate motion at 6 Ma.
J. Austermann, Z. Ben-Avraham, P. Bird, O. Heidbach, G. Schubert, J. M. Stock, Earth and Planet. Science Lett. 307, 3-4, 289-297 (2011).

Plasmon mediated confocal dark-field microscopy.
M. Schmelzeisen, J. Austermann, M. Kreiter, Optics Express, Vol. 16, Issue 22, 17826-17841 (2008).

Jacky Austermann
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Columbia University
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory

email: jackya [at] ldeo [dot] columbia [dot] edu