Today we recognize those in the Lamont community who, over the past year, have received awards in science and education or have been tapped for honorary lectureships. A recognition ceremony and reception to acknowledge these honorees is being held this afternoon in the Monell lower lobby.
Those so honored this year include the following:
Geoffrey Abers (SGT) GeoPRISMS Distinguished Lecturer, 2011-2013
Rafael Almeida (SGT) Paul G. Richards Graduate Student Research Award, 2012
Stephen Brusatte (AMNH) Best Teaching Assistant, DEES, Fall 2012
Malcom McKenna Graduate Student Research Award, DEES, 2012
James Davis (SGT) Fellow, International Association of Geodesy, 2011
Peter deMenocal (Geochem) Fellow, American Geophysical Union, 2012
Baerbel Hoenisch (Geochem) IODP Distinguished Lecturer, 2011-2012
Andrew Juhl (BPE) Best Teacher, DEES, Fall 2011
Daehyun Kim (OCP) James P. Holton Junior Scientist Award, AGU, 2012
Alberto Malinverno (MGG) IODP/USSP Distinguished Lecturer, 2013-2014
Todd Nelson (DEES) Walter C. Pitman III Award, DEES, 2012
Terry Plank (Geochem) EarthScope Distinguished Lecturer, 2011-2012
Aaron Putnam (Geochem) Outstanding Ph.D. Award, University of Maine, 2012
Harald Rieder (OCP) Dobson Award, International Ozone Commission, 2012
Tiffany Rivera (MGG) Outstanding Student Paper, AGU Fall Meeting, 2011
Pedro Sanchez (TropAg) National Academy of Sciences
Hans Jenny Lecturer, University of California, Berkeley, 2012
Joerg Schaefer (Geochem) Excellence in Mentoring Award, 2012
Shannan Sweet (BPE) James B. Hayes Graduate Student Research Award, DEES, Spring 2012
John Templeton (SGT) Sara Fitzgerald Langer Book Prize, DEES, 2011
Kaori Tsukui (Geochem) Outstanding Student Paper, AGU Fall Meeting, 2011
Please join me this afternoon in congratulating our colleagues for the welcome recognition of their accomplishments.