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Rockland Resources



Sustainable Planning


Current Community

SEQRA & the Public

Planning Tools

Affordable Housing


Water Quality

Water Conservation

Thinking Green

Rockland Program

Rockland Resources

Westchester Program

List of Terms

Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory








  1. Dubais has developed a housing development called the Sustainable City that is remarkable in design and function. This video (note this is on youtube) takes you on a quick tour of the way they have balanced their energy, resource and environmental needs as they built a community with recreational and social connectivity and an ecomonic base.


  1. The Lower Hudson Valley released a Regional Sustainability Plan for our area. Land use and transportation, energy and water management, open space, agriculture, climate change mitigation are primary topics in their review. The Report Executive Summaryand full report are an excellent review of the same concerns you are considering in your community.
  2. Project for Public Spaces is a New York based organization that specializes in public spaces that attract people to them for use. Their website has numerous projects that showcase how to make a space inviting for better use and enjoyment.
  3. The Regional Planning Association released a report on climate impact concerns in planning for the Tri-State Area. Excellent graphics, regional maps and written summary of impacts.
  4. EPA Green Infrastructure examples and concpts.
  5. is a toolkit designed by local planners with loads of ideas on how to improve the design of your town, including best practices, and local 'case studies'.
  6. The Piermont Waterfront Resilience Task Force Report focusing on how to improve the resilience of the waterfront after the Storm Surge impacts from Super Storm Sandy.
  7. Building Healthy Places is a toolkit from the Urban land Institute on healthy design tips!
  8. American Planning Association in your Community is a resource site for community planning ideas.
  9. 10 Sustainable Architectural Designs
  10. Learn about your County with Data Visualizations and Statistics about Rockland County
  11. LEED (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design) Neighborhood Development Guidelines.
  12. Circular Economy in Europe. How tobuild reuse and recycle into our daily lives rather than focusing on single use items.


  1. Learn about a local Bus Rapid Transit project. New York City BRT - full article
  2. How can cities go car free? Check out examples. Cities Going Car Free
  3. Link to Ted Talks on Planning & Transit
  4. Encouraging Transit Oriented Development - With the New Bridge and the promised busing improvements are there ways to encourage people out of their cars? An excellent resource on encouraging people out of their cars and into mass transit check out these two short (less than 5 minute) videos from EMBARQ.
  5. Link to creative marketing ideas for mass transit.
  6. Link to New York City initiatives.


  1. The National Climate Assessment report. An interactive, readable report viewable by region or topic, and filled with graphics, metrics and downloadable charts about U.S. climate.
  2. The Polar Explorer: Sea Level App, a free downloadable map based iOS app for ipads and iphones, filled with sea level causes, impacts and vulnerable regions

Spring 2020 the Rockland PLUS team worked with 10 Rockland High Schools through a series of 3 classroom visits at each school to prepare for the annual Symposium. Unfortunately we were unable to host the Symposium, but many of the student groups continued to work on their local land use projects. The plans focus on sustainable planning concepts for local community spaces. the ones shared with us include Riverspace and TZ Vista/Tidewater in Nyack & Schimpf Farm Property in Clarkstown. The plans look for balance in social, economic and environmental factors and emphasize building community partnerships. CLICK ON ANY POSTER below for a full screen view.

Riverspace2 Gedney

RIVERSPACE by Nyack High School: Olga Diyamandoglu • Audrey Cesene • Jasper Stone • Alex McKee • Kyle Wendholt

RIVERSPACE by Nyack High School: Isabelle Pearce, Alexis Sigillo, Masha Pitel, Oliver Schneck, Steven Moran, Lucy Ortiz
GEDNEY/TZVISTA by Nyack High School: Kashi Nanavati, Zhyheim Stroud, Daniel Cephus, Aleksi Zaretsky, Abigail Abragan, Rachel Del Fierro
TZVista TZVistaTide Schimp Farm

TZVISTA/TIDEWATER by Nyack High School: Xander Stone, Kaila Crouch, Celeste V.K., Natalie Carbone

TZVISTA/TIDEWATER by Nyack High School: Megan Gregor, Miya Scharff, Julia O’Grady, Anna Fiore, Janari Otero and Kevin Sestak

SCHIMP FARM SITE: by Albertus Magnus High School student group.



The Rockland P.L.U.S. event is a collaborative project of the following groups:


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