I got back from DC late Friday night after a classic five hour long weather-related debacle with the Delta shuttle. The leadership of the US Implementing Organizations for the Ocean Drilling Program came into town on Sunday afternoon for a dinner that night and a day-long meeting on Monday. Most of the discussions were focused upon the many leadership changes that are occurring in practically every area of the program - except Lamont's - thank goodness. Texas A&M is recruiting a new Geosciences Dean (to whom ODP-TAMU reports) as well as a new Director of the program to follow-on after Jeff Fox. And Kyoshi Suyehiro of JAMSTEC is taking over from Manik Talwani as President of the international management office for IODP. While all this is going on JOIDES Resolution is drilling successfully in the Pacific, with a
major celebration planned in early May during the Honolulu port call - Arden Bement, Director NSF will be the keynote speaker.
There was a Council of Deans meeting on Tuesday - probably there will be only one more during Alan Brinkley's tenure as Provost. No convincing rumors are circulating re the identity of Alan's replacement - obviously a critical appointment for both Lamont and the Earth Institute.
I was on a conference call with NSF folks yesterday - they are still waiting for approval of their plans for expenditure of the stimulus funds - which is frustrating to say the least - but they remain optimistic that they will win NSB approval in May for major funding of the Ocean Observatories Initiative to begin in FY2010.
I enjoy the New York Times - but still, as I was reminded last week - there is still something special about the Washington Post - especially the Federal Page. I mean - where else would you learn that the first time Jane Lubchenko went into her private bathroom in the NOAA Administrator's corner office on the 5th floor of the Commerce building - she was confronted by a large rat, that promptly escaped down the toilet bowl? You just do not get inside coverage like that
in the NYT!
I don't want to think about it.
Have a great weekend - no public lecture this weekend, but there is on the 19th - Nick Christie-Blick and Byrdie Renik talking about continental stretching.