Lamont Weekly Report, March 5, 2021

     Hello Friends,  I am using Spring Break week to catch up on email and take a breath.  Your friendly action-packed newsletter will be back next week.  Until then, put on your own mask first before taking care of others.

     Have a peaceful weekend.

     Best, Mo





Then and Now: A 'Megadrought' in California


March 4, 2021

Article quotes Lamont climate scientist Benjamin Cook.


In the Atlantic Ocean, Subtle Shifts Hint at Dramatic Dangers

The New York Times

March 3, 2021

Interactive feature cites late Lamont geochemist Wallace Broecker.


California's Iconic Redwoods, Sequoias and Joshua Trees Threatened by Climate Change

CBS News

February 25, 2021

Interview with Lamont bioclimatologist Park Williams.




Yes, These Flesh-Eating Algae Are Real. And They Like Their Prey Alive.

March 03, 2021

New research suggests that photosynthetic green algae also eat bacteria on a previously unsuspected scale.


How Exactly Does Carbon Dioxide Cause Global Warming?

February 25, 2021

CO2 molecules make up only a small percentage of the atmosphere, but their impact on our climate is huge. The reason comes down to physics and chemistry.