Lamont Weekly Report, April 3, 2009

This phenomena - of agreeing to some substantial commitment, because the date was sufficiently far into the future that you never thought it would actually happen -  came home to roost for me this week. The week was essentially consumed in preparation for and the running of a major NSF Panel review of the Management practices of the IRIS corporation.  IRIS  runs the global seismic network among other things.  When I agreed to do this last year I did not at all appreciate the magnitude of the commitment. So I have had three full days in DC - Tuesday night through Friday night chairing this panel - a job made easier by the exceptional quality of my fellow panelists. 

I am still in DC as I write this - hoping that the trusty shuttle will get me back home in time for dinner.

This job meant that I had to leave the big Climate Center roll-out event on Tuesday afternoon in the Low Library before the end - and, most significantly, before  Wally's talk - which by all accounts was the high point - despite the amusing banter between Jeff Sachs and the legendary Ted Turner.

No time to write this afternoon I fear - but I do have to mention a couple more important recognitions of star Lamonters:

Kim Kastens has been selected as the next recipient of AGU's 2009 Excellence in Geophysical Education Award - very much deserved for Kim's truly significant contributions in this area.


Later this year two Lamonters will be receiving an honorary degree from their alma mater St Lawrence University in Canton NY.  Dale Chayes, who graduated in 1973 and Peter deMenocal who graduated in 1982.  Many congratulations to Dale and Peter.

Anyway - hoping that the shuttle flies on time, have a good weekend,

- Mike